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Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Sadly the community has gotten way worse :(
It used to be such an open place, where you could easily find friends to hang out with. VC's used to be packed, players would wait for New players to help guid them.
But sadly some bad Apples set an example of how to act and everyone follows it. I just wish the community would open up more, not jump right to conclusions and be at each others throats.
2017 SRP >>>>


Level 101
Sadly the community has gotten way worse :(
It used to be such an open place, where you could easily find friends to hang out with. VC's used to be packed, players would wait for New players to help guid them.
But sadly some bad Apples set an example of how to act and everyone follows it. I just wish the community would open up more, not jump right to conclusions and be at each others throats.
this is something I wish I experienced.
it's so easy now to get swept into the wrong crowd on SRP all for the sake of "fitting in" and creates a lot of toxicity and hostility ):


Level 20
Sadly the community has gotten way worse :(
It used to be such an open place, where you could easily find friends to hang out with. VC's used to be packed, players would wait for New players to help guid them.
But sadly some bad Apples set an example of how to act and everyone follows it. I just wish the community would open up more, not jump right to conclusions and be at each others throats.
This is 100% correct! I can also agree with most of the comments about GangRP on this post.

I've been around on SRP since 2018. .not as long as most people, but it sure was a time of its own! I immediately got sucked into GangRP because it was fun and interesting, gonna out myself here and say I wanted to be that cool main character in an anime. .oops. I got it though! I did feel like a cool anime character in the long run, that's what I thought was super fun. I remember logging on after school everyday and being updated about all these crazy things I missed ICLY when I was away, it was always something new back to back! The reason I left stopped GangRPing is because that side of the community got way more toxic over the years, rules changed- (for good reason of course) the fun was just removed. I saw someone say that most people who GangRP now just make a character to be in a gang and to not actually roleplay. . and I experienced that as well when my time with GangRP came to an end, sadly its just not the same anymore.

With how SRP is now, everyone has their little friend groups and don't branch out to newer players. .we all treat them like they aren't from this planet, some people go as far as to making fun of them or trolling them without actually helping. SRP now adays is very closed off, I couldn't tell you the last time I had a genuine fun roleplay experience. .that could/probably is a me problem, but how are people supposed to branch out and look for roleplay when everyone on SRP is only willing to roleplay within their friend group?


Level 45
i think a lot of problems would be fixed if gang roleplayers werent in a constant state of "me me me i want to win me", at least like that half of the server
i like that we're being exposed to better writing and especially that the writing we see involves a few losses (mike akihito, as of recent)
so those are some things that the server is doing right. but what sucks (in its own right) is that those events are entirely written and performed by players, and not staff members. obviously i want to see more player-enthused events (& just events in general) but i just wish that staff would do a little more. i hate to compare frp to srp & i do it a lot but sometimes daily on the server, any staff member can log on, do /event 'look guys theres a fire', and rp instantly accumulates. yes. people on srp will jump into fires and do a little bit of silly trolling but all you have to do is threaten to pk their character, warn em a little.. u know


Level 185
News Lead
I'm going to be honest. Just my opinion (Don't gotta agree or disagree, just hear me out).
It's not really about the GangRpers, yes they can be a pain at times and get toxic. But that's usually kept in that part of the community. They've learned being toxic is really the only way they'll get recognition from anyone and stand out. It's sad to say that GangRP is probably the most open part of the community. So placing the blame on them and shrugging shoulders saying "It's not our problem." just doesn't work out. I'm not better at times, but when I notice that I'm putting unnecessary blame on a bunch of angst fuled individuals, I come to notice how silly it is.

What it really comes down to is the player. Not just the random football player with the recently shaded skin, but everyone. We've all done it, ignored a greenie, mocked someone for their skin, just insulted x player for their skills, list goes on. So what I'm saying is, if so many have a Problem with the community, start with yourself. Lead by example:
- Hang out with that greenie
- Invite people to hang out with your group
- Interact with others even with your friends aren't online
- Maybe hop in a VC and hang out till maybe someone joins

Just be open.

As staff we love player events. We love it when everyone gets involved. Seeing a group of people who have never spoken to each other ever, disscuss the event because they experienced it together? Brings a tear to our eye.

Always keep suggesting little fun things that you guys think would bring the community together :D we love seeing that kind of stuff!!!

Anyways yeah sorry it's long tehe


Level 231
I'm going to be honest. Just my opinion (Don't gotta agree or disagree, just hear me out).
It's not really about the GangRpers, yes they can be a pain at times and get toxic. But that's usually kept in that part of the community. They've learned being toxic is really the only way they'll get recognition from anyone and stand out. It's sad to say that GangRP is probably the most open part of the community. So placing the blame on them and shrugging shoulders saying "It's not our problem." just doesn't work out. I'm not better at times, but when I notice that I'm putting unnecessary blame on a bunch of angst fuled individuals, I come to notice how silly it is.

What it really comes down to is the player. Not just the random football player with the recently shaded skin, but everyone. We've all done it, ignored a greenie, mocked someone for their skin, just insulted x player for their skills, list goes on. So what I'm saying is, if so many have a Problem with the community, start with yourself. Lead by example:
- Hang out with that greenie
- Invite people to hang out with your group
- Interact with others even with your friends aren't online
- Maybe hop in a VC and hang out till maybe someone joins

Just be open.

As staff we love player events. We love it when everyone gets involved. Seeing a group of people who have never spoken to each other ever, disscuss the event because they experienced it together? Brings a tear to our eye.

Always keep suggesting little fun things that you guys think would bring the community together :D we love seeing that kind of stuff!!!

Anyways yeah sorry it's long tehe


Level 7
I've joined srp around late 2019 and gotten into it during the covid pandemic. It was quite an experience, meeting new people, having fun with them, etc. At late 2020 to 2021, it seemed like it was going downhill for me. I just can't stand the community, im hearing a lot of accusations about the staff and possible pedophilia. I may be wrong but I just don't associate with servers who's staff performance is low and literally anyone can get away with anything. Back then, a lot of shit was said.

But realistically, age is playing the factor for me leaving a lot. Minecraft has been quite a experience for me, but times change quickly and there comes a moment where you have to leave things behind and build your pathway to the future.

I have nothing bad against the server, but some of the community needs a reality check.


Level 50
Hi guyz!!

I just wanted to see what people's thoughts are on the SRP community, as someone who's been apart of it since 2019 I've seen it change a lot, and I'm not really familiar with the newer side of things! In terms of toxicity, our staff have been tending to toxicity and harmful things a lot better, but unfortunately some personalities just clash sometimes! As someone who struggles to process things I thought I'd crowdsource some information! What do you think of the SRP community, and do you think there could be any improvements?
Please be respectful!

For me, I do love SRP and always have, but the humour has always confused me and I can't really keep up with jokes, and when I try I usually get it wrong, or I reuse the same joke for years at a time, because I can't really think of anything new. I want to see what other people have experienced in their groups of friends or maybe RP sections with different characters!
Does anyone else struggle to keep up with most social aspects like I do? It'd be awsome to know! Since the community has been leaving me a little overwhelmed recently ^_^

PS, I'm taking a tiny break from the server until KPD apps are reviewed, to work on myself and focus on my health! I hope when I come back I can show more compassion and kindness, and stop trying to fit in and be myself in a positive way.

Let me know your thoughts! [kindly]

have this frog :)
oh no its on ur screen ahh!
get this fat frog off


Level 8
idk, the server got stale and i started to think "why am i playing an rp server?" "should i be focusing on going pro" "I can do all of this in real life, why am I doing it on minecraft" also just being creative w music and drawing along side working out and trying to get sponsors w skateboarding just made me quit realizing iv done what iv wanted to do on that server and i should just be done. Thats sorta what i realized after my perma ban but since I couldnt have srp during my ban or get online i still craved for it but when i got back it felt like it just went downhill and it felt like all my friends were gone. I couldnt look at srp the same.

Srp gets really stale when you have no friends but only enemies on it, none of my friends enjoyed the server because they only really wanted to hang out with me but i would always get banned and since my pc fried i couldnt run any other game other than mc, and mc gets boring.

I sorta miss being new to srp, getting into nonsense breaking rules without knowing your breaking rules, making new friends, having 0 reputation, being a name mc. Those were the times i had the most fun, when I knew nothing about this server, when i was oblivious. Getting into arguments meeting new friends, not judging people just because of some dumb skin they wear and "Srp shading" being broke on srp having to hustle up and learn new ways, sharing those ways of making money to my closest friends etc, or just having dumb rivalries and getting into trouble w gangs, there was always something new and interesting on srp, something new I could do, but the more time i spent on srp the less options i had. and so that brings me to a conclusion.
Everything good has to eventually end, and nothing beats real life. The sadness and the happiness is something srp cannot replicate.

Thank you yonio btw for the perma ban, i mean it genuinely. life could not have improved without the thinking i did during it even if it was a dupe ban.


Level 231
idk, the server got stale and i started to think "why am i playing an rp server?" "should i be focusing on going pro" "I can do all of this in real life, why am I doing it on minecraft" also just being creative w music and drawing along side working out and trying to get sponsors w skateboarding just made me quit realizing iv done what iv wanted to do on that server and i should just be done. Thats sorta what i realized after my perma ban but since I couldnt have srp during my ban or get online i still craved for it but when i got back it felt like it just went downhill and it felt like all my friends were gone. I couldnt look at srp the same.

Srp gets really stale when you have no friends but only enemies on it, none of my friends enjoyed the server because they only really wanted to hang out with me but i would always get banned and since my pc fried i couldnt run any other game other than mc, and mc gets boring.

I sorta miss being new to srp, getting into nonsense breaking rules without knowing your breaking rules, making new friends, having 0 reputation, being a name mc. Those were the times i had the most fun, when I knew nothing about this server, when i was oblivious. Getting into arguments meeting new friends, not judging people just because of some dumb skin they wear and "Srp shading" being broke on srp having to hustle up and learn new ways, sharing those ways of making money to my closest friends etc, or just having dumb rivalries and getting into trouble w gangs, there was always something new and interesting on srp, something new I could do, but the more time i spent on srp the less options i had. and so that brings me to a conclusion.
Everything good has to eventually end, and nothing beats real life. The sadness and the happiness is something srp cannot replicate.

Thank you yonio btw for the perma ban, i mean it genuinely. life could not have improved without the thinking i did during it even if it was a dupe ban.
what a weird love letter to yonio


Level 68
Honestly, everyone else is correct; has said it all. The amount of changes from 2015-2022 have been drastic, the community genuinely has changed. It is expected though when you have had a server running for that long. I disagree with plenty of choices that have been made; changes, and motives. I have seen, heard, and been through most of it to really give a pivotal point of feedback.

SchoolRP is simply not what it used and/or should be. It never will be; that is just the sad truth. Players who have been here for a while, and I mean ranging from years of experience and playtime, will always stand by the server whether they agree with it or not. People who say they'll quit or are quitting simply can't. As plenty of banned players have stated; being banned was the best solution.

SRP's 'vision' has changed and you cannot deny that.


Level 8
what a weird love letter to yonio
fr , yonio a goat tbh, i loki just aint gonna get on srp that much mostly cuz irl fun af until its winter, like the small details too, like sitting down and looking at the grass or how the wind effects your surroundings, and just struggling is fun since it means im making progress on stuff.


Level 3
Generally the community is cool. Im not the most sociable person but I have definitely learnt from talking to people here. I still have alot of things to improve upon, but its a start.

I only have two real complaints about the community but it only really applies to small parts of it. First one is just people being somewhat rude ooc (I get it, I tend to be like this too so im not gonna get too far into it) to where you dont really end up wanting to interact with them ic nor ooc. Very small fraction though.

My other complaint is just how often you see the same faces in multiple positions of power. Not bashing anyone, but do you really need to be a cop, captain, doctor, and shopkeeper? (Not talking about anyone in specific im just listing random roles) I understand that having that credibility to your name certainly helps out in applications, though most people tend to have one role and stick to it which is how i feel it should be (except for having like an occupational account and a normal school alt). Because you end up not having enough time to really put all the effort into said role that another person with one account could. Along with this, giving newer faces opportunities offers the opportunity of fresh ideas/rp opportunities.

But yeah, rant over. You can disagree or agree, you are entitled to your own opinion.

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