Level 4
What is your Minecraft username?: AnnieDotMondai [My main account is called AstridHM]
Any previous warns/kicks/bans?: I have never been kicked or banned on any account.
What is your timezone in GMT?: GMT +01:00
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord username)?: ash#9152
Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:
Private Tutor [ACCEPTED]
Spanish [ACCEPTED]
Drama Teacher [ACCEPTED]
Dutch (Mizuki) [DENIED]
Dutch (Akemi) [DENIED]
Dutch (Mizuki) [ACCEPTED]
Spanish [ACCEPTED]
Drama Teacher [ACCEPTED]
Dutch (Mizuki) [DENIED]
Dutch (Akemi) [DENIED]
Dutch (Mizuki) [ACCEPTED]
Dutch (Akemi) [ACCEPTED]
Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?: I am on the server every day with only very few exceptions. I have been working at the school for four months now, first as a private tutor and now as a drama teacher, and I have yet to receive any warnings for inactivity. I am also a member of the track team on my alternate account AstridHM. Despite these commitments, this is my most active account. This character is so enjoyable to play. As for the forums, I have not been as active as I’d like to be lately, however, I do think I am fairly active on here still. I like to keep up with news and I often look through roleplay documents for helpful advice. One thing I’d like to do more of is looking through introductions and character biographies.
What is the student council?: The Student Council is a group of students that are chosen to represent the school. They work together along with the school authorities to improve the school. They keep up to date with announcements, they help out with hosting activities and make sure that there is order in the school.
Who or what brought you to applying for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc): When I first joined the server, I thought it was remarkable that the school had a student body. I was on the student council when I was in high school and I know the impact that it can have on a school. Planning events is also something I do a lot of OOC, as I work with a volunteer organisation that does exactly that. However, as I was new I didn’t think I’d be suitable for the council and instead I chose to align my characters interests with what was accessible to me. However, now I have had experience both as a regular high school student, a track team member, a school employee and a teacher. I have familiarised myself with the server and I think I am ready to give this a shot, if you’ll have me. I am applying with my latest character Akemi. She dutifully attends classes and does the work, however, she is very opinionated and I think that’ll fit well with being on the Student Council. Mainly my character's personality is what brought me to apply.
What does the school council of Karakura do?: From an outside perspective, the student council are representatives of the school. They take the lead in class discussions, act in accordance with the school policy and dress appropriately. They offer to help whenever possible, a dazzled student, an overwhelmed team captain or club leader, a busy teacher - you name it. As for internal matters, I suppose there’s only one way to find out. Though I assume we discuss concerns or ideas for how to improve the school and helo organise events.
How would you describe your work ethic?: If it’s work that I enjoy, I’d describe my work ethic as efficient. At school, I was voted most organised. I still have the certificate somewhere. Whenever we were tasked with planning something, I always found myself at the center of it. For example, I helped plan the senior class’ graduation. Meaning, I made the program, wrote the speech, set up the room and ended up being one of the speakers as well. I also directed our school play. As for the council, I was very active, I attended every meeting and was vocal in discussions.
What interests you the most about the student council?: Getting the honour of representing the school and helping make improvements. I’d like to see the school buzzing with activity.
Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?: On SRP, I have been a track team member, a private tutor and a drama teacher. All these roles have helped contribute to my DetailRP and emotionally-driven dialogue. Besides that I used to roleplay a lot when I was younger. Today, I take English Literature at a high level and am fond of creative writing.
You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?: I’d hear the person out and ask questions to ensure that I’ve understood what they are proposing. If I still don't like the idea, I’ll be honest but polite about it. Meaning, if it comes to a vote, I’ll vote against it, but elaborate on my decision if requested. I’ll state my concerns and be open to discussing it.
You submit an idea - everyone hates it. How do you deal with the situation?: Argue for it as best as I can but accept whatever decision is agreed upon. I don’t take it personally. I’d likely ask for feedback afterwards to see if I can find out where I went wrong.
There is a split decision on an idea. The councillors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?: I’d be honest about my own opinion but I wouldn’t risk adding fuel to the fire by getting too involved. I’d listen carefully to both sides and try to think of a compromise that would at least mildly satisfy both parties or try to lighten the mood by shifting the conversation back to the root of the argument (the idea) and perhaps ask others where they stand.
A councillor is stirring up problems and abusing their position on school grounds! What would you do?: Ask to speak with them privately and remind them that as councillors we are representing the school and so, it is important that, when faced with a situation that has gotten out of hand, we pause and consider how to approach the situation intelligently and without bias. If we feel that we are not in a position to resolve what’s at hand, we should call for help or contact a higher authority, not start pointless arguments.
The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?: I’d explain why I disagree, and hope that the council president could elaborate on the points with which I disagree and change my mind. If not, we can agree to disagree. In my experience, it is important to try to understand other people's perspectives when working together. We don’t all have to agree, but it’s nice to know why people might see things differently than you.
There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councillors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?: If they’re willing to talk to me about it, I’d hear them both out and see if I can spot the root of the issue. Built up tension is commonly due to not understanding exactly where it is that you disagree. It’s hard to agree to disagree if you do not know what it is that you’re agreeing to disagree about. It can be refreshing to bring in someone who isn’t directly involved in the argument as they are sometimes able to see the situation from a different perspective.
Character Name: Akemi Hanasaki
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 18
Character phone-number: 330-938-103
Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality: Akemi Hanasaki is a young woman with high expectations. Aki strongly believes that you get what you work for, and so she works tirelessly to achieve her goals. She is a perfectionist which can cause her to be overly judgemental, not only of herself, but of others as well. She is a good listener and takes criticism well, but dislikes talking about emotions.
Character appearance/attire: This 5’2” fair skinned woman has a disciplined feel about her. She has brown, almond eyes and her medium-length, thick hair is pulled to one side. Her clothes are traditional and well-fitting.
Winter uniform
Why do you want this position?: I wanted to become more involved in the community this year, which is my primary motivation for applying. My initial idea was to organise a Model United Nations club, but then I was informed by my cousin that there was an opening and decided to try applying. I think, had I decided not to apply, that I would have regretted it.
What interests you the most about student council?: I’d like to have a say in what happens at the school. I think it is important to take responsibility for your own learning and so this is what I am doing.
What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?: Firstly, I’m willing to contribute the most precious thing of all: my time. I’ll make sure to be available to help out when I am needed. Secondly, when planning events I intend to put in my best effort to provide students with the best possible experience. Lastly, I’ll offer my insight. I am good at playing the devil's advocate, I like to be critical of the information that is shown to me and this especially goes for ideas as it can be beneficial to consider the potential issues with an idea before settling on a decision.