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10RP | KPD Application #4


Level 47


Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Discord Name & Tag:


Which timezone are you in?


List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:

I would describe my activity on the server as relentless, reinforcing this with how I am active nearly every day. I will also include how when I'm online with this dedicated and powerful nature, I use it for the best. This being, I will go to new experiences or to even great lengths to explore new parts of the map which I don't know about. Furthermore, I help around as much as I can, helping with new roleplayers in our community, to finding glitches and reporting them in our forums. This comes with a couple of days in which I will need to attend my education in school with this being my last year. This does not mean I won't be online as much though, this drives me to come online and show my efforts to the community and SchoolRP as a whole. Moving to the topic of schooling, I do homework and revision clubs outside, with it being afterschool hours, this takes up a bit of my time with needing to complete theses to my teacher's liking and the school's liking to which I go to. However, all of these drawbacks don't worry me about my great, outstanding activity which I bring to SchoolRP, having no bans or kicks from the server, and being an 'ideal' roleplayer in the SchoolRP society, shall we say. With the no bans or kicks, this shows and links again back to the question of how I describe my activity to the server. Having activity on the server is crucial, but even with activity, you can still be a 'rulebreaker' of this community we call SchoolRP. I show no traits or 'flags', may you call them being one of these people who come into SchoolRP. Even when I'm off my computer, it still shines through on the kindhearted, respectful person I am. Wanting to bring more people into SchoolRP, I use more of my activity to show others with the same interests as me on this wonderful Minecraft server we all play, SchoolRP. Moreover, as previously heard, I have a dedicated and powerful nature for making my way to the server. This comes from having influential morals and distinguished goals that I have set for myself while playing the game and server I love the dearest. Even with the three to four years on the server in which I have been trying to obtain the goals and objectives I have set, some have not been done, making me push and achieve more activity on the server as a total. To round this paragraph up, I shall tell you my activity is still going to be on a heightened incline and still is going to be there to help others and do things around the server, if needed.

What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation is quite simple on the outside, being that, I love this faction and want to join. You see this with firstly not even reading this application but reading the title. The number of times I have applied should tell you how loved this faction is for me. Wanting to prove that I'm working in the KPD is a massive achievement for me and just knowing that I can work with other people in this faction is an all-time high in my opinion. Furthermore, I have gone to lots of other factions, loving them all but this one comes to me and shouts at me. This drives me and my motivation to write another application for the KPD, is my next point. Seeing that I have written 3 applications prior to this should show you how motivated I am to write another one and make this one better so maybe this time the higher-up team of the KPD will accept me into the faction I love most. I can go into more detail on how I am motivated with wanting to apply for this spot to become a KPD officer but I have placed it into different sections, making it easier for you to understand my motivation and also read the question asked on what is my motivation for applying for the KPD easier.

Exploring a new faction. . .

This comes as no shock to everyone that I want to join a new faction in the community we call SchoolRP. It is expected, to my own opinion that some part of an application is motivated by wanting to join a new faction and to become something in it. This motivation is self-explanatory but I will still proceed, having three to four years of experience and weight under my belt comes in handy for most things in life with that much time spent on one activity but not being able to say you completed it comfortably and confidently can be something to a person like me can't find to be something they want to say with open arms, wanting to provide evidence to people that anything can be done, even if you struggle or take falls. All these years of School Roleplay, having lots of characters, being in lots of factions but somehow you still can see the main problem at hand, not being in all the factions I want to be in and proving that I can be in them all. Being in factions such as EMS, KPD and some revolving around Karakura High School, being a Teacher, Professor, Club-Leader and more. The factions I have been in like Karakura High School Employee, Government Judge and Sports, among more have taught me lots of lessons and training to one important thing, never give up when things get hard but also to be resilient and to have the courage to start again and build on what you have or had before. This links back to my overall motivation of wanting to explore new factions, one being this faction which is the KPD. Moreover, The idea of being able to become a KPD officer in SchoolRP motivates me enough to try and get accepted by applying for a spot. This motivation, as you can see, expands me into a new world of ideas and experiences which I could immerse myself in while playing, if accepted, as an officer. Lastly, wanting to up-level and strengthen my levels of understanding of how to roleplay properly and more understandably for others to come with me, having a smile on their faces while roleplaying out different situations, which you can do on SchoolRP.

Different Opportunities. . .

Different opportunities, who would have thought, right? I mean it's the most likely thing that comes out of getting a new role in anything, anything in life too. I believe and will state those more exciting and significant opportunities that I will face drive me forward on why I want this role and how I'm motivated to pursue it with courage for it. With this, I am currently writing this application seeking to find out and explore the different opportunities that come my way, making full effort and use of trying my best to make sure people know I'm willing to be something and to try and prove that I am fit for this role as a KPD officer. Furthermore, I enrolled myself in activities outside of this community in which I stand myself, the church and school can be another part of my life which feeds into more exciting opportunities and gives me more to do like public speeches outside, talking to my local city and towns, church tours and other activities revolving my real outside life. These come to me with new and more opportunities like this role will. Linking this all back to the question of why I'm motivated for this role and with writing this application too. Moreover, let's get off the topic of my real life and talk about the community in which I spent most of my time in also, SchoolRP and the opportunities it brings with us all. The opportunities that SchoolRP brings are massive, roleplaying with others, exploring more locations around the map or filing a lawsuit against another player, all is possible in this server we love playing, and the one I'm aspiring to fulfil is becoming a KPD officer and making sure I provide safety in the town of Karakura, the town which all of us play in. I have talked about the opportunities that I want, but what about the opportunities that SchoolRP has given me, and brought me to find. The ones with the factions I have spent time in, Government, Karakura High School Faculty Team and sports, with more have brought me to today and with these opportunities that I have taken with full commitment and have given full detail and time, I feel ready to apply for KPD, being the fourth time. Lastly, I find myself bringing all of us reading this application back to a theme, goals and achievements. Being a goal with lots of opportunities, the KPD officer brings lots of courage and compassion with what they need to do and with their tasks with knowing how to operate and meet them to how the higher-ups of the department like, this being in anything in life, a job, a group or even with your friends. Back to the point, this role and faction gives the player who requests and goes for the role lots of opportunities throughout their time in the KPD, leading to their finish depart from the faction, going to a college role or adult to then find more opportunities in this community, playing that one character they choose. It's endless, more characters or factions create more opportunities, driving me to want to find more opportunities that I may join, motivating me to fill this application out to be an officer of the KPD.

Backgroud. . .

This part of the motivation for me to want this role comes from who I want to be in life and what I want to be in life, making sure I try my best and hardest to become that something. This links back to the motivation I have with wanting to become an officer for the KPD, wanting to prove and try my best with making this application today and trying my finest with wanting to make it the neatest and nicest it can be. My background comes from a very strong and understanding family, one which motivates me to do better and aim for the biggest reward I can find, this makes me satisfied and compassionate to fight for a spot of wanting to be in the Karakura Police Department and make a spotlight for my characters lore and role as an officer in Karakura. Furthermore, I bring my background into this because how I'm a good, kind-hearted and nice boy to talk and speak to, wanting the best for everyone and wanting everyone to feel confident and assured why roleplaying, this being in detailing roleplaying actions or just talking while at the Plaza or spawn, it goes lots of ways, I feel the motivation from it, sparking into more of my work with writing this application but also with just coming online and talking to the most of people I can. This loving nature and caring heart I intend to have, make me more motivated to carry on with this application and to hope I get this role I desire most, wanting to work on my character and also my journey throughout my SchoolRP experience and how I bring myself to loving and providing an excellent way to showcase it throughout the factions and characters with the lore that brought me to love every single one of them, being and linking back to my background and the loving nature which follows with that. Lastly, the mention of how my hard work shines through to everything I do, working out in speeches, tours of places in my local city to just showing my hard work in this application today, goes a long way and makes you look good as a person too, wanting to show others on this community who I am and how I work with, if accepted, the KPD officer role.

Driven by the community. . .

I hear myself repeating the word 'community' a lot in this application but there is a personal reason for that, loving the community that I'm in, motivating myself but also others to log online to play with me but also just motivating others to love what they do, that being roleplaying for most who place themselves in this community of loving and caring people. The Community of SchoolRP is one that will always have a place in my heart, welcoming old players back into the server, new players that want to enjoy roleplaying for the first time in OOC or just roleplaying with anyone they see. It's a lovely and affectionate community which I love to say I'm a part of. The community making new ideas, new events or just new things to roleplay with is what motivates me to try my best in what I believe I can do, which is anything, anything is possible. The second reason how I love the community I'm in is just the kind nature which everyone brings, wanting the best for whoever they meet, and wanting the best for themselves too. The motivation for wanting this role comes back to this idea, tying to the question of what motivates you to be a KPD officer and why you want to apply. It's simple, if I got the role, I'd provide for the community which gave so much to me, wanting to give back. Saying 'simple' is an understatement, I'd make efforts to roleplay to everyone I can, making sure everyone is treated the same and with the same respect as they would treat me, being a caring community as always. I'll come back to my past, having been in different factions which the community has made me love the most, loving each and every time spent on the server while I'm online and with these roles I'd been allowed to have, the community has made it the best time ever, making sure to respect the rules and boarders but also just having fun and relaxing too, it all makes a difference, a good difference. Furthermore, I have had an amazing four years playing on SchoolRP and the community has changed a lot but since that very first day of logging online to play some roleplay, the community looked at me with open arms, making me feel welcome and even welcoming me in with knowing the rules, how to use the forums but also the commands on the very server, being /me, /it, and when I bought my first ever rank, /feed. They treated me with the most up respect and I want to give it all back, motivating me to become a KPD officer and to write this application now.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

I can tell you the knowledge of how the police work, but not in full depth from not being able to have a chance of being an officer. From my other factions, I can confirm some laws and the divisions of the department. The two are Detective and the Main division:

- Main Division -

Commissioner - The commissioner is the overseer of the Main division, the one in charge of maintaining the safety of the division but also the citizens of the town. This role is played by a staff member, this is crucial on many occasions being that if needed a staff member for whoever plays this role/tag could change or alter the rules/laws of what the Main division has to follow or keep up with. Being a staff member in the role can be better with being able to reach out to other factions more easily.

Captain - The Captain is the commissioner's right-hand man, left with that. A person who has shown that they are committed to the police department will be able to hold the rank and obtain it. This role is more like a supervisor, helping out a CEO of a company like sorts. This rank can hold the power to enforce new rules to the upcoming cadets and officers while they are on the journey of their careers as police.

Lieutenant - Lieutenant is the highest rank you can acquire without being staff, still being an overseer for new cadets coming into the police force. This role takes dedication to roleplaying as an officer and lots of training and loyalty to become one.

Sergeant - The sergeant is a role which can't be taken lightly, none of them can that matter. Sergeants may look with the lieutenants at the training sessions, being a new 'trainer' still taking orders from the commissioner and their higher-ups. This role is given to a player who is trusted in the police force and is needed like the rest of the division.

Corporal - A Corporal, once proving to the higher-ups that they are ready to be ranked up in the police force, becomes a Corporal. This role comes with a person who carries sovereignty and compassion, wanting to show their skill to whoever they come across. This role to my knowledge also shows if they want to become a detective and start their new training down that path or to stick with the Main division.

Patrol Officer - The first rank of freedom in the police force, one which most cadets look up to and want to become. This role in the Karakura police department is promoted to the cadets who have proven their worth in the KPD. Being still a crucial part of the faction, this role will come to whoever can show off their time, dedication, worth, compassion, resilience and more. If a higher-up seems doable, they will promote you.

Cadet - A cadet is someone new to the police force and in demand of training. This role is given to whoever is suitable for joining the faction in general, the commissioner overlooking the applications which are sent out and then picks who seems fit to be an officer of law. With this rank there are rules set in place for what you can do and not, following these will result in praise from your higher-ups.

- Detective Division -

Detective-Superintendent - The head of the Detective agency, the one in control of overseeing cases, training and promotions of their new constables.

Chief-Inspector - A Chief-Inspector overlooks and makes sure everything is right and working as should, making sure the detective team is going smoothly and performing as would.

Inspector - The Inspector is a role which is given to someone who has shown their worth in the detective team, one who is trusted with giving the Chief-Inspector and Superintendent suggestions and more.

Sergeant - Same as the Sergeant role in the Main division, taking on the same responsibilities.

Constable - This rank can be looked at the same as a patrol officer, doing tasks which can be equal or the most to the same standard as that rank.

The equipment that the Karakura police department uses can be taken into account in my knowledge of how the police do their work and how they operate. Same with how they run their tasks and missions, this can all be used in my application. Some of the equipment follows:

Luminol Spray - This piece of equipment is ItemRP'd but is used to trace any blood on masks or weapons.

Radio - This piece of equipment is used to help other officers and emergency factions communicate together.

Bodycam - This piece of equipment is used as evidence on the officer's side. This helps the officers with looking at the CCTV in the past if needed and more to make sure they are safe while patrolling.

First aid kit - This item which is carried is used if the officer or citizen at a crime scene is injured.

Handcuffs - These are used to arrest a criminal when needed. Officers must follow orders which are set by having a pair of these at them at all times, the only exception is if they are off-duty.

Breathalyzer - Used to check if a citizen is intoxicated.

Gas Mask - The gas mask is to hide the officer's identity, these can be critical for an officer when needed at the right time.

Baton - A baton is used for the officer's safety and to control a situation only if needed.

Tazer - This is the most important or one of the most important pieces of equipment an officer can carry; a tazer. This ensures that the safety of the people living in Karakura and the other factions are not in any danger, stunning the criminals who might be fleeing, etc.

More comes with knowing about the Karakura Police Force or Department, this being the codes or the 'language' that they speak throughout the radio or callout if needed. I don't know these codes or the meanings to them but if accepted, these words or meanings throughout being spoken on the radio or to other co-workers will be learnt and made of note.

Tasks are an important thing for the KPD, needing to work and make sure no criminal activities lurk in the town which we all play in, some of the tasks that the KPD do and fulfil are labelled below:

Patrolling - This includes walking around Karakura, mostly with another officer to make sure anyone and everyone is safe, looking out for any criminal activities that might be happening.

Arrests - These are self-explanatory, arresting whoever fails to follow the rules of the law, making sure they aren't doing anything that they shouldn't be doing and making sure they follow the rules if found doing nothing.

Desk Duty - Sitting at the front desk of the KPD station and answering any questions or concerns that the public may need clearing but also listening to the public and answering with what they need, this can be answering to bails, wanting to visit inmates, wanting a private meeting with an officer to file a report. This all comes from sitting at the front desk and answering calls.

Court Assistance - Helping if someone is going to court for a trial, making sure the lawyer and everyone else in the court, even the public viewing are in safe hands, making sure that the prisoned citizen is calm and safe also but keeping a close eye, just in case.

Trainings - This can come from new cadets mostly, but also in the other ranks of the KPD wanting to learn the basics of KPD tasks, work and more, getting their training from the higher-ups in the KPD, making sure they learn and understand from the best.

Raids - Raids happen when someone is liable for an arrest and needs to be arrested because of their threat to the public, mostly raiding apartments or the home where this person or threat lives.

Taking reports - This can be another task which the KPD do, like I said before this stems from the desk duty that you can do, if a person from the public asks to file a report on someone, they can. They will be asked to face the wall, checking that they are no threat to the officer but also everyone else in the building but also the building itself. Afterwards, they are pulled into another room, asked questions about wanting to file the report and then finished. Bringing them back out of the KPD building and going back to the front desk.

More can come with tasks of being a KPD officer, more like interrogations, caring for inmates and detective work. These all help with how the KPD is run and how it makes it safe for everyone who plays as an officer for the KPD.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

OOC. . .

Police are important for SchoolRP in both OOC and IC perspectives, let us start with the OOC side of things. The KPD brings lots of experiences to how to roleplay but also brings experiences to the whole community with events, working with more than one faction or also one faction to create something or just arresting someone in the plaza can spark the community in many ways. The Gang roleplaying community is affected by the KPD the most, in a good way though. These are the events which the KPD do for the Gang roleplaying community and how they both meet to make things really interesting for the whole of the community to see and find entertainment from. The EMS staff and hospital faction can play an amazing part in how the KPD are important for SchoolRP too, without the EMS, KPD would have to work harder than they already have to to make things work in the server. All the praise can't be taken away from the KPD and their work though, they are unique to the server, making sure people follow the rules of the server both ICLY and OOCLY too if that's on while patrolling and spotting something that doesn't look right or just informing the people who play on the server about the rules and how to use them correctly. With that, I can say that the KPD do an outstanding and important job in SchoolRP. Furthermore, the KPD makes sure everyone can have a place in how the law is run, making sure that everyone can feel a bit of a situation on how the KPD works and how they can interact with the KPD too, making them important to SchoolRP too. Finally, the police are important for the KPD from an OOC standpoint, bringing new and exciting roleplay experiences or situations to the people of the server, this being, being arrested, being fined, looking after the public, being hunted down, raided, chased and more that the KPD does to make more things interesting and more importantly the importance that they have around SchoolRP.

IC. . .

Now for the IC reasons, the KPD bring more stuff to SchoolRP that some factions can't, more things like ensuring the safety of the public at hand, making sure that no criminals can lurk the streets and take the criminal underworld to the protected overworld and make other people's live terrible, being their characters live. This makes the KPD important in not letting this happen, making sure everyone's character is safe and in good hands to continuing to roleplay out whatever they want if following the SchoolRP rules. The KPD are important for the second reason of being there for the people, ICLY. Being there to protect and serve whoever needed, and to help whoever needed. This is important because without the people there to protect Karakura would be suffering in a depressing world of criminals, putting the civilians of Karakura really in a vulnerable situation, not having the KPD to guard over them. Moreover, the KPD do noteworthy and consequential occasions of roleplay ICLY for our characters to enjoy in the IC world, this can be arresting a major criminal threat to recovery who one of the Black Market Dealers are in Karakura, there are lots of possibilities. Lastly, the support which they bring to the civilians of Karakura is astonishing, making sure everyone is secure and well-protected is hard in a world full of crime and agony. That is why they are important for SchoolRP and the roleplaying community in Karakura also.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

Yes, I do acknowledge that if training is held whilst I'm online, I will be needed to attend or I will be punished.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

Ae Minori.

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

25 years of age.

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

Female, She/Her.

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

College, Bachelors in Criminology and Law.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

Korean, she is in the procedure of learning JSL.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Ae Minori is a stunning and loving lady who was born in Korea to the Minori family, a large and big number of families from one big family of Minori. The female living in a life of wealth, wants to help the people in her life, the people who never had anything. Miss Minori went on big things, going into college, Karakura College and then becoming a Judge in the Government of Karakura for a short while before wanting to become something bigger, something more respected by the people who aren't so giving like herself, The Karakura Police Force. This dream went on through her mind, wanting to fulfil her family with the honour needed, this is her gate through... She went for this. Saying Ae Minori is unique is an understatement, she is more than unique. The female stands at 5'1" and weighs 60 Kg, the female is short and light but that doesn't stop her, the looks don't stop her. She carries on with what she wants and makes herself known to have what she demands and desires, this job being one. With her looks, blonde hair, blue ocean eyes, a skin of a soft touch, she is something of a model to the world around her... Something special but this doesn't stop her from working and making herself prove that she is worthy of being one of the greats in her family but also her working experiences. Take this, in her first month of government and working in the government, she got Employee of the Month for the Judge's bracket. Where else can you find a hard-working lady like this, I really don't think you can. Her unique way of showing her confidence is important to her too, wanting to show all her achievements off to anyone who passes. This goes again for her wall of 'glory' in the government office that she once had, her PhD in law school but also her Bachelors in Criminology and Law from the Karakura College she attended before going to Law School. It doesn't stop there though, trophies and certificates hang on this wall, all from her past jobs and government work that she worked on, all came from the Mayor at the time when she worked. Furthermore, the way she dresses can make her unique, wanting to impress people with her beauty but also the dresses and clothing she wears, the suits and how smart she always looks make her stand out in a crowd of people in the plaza of Karakura. This mostly comes from her wealth but also just having the knowledge of how to look presentable to everyone she comes across. Her attitude to life can be another factor in what makes her, but also what makes her unique and special to the world that our characters live in. This is her way of how she gathers life in her grasp, wanting the most from it, wanting the best for herself and wanting more for others.


How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

Professional situations. . .

Ae Minori, in professional situations, acts surprisingly professional, no I'm joking. The female acts to standard, and with her attitude to life and her way of being, she acts over the bar, making sure she stands out by being in the crowd, standing out in many ways. The way she acts is top-tier, wanting praise and support to be better than she already is. The Minori listens but also takes an appropriate approach to every situation while working and off-duty, wanting the best outcome in every situation that she is in but also that her co-workers are in. This makes her a friendly but also stern and firm person to face upon, needing to with her lack in height and weight to make up for her loss in not being the biggest 'tool' in the shed. This has made her learn how to combat these problems and make them into a positive, for everyone. Her safety and her co-worker's safety are the top priority, keeping a sharp eye for anything that comes her or her beloved co-worker's ways. This makes her a good person to have on the team, making sure everyone is in safe hands while working and becoming their best. This motivates her to want everything to become a positive and not a negative outcome, everything has to be good for things to settle and rest, she believes. Moreover, her driven mindset propels her co-workers forward and makes them become the best they can be, with her wanting that too. Her professional acts in these situations make her shimmer out of the big crowd of people in Karakura, making her a person to look at and idolise.

Casual Situations. . .

Ae Minori in casual situations, you never really see it. She can be well-rested but still, the motivated lady that you see her working as. The female would never want to let her family honour or herself down by acting a fool. She might have a joke or a laugh with friends and family, including her co-workers but nothing that serious to get her in trouble or make a fool out of herself. Ae Minori acts chilled and well-collected while with anyone, understanding that the person she is or was talking to has boundaries and does want them respected, as does everyone and anyone. The lady wouldn't dress like the teenagers of the time now, wearing flashy and over-the-top clothing, anything rude she misses the point too, not needing anything like that in her life also. She wears formal attire, wanting to act 'normal' to whatever that is to her brain, she wants others to think that she knows how to dress herself up, knowing what her choice of 'style' is. She gives everyone a chance to speak, as she listens, she listens closely and takes all the information in, wanting that person whoever is speaking to the Minori to know that they are being well-respected and that they have someone or something to hang onto if needed, being herself. She does this for everyone, wanting everyone to feel proud of who they are, and wanting the best for people who don't think they are doing well in that moment of time. This goes all the way to the jocks and back around to the well-knowable people in the town of Karakura, everyone matters even in a casual situation for Ae Minori, everyone and anything. The way she acts, is perfect, not wanting to make herself look like she has been looked down upon or feeling sorrow for herself, she makes herself look iconic and as she looks like one of the greats in society, wanting people to look up to her as a person. She thinks like this even in a casual situation, talking to someone, walking next to someone, talking to her daughters and even family, it's anywhere and at any time.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

Her outlook on the idea of co-workers. . .

Ae Minori's outlook on the idea of co-workers is good, acknowledging that without co-workers, most things don't happen. Minori stated who she is as a person and wants to see everyone succeed. This being, she likes the idea of coming together and bonding, wanting everyone to prove their point in life, wanting everyone to feel respected and feel like they are meant to be there, for their own good too. Ae Minori does this for everyone, wanting everyone to succeed in whatever they might want, whether it's for good reasoning, or nothing bad. She knows but also feels like if nothing came with co-working, having co-workers, things won't and don't work out like how they should, in peace and correctly. Sometimes in the KPD, things may get challenging for the team which you work with, the reason you work with this team is for a good reason, a fantastic reason at least. This reasoning for having a team around you is for support, needing a hand or help for something you may be struggling with, being if you need help with a task, need help with a couple of simple jobs like logging a report. Your co-workers are there to support and help you through your challenges and hardships, that's why you work mostly in a team, never solo. Ae Minori thinks this and always wants a team to surround her with kindness and loving hearts, needing it in the most of deepest times in the role you take on as a KPD officer. Furthermore, someone from your team might need you, you might need them but her outlook on co-workers can be negative, but for a good reason. Having a co-worker there for you, one who can tell you you're wrong for doing something, wrong for telling an innocent person off or for multiple reasons, the list goes on. You get my point, your co-worker is there to support and help you, yes but sometimes your co-workers can also support you by telling you how you are wrong and how you should improve in the next situation you encounter. The Minori knows this and embraces this with her heart, knowing how your co-workers are there for you and how you are there for them, that being in a team is the best way to get something done and to challenge any situation that you come in hand with.

Her outlook on the idea of teamwork. . .

Ae Minori's outlook on teamwork is quite the same as her outlook on the team around her, being her co-workers. This is because of the way she looks at how things are properly and correctly done, in a team and working together. The only way to do most things in life is if you have a team around you and supporting you with whatever you are doing, it's the best way too. Ae Minori views teamwork as a positive thing, making sure that it always becomes a positive thing if it doesn't start as one. She believes that coming together and knowing how something can be made better by surrounding it with a team creates the best outcome that you need and will get. Take the KPD by chance, what would the KPD do if it was one single commissioner, there would be lots and lots of crime happening around the city, and one commissioner cannot control a city of criminals, of course, no regard for putting the commissioner down, they do a great job working within Karakura but it wouldn't be such a happy place like it is now without teamwork from all the major teams in Karakura, KPD, EMS, Government. Every single organisation listed there is running brilliantly, why? Because they have a team backing them and working with the one lead, whether that's the Mayor, Hospital Director or Commissioner, they all need a team behind them to work to how they do now, brilliantly and correctly. Ae's mindset on the idea of teamwork fits into that statement, it is needed for good things to happen.

What's your character's backstory?

Ae Minori's backstory. . .


General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

No, you cannot legally own a pocket knife in Karakura, if found that you have possession of one, you will be sentenced to possession of illegal weaponry, carrying a minimum of 3 Months in prison.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

5 items for which you do not need a prescription:

Paracetamol - 1,500 yen
Wooden Canes - 7,000 yen
Cough Syrup - 6,000 yen
Eyepatches - 5,000 yen.
Unbranded Bandages -1,000 yen

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

I would see this happening, with seeing it I'd face them, getting the already recording evidence from my webcam being on her chest, recording at all times. Afterwards, Ae would radio in, telling the station about what was happening and for people to come as backup, just in case. After warning the co-worker that I would be spitting them up, Ae would go to them and make sure they didn't put any more harm on the inmate by removing them and spitting them away from each other. With this, I would make Ae detain the co-worker whilst the other officers in the station at that time would come and help me with the situation at hand. Also, while detaining I would or I'd tell another co-worker to either radio into one of the higher-ups or make a report about the incident and make sure that it will be checked out, properly. I would provide the evidence which was caught on the webcam and also take evidence of any injuries, the injuries from what the co-worker placed on the inmate. Furthermore, I would get my character to inform that this is wrong to the co-worker who made this situation all start, telling them how I will be informing the commissioner, Capitan or any of the higher-ups and making sure that they get rightfully served with punishment for their actions, as it was wrong to physically abuse an inmate. If it would be needed, I'd use non-lethal or painful methods of making sure the inmate is safe, using the stun blaster or handcuffing the co-worker who was deemed in the wrong. After detaining them, I'd place them in a questioning room, making sure other officers are with me, if I'm highly trained enough I would do this myself but if not, I'd get one of the detectives, if they are working to have a talk with the co-worker. This is mostly for their own help and support but also for if we could collect any more evidence of their wrongdoings and why they did it. Afterwards, I'd place them somewhere in which one officer or more would stand with them, making sure they were nothing more of a threat to anyone else than they were to the poor inmate that they inflicted pain onto.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

Firstly, I'd see this coming from wherever having my webcam on at this time or phone out recording. That depends if it's on-duty or off-duty, it doesn't matter though as it is the best thing to do as it is regarding the safety of your co-worker. Afterwards, I would make my character radio-ing onto the radio, calling the location and more importantly backup to help with the assaulted co-worker. When seeing this, I'd not wait for backup, going in to save my co-worker from any further injuries, stunning the individual to then handcuff them or wait for the backup to arrive, making the final call with what they would do with him, while I help the already injured co-worker from wherever this happened. If multiple people are surrounding the co-worker, I'd call for backup straight away, being more careful with what I do before finally helping out the injured co-worker from the situation that they have just been in. Any weapons, I use as evidence of detaining and arresting them for assault, with the evidence correctly used and cleared to the higher-ups who might want to hear about this issue happening. If so, I provide the evidence from my mobile device or the webcam which I wear at all times, on on-duty. After the situation has been calmed and taken care of by the other co-workers, who I called the backup from. I'd take the injured co-worker to the hospital and make sure they are okay and fit before leaving their side again and doing my job of whatever it was before this incident.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

When finding out my co-worker is corrupt and is helping a criminal organization, I'll collect the evidence needed and report it straight away to the higher-up team, mostly the commissioner or the captain of the KPD. This is because nothing good can come from the criminal underworld trying to find out and employ one of our co-workers to seek out important information. After telling the higher-ups, if I have already not collected the evidence via a webcam recording or video audio recording, I'll fetch other co-workers to provide a project of sorts to catch the co-worker who works for the criminal organization out, wanting to gather evidence to make sure the higher-ups know I'm telling the truth to them, not wasting their time. Ae Minori would take a casual approach to the corrupt co-worker, wanting to create a 'bond' with them before snitching all the information they have been giving to her to the higher-up team. If the co-worker is giving out information that they shouldn't, I'd use this to Ae's advantage, recording them saying it to her with the 'bond' of fakery made or catching them out by passing it over to the organization itself. If the co-worker is using their power wrong, I'd record them in the action, via my webcam or recording software on a mobile device, sending it off and radio-ing the higher-ups with reporting it back to them. Ae Minori used the powerful thing called the 'waiting game', wanting to bait themselves into a trap which they cannot get out of, needing to be done correctly and properly would be the key to her full objective here. If needed, or the co-worker sends the information online and on a computer, I'd advise the higher-ups to check the co-worker's computer or mobile device, wanting to collect more information, the more information the better, right? Afterwards, I'd run this back up with the people needed, wanting to make sure that they know the full story and make sure they punish the person at fault for choosing their path to the criminal organization.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

Nothing would get pasted me or Ae's strong attitude and strength with the courage she has for her job, nothing. The criminal that bribed you with the money or something that can cause a different outcome for the negative reasoning and effect will be captured on your webcam while it records but also an audio recording on your mobile device, if needed. Afterwards, I'd detain the criminal for this act, bringing him to the station before getting a detective to investigate him with the support of the video at hand. After the investigation, if any more evidence that could be used in a report to the higher-ups would be made also with a log of his arrest for bribing an officer and finally the criminal would be arrested with evidence found from this, being used correctly and in the right way of course. With the investigation, the criminal would be asked any questions regarding a gang or anything surrounding if they are involved in a gang, if so they will be charged again with another charge added onto their crimes committed, being gang affiliation, asking them for finally if they provide any more information a lesser charge on their sentence will be made, just trying to find as much information as possible. Furthermore, when the higher-ups have checked on it and cleared it, you can then be free to move on and ship the criminal to the mainland, to let them be imprisoned for their sentence.
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