players online


  1. sultryblood

    Denied fleajuice | Club Umbra Application

    Player Information What is your Minecraft username?: fleajuice Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): fleajuice How old are you? (Optional): I am 18 years old. What is your time zone?: EST (Eastern Standard Time) Describe your activity on the server: I am on SchoolRP as...
  2. cigs

    Denied cigss' Strays Shop Application!

    STRAYS CAFÉ What is your Minecraft username?: cigss [MAIN] ciqss [ALT] ← This account for Shopkeeper Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): cigs#7979 How old are you? (Optional): 18 this year What is your time zone?: GMT Describe your activity on the...
  3. Gothexe

    Shop Owner Application! <3

    IGN: Gothexe Discord: insert cool user#3099 Describe your activity on the server: Since I am currently on break I spend at least 3 or more hours on the server! Though, when I get off, I’m only on for about 1 hour Monday through Thursday. While on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I am on 3 or...
  4. J

    Shop Application

    IGN: IronClan Previous applications: None Previous warns/kicks/bans: Banned for glitching with cosmetics Shop wanted: Midnight Tokers Why do you want to own a shop?: Because i've never owned anything in SchoolRP and i would love to try it out What do you plan to do with the shop?: Sell to...
  5. ImMaya

    Shop Application

    IGN: ImMaya Previous applications: Maya's Korean Application (denied) Previous warns/kicks/bans: 1 Temp ban from 2017 and 1 kick from 2017 aswell, i have a bad memorie so i cant remember if there are more Shop wanted: Shop 6 Why do you want to own a shop?: I want more work for my new IG...
  6. Mikoto Yasure

    Yasure Bar (Shop Application)

    IGN: Mikoto_Yasure Previous applications: Yasure Bar Previous warns/kicks/bans: N/A unless afk Shop wanted: Yasure Bar. Why do you want to own a shop?: To have guests enter in and out and make purchases (in rp) What do you plan to do with the shop?: I plan to be a bartender who serves bot...
  7. B

    [Shop Application]

    IGN: ABadJoke Previous applications: Weapon Application (Denied) Student Council Application (Denied x2) German Language Application (Accepted) Spanish Language Application (Accepted) Custom Script Application (Accepted) School Employee Application (Denied) College Professor Application...