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Adjust the rolls for animals to create a better play environment


Level 21
What's your Minecraft Username?: SCP_662
What's the title of your suggestion?: Adjust the rolls for animals to create a better play environment

What's your suggestion?:
As the title states, the recent change to roll numbers for animals negatively affects the play for them as it becomes improbable, almost impossible, to win any battles with human characters

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Something I've observed in my proper return to SRP after a few month break was a major issue regarding how animals are not only abused but also given an abhorrently unfair advantage in forced-combat situations. Due to the new rolling rules, (or new to me, prior was 100 for all animals regardless), animals have a statistically much lower chance to win any rolls at all in a combat situation which are frequently, from experience, not initiated by the animal (especially due to the rules regarding it). The conduct by players, especially knowing that they are effectively immune to all retaliation by animal whitelisted users. I as well as many other animal whitelist users were distraught and are disturbed by the total lack of empathy and action taken due to these easy allowances of abuse, threats, disgusting language, and total disregard for the player affected. As I do not do balance changes for the server, I cannot attest to the facts of the matter with 100% certainty, but from the other users who I have spoken with, all have testified to me that they, as well as me, are tired of how they are treated and the fact that they are just thrown around with little disregard for the character they have made. Though this message is to show the public's disdain for the lowered rolls, I am not requesting nor demanding they be raised to over 100, but just for rolls to be made for fair for the common whitelist holder who spent hard-earned money to support the server and play as an animal because of how animals are abused and threatened.


Level 22
The roll number should probably depend on the animal. Also I'm pretty sure that animal abuse is against the rules, if its not then it should be.


Level 21
Thread starter
The roll number should probably depend on the animal. Also I'm pretty sure that animal abuse is against the rules, if its not then it should be.
The problem with this is they have a similar system that leaves it impossible for animals to win battles the majority of the time because people roll over their max more often than not, 4.7 in rules has the specifics


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
The one thing you gotta remember about Animals and the server. Is that Animals and Humans follow the SAME permission system, so someone would need to have SOME TYPE of motive or anything to harm an animal, and if you see someone who isn't following the system you are more than welcome to report them.

Now, Do I think that animals should roll higher than what they currently are? No, I do not think animals should be able to roll over what they currently are. Yes, I get that other animals were lowered in rolling amounts but in reality, it makes sense. For Bears, it makes sense that they would roll the highest out of the animals due to their size and strength compared to like, a bee who can only roll 50. The issue about upping them again is it would give players more unfair advantages on who bought the animal whitelist for rolling purposes than the actual Animal Roleplay aspect on getting the roll, the reason why any bear suggestion about upping their rolling amount has always been denied, it would be due to P2W(Pay 2 Win). Yes, I get that it's 'impossible' for animals to win fights with humans, but both parties will need to have reasons to attack one another. And this is coming from an Animal Whitelist User

Now, to the ICly laws. The law about 'Animal Abuse' is an arrestable offense that will give the offender 4 months in jail and they would receive a felony if convicted.

so this is a -1 for me


Level 21
Thread starter
The one thing you gotta remember about Animals and the server. Is that Animals and Humans follow the SAME permission system, so someone would need to have SOME TYPE of motive or anything to harm an animal, and if you see someone who isn't following the system you are more than welcome to report them.

Now, Do I think that animals should roll higher than what they currently are? No, I do not think animals should be able to roll over what they currently are. Yes, I get that other animals were lowered in rolling amounts but in reality, it makes sense. For Bears, it makes sense that they would roll the highest out of the animals due to their size and strength compared to like, a bee who can only roll 50. The issue about upping them again is it would give players more unfair advantages on who bought the animal whitelist for rolling purposes than the actual Animal Roleplay aspect on getting the roll, the reason why any bear suggestion about upping their rolling amount has always been denied, it would be due to P2W(Pay 2 Win). Yes, I get that it's 'impossible' for animals to win fights with humans, but both parties will need to have reasons to attack one another. And this is coming from an Animal Whitelist User

Now, to the ICly laws. The law about 'Animal Abuse' is an arrestable offense that will give the offender 4 months in jail and they would receive a felony if convicted.

so this is a -1 for me
I understand the stance on realism and under normal circumstances I would agree too, but ever since it went from 100 to 75 and 50 it has become all the worse in combat situations. While you make good points I just am firm in my stance that it should be returned to 100 for all animals so that it is a more fair experience. As stated in my post, I do not believe it should be raised, just returned.


Level 35
Community Team
I can see why you would want them to be the same all around, though the reason for them being lower probably stems from trying to maintain some sort of realism (a bird, a fox, etc can't reasonably cause much harm to a person), whilst also tredding the line of not letting animal whitelist players win as often in order to avoid the false judgement that animal whitelists are p2w.

The key word being false here, since even if they were equals, players are likely to jump to the conclusion that animals have some form of advantage.

My own choice would be to simply make use of the profile system, play an animal for the animal rp and be prepared to lose, and play a human when you want to win.


Level 86
As a cat whitelisted player, I get what you mean, however if they have no motive of perms to harm you, don't rp it out and report them in general because, realistically, who'd randomly hurt an animal just because they're an animal? Yes, characters can have phobias or hate animals but it's not a valid motive to harm animals.

In cases of bears, they were being baited by gangrpers (cooled down as now, they cannot just get majors to take limbs from them)

For the law, personally, oocly, you can't rely on them honestly, it is a way for them to get into jail but it's hard to if it didn't happen in front of CCTV and a witness casually reporting them in general, there's a higher chance if it happened in a public space, but not much if it was away from places like that.


Level 39

Put a random dog against a random 18 year old. Who you would think will win? One kick on the face of at that mf and It'll have it's tail between his feet unless he's really stupid and want to bite again. Just by the size difference, it would be logical to think that no cat would be able to do any harm to a human, yet alone win over them in any way, the most they could do is bite, which doesn't harm that much. . . Same with birds. . . and with Ducks. . . And with almost any animal rolling 75 with the exception of the dog.

If all, I would suggest lowering the roll for this animals if they are babies, since in what world would a 7 month old kitty win a fight or an action against a fully grown dog. . . Unreasonable to say the least. If you want to fight, then know the consequences of fighting with the actual capacities the animal can have. A human can easily kick or punch the living hell out of any animal that rolls /75 listed in the server, not because of rolls, but because realistically we have better physical capacities than them.

Additionally, what are you suggesting exactly? I understand the basic "Adjust the rolls," but which animal do you want to adjust? The ones with 50? With 75? With 100? All of them? Do you want all of them to roll /100 like before, even a snail for example? Or what about a kitten? Should it roll 100 too? What about a fish?

What I've read so far about this is that there is a fundamental problem with the animal treatment in Karakura, not the rolls because they are being mistreated.
Now if the actual problem is that animal are being mistreated, instead of the dog fighting back and logically losing to a grown man. How about doing ICLY protest or campaigns? As you have said, you have spoken with your friends about this and they have told you that they agree with you in the bad treatment (Me included), why not coordinating something and promote an ICLY campaign against animal abuse? The laws prohibits animals abuse and murder and it's punishable. . . All we need is to make this known to Karakura and report the crime, that way there's less chance of people harming animals. I know a lot of people from my end that would love to RP in things like this.


Level 113

if you wanted to fight someone so bad, don't do it on an animal character? why are you fighting someone as like a bird, or a cat, or a rat...


Level 64
Like... why are you fighting as an animal, the animal whitelists were never meant to combatRP with but also I essentially agree with everything DarkEclipic


Level 174

i understand if it were for bears and say making bears still roll 150 as they would like a normal player so it isn't p2w but the same all around just isnt realistic


Level 108
As said before I get this for animals like bears that are surround combatrp and such, but I don't think a frog or something should roll 150 as it just isn't needed


Level 20
The roll number should probably depend on the animal. Also, I'm pretty sure that animal abuse is against the rules, if its not then it should be.
Hi there, I'm just here to say that the roll number already depends on the Animal's specie, as well as their age. All of this can be found in under section 4.7 [Rolling Amounts]. Animal Abuse IS allowed in any form, however, this can lead to In-Character punishment, such as arrests or fines. The information for that can be found right Here. But, to save you time here is the exact punishments you may receive upon breaking the KAWA:

Animal-related Offenses

The laws listed here fall under (KAWA) Karakura Animal Welfare Act. These laws are in place to prevent cruelty & abuse toward animals.

[F] Animal Murder - 12 Months
The intentional act of killing any animals, domesticated or wild.

[F] Animal Abuse - 4 Months
The illegal practice of using an animal as a target for physical assault.

[M] Illegitimate Possession of an Animal - 2 Month
The act of abducting an animal that is not under one's existing ownership.


Level 39
roll number already depends on the Animal's specie, as well as their age. All of this can be found in under section 4.7 [Rolling Amounts]
Section 4.7 specify roll for animals, but doesn't specify rolls depending on the ages for animals. It only mentions age for humans.

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