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Denied Arocatula's Event Team Application #2


Level 187

Just a second attempt because I'm dumb B)



Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server:

I am typically on for 2 - 5 hours per day or other day, roleplaying like some normal human and stuff. I luckily have no bans, and I intend to keep this sort of record like that. I have had a couple of warns being a new player, though. This would have been selling glitched items or spamming (the spamming is mainly because of buttons that do not work in chat, but regardless kind of my fault)

Please provide any previous applications you have created, whether accepted or denied:

JSL language application [DENIED]
Korean Application [DENIED]
JSL application 2 [ACCEPTED]
Russian Application [ACCEPTED]

Third language application [DENIED]
Korean application [ACCEPTED]
Third language application 2 [ACCEPTED]
French application [ACCEPTED]
Professor application [REMOVED]
Physical Education teacher application [ACCEPTED]
Height application [DENIED]
Staff Application [DENIED]
Lore team application [DENIED]
Lore Team Application #2 [REMOVED]
Event Team Application [DENIED]
(There was also an accepted height application, but I somehow can't get access to it)

Provide your Discord (REQUIRED) and confirm if you have a microphone:

Arocatula#4705 and yes, I do have a working microphone for discord meetings and calls. Keep in mind I will only use it when needed and may turn it off sometimes due to inside things.

What is your timezone and country of residence?:

My timezone is MDT (Mountain Daylight Time, also recently changed due to moving), and my country of residence is the USA

What previous experience do you have working in a team that would outshine other applicants?:


I have been a teacher for quite a bit now, and have gotten quite used to it. And I think being a teacher would help be in collaboration with other teams because I know when to contribute to other teams.

I have attended quite a bit of classes, and it shows how much I may contribute to other teams.

But overall, I have not been in any community teams before. I'm willing to join this team to help with my learning of communities and be able to help make events that can work for SRP. Joining this team could possibly help me get a better understanding of the server in general. I think my contribution would be quite well in any of the community teams, because I have quite a good understanding of when to be on and all of that other stuff.

Please provide three (3) event suggestions that would work for our server:

Lockdown Drill

Location: Karakura Highschool
Time: Any time OOCly, and somewhere between 8:00 and 14:00 ICly
Items/Objects needed: None, just need classrooms and students to hide during the drill.

Overall description of the event: As said in the title, there could be a lockdown drill event happening inside of the school. It is suggested it should happen during periods, or specifically when classes are being hosted. During the lockdown, students will hide in the corner behind the door inside and make a straight line. For anyone not inside of any classes, teachers may bring students inside of the classrooms or students may go into bathrooms (Which might not work but maybe worth a try, it's just a drill). Other hiding places may include the nurse's office, the library, the tutor's office, and other best places to hide inside of the school. The event will go on until about 3 - 5 minutes (OOCly) and students will get onto their normal things. Sometimes, it's not a drill and a serious time where students need to find places to hide, such as classrooms and probably not bathrooms.

Eating Competition

Location: The small stadium near spawn
Time: Any OOCly and ICly
Items/Objects needed: A stage, A long table, and some sort of food.
Overall description of the event: It's about 5 people speed eating food for about 3 - 5 minutes and see who eats the most food within that time. It's pretty simple and most people know what this is. Or sometimes it can be who eats all of the food the fastest. The two choices may vary. Whoever wings may get a large number of yen or some other prize. Since this is a quick and easy event to set up, it will not take a lot of time to build and set up and all that. There is also no sort of commands needed for the event, just give every player a big stack of food and they have to speed eat it.

A Dream-like State

Location: Anywhere around Karakura
Time: Nighttime ICly
Surroundings: A dreamy state, giving players a feel as if they are dreaming, like aesthetic skies and backgrounds.
Overall description of the event: This event is for all players throughout the server to enjoy! There is a cool aesthetic sky and world, with a chance for all players to come into their dream-like state throughout Karakura. This gives players a chance to use some of their imagination (Stuff that they won't take advantage of or troll). This event will happen most or all of the night (ICly). Players can hang out with their friends, it's like a regular night in Karakura but has imagination and wonder included.

Jazz Time!

Location: The small stadium near spawn
Time: Any time OOCly and ICly

Items/Objects needed: Any jazz instruments and people. (Also with note blocks in the background to create music)
Overall description of the event: I have thought jazz to be a pretty good thing about music. I think having this as an event would be great for audiences who also respect jazz! During the event, the players will show effects on music, and give a good understanding to the audience of jazz music. Note blocks may be playing in the background for background music or the main music. It's a jazz concert, playing about 5 songs of jazz. At the start, jazz players will walk up to the stage and introduce themselves, then when all of the players in the audience have arrived, the music starts. This continues until all of the songs are done and everyone leaves.

Book Fair

Karakura Highschool
Time: Any time during school hours and OOCly
Items/Objects needed: Books (Of course), stands, and people.
Overall description of the event: This event is for many people of any age to go to either the library or gym (I prefer the gym more, it has more space), to find many stands of people selling books! Anyone knows what a book fair is at a young age, so they should get a good understanding of what one is. (But this one is a little different) Books may cost up to 5,000 to 30,000 yen, and each stand has some different subject (Lore, Fantasy, Fiction, Non-Fiction, etc.). The description can last about an hour (OOCly), and overall is just an event where people can have some nice book time and get more books from the school!

Mario Kart?

Anywhere in the roads of Karakura, or set up a race track which might be hard to do so I'd just recommend the roads of Karakura.
Time: Any time OOCly and ICly
Items/Objects needed: Just karts and people to drive them around the road.
Overall description of the event: I named it "Mario Kart" because I think it would be cool to have a race where there are karts and all of that. Though it might be really hard to configure items to obtain and all of that, you don't really need to add that if you don't want to. But it's just a basic race around the roads of Karakura using mini karts and people (18+) riding those karts and racing for fun! The event basically starts when there is an announcement talking about the upcoming event, and people will gather all around the expected place to watch the race. In order to participate, you should fill out an application regarding taking part of the race. Once about 7 - 12 are selected, everyone will get into their places and wait for the race to start. Everyone will get into their karts, and the race starts! The race goes on until everyone has made 3 laps. The winner will be chosen, and that's just about it!

Thank you for reading!
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Level 111

Thank you for taking the time to apply for event team; however, we have chosen to deny this application. This is only to do with the other applicants and their applications outstanding yours — though, if you have any event suggestions, you are forever more than welcome to DM me or an event team member and work alongside us! We are always open to new ideas and collaborators across the playerbase.​

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