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  1. ethln

    Send Mail Feature

    I honestly don't remember it ever working before.
  2. ethln


    What's your Minecraft Username?: ethln What's the title of your suggestion?: Scoreboards?!!?!!!? What's your suggestion?: My suggestion is to make the Baseball scoreboards actually work like the Football ones does. Along with adding scoreboards to the Basketball gymnasium as they don't have...
  3. ethln

    Send Mail Feature

    What's your Minecraft Username?: ethln What's the title of your suggestion?: Send Mail Feature What's your suggestion?: My suggestion is to make "Send Mail" option in the Post Office actually work.. This feature would actually be nice especially since of the apartment sign update where you...
  4. ethln

    Map expansion.

    +1 i just wanna see something new. if they update the map a little.. not even just adding stuff, just changing some builds up or anything that'll be cool! i would love for them to add stuff though like maybe an airport or something atleast.. expand the island more since it feels like i've been...
  5. ethln

    Okinawa Cultural Event (Or what ever Island they want to name it)

  6. ethln

    Wardrobe for Character Slots

    i make fire suggestions
  7. ethln


    check thro your browser history!!
  8. ethln

    Crowbars being legal

    -1/+1 I can see why you want them to be legal since they do have legal purposes such as construction and gardening but I don't know...
  9. ethln

    Bring back option to put furnitures on auction!

    +1 i would like to buy some cool furniture
  10. ethln

    Wardrobe for Character Slots

    What's your Minecraft Username?: ethln What's the title of your suggestion?: Wardrobe for Character Slots What's your suggestion?: There should be individual wardrobe for each character slot in my opinion. It'll be easier to swap clothing for each character without having to precisely trying to...
  11. ethln

    an update, for those who care

    ayy! W on beating cancer man
  12. ethln

    Bring Back Hit by Water Gun Messages

  13. ethln

    Usernames for viewing descriptions

    What's your Minecraft Username?: ethln What's the title of your suggestion?: Usernames for viewing descriptions What's your suggestion?: Add back usernames to descriptions. What else can I say? How will this benefit the server and community?: It'll just better to have the usernames in the...
  14. ethln

    how many profile posts can i get

    how many profile posts can i get
  15. ethln

    WIP | Baseball Plugin Guide | offtones

    baseball plugin getting some love?
  16. ethln

    Discounts for car upgrades

  17. ethln

    Dynamic Music and Ambient sounds

  18. ethln

    Have a shortened /langcall command to /lc or /lcall

    +1 (also lang toggle should be a thing)
  19. ethln

    Have a shortened /langcall command to /lc or /lcall

    I remember when I suggested this and they said they had it on the summer backlog but I guess not.