players online

A true, and final goodbye. One long awaited for.

Level 49
Dear srp,

Wow, I can’t believe that it’s been 6 years… since I first logged onto SRP, I’m honestly shocked at how much my life has changed since, along with the world around me, for the good and bad, but forget the bad, let’s look at the good.

When I first joined SRP, I had just been randomly looking for a RP server to basically like, troll, I never thought I would stay for this long. And in the true SRP way, I’ll write a letter icly to the people’s characters who mean the most to me, if those people wanna take the letter icly, you can and remember, ONLY THOSE PEOPLE!

Kota, you were one of the first people I met, when you still went by the IGN QwQMeHarderDaddy and honestly, I’m glad I met you, because meeting you kept me around for those 6 years. Being in call with you, I can enjoy myself, I saw how you got into factions you enjoyed, and eventually you becoming staff.

Icly Letter(s):

Dear Calico,
Thank you, thank you for being a friend, you listened, stuck with me for years, became the sister I wish I always had. I was so happy to meet you when I did, I will forever miss the days we got up into the most devious shit known to mankind. I will never regret meeting you, I love you so much!

Saola Everest

Arkkwolf, I still remember the day where I joined the friend group in 2020, and wow, i can’t believe it! You’re on the lore team! I’m so happy for you!! I knew this is something you always wanted, and I couldn’t be more proud of you!! And I also can’t wait to hang out with you again, in person, that’s a positive srp did, it causes an online friendship, to an in person friendship.

Icly Letter(s):

Dear Okemia,
To my younger sister, thank you for taking in Brix, when he started High school, after him being in a place he wasn’t born in, he needed a friend, but you weren’t just a friend to him, you were a family member to him, i remember when he would come home, talking about the fun things you and your friend group would do, and I feel so honored that later, I would join that group as well. Thank you, and enjoy life.

Saola Everest

Dear Mia,
Hi Mia! It’s Brix! I am so thankful for everything you have done, you made me feel welcomed into a place where I felt alone into a friend group that was caring, loving, thoughtful, and respectful. Every time I got to hang out with you guys, I felt like I mattered, and I will never forget the memories we made. I love you Mia, and I hope you can visit me in Geneva or Surrey soon!

Love, your friend, Brix Everest

Dear Hanae,
Thank you for being my Karakuran mom, you raised not only myself, but Brix as well, when I did the unthinkable to him in Futuba, and when he broke down in front of you, even thought the secret got out, you didn’t change your opinion about me, even after I came out of that Norwegian prison. you stuck with me and my family from basically the moment we arrived in Karakara to the moment that we left and I will forever be grateful that you were a big part of Brix grow up because he did not have a mom that he could visit talk to for pretty much his entire life. Thank you.

Sincerely, your Karakuran Daughter,
Saola Everest

Hi mom!! Well atleast my Karakuran mom!

Thank you for being the best mother figure I could ever ask for! I really wish my real mother could come visit Karakura and see you, but she still is very sick. But hey! Maybe you can come visit me in Canada, or Geneva, I’ll let you know what city to fly to when you wish to come and visit! Flint and Dada say they love you by the way!! And I love you too!!

Love Brix! Your Karakuran Son!

Gosh, this is harder to write than I thought, well time flies by when you reminisce.

Omar, when I first met you, I didn’t expect us to get along so well well some days my brain can confuse you other days kind of piss you off their memories that I will forever cherish. I do know that I’ll still be talking to you, Mia, Venti, Lace, and a bunch of other people but seeing you run around as Juuzou. And wow! You did it! You got into BMDA!! I remember how excited you were when you was apply, and when you got into it as well!! I’m so proud of you for it, and while it sad you are no longer in it, I hope you had fun. And now, the icly letter:

Icly Letter(s):

Dear Juuzou,
I know we didn’t talk much at the time that we did. We had a blast. I will still always remember when you did the threading in my arm. It doesn’t even retouch, but that’s a later topic watching how you acted with everyone reminded me that despite you being who you are, everyone has a soft spot. You were so friendly with everyone, including me, even though you didn’t know me as well compared to Okemia, you still cared. Thank you

Saola Everest

Venti, oh my god! You are one of the best people I have ever fuckin met! From the day I met you, I realized how delicate people can be. Before I met you, I learnt how to censor myself with certain topics, while at first, I struggled, you understood, and eventually I learned, and overall became a more thoughtful person. Thank you and I can’t wait to keep talking with you more and more.

Icly Letter(s):

Dear Oliver,
I know we never said much, but the times we did, I enjoyed it every day. Meeting you was one of the best things ever! Meeting you, was like having a child of my own. I learnt what it somewhat, limitly felt like a mother, you reminded me of my childhood, and I thank you for that. I’ll miss you!

Saola Everest

Haru!!! I am so thankful and happy for meeting you!! You and the rest of the gang was the first friend group that I had been apart of in Karakura, the shena****ns we would all get up too! I’ll never forget that.

Thank you Haru, love Brix!

Ocean and Lemon, you british beans on toast lovers (jk) When i first found out you both are sisters, I was kinda shocked that siblings could get along so well, because I was looking at my own relationship with my brother, like it isn’t bad, it’s ok, enough abt me. You both have been so amazing, and the way we bond is so funny.

Icly letter(s)

Dear Akari,
Hi my KPD bestie! You know, you was one of the few cops I respect, knowing you has been amazing. I hope to see you again in the near future.

Saola Everest

P.S. Stop getting fuckin hurt jesus, like you might wanna go to shrine and get blessed by the maidens and priests.

Dear Lilu,
Thanks for being what reminded myself of college me, I know we didn’t do much, but the times that we did hang out I enjoyed it, Congrats on the baby, hope you enjoy motherhood!!

Saola Everest

Alec, one of my Aussi friends, wow, where can I start, you have been an amazing friend, supporting me through my difficult patches, and overall, letting me be a menace to society. Honestly, your the one person who I can’t write a icly letter too, because our characters would never bump into each other because of the timezones we had. If I could, I’d glaze him like I'm doing to everyone else, I can’t wait to continue to be your friend. Love ya!

Diving, your the first friend I have that I didn’t meet on SRP, but another server that we both really, REALLY wish to forget, but that also brought us closer and seeing you on the lore team, than staff, I was happy for you, you weren’t scared to try new things and I envy you for that, I am so glad I met you on that server, because I don’t think we would have ever met. Much love to you!

Icly Letter(s):

Dear Koi,
Hey Koi… I know I have been avoiding you ever since you found out I spoke Ancient Karakuran, I got scared, I was worried that if you knew I was in a cult that disagreed with Shintoism and the Shrines teachings, that you wouldn’t be close with me, and that you would feel different about me. I really wish that before I left, I could have said more to you, I love you Koi.

- Saola Everest

Dear Runi,
Working with you has been amazing, obviously it’s a job we both wish to forget, but honestly, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I know you didn't live in Karakura for that long, but I still will remember the times we hung out. Oh also I forgot, thank you for letting me live in your place before I got deported. I love you so much!

Saola Everest

Mocha, I remember when mine, Mia’s and the rest of the group met you, then we kinda lost you, BUT THEN! We found you again, and you have been an amazing friend, basically the American version of me!

Icly Letter(s):

Dear, Yamashi
Stop changing yo dam name, but forgetting that, thank you for being the just as crazy twin brother I wish I could have. Being your friend has been an amazing experience, parting, drinking, and going bat shit crazy with you will be something that I never will forget. Thank you for being the party life in Karakura for me.

Saola Everest

Well, thats it for the friends, I truly wish I could do everyone, as you all are so important to me! But then we would be here for hours! But now, on to the news faction:

Aania, I’m sorry for disappointing you, you gave me a chance after what I had done just over a year ago… If I could go back, and even prevent it the first time because maybe I wouldn't have made it again. You put trust in me, and I broke it. I know that you probably won’t see this, there probably is some sort of policy where you aren’t allowed to talk to me due to the situation but I really hope that you see this. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the best faction on SRP, and allowing me to go wild with my reports. I don't think that any other faction would give me the freedom that you gave us reporters and honestly, I hope that even after your time on SRP comes, that the news faction continues to remain untouched, just how you put it together.

Icly Letter(s):

Dear Kaz,
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to work for you. My time at KANew’s have been amazing, from the first day I started, till the day I had to hand in my 2 week notice. Despite me failing to inform you on my criminal record, failing to renew my Japanese Work VISA, you still kept me. And for that, I'll be forever grateful to you. Tell Timmy I said goodbye. My work badge and phone are on your desk. Goodbye Kaz.

Saola Everest

Cro you gosh darn bastard (<- read that in a southern accent pls) You have been a insane person and I am so happy that I met you, I know that you are one of the few people from SRP I am still gonna talk to daily, but I still feel like I have to write this. The way me and you RP’d our characters together was insane, a duo that no one would have expected to be friends, well, were friends. I can’t wait to continue to be your friend Cro.

Icly Letter(s):

Ezio you gosh darn bastard! Prision? Really? Wow. I’m offended! You couldn’t wait till I was gone? Really? Anyways, thank you for being an amazing friend, and being around the same level as insane I was. I really respected you a lot. Hope you stay safe in prison, Ill send more letters so you don’t get lonely.

Saola Everest

Chat, I’m becoming dead as I’m writing this, I am crying to much so the letters are gonna be a bit shorter

Tonsils, I am so happy that we are doing our little nerdy bonding over Pokemon, you are an amazing friend, and I am forever grateful that the News Faction brought us together.

Icly Letter(s):

Dear Masato,
You Unc, despite me being around the same age as you, you always felt a bit older, and in that, I kinda looked at you as a dad. I hope you enjoy life with your family, and if you need a break from the kids, feel free to let me know and you can come visit me in Geneva.

Saola Everest

Ahilyn you crazy spanish speaker! The way Saola and Kaede acted was amazing! As if they knew each other from the start! Being in the news faction with you was an amazing time, and I really really wish I could still be there, not just with you but with everyone. But hey, everything comes to an end.

Icly Letter(s):

Dear Kaede,
The way you made the news station more lively was crazy, like everyone could be super dead, then you walk in and it’s like someone did CPR to the place! Honestly I’m lost for words on how much you have changed my life in such a short time. Thank you

Saola Everest

Lastly, Grim, you have been such an amazing person, especially with the way you roleplay Kenji, and how even with those custom’s, you trusted us with them. The way Kenji and Saola got along was amazing, and something that I will forever remember.

Icly Letter(s):

Dear Kenji,
The way you basically acted like every day was ‘Take your kid to work day’ was amazing, your kids brought the news station into parent mode. While yes, we did kidnap them sometimes, and while yes, we myself and Yamato did baptize one of them. It was still so fun being coworkers with you. Ill miss you and your kids.

Saola Everest

Gosh, this took a few weeks to finish, I kept crying over and over again while making this that I just needed to completely stop. But honestly, I don't regret writing this, I really wish I could do every single one of the people I met on srp, but I think that would take years! But anyways, for the ending of this, I want to do another little lore thing, a ending if you say.

“The Everest Family, despite having roots in Karakura for thousands of years, even before the modern government, have made the choice to leave and move. Having packed up their belongings, sold their properties in West, and East side of the City of Karakura, headed to Karakura Regional Airport, and jumped onto their plane heading for the heart of Europe, Geneva, Switzerland. A place where they can start fresh and call their forever home, where Saola can continue her international work. Brix and Aranck can keep on sharing their journalism with the world. And Kyo, where she can continue to live in wealth. And the pets, Flint and Dada, where they can live freely in a new city, exploring Lake Geneva and the surrounding area. Saola, Brix, Kiara, Aranck, Kyo, Flint and Dada Everest. You will be missed.

-Karakura, Japan”

Everest Family, Karakura Japan
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Level 54
Community Team
Lore Team
Arkkwolf, I still remember the day where I joined the friend group in 2020, and wow, i can’t believe it! You’re on the lore team! I’m so happy for you!! I knew this is something you always wanted, and I couldn’t be more proud of you!! And I also can’t wait to hang out with you again, in person, that’s a positive srp did, it causes an online friendship, to an in person friendship.
I'm proud to call you my friend Ethan, THIS MADE ME CRY! The letters were so cute, I didn't know you were gonna write this much??? <3 what a slay nearly five years it has been.


Level 29
Cro you gosh darn bastard (<- read that in a southern accent pls) You have been a insane person and I am so happy that I met you, I know that you are one of the few people from SRP I am still gonna talk to daily, but I still feel like I have to write this. The way me and you RP’d our characters together was insane, a duo that no one would have expected to be friends, well, were friends. I can’t wait to continue to be your friend Cro.
i aint even southern


Level 23
Dear srp,

Wow, I can’t believe that it’s been 6 years… since I first logged onto SRP, I’m honestly shocked at how much my life has changed since, along with the world around me, for the good and bad, but forget the bad, let’s look at the good.

When I first joined SRP, I had just been randomly looking for a RP server to basically like, troll, I never thought I would stay for this long. And in the true SRP way, I’ll write a letter icly to the people’s characters who mean the most to me, if those people wanna take the letter icly, you can and remember, ONLY THOSE PEOPLE!

Kota, you were one of the first people I met, when you still went by the IGN QwQMeHarderDaddy and honestly, I’m glad I met you, because meeting you kept me around for those 6 years. Being in call with you, I can enjoy myself, I saw how you got into factions you enjoyed, and eventually you becoming staff.

Icly Letter(s):

Dear Calico,
Thank you, thank you for being a friend, you listened, stuck with me for years, became the sister I wish I always had. I was so happy to meet you when I did, I will forever miss the days we got up into the most devious shit known to mankind. I will never regret meeting you, I love you so much!

Saola Everest

Arkkwolf, I still remember the day where I joined the friend group in 2020, and wow, i can’t believe it! You’re on the lore team! I’m so happy for you!! I knew this is something you always wanted, and I couldn’t be more proud of you!! And I also can’t wait to hang out with you again, in person, that’s a positive srp did, it causes an online friendship, to an in person friendship.

Icly Letter(s):

Dear Okemia,
To my younger sister, thank you for taking in Brix, when he started High school, after him being in a place he wasn’t born in, he needed a friend, but you weren’t just a friend to him, you were a family member to him, i remember when he would come home, talking about the fun things you and your friend group would do, and I feel so honored that later, I would join that group as well. Thank you, and enjoy life.

Saola Everest

Dear Mia,
Hi Mia! It’s Brix! I am so thankful for everything you have done, you made me feel welcomed into a place where I felt alone into a friend group that was caring, loving, thoughtful, and respectful. Every time I got to hang out with you guys, I felt like I mattered, and I will never forget the memories we made. I love you Mia, and I hope you can visit me in Geneva or Surrey soon!

Love, your friend, Brix Everest

Dear Hanae,
Thank you for being my Karakuran mom, you raised not only myself, but Brix as well, when I did the unthinkable to him in Futuba, and when he broke down in front of you, even thought the secret got out, you didn’t change your opinion about me, even after I came out of that Norwegian prison. you stuck with me and my family from basically the moment we arrived in Karakara to the moment that we left and I will forever be grateful that you were a big part of Brix grow up because he did not have a mom that he could visit talk to for pretty much his entire life. Thank you.

Sincerely, your Karakuran Daughter,
Saola Everest

Hi mom!! Well atleast my Karakuran mom!

Thank you for being the best mother figure I could ever ask for! I really wish my real mother could come visit Karakura and see you, but she still is very sick. But hey! Maybe you can come visit me in Canada, or Geneva, I’ll let you know what city to fly to when you wish to come and visit! Flint and Dada say they love you by the way!! And I love you too!!

Love Brix! Your Karakuran Son!

Gosh, this is harder to write than I thought, well time flies by when you reminisce.

Omar, when I first met you, I didn’t expect us to get along so well well some days my brain can confuse you other days kind of piss you off their memories that I will forever cherish. I do know that I’ll still be talking to you, Mia, Venti, Lace, and a bunch of other people but seeing you run around as Juuzou. And wow! You did it! You got into BMDA!! I remember how excited you were when you was apply, and when you got into it as well!! I’m so proud of you for it, and while it sad you are no longer in it, I hope you had fun. And now, the icly letter:

Icly Letter(s):

Dear Juuzou,
I know we didn’t talk much at the time that we did. We had a blast. I will still always remember when you did the threading in my arm. It doesn’t even retouch, but that’s a later topic watching how you acted with everyone reminded me that despite you being who you are, everyone has a soft spot. You were so friendly with everyone, including me, even though you didn’t know me as well compared to Okemia, you still cared. Thank you

Saola Everest

Venti, oh my god! You are one of the best people I have ever fuckin met! From the day I met you, I realized how delicate people can be. Before I met you, I learnt how to censor myself with certain topics, while at first, I struggled, you understood, and eventually I learned, and overall became a more thoughtful person. Thank you and I can’t wait to keep talking with you more and more.

Icly Letter(s):

Dear Oliver,
I know we never said much, but the times we did, I enjoyed it every day. Meeting you was one of the best things ever! Meeting you, was like having a child of my own. I learnt what it somewhat, limitly felt like a mother, you reminded me of my childhood, and I thank you for that. I’ll miss you!

Saola Everest

Haru!!! I am so thankful and happy for meeting you!! You and the rest of the gang was the first friend group that I had been apart of in Karakura, the shena****ns we would all get up too! I’ll never forget that.

Thank you Haru, love Brix!

Ocean and Lemon, you british beans on toast lovers (jk) When i first found out you both are sisters, I was kinda shocked that siblings could get along so well, because I was looking at my own relationship with my brother, like it isn’t bad, it’s ok, enough abt me. You both have been so amazing, and the way we bond is so funny.

Icly letter(s)

Dear Akari,
Hi my KPD bestie! You know, you was one of the few cops I respect, knowing you has been amazing. I hope to see you again in the near future.

Saola Everest

P.S. Stop getting fuckin hurt jesus, like you might wanna go to shrine and get blessed by the maidens and priests.

Dear Lilu,
Thanks for being what reminded myself of college me, I know we didn’t do much, but the times that we did hang out I enjoyed it, Congrats on the baby, hope you enjoy motherhood!!

Saola Everest

Alec, one of my Aussi friends, wow, where can I start, you have been an amazing friend, supporting me through my difficult patches, and overall, letting me be a menace to society. Honestly, your the one person who I can’t write a icly letter too, because our characters would never bump into each other because of the timezones we had. If I could, I’d glaze him like I'm doing to everyone else, I can’t wait to continue to be your friend. Love ya!

Diving, your the first friend I have that I didn’t meet on SRP, but another server that we both really, REALLY wish to forget, but that also brought us closer and seeing you on the lore team, than staff, I was happy for you, you weren’t scared to try new things and I envy you for that, I am so glad I met you on that server, because I don’t think we would have ever met. Much love to you!

Icly Letter(s):

Dear Koi,
Hey Koi… I know I have been avoiding you ever since you found out I spoke Ancient Karakuran, I got scared, I was worried that if you knew I was in a cult that disagreed with Shintoism and the Shrines teachings, that you wouldn’t be close with me, and that you would feel different about me. I really wish that before I left, I could have said more to you, I love you Koi.

- Saola Everest

Dear Runi,
Working with you has been amazing, obviously it’s a job we both wish to forget, but honestly, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I know you didn't live in Karakura for that long, but I still will remember the times we hung out. Oh also I forgot, thank you for letting me live in your place before I got deported. I love you so much!

Saola Everest

Mocha, I remember when mine, Mia’s and the rest of the group met you, then we kinda lost you, BUT THEN! We found you again, and you have been an amazing friend, basically the American version of me!

Icly Letter(s):

Dear, Yamashi
Stop changing yo dam name, but forgetting that, thank you for being the just as crazy twin brother I wish I could have. Being your friend has been an amazing experience, parting, drinking, and going bat shit crazy with you will be something that I never will forget. Thank you for being the party life in Karakura for me.

Saola Everest

Well, thats it for the friends, I truly wish I could do everyone, as you all are so important to me! But then we would be here for hours! But now, on to the news faction:

Aania, I’m sorry for disappointing you, you gave me a chance after what I had done just over a year ago… If I could go back, and even prevent it the first time because maybe I wouldn't have made it again. You put trust in me, and I broke it. I know that you probably won’t see this, there probably is some sort of policy where you aren’t allowed to talk to me due to the situation but I really hope that you see this. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the best faction on SRP, and allowing me to go wild with my reports. I don't think that any other faction would give me the freedom that you gave us reporters and honestly, I hope that even after your time on SRP comes, that the news faction continues to remain untouched, just how you put it together.

Icly Letter(s):

Dear Kaz,
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to work for you. My time at KANew’s have been amazing, from the first day I started, till the day I had to hand in my 2 week notice. Despite me failing to inform you on my criminal record, failing to renew my Japanese Work VISA, you still kept me. And for that, I'll be forever grateful to you. Tell Timmy I said goodbye. My work badge and phone are on your desk. Goodbye Kaz.

Saola Everest

Cro you gosh darn bastard (<- read that in a southern accent pls) You have been a insane person and I am so happy that I met you, I know that you are one of the few people from SRP I am still gonna talk to daily, but I still feel like I have to write this. The way me and you RP’d our characters together was insane, a duo that no one would have expected to be friends, well, were friends. I can’t wait to continue to be your friend Cro.

Icly Letter(s):

Ezio you gosh darn bastard! Prision? Really? Wow. I’m offended! You couldn’t wait till I was gone? Really? Anyways, thank you for being an amazing friend, and being around the same level as insane I was. I really respected you a lot. Hope you stay safe in prison, Ill send more letters so you don’t get lonely.

Saola Everest

Chat, I’m becoming dead as I’m writing this, I am crying to much so the letters are gonna be a bit shorter

Tonsils, I am so happy that we are doing our little nerdy bonding over Pokemon, you are an amazing friend, and I am forever grateful that the News Faction brought us together.

Icly Letter(s):

Dear Masato,
You Unc, despite me being around the same age as you, you always felt a bit older, and in that, I kinda looked at you as a dad. I hope you enjoy life with your family, and if you need a break from the kids, feel free to let me know and you can come visit me in Geneva.

Saola Everest

Ahilyn you crazy spanish speaker! The way Saola and Kaede acted was amazing! As if they knew each other from the start! Being in the news faction with you was an amazing time, and I really really wish I could still be there, not just with you but with everyone. But hey, everything comes to an end.

Icly Letter(s):

Dear Kaede,
The way you made the news station more lively was crazy, like everyone could be super dead, then you walk in and it’s like someone did CPR to the place! Honestly I’m lost for words on how much you have changed my life in such a short time. Thank you

Saola Everest

Lastly, Grim, you have been such an amazing person, especially with the way you roleplay Kenji, and how even with those custom’s, you trusted us with them. The way Kenji and Saola got along was amazing, and something that I will forever remember.

Icly Letter(s):

Dear Kenji,
The way you basically acted like every day was ‘Take your kid to work day’ was amazing, your kids brought the news station into parent mode. While yes, we did kidnap them sometimes, and while yes, we myself and Yamato did baptize one of them. It was still so fun being coworkers with you. Ill miss you and your kids.

Saola Everest

Gosh, this took a few weeks to finish, I kept crying over and over again while making this that I just needed to completely stop. But honestly, I don't regret writing this, I really wish I could do every single one of the people I met on srp, but I think that would take years! But anyways, for the ending of this, I want to do another little lore thing, a ending if you say.

“The Everest Family, despite having roots in Karakura for thousands of years, even before the modern government, have made the choice to leave and move. Having packed up their belongings, sold their properties in West, and East side of the City of Karakura, headed to Karakura Regional Airport, and jumped onto their plane heading for the heart of Europe, Geneva, Switzerland. A place where they can start fresh and call their forever home, where Saola can continue her international work. Brix and Aranck can keep on sharing their journalism with the world. And Kyo, where she can continue to live in wealth. And the pets, Flint and Dada, where they can live freely in a new city, exploring Lake Geneva and the surrounding area. Saola, Brix, Kiara, Aranck, Kyo, Flint and Dada Everest. You will be missed.

-Karakura, Japan”

Everest Family, Karakura Japan
alright man WHERE AM I IN THIS BRO i ee how it is ethan i see how it is its on sight bro on mike akihitos grave its on SIGHT (o7 ethan)

Level 49
Thread starter
alright man WHERE AM I IN THIS BRO i ee how it is ethan i see how it is its on sight bro on mike akihitos grave its on SIGHT (o7 ethan)
man i tried, but the tears prevented me

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