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Level 118
Now, I only joined Feb 2021, actively playing during April 2021 but the thing that has ruined it the most has to be gangrp, obviously not all are bad but not all are good either. I honestly believe the kps rule saved nothing but a few characters. I understand everyone's point of view here but we literally need a new map, I've been highly inactive as the map has gotten a lot more boring, and things are a lot less lively. The sociality of characters has gone from 100% to about 50 or less. Not to mention how toxic part of the community is, it's like a train, one person is toxic, and more follow on until it basically corrupts most of the server. Gangrp also literally owns SRP now.


Level 50
Oh wow .. here I go
Disclaimer: This doesn’t go against anyone but I would still like to speak my view and opinion that might piss a LOT of people off.

page 1 - Server Growing
When I first joined srp, it was pretty fun which is why I got addicted to it but this was back in 2016.. Furnace Highschool to the Second new Map and eventually (I was a kid and was big dumb dumb) I stopped playing LONG! ago. Since coming back (2021) It was alright at the beginning and then eventually I took another Break cause of (ooc stuff). When I came back, I never really got interactions from people toxic until near November 2021. Now, from the late months it’s terrible and honestly it’s more of a srp demotivation. People get pissed off easily for no reason, very closed off to the thought of new friends, People going at eachother for oocly reasons icly, People going after eachother gangs, groups, etc just for ooc hate. It’s very terrible, VERY terrible. People are easy to make toxic, say one simple thing that SEEMS rude and you get a whole bunch of disrespect, etc.

Page 2 - GangRp

I used to actually like gangrp, it was genuinely fun back then because nothing was taken oocly unless something happened icly but due to how Toxic it became and the overall base thing for srp, it’s .. boring. Let’s be real here, most of srp money, custom money, etc. is from gangrp, which is the reason why, gangrp will never go away, Gangrp is literally EVERYWHERE. As a Shrine maiden I should not be seeing other Shrine Maidens being threatened by gangrpers (We literally cannot do anything to give people perms) The main rp on ‘Srp’ is gangrp and it’s got to the point might as well change the srp to grp cause at this point, it is.

“Cant you just go to staff about it?” “Just report them”

NO, the racism is so CLEARLY there it’s unbelievable. As someone who is black, let me speak from my point of view, I should NOT be seeing someone who has a character that is poc racial profiling. Now now, don’t confuse it with NORMAL poc characters, I’m talking about the people who purposely make their poc characters with obvious racial stereotype names, with very racially profiled features and usually these characters are just throw away characters. For those who actually RESPECT the black community with making normal POC characters, from the deepest of my heart, thank you for respecting it. Other than that, I hate to tell y’all but racial stereotype characters aren’t funny, and please .. grow up and Staff, if you don’t see it you don’t , but do better. People who are apart of the poc community shouldn’t be scared to make black characters (AND YES I HAVE SPOKE TO THESE PEOPLE!!) and make Asian, Japanese characters to feel like they can be apart of rp, it’s sad.

(I’ll eventually update this but I’m busy)


Level 163
As someone who's been a part of the community since 2016, a lot of things have changed.

From what some others have said, the community used to be very open and friendly.

Others have said they dislike the gangrp community, and I can agree with that.
Ever since I joined the SRP community I was always on the bad side which was GangRP, crimeRP, etc. GangRP used to be amazing, there wasn't a lot of toxicity or people trying to bait perms. People would get along and fix any mistakes that they might've done. However, that has changed. From my perspective, the whole bad side of SRP has changed. The gangRP community has become toxic, and rules have changed, like the KPS rule. Generally, the new gangs and such aren't that eye-catching. I've quit gangrp and crimerp due to how bad it has gotten in my opinion. Plus I thought it was time for me to try something new and that was to be on the good side for once. Again, this is my opinion.

Now we all know everyone wants a new map, yeah? The new map was supposed to come out last year, but as we all know that did not happen. I believe the community is dying because of the lack of motivation and the same map we've had for quite a few years. A new map would get the community excited for a fresh new start. Yeah yeah, there will be those people complaining about their stuff. Oh well, there is going to be a point where EVERYONE needs a restart. If we got a new map, everyone would start their new stories. Perhaps the toxicity would go down, letting gangrp be revived into that positive, respectful community.
And with all respect, I don't understand why Duckings and Kimi haven't started to plan out the new map yet. Because this would revive the community and boost the motivation for everyone.

I do hope that day can come, as others do wish the same. This whole community needs a reboot.


Level 43
Community Team
okok I'll say my opinion

Let's say that from 2020 until today of SRP the "lucky me" was always welcomed from non-toxic people and I was and I am always able to express myself. Althought , I saw some people that were filled with toxicity around them , so I'll not say that the community isn't toxic , because a part of it is. But to be honest , every fandom or community has its own toxic part , so I'm not really surprised.

Besides the whole community- I wanna talk about GangRPers. I despise a good part of them , but why ? It's because everytime my character was involved in GangRP nobody followed the rules / didn't really care about KPD's actions and literally MetaRPed or never took the RP seriously. I'm not saying the whole community of GangRPers because some of them are "valid". I think that toxic part of GangRPers really make the whole community more toxic. But that's only what I saw !

I, myself , can take jokes / dark humor jokes or let's just say the humor that the SRP community has and honestly , if you understand them it's really fun. But still, I only joke with people that KNOW and understand that type of humor ,which a lot of people don't do. And I kinda despise that either.

Althought , I still enjoy SRP a lot !


Level 200
That's awesome! Do you reckon we'll get more adult inclusive events in the future? Since usually adult/emergencyservices/ other events are usually exclusive from school ones, it'd be cool to have one for characters that have kids!
I'm aiming for more adult events and want that personally. Then again you've got to remember that its schoolrp for a reason.. but I think this is a stupid excuse. If you have any suggestions feel free to drop me a dm at Sonder Occhiolism#5865 . Issue being with children is that they aren't allowed on the server for clear reasons and why would we have an event if the characters were not on the server yk? I'm hoping for a all round adult event (all factions, adults) to happen though!


Level 73
Community Team
3D Modelling Team
Event Team
Going off of what Aania said, I have had my ups and downs within the community. There's been times where I am not proud of how I have behaved! This is something I am trying to change and avoid in the future because honestly it was one of the worst experiences I've had in the community, I felt horrible from the way others treated me and vice versa. Being kind to one another and less serious can be such a relief after falling down the rabbit hole of toxicity within the community. I think a new example needs to be made and met on how we treat one another, I never want to be in that situation again, and I don't want to take this block game too seriously. This is supposed to be fun after all. :')


Level 200
Oh I meant kids as in adults who adopt mostly grade 11/12s! Sorry about that not being written out right! I'll certainly reach out to you if I get any ideas myself
[i basically meant a server-wide event! Sorry I worded that wrong!]

that'd be awesome!
Thats okay lol, id love something like that! Thank you for the idea


Level 200
I was thinking if I joined a family it might help me fit in! I do like them but I can’t run them unfortunately it’s super hard for me, is there any good ones to apply for or any I can be invited to after my break ? ^_^
Tsukumo, Miyori, or Hamilton! Atleast, those are my top pics <3


Level 134
Also, maybe don't own the largest verified gang if you don't like the community your choosing to serve. It's in bad taste? I don't know
I disagree with this, I heavily dislike the gangrp community, but that doesn't mean that I haven't spent years of my life trying to improve it. You can criticize something that you're part of.


Level 25
I don't really feel like writing out an entire long paragraph for this thread, at least for right now. I agree with what Hebwig said, a few small pieces of what other people has said as well. I think that there's a very big problem with selfishness on the server (as there is in the general society) and I won't say that I haven't ever put into that. I've met some really amazing people on the server, those who I'm still friends with and some who I've drifted from a little. I've also met some really terrible people who have done terrible things. There's a mix of good and bad and without going too into it that's what I would say.


Level 10
Im slowly getting tired from SRP
Sadly the community has gotten way worse :(
It used to be such an open place, where you could easily find friends to hang out with. VC's used to be packed, players would wait for New players to help guid them.
But sadly some bad Apples set an example of how to act and everyone follows it. I just wish the community would open up more, not jump right to conclusions and be at each others throats.


Level 25
Another big problem I see on the server is that people don't appreciate writing or actually do any writing beside their roleplay. For a server based on roleplay and writing, writing isn't appreciated as much as I thought it would be.


Level 3
Hi guyz!!

I just wanted to see what people's thoughts are on the SRP community, as someone who's been apart of it since 2019 I've seen it change a lot, and I'm not really familiar with the newer side of things! In terms of toxicity, our staff have been tending to toxicity and harmful things a lot better, but unfortunately some personalities just clash sometimes! As someone who struggles to process things I thought I'd crowdsource some information! What do you think of the SRP community, and do you think there could be any improvements?
Please be respectful!

For me, I do love SRP and always have, but the humour has always confused me and I can't really keep up with jokes, and when I try I usually get it wrong, or I reuse the same joke for years at a time, because I can't really think of anything new. I want to see what other people have experienced in their groups of friends or maybe RP sections with different characters!
Does anyone else struggle to keep up with most social aspects like I do? It'd be awsome to know! Since the community has been leaving me a little overwhelmed recently ^_^

PS, I'm taking a tiny break from the server until KPD apps are reviewed, to work on myself and focus on my health! I hope when I come back I can show more compassion and kindness, and stop trying to fit in and be myself in a positive way.

Let me know your thoughts! [kindly]

have this frog :)
oh no its on ur screen ahh!
(i apologise for the mini rant in advance)

i've been playing on and off since about 2018-2019 and honestly, like other people have said, the gang rpers have gotten a lot better and the rules are more consistent. i remember being new and having no clue, then before i knew it: my character's eye was gone o,o

i personally don't like how people often take things icly into ooc, i understand being friends if your characters are close but people tend to attack people outside of ooc if say their character was a bully or just rude in general. it creates a really toxic environment where you have people hating random people because their character that's specified as rude ,,, said something rude to them ic

the frog is much appreciated :)


Level 100
Community Team
Lore Team
Unfortunately many gangroleplayers don't really care about it and value permissions and targeting people for ooc reasons instead.


I don't think there are many gangs out there that don't have this issue. The only ones I've really seen are Seijutoma (though I no longer know If I can stand for that seeing that people who previously had that issue join the gang) and Akihito. I will also say with confidence that Otake-Tatsu is one of the gangs that don't do that. There are also a few gangs COMPLETELY under the radar that I bet even the most involved gangrpers don't know about (either private discord servers or they don't use discord AT ALL).

What do I personally think has to happen to better gangrp? As Tobi (hi tobi) once said, we need to be more gangRP rather than GANGrp. A lot of gangrpers have no care for their characters and they don't even roleplay/have interactions with anyone outside of gangrp. I've seen people who join the crime faction with the ONLY purpose of wanting to gangrp and it makes me a bit sad. Learn to have fun interactions! Talk to people in other factions! Make friends that don't even gangrp! Watch how much it'll benefit your roleplay experience. For those of you who join with the intention of not roleplaying, "Da hood" would be a perfect alternative for you.


Oh boy. We really have it bad here. As much as I try to avoid toxic interactions, I always find myself watching one between people I know and people I don't. Though it is mostly gangrp, I don't see what the point is in getting angry at someone oocly for something they did to your character ICly on a SchoolRP block game. Does it really have to be that serious?

I hope that one day, people learn to get along in gangrp like I have. I've literally had people MURDER my character before and I'm best friends with them oocly.
It's weird that we're complaining about the gangrp community. It used to ACTUALLY be bad.
I actually beg to differ here. Back then, I didn't see as many cases as I see today where people argue over perms when perms were rightfully obtained or when people learned to conversate with those that harmed their characters because, at the end of the day, it's a block game.

Okay, yeah, I've seen situations back then that included toxicity but never was it as bad as it is now

I've literally seen people get doxxed for majoring a character.


Level 19
I actually beg to differ here. Back then, I didn't see as many cases as I see today where people argue over perms when perms were rightfully obtained or when people learned to conversate with those that harmed their characters because, at the end of the day, it's a block game.
I agree with this 100%. I haven't been apart of the community as long as some other but the few years I have been here I had started off in gangrp for months and never saw many cases at all. I eventually took a break from gangrp and then came back a while later and seeing how much it changed community wise with people arguing over perms and other nonsense was kind of sad.


Level 129
What do I personally think has to happen to better gangrp? As Tobi (hi tobi) once said, we need to be more gangRP rather than GANGrp. A lot of gangrpers have no care for their characters and they don't even roleplay/have interactions with anyone outside of gangrp. I've seen people who join the crime faction with the ONLY purpose of wanting to gangrp and it makes me a bit sad. Learn to have fun interactions! Talk to people in other factions! Make friends that don't even gangrp! Watch how much it'll benefit your roleplay experience. For those of you who join with the intention of not roleplaying, "Da hood" would be a perfect alternative for you.

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