players online


Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


Do you have a microphone?:


What is your time zone?:


Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

I do.

Describe your activity on the server:

My activity on the server varies depending on my free time, I consider my myself very active as I spend mostly around 4-5 hours a day. I have oocly work from 7-14, 3 times a week and spend most of the day playing on the server, I'm mostly on between 15-23 CET time.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:

Russian Lang application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Hospital Application. | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server Denied.
Denied - Receptionist Application! | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server Denied.
Denied - Yakov Sidorov's Receptionist Application. #2 | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server Denied.
Denied - YAKOV SIDOROV'S RECEPTIONIST APPLICATION. #3 | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay ServerDenied.
Denied - _Captaingrim_'s Laywer Application. | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server Denied.

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

Yakov Sidorov | Grade-12.


What subject are you applying to teach?:


What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:

Most of my motivation strives from pure ooc reasons, I've studied three years of teaching and wish to apply my knowledge into SRP. I would consider my role playing skills, charisma and entertainment a big opportunity for this role, using this to further give other players on SRP a different approach on role play, packed with opportunities and interactions. I've had great speeches in front of people oocly and I feel like I could use that to my advantage when it comes to doing it in front of a class packed with players.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?

I do.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:

Yes I do.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:

Class logs is used as a record where teachers log out the classes they've held and taught, in other words quota. This can further help both the teacher and staff know how many classes that has been held, for my knowledge the required quota is 10 classes per month. As to why this is important, these logs state every class the player has had, in order to fully calculate specific teachers paycheck but also have an idea of whether to promote, give a warning, check inactivity or demote.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
my classes will be set under a couple of rules, simple rules. As for the first one, attention.

1. Attention
For me and my students sake, the first rule of my class will be attention. Now this is simple, me and the other teacher are one of the few people that's here to try give students an opportunity, a chance to do better. I will encourage my students to pay full attention in my classes to further develop their brains.

2. Respect
Respect is a key rule in my class, being a teacher isn't just about teaching students but also being a disciplinarian. I do expect all of my students, colleagues and myself to treat everyone with dignity and respect.
I will be demonstrating respect in my classes and this can be done by how we all respond to each other, our intentions and thoughts. I have key notes in order to remain my students in a respectful manner for others so they can develop this and perhaps one day pass it on to our next generation.

2. Responsibility
This is another important rule in my class, not just for my students but for me as well. As I am the rule model within the class, it is my responsibility to teach others responsibility.

Lets take homework as an example. Majority of students dislike homework but there's a simple reason as to why, differences. We are all different people, we feel different and think different and so in order to encourage my students I will be approaching in different ways providing correct resources and give them engaging experiences. I believe with my confidence that they'll learn responsibility in my classes.

3. Language.
We will be learning English in my class, no slurs nor slang words and I expect everyone in my class to speak English as I will. This further brings us back to my first rule respect, some places should be held respectable like school. We are here to learn, not to impress friends.

4. Safety precautions.
School is a safe place for everybody, no arguing, no fighting and no uncomfortable behaviours will be prompted here. If anything were to happen I will be there to prevent it, I've got a lift of ways to teach students proper behaviour.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I have many kinds of experiences with role playing, from playing parts in theatres at young age to voicing characters in movies within my country. I used to play a bunch of role playing games, Minecraft servers at young age but eventually grew bored of them, this was until I found SRP late 2021. The amounts of role play interactions, opportunities I had on my first day was like Christmas to me, pure joy.

My character (Yakov Sidorov) was my first and only character and I've used him on countless role playing scenarios on SRP, going way back to learning detail role playing on text, P2L within gangrping, meeting and role playing with KPD members, interacting with government officials, having fun and enjoyable dinners at restaurants, working at shops around the shopping district. And I feel with all of my experiences within SRP, my background of different role play and studying teaching IRL, that I would like to encourage myself to become a teacher on this server.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department.
↳ Description:
The head of departments are those who lead said subject's.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher.
↳ Description:
A qualified teacher would be a promoted teacher, this can be done after a few months of being NQT teacher. A teacher with more knowledge and experience than UT also known as Untrained Teacher.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher.
↳ Description:
These are the teachers whom have passed the training to be placed upon the roster. They are now qualified to start teaching and have their own classroom.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher.
↳ Description:
Unqualified teachers are those who have passed the interview and will now be training to become a NQT. They do not have their own classroom yet, nor able to teach. However they can take knowledge by joining said teacher's classes to further learn and pass their training.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

To my knowledge, teachers are the most important rule within the school as they host classes and teach real subject, this serves both ooc and ic purposes as it adds realism into the game. What's great about the realism within SRP is the differences between real teaching and role playing it, we are all different and serve different qualities, and as a teacher out of the game and in the game it is important to be prepared. New players join almost every week which means you'll have to put up with dealing new role players, this can change up how you adapt within your classes and so it is important to plan and structure the next class on your free time after school (Icly), a teachers job out of the game is to build relationships with students, making sure they develop quality skills that will serve them later in life, It's important for such role to focus on what content you offer.

Teachers within SRP can earn a maximum amount of ¥500,000, this is earned by finishing classes. As NQT you start with a base pay of ¥350,000 if said classes are completed and for every 5 classes they hold after completing required quota another ¥50,000 will be added to their paycheck. QT's have a higher amount of base pay of ¥400,000 and same rules apply.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:

It's in the name! Teacher are very imporant to the SRP community as it is mainly about School Role play. In order to make it an actual school role play teachers with rightful qualities are needed. They make the whole role play fun and intractable for every new player that joins by offering experiences like having classes.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:

The school has a planning system called MoSCoW which stands for must have, should have, could have, wont have.

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Yakov is a bulky male who stands 6'2 tall. He has a fair-light looking skin and hazel eyes, his hair is brown and had the classical fluffy bangs haircut with skin-faded sides. Yakov and his family has always had love for clothes and changes up with style whenever he feels like a based person, he currently wears a tan t-shirt which was tucked into his dark blue jeans now that summer heat was around the corner.

You will find that Yakov's personality has unique combinations and behaviours, he grew to be very over-protective of things he loved due to the fact that he mainly brought his family back together, earning and helping his siblings reach great opportunities in life. He tends to look like the usual happy man as he held a smile up upon his face, with love and passion he always greets new people with dignity but be cautious, he is quite the comedian! Nonetheless, Yakov strives for what is best for himself and the people around him, without doubt he'll achieve what dreams he hold.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?

Yakov believes that every soul has a chance to do better in life, thus he makes the best situation to provide wellness and value to everybody. As for his students he will with strict and disciplined actions make sure his students succeed, build a prepositional relationship with each student so they know if they'd ever be in need to talk, Yakov will always be there to accept them.

The same applied to his co-workers, he'll portray friendly and open up conversations to further build relationships and become friends. He will also gain their trust as it is a strong key to friendship.

What are their plans for the future?

Yakov's plan for the future holds many points. He believes that goals should be needed even if you feel like you've succeeded enough, he wishes to become a great teacher and develop his students and turn them into great people, watch them grow old and know how proud he'd be. He also wants more wealth for his family, as being not just a father but a teacher as well there nothing else than success you'd want for your children.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Firstly, Yakov would reach his voice down the hall warning them from afar, refrain from using inappropriate language on school grounds. If the students were to keep swearing he would eventually approach them and further question why they didn't listen and defuse the situation with a reminder that consequences will be taken to consideration if they kept ignoring school rules.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:

After calmly breathing he would raise his voice in order for everyone to listen, he then takes a moment as everyone silences down before speaking, informing them that he asks just one thing, to pay attention. He then informs that he's here to give them a chance to succeed in life, and if it were to be the case that they'd seem careless, they would be free to leave the class.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:

Yakov would gather up with everyone else for their morning tea, coffee or whatever they had and rant/discuss about their day so far, this could be warnings that they'd given, lessons they've enjoyed or simply just if they're having a good day. He would also take his time to recover and rest his body in any type of comfortable seat, recharging himself for next class.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me As Yakov entered his newly classroom he took a deep breath before approaching his front desk grabbing a chalk marker, while gaining everyone's attention by saying ''Good morning everyone'' he started writing down his preferable name onto the board saying Mr. Sidorov. ''I'm Mr. Sidorov, for those of you who haven't heard yet I will be your English teacher. Now, you can refer me by Yakov, that's totally fine, or . . . If you perhaps have any fun nicknames I'm all ears''. As he stood in front of his class he reached for the papers he prepared this morning and started walking around handing them out to each student presented in his class. ''For our first day, you'll be writing a detailed essay of what you would do if you found 10.000 Yen laying on the ground. Now this is just a test for me to carefully adapt my learning approach for each one of you''. He finished handing out their papers as he sat down on his desk awaiting them to turn in their essays.

/me As he smiled across the classroom waiting for everyone to look his direction he spoke with a calm voice ''So, are you all prepared to do grammar? Now I know I know, most of you don't like grammar tests but I want to see your best performance here, if you manage to score all answers correctly you will be awarded with a reward token, let that be your motivation!''. Yakov began walking towards his desk, opening one of the drawers to grab the tests. ''Now we've gone through this many times, I'm sure all of you will impress me. I have confidence in you guys''. Walked in between their seats as he handed the tests out to each student. ''And please, turn off your phones and show everyone respect by being quiet and focusing on your own''.

/me Gasped for a second, gathering the thoughts in his head before speaking. ''Woah, woah! Language, no cursing on school grounds, I don't want to hear anymore of that in here, is that understood?'' As he held eye contact towards the misbehaving student.

/me His students sat in their seats as Yakov had just given them an assignment regarding their favourite hobby, the question followed (What's your favourite hobby and how does it benefit your lifestyle). A student walked up towards Yakov's desk, placing their paper onto it before asking him if it's good enough. Yakov then grabbed their paper and carefully started reading through their texts, noting if they've misspelled or used wrong grammar. ''This is pretty good, although . . . it is spelled Music, not Musik''. As he returned their paper and gave them a smile.


On December 17th, 1997 at 14:42 PM. This is the exact time the Sidorov family had their first and only child and named him Yakov. The father, Vasily was a strong, disciplinary man working as an accountant while the mother, Sofia worked as a tutor. The Sidorov family lived in a big wealthy house just on the outskirts of the town by the mountains, both the mother and the father of the family played a big role for Yakov, they we're both grown up with great parents and great succeed, there's not doubt they would pass this onto Yakov. Yakov seemed like a loud baby when he was born, craving a lot, crying a lot and yelling but that didn't stop his adoring face. Vasily and Sofia bathed Yakov in love as he grew older, it was clear that they both cared and loved him more than anything else, Yakov grew up being very loved, building great relationships with his parents, both of the parents had beautiful personalities as they passed this upon their child.

Yakov was now 6 years old and had finished his first year of school, all the teachers he had seemed surprisingly pleased of how smart and intelligent Yakov really was at this young age. Meetings were held throughout his first year between the parents and the teachers discussing Yakov's home situation, they noted that back home Yakov was taught real discipline, he was never allowed to watch any sort of television nor eat any kinds of bad food, he cleaned his own room and even helped his dad with yard work. Both parents worked really hard to make Yakov's personality stick out more than themselves, they worked hard creating a better version of them both combined.

Every once in a while, tragedy strikes before joy. Sofia, Yakov's mother died of diagnosed heart problems. Yakov was only 13 years old at this point. Luckily, having a strong dad helped Yakov overcome his sorrows and miseries. Throughout contacts and motivation Yakov's father decided that they both would move into Japan as they had relatives living in a very small town, Karakura. Yakov had to adapt towards a new culture, a new language and a different kind of people. These were nicer than the usual Russian individual, respectful and caring, they moved into a small apartment close by the beach where they would spend most of their life hoping better days come.

Yakov's father managed to find himself a teacher, spending most of spring learning the Japanese language as Yakov was about to start school after summer, he made sure to create the best type of environment for Yakov.

[Young adult]

Time passed and soon enough Yakov turned 18 and headed into his last year of high school. He gained great reputation within the school and built great relationships around the teachers he had. This is where he eventually decided to himself that teaching one day, passing on the discipline his father taught him over to the next generation of kids. Yakov eventually passed into collage and finished his studies at the age of 23, his first plan was to earn references through working at small jobs around the town, becoming an employee at different shops around the district, he seemed like he knew where his path was leading him. He is now looking for a teaching job at Karakura High School.

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Yakov Sidorov
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Mr Sidorov
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Age (Minimum is 25):
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan.

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

No previous working experience.

Academic Degree:
Year of Graduation:
English language

Native Languages:
Japanese, Russian
Other Languages:

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:


Additional notes about your application:
Thank you for taking your time to read my application!
Do you have any questions?: No.​
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