Level 7
What is your Minecraft username?: 54241
What is your time zone?: Est
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats) Ddday
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Reporter App|SnailChase
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information: What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)?: Snailchase Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: Homunculus#8128 is my username and I do have a mic List your timezone and country: I live in the United States, and my time zone is est Describe...
Describe your activity on SchoolRP: I've recently started getting back on after a long break, but I plan to keep the same activity I had before my break. I try to get on for around 4-5 hours every other day and like to focus on detailed roleplay when I get the chance. I usually work nights and go to school in the morning, but I am usually available on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general: I've been doing different types of roleplay for a lot of my life. I used to play a lot of Dungeons and Dragons and would set up different sessions with different group members. I enjoy being able to build off of scenes and expand on them with my character and I try to explore this aspect in SchoolRp as well. Being able to create a story that continuously changes is always fun to me, and being open to writing and exploring different scenarios is something I loved doing in dnd, and I am excited to re-explore on this server.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
[12 Grade]
What is the subject you want to teach?:
Marine Biology
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
Finn didn't have the greatest youth due to the amount of siblings in his family. He felt he missed a lot of growing up due to his mom and dad always being distracted with his brothers and sisters and work and because of this, he had become independent at a very young age. The feeling of independence at a young age was something that stuck with him, it filled him with anxiety that he didn't want to feel ever again. This was something that stuck with him for a lot of his life and it was what slowly created his passion for wanting to teach people. He wanted to be able to spread knowledge about something he loved and be able to be there for people if they needed anything.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. Sea Life Study:
Taking different fish and sea creatures from the pond or nearby beach and learning about their different qualities and the ways they live. This could be a multiple-period lab with different sea creatures and a possible dissection to help learn the anatomy of each different species. Having a physical task while studying these animals will help keep students involved and will make others want to interact more.
2. Marine Life Adaptation:
Students would be grouped up and given a scenario based on different sea creatures. Each group is tasked with trying to find a way to adapt to this issue they have been given by using items surrounding them or on their person. For example, If a group was given a cuttlefish, they would have to find a way to replicate the cuttlefish's way of dealing with predators, and camouflage. This helps students interact as a group and teaches them different examples of how aquatic prey adapt to their predators.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
A field trip I would take the students on is to the Karakura Aquarium. We would go through the different exhibits and discuss the different ecosystems in which the animal belongs and how it adapts to its surroundings. Students would each be given an assignment to write one thing they learned about each animal.
If the Karakura Aquarium wasn't available then the next place I would take them is towards the torii gate by the beach. In this location under the rock, many different crabs can be found, the students can study how each may look different and the different behaviors that each crab is expressing. Students would categorize each one and write different information about them concluding by comparing the information each of them got.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
*Finn walked up to the group, surveying the scene for a moment as he tucked his book under his arm, he'd clear his throat* "Excuse me if you three dont disperse and leave him alone then there will be consequences, dont make me say it again." *He'd tap his foot, watching the group turn to face him, he'd shoot them a glare. "Get to class right now, and if I see you messing with him again then it will be detention for all three of you." *As the three jocks scoffed and walked off, Finn would approach the other student"Are you alright, If you'd like to take a moment and tell me what happened I'd appreciate it." *He'd discuss the conflict with the student, making sure to note the names of the three students and keep watch of them if they were in his next class.*
Your character would be supervising detention, and one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
*As the student blurted out another ridiculous question, Finn would look over to his desk and give him a stern stare "Please keep your voice down and finish the work given to you so you can go home, I dont want to have to see you in here again." *Finn would go back to his papers, scribbling down notes about the student's behavior as he'd suddenly hear him shout out once more. He'd stop writing and stand up from his desk, dropping his pen against the table and stepping towards the student, he'd stand in front of his desk. "I told you to stop with the questions and answer the ones in your book. If you dont stop, youll be in here tomorrow and I'll be talking to the principal." *He'd glance at the student's work, before going back to his desk, moving his paperwork over and focusing on the students.*
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
*Finn would turn his attention to the group of cheerleaders as he furrowed his eyebrows* "Excuse me, we're in the middle of a class, I'll ask you once, and ill ask you nicely to please turn off your phone, or ill have to take it until the end of class, and please leave the class alone as they are trying to learn, or ill ask you to leave." *Finn would offer them a smile before turning back to the board and writing something down as the cheerleaders turned off their phones however, they immediately began shouting towards someone across the room. Finn would return his attention to the three girls, as he simply walked over to them, motioned for them to stand, and led them towards the doorway, escorting them out of the class.*
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Finn would quickly back away from the three fighting students, catching his breath as he stammered, he'd grasp for his walkie-talkie and ask for any other faculty to come to his location and help him break up the fight, pocketing the walkie and turning his attention back to the fighting students, he'd shout at the group to break it up before the other faculty arrived. As they arrived he'd approach the group with the rest of his coworkers and break the fight apart, pulling the students apart and letting them go. "All of you are getting detention, if you have issues you settle it with words or off school grounds, understand?" He would write the group detention slips and gather information on why the fight started and who was involved.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Standing in front of you, Finn Kvistad would most likely be seen with a large red leather book under his arm which would be full of notes throughout his years of work. He would stand at around 6'4 with a skinny yet athletic build. His dirty blonde hair would curl in different directions and go down his back and his mutton chops would go down and end before the center of his chin. Finn would be an outgoing and kind person, looking out for people when they need it. He has always had a love for animals and it is something he can talk about for hours at a time. He tries to be a guide to people including his students, willingly staying after hours to help any of his students. Finn has always had a deep connection with the ocean and it has been a dream for him for the last 10 years to discover a new species and name it himself. In general, Finn tries to be a supportive person due to his troubled past and he hopes to give others a better upbringing than he was given.
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
Finn was born on April 17th, 1990, and was raised in Gotland, Sweden with a very large family. He has a total of 5 other brothers and 3 sisters for a total of 9 children in the Kvistad family. He grew up in a small community by the rocky waterside with 5 other families and the group of them treated each other as a large family. Due to the size of his family, it was hard for him to get moments with his mom and dad alone, and because of this most of his time was spent distracting himself one of these distractions came from another one of the families. The Olsson family consisted of one kid and a father, while the two of them had a healthy relationship taking in Finn as a consistent member of the household wasn't frowned upon. Jakob Olsson, the father had a background in Zoology but had to put a pause on his career in order to take care of his child so, he decided to move down to this community and stayed here for the last 3 years. Finn began to spend more and more days with Jakob learning about his past with animals and partaking in his hobbies. Years began to pass and Finn got older as some of his siblings began to move on with their lives and so did the people in the communities. One of these people is the Olsson family. Finn had seen them as a part of his family for years and losing them broke him apart a bit however, before leaving Jakob met with Finn, gave him his old equipment, and saw him off. One of these items was an industrial-grade fishing rod and an old wood boat with two paddles. Sweden was a beautiful area with lots of different wildlife but Finn's family didn't have enough money to travel nor did they have enough time to let him explore his hobbies so he decided to take up fishing. A lot of his free time was spent taking the old boat, paddling it out about 60-80 feet, and fishing. Truthfully, He slowly felt like he was drifting apart from his family as they didn't even bother to ask him why he was doing what he was doing but it was a decent distraction for him. Time passed with this repeated behavior and eventually, his family began to notice his disappearance. his mother and father found his equipment and decided to take advantage of it. They had told Finn he had to pay rent from now on, selling the fish and bringing in at least 300 Krona weekly. He was outraged and frankly didn't feel like his family deserved it, however, It was his one gateway to getting away from his thoughts so. as he had always done, he persisted. The years continued on for the family, the community lost members and the Kvistad family grew a bit smaller with only 2 brothers and one sister left. Finn's mom and dad were getting older and couldn't keep up as much anymore and at this point, Finn had become a major provider for them all. He started to grow tired of the constant pressure his family put on him and he finally cracked. Once he turned 18 and finally graduated as a decent student, Finn began to apply to different Universities to get a degree in Zoology. his dream school, Uppsala Univeristy was his best getaway from his family. Months passed of applying, hearing bad news after bad news finally, He had received a letter from Uppsala, only to be met with heartbreak. Rejected 5 times now, Finn was defeated and he couldn't bear the stress of home anymore. In the middle of the night, he packed 5 bags, took the keys to his father's pickup, left his phone on the dinner table, and just drove. He kept going until he hit the border of his island home and used money from his last sale to buy a ticket to the mainland of Sweden. Finn was now around 22, he had decided to stay in a small town called Visby where he went to community college for a year, dropped out, and began working a dead-end job at a shipment packaging warehouse. His life just felt dull, he had no goals for the future anymore at this point and was just living to sustain himself. He found himself chopping away at fish heads to package when he was placed next to a man who had been there way before Finn had gotten there. He told Finn about his old life when he was an oceanic fisherman, fishing up sharks, lobsters, tuna, and many many different fish. at this point Finn had felt repulsed by fish having been working with it for basically all of his life however, there was no lower than he was right now. He remembered what Jakob Olsson told him, all about his life and his career and how happy it made him. He decided it was time for a change, he quit his old job and began to open back up to the idea of school. He used his savings to move himself to Gothenburg and tried his hand at applying for marine biology programs. He wrote about his past and knowledge of the ocean life in Sweden in his college essay and hoped for the best thankfully, he was finally accepted into school and began studying for his master's in Marine biology. he had studied for 2 years, and his 3rd year would be a different topic involving the issues in the ocean. Before he was fully able to start his 3rd year of schooling Finn had received a letter from a familiar address in an old town, Gotland. The letter was from his youngest brother, detailing how he and the family missed Finn and wanted him to come home, revealing that the only reason they were able to find an address was due to mail from his college being accidentally sent to his old address. The letter seemed heartfelt and truthful until he neared the end where it would be revealed to him his mother had recently passed from natural causes and he and his father wouldnt be able to afford the fees. Finn felt conflicted at this moment, he knew if he turned back to his family nothing would change and it had been too late for anything to change but, If he didn't come back he would never actually know how it went. In the end, Finn turned to finding ways to study abroad landing himself in a Japanese town called Karakura. He'd spent a few months learning Japanese and familiarizing himself with the culture before he bought a ticket and flew to this new town. He would finish his master's degree and find himself taking odd jobs and small tasks from different marine biology facilities. Years of jumping around different areas flew by and eventually, Finn would turn his attention to teaching. He always loved hearing stories and lessons from Jakob and believed that it was something he'd love to do until he was finally able to stabilize his life.
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)
Full Name:
"Finn Kvistad"
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
"I like Finn"
Gender & pronouns:
Religious Denomination:
"I'm an athiest"
Marital Status:
"I am single"
"I'm what they call Swede"
Current Location:
"Currently residing in Karakura."
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
"This would be my first year"
Working Experience (# of years):
"A strong 10 years in Marine Biology."
Academic Degree:
"Masters in Marine Biology."
Year of Graduation:
"I graduated around 2015."
"Marine Biology."
"History, but i was never very good with history."
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Preferred Teaching Subject:
Marine Biology
Additional notes about your application (if any):
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