What's your Minecraft Username?: SCP_662
What's the title of your suggestion?: Adjust the rolls for animals to create a better play environment
What's your suggestion?:
As the title states, the recent change to roll numbers for animals negatively affects the play for them as it becomes improbable, almost impossible, to win any battles with human characters
How will this benefit the server and community?:
Something I've observed in my proper return to SRP after a few month break was a major issue regarding how animals are not only abused but also given an abhorrently unfair advantage in forced-combat situations. Due to the new rolling rules, (or new to me, prior was 100 for all animals regardless), animals have a statistically much lower chance to win any rolls at all in a combat situation which are frequently, from experience, not initiated by the animal (especially due to the rules regarding it). The conduct by players, especially knowing that they are effectively immune to all retaliation by animal whitelisted users. I as well as many other animal whitelist users were distraught and are disturbed by the total lack of empathy and action taken due to these easy allowances of abuse, threats, disgusting language, and total disregard for the player affected. As I do not do balance changes for the server, I cannot attest to the facts of the matter with 100% certainty, but from the other users who I have spoken with, all have testified to me that they, as well as me, are tired of how they are treated and the fact that they are just thrown around with little disregard for the character they have made. Though this message is to show the public's disdain for the lowered rolls, I am not requesting nor demanding they be raised to over 100, but just for rolls to be made for fair for the common whitelist holder who spent hard-earned money to support the server and play as an animal because of how animals are abused and threatened.
What's the title of your suggestion?: Adjust the rolls for animals to create a better play environment
What's your suggestion?:
As the title states, the recent change to roll numbers for animals negatively affects the play for them as it becomes improbable, almost impossible, to win any battles with human characters

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Something I've observed in my proper return to SRP after a few month break was a major issue regarding how animals are not only abused but also given an abhorrently unfair advantage in forced-combat situations. Due to the new rolling rules, (or new to me, prior was 100 for all animals regardless), animals have a statistically much lower chance to win any rolls at all in a combat situation which are frequently, from experience, not initiated by the animal (especially due to the rules regarding it). The conduct by players, especially knowing that they are effectively immune to all retaliation by animal whitelisted users. I as well as many other animal whitelist users were distraught and are disturbed by the total lack of empathy and action taken due to these easy allowances of abuse, threats, disgusting language, and total disregard for the player affected. As I do not do balance changes for the server, I cannot attest to the facts of the matter with 100% certainty, but from the other users who I have spoken with, all have testified to me that they, as well as me, are tired of how they are treated and the fact that they are just thrown around with little disregard for the character they have made. Though this message is to show the public's disdain for the lowered rolls, I am not requesting nor demanding they be raised to over 100, but just for rolls to be made for fair for the common whitelist holder who spent hard-earned money to support the server and play as an animal because of how animals are abused and threatened.