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Accepted BlueberryViniq | Professor Application


Level 17

What is your Minecraft username?: BlueberryViniq
What is your time zone?: MST - Canada

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)
@fireviniq (No longer have the identifier)
Link all previous applications you made on the server:


(Main) Gaelic Application
(Main) Spanish Application
(Alt) JSL Application
(Alt) Gaelic Application
(Main) High School Student Council

(Main) Doctor Application
(Main) Police Application

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
4pm - 8pm
(4 hours)​
12pm - 8pm
(8 hours)​
11pm - 8pm
(7 hours)​
(sometimes an hour)​
11pm - 8pm
(7 hours)​
11am - 8pm
(8 hours)​
12pm - 4pm
(4 hours)​

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
My experience with roleplay within SchoolRP is semi limited, though;
On SRP I currently play a student council member and on my alt, the account I’m applying for as professor was in Delinquent/gangrp so I’ve gotten some experience in those departments under my belt within the server, both accounts are currently seniors in the Karakura highschool.
As for other roleplay experience, I currently beta test in Mazerp where I play as a medjack(medic) where I can do Medical roleplay, and on another server similar to SRP called RoleplayUniverse I play a professor, so I’ve gotten quite a bit of experience through that.
On another, fairly new server I currently play as a firefighter who is in fact the character I'm applying as professor as on this server.

But! Outside of minecraft roleplays I’ve played some RPG related games such as;
Tera, Arma 3, Tom Clancy’s Division 1-2, Monster Hunter world, GTA, and some others.
All together I have about 5 or so years of role playing via video games
Outside of video games I’ve larped in events which I've done for 2 years now.
So 7 years all together.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
[Grade-12][Councillor] StrawbeeViniq - Main
[Grade-12] BlueberryViniq - alt

What is the subject you want to teach?:
Medical (First Aid/Emergency Medicine)


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

My motivation for pursuing a professorship role stems from my limited experience in this capacity on other servers, where I found great enjoyment in the role. Professors offer a broader range of classes compared to high school teachers, which greatly appeals to me. Assuming the role of a professor in SRP would not only provide valuable insights into crafting classes for other servers but also stimulate my creativity, ensuring that classes remain engaging and exciting. Additionally, this role would allow me to explore different facets of roleplay outside of teaching.
In the current game, I serve as a student council member on my main account, StrawbeeViniq. This experience has equipped me with a solid understanding of how detention works, giving me a head start in transitioning to a professor role. Including having friends within the school faculty will help me feel more at ease and grasp the necessary commands and procedures. Although SRP offers various "factions" to join, I believe that becoming a professor is the ideal starting point for me due to my understanding of the school environment from when I first joined. While joining the EMS might be tempting, I believe that beginning with a simpler role is a more suitable choice for me at this point in my journey so I’m here, applying for the position of Professor in SRP, even with the limited experience I have on other servers.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. An Icebreaker interactive class of mine will be
A Kahoot or a short write up for the students to answer to the best of their ability.
For this class, I have two options for our initial assessment. The first option is a brief Kahoot quiz, consisting of simple questions that will help me gauge each student's knowledge of First Aid and CPR. This quiz is meant for diagnostic purposes and will not be graded.
Alternatively, I can use our first interactive class to introduce the course, discuss classroom rules, and provide each student with a questionnaire. This questionnaire will contain questions designed to assess their current understanding of the subject. This approach will help me tailor our curriculum to address the specific needs of each student based on their responses.

2. An interactive class of mine will be;
Application of Tourniquets
In this class we will act as though a student is bleeding heavily from an injury, using tourniquets to stabilise the blood flow. From there, I will teach my students how to properly apply a tourniquet or even create a similar effect using items on their person and have them apply it to an injured person based on their knowledge. Assuring that it is properly worn. Allowing all students a chance to participate and having the first injured person swap with the injured person.
In the case of student A being injured, and student B being responsible for applying the tourniquet or something similar, then their roles would be switched. For this class, students will work in pairs.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
We will head to the beach to apply the CPR techniques we've learned in class. To accomplish this, I'll organise my students in a straight line along the shoreline, providing them with a clear view of the practice session.
First, I'll place a CPR dummy in the water, simulating a drowning victim. Before we begin, I'll ensure that all my students are in proper swim attire. Then, I'll position myself on the dock and gently toss the dummy into the water. One by one, my students will take turns swimming to the dummy, safely bringing it back to shore, and performing CPR on the dummy as part of their practice. This rotation will continue until each student has had their turn.
Following the practical exercise, I'll facilitate a discussion to gather feedback on their performance. I'll encourage them to share any areas where they believe they could improve and discuss strategies for enhancing their skills. Upon returning to campus, I will evaluate and grade their CPR performance based on their practice at the beach.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
There’s two things she would do depending on the situation;

  1. In cases where it appeared that the situation wasn't particularly grave and there was no active physical confrontation, Taiga would calmly walk by without showing any outward concern. However, she wasn't indifferent to the dynamics at play. She would offer a gentle admonition, advising those involved to step back a bit and allow the Bobcat Jock some breathing room. This simple act aimed to defuse potential tensions and promote a more harmonious atmosphere. Her intention was not to exacerbate the situation or draw unnecessary attention but rather to subtly encourage a sense of respect and consideration among the individuals involved. After delivering her brief guidance, she would continue with her day, hoping that her intervention had contributed to a more peaceful environment.​
  2. If the situation escalated into tension with the Spartan jocks harassing and bullying the Bobcat Jock, Taiga intervened swiftly. She stepped in, endeavouring to separate the parties involved and create some physical distance. Taiga positioned the Spartan jocks on one side and the Bobcat Jock on the other. With a measured tone, she sought to understand the situation by asking for explanations from each of the individuals involved. Meanwhile, she handed out detention slips to address the misbehaviour. Taiga didn't mince words as she admonished the Spartan jocks for their actions, reminding them that they were adults and should conduct themselves accordingly, rather than behaving like immature middle school children. She conveyed a similar message to the Bobcat Jock, encouraging them not to simply leave or attempt to handle such situations alone, but instead to reach out for help when needed.​

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbed by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Taiga let out a weary sigh, gathering the trio of detention assignments and passing them to the student in question. She placed her hands on her hips, a stern expression on her face, as she scolded the student, emphasising the importance of maintaining silence and diligently completing all the tasks to the best of their ability.
She made it clear that any questions should be saved until after the student had finished their work and was ready to leave the room. Taiga pointed out that other students in detention were also eager to complete their assignments and exit promptly.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Taiga didn't waste much time. She briskly approached the cheerleaders, collecting their phones and promptly issuing detention. With a deft hand, she placed each phone inside a zip lock bag and then carefully arranged them on her desk. In a stern tone, she reminded the cheerleaders to lower their voices, emphasising the importance of the ongoing class for their own well-being and that of their classmates.
However, as the disruptions persisted, Taiga's patience wore thin. She eventually reached a breaking point and decided to take action. Firmly, she ushered each cheerleader out of the classroom, expressing her hope that they would reflect on their behaviour during detention. Their phones would be returned once they completed their assigned tasks during detention.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Taiga's frustration mounted as she discreetly slipped detention slips into the pockets of each involved student. Swiftly, she positioned herself between the brawling students, determined to quell the conflict. Her primary goal was to separate the students, urging them to back off from one another. In cases where the altercation escalated to a severe degree, she maintained the option of contacting SLT for potential suspension.
Once a semblance of calm began to prevail among the students, Taiga retrieved her radio, still poised to take action. She relayed information about the combative students, providing detailed descriptions just in case any of them attempted to flee or evade responsibility for their actions.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs.
What do they look like?

Taiga DeArmond stands at approximately 5 foot, 7 inches with gorgeous strawberry blonde hair and almond shaped soft cyan blue eyes.
She’s adorned with pale skin with a beauty mark presenting itself on the left side of her bottom lip. Her hair is typically effortless tossed to one shoulder with a half up half down style with some hair up in a bun. Her facial expression regularly looks sleepy with dark circles under her eyes. Taiga carries herself well, standing up straight and confident with her soft hourglass like figure. Showing she’s comfortable in her own skin despite seemingly exhausted. She holds a scar on the palm of her right hand and on the left side of her jawline.

Taiga is typically in a loose, flowy white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled and a tie half done up. Showing off a more free and comfortable side to herself than being completely structured, though. She often dresses herself up with some simple black heels and comfortable jeans or dress pants with some pieces of jewellery.

What makes them unique and different?
Taiga’s life story is defined by her remarkable journey through three distinct careers;

each leaving an indelible mark on her character and skills. This transformative journey began at the age of eighteen. Fresh out of high school with an impressive record of A's and B's, Nadine embarked on her first career chapter by enlisting in the Canadian military. Over a span of three years, she honed a versatile skill set that included leadership, teamwork, crisis management, and physical fitness. Her time in the military instilled in her the invaluable trait of adaptability, a distinctive feature of her character.

Following her military service, Taiga pursued another adventure, this time as a firefighter. Stationed in Dublin, Ireland, she dedicated four years to this role while concurrently pursuing her education. Her tenure as a firefighter equipped her with expertise in crisis management, allowing her to navigate high-stress situations and emergencies with the same composure as military personnel. Furthermore, her experiences in the fire service influenced her approach to mentorship, providing her with a unique perspective on leadership and guidance, skills that would later shape her career as a teacher.

In her next career phase, from ages 25 to 27, Taiga transitioned into the role of a teacher. Armed with knowledge acquired during her military service and firefighting days, including medical training, EMT qualifications, and first aid and CPR certifications, she embarked on a journey of further education. She pursued additional courses and obtained her PDH to realise her dream of becoming a teacher.
As a teacher, Taiga had the opportunity to contribute to her field through research, a dimension of her work enriched by her previous experiences and interests. Her multifaceted career journey also influenced her teaching style. Drawing from practical, real-world examples and instilling a strong sense of discipline in her students, she created a distinctive and engaging learning experience.

Taiga's remarkable odyssey, transitioning from the military to the fire department and ultimately becoming a professor, has endowed her with a unique blend of skills, experiences, and perspectives. Her story epitomises adaptability, unwavering commitment to public service, and a deep dedication to education. In her respective fields, she stands as an inspiring and truly distinctive individual.

What is their outlook on Students?
Taiga offers a distinct perspective regarding her students and the broader student community. While she acknowledges their enthusiasm for learning, she also regards them as peers, unafraid to employ discipline when necessary. She fully understands the inherent unpredictability of students, even though she possesses a knack for recognizing their individual traits. A continual focus of hers is comprehending their varied learning styles, whether they favour visual, auditory, hands-on, or a combination thereof. She diligently tailors her teaching approach to accommodate these preferences, fully aware of the weighty responsibility it carries.

Taiga holds a steadfast belief that each student harbours the potential for success and is unwavering in her commitment to ensure no one gets left behind. Her door is always open for students seeking extra assistance, answers to personal queries, study tips, or guidance in tackling challenging topics, including those they may have encountered in the past. In such instances, she crafts specialised modules within her classes, easing comprehension and preparation. Recognizing that students lead diverse lives, she also acknowledges their resourcefulness and unwavering determination.

What about the other teachers?
Taiga's interactions with her colleagues exhibit a range of engagement levels. She tends to be more reserved or disinterested when interacting with younger or newer colleagues, often immersing herself in tasks. However, she holds her older or more senior colleagues in high regard, extending them the utmost respect. While she may occasionally come across as distant or engage in brief conversations, she maintains politeness and readily assists when asked, whether it's aiding with a class or other responsibilities.
Taiga places a strong emphasis on self-care and directs her attention towards her students and those in need of her support and protection. Despite her reserved demeanour, she remains ever-willing to offer assistance to anyone in need. Her primary motivation at work is not to establish friendships or forge close personal bonds with coworkers; rather, it is to earn a living and mould the minds of the upcoming generation. The cultivation of deep work relationships does not rank high on her list of priorities.

What is their personality like?
Taiga possesses a warm and welcoming disposition, always striving to be open and sincere in her interactions. She demonstrates a remarkable adaptability that proves invaluable in a world where circumstances can change in an instant, whether it's the needs of her students or the unpredictable flow of the day. Growing older has brought her a sense of self-assuredness, where she no longer dwells on what others may think of her; instead, she focuses on seeking the positives and approaches each situation with care and authenticity.
Taiga has honed her time-management skills, allowing her to gauge precisely what tasks she can accomplish within a given timeframe. This skill empowers her to plan effectively for her classes and activities, ensuring optimal use of her time. Patience is another virtue she carries with grace, and she makes a conscious effort to remain approachable and empathetic. Recognizing that students and colleagues may be facing their own challenges, she extends a compassionate ear and seeks to understand their perspectives. Honesty and truthfulness are integral to her character, providing a foundation for offering genuine opinions and empathising with others' experiences. Her adaptability further enhances her ability to comprehend diverse viewpoints and adapt to changing circumstances.

What is their plan for the future?
First and foremost, Taiga aims to retire gracefully between the ages of forty and fifty, bringing her career as a Military Veteran and Firefighter EMT to a close. This decision reflects her desire to transition into a more serene and tranquil phase of life. She envisions herself settling down with a loving partner who will share in the joys of this new journey. Taiga dreams of owning a quaint shop, perhaps one that resonates with her passions and interests. This shop would serve as both a source of income and a creative outlet, allowing them to curate a unique and fulfilling life together. Her future plans encompass tranquillity and companionship, she remains grounded in her present reality. She continues to work diligently, striving to foster meaningful friendships and connections along the way. In addition to nurturing her social circle, she hopes to find a loving partner who will join her on this exciting path. Ultimately, Taiga's future is a tapestry of well-crafted dreams and ambitions, combining her past experiences with a desire for serenity and the warmth of companionship. As she works toward her goals, she is driven by the hope of realising a life filled with love, contentment, and the joy of newfound adventures.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life.
Early life; Born to 10
Taiga DeArmond entered this world in the quaint town of Kingston, nestled in the heart of Ontario, Canada. Her family was a blend of Irish and English-Canadian heritage, with an Irish mother and an English-Canadian father. A few years into her life, Taiga welcomed a new member into the family, her little sister Sophie, who arrived when Taiga was just three years old. The two sisters shared a bond forged in their age difference, precisely three years apart.
During Taiga's toddler and early childhood years, she was smitten with her baby sister, harbouring a fierce desire to protect and assist her. She eagerly lent a hand in taking care of her mother and her little siblings. Those early years were marked by Taiga's unbridled enthusiasm for her familial responsibilities. However, as the sands of time continued to flow, change was inevitable.
By the time Taiga reached the age of ten, a transformation took hold. The demands of elementary school introduced a new set of challenges, and her youthful enthusiasm began to wane. Taiga found herself yearning to explore her own interests and passions, as her mother and the responsibilities of her early years took a backseat in her evolving journey.

Teen years; 10 - 17
As Taiga transitioned into her tween and teen years, a defining trait emerged within her – a deep-seated desire to care for others. Within her circle of friends, she naturally assumed the role of the "mom friend," always ready to offer support, lend a helping hand, and, more notably, tend to their injuries and ailments. It was during these formative years that Taiga's affinity for medicine began to flourish.
She discovered an inherent fascination with medical knowledge. Instead of shying away from the sight of injuries or discomfort, she leaned into it, eagerly taking notes and absorbing everything she could about the human body and healthcare. What set Taiga apart was her genuine enjoyment of this pursuit; she found solace in the process of healing and the art of medicine.
As she delved deeper into her newfound passion, Taiga decided to channel her energy into formal education. She dedicated herself to the rigorous study of all things medical, pouring over textbooks, attending classes, and embracing the challenging yet rewarding journey of medical knowledge acquisition. With time, she not only honed her understanding of medicine but also her ability to effectively communicate her expertise.
Taiga's journey was not solitary; she shared her burgeoning knowledge with her family, evolving into a teacher within her own home. Through patient explanations and engaging discussions, she conveyed complex medical concepts to her loved ones as if she were an instructor. It was through these interactions that Taiga realised her gift for teaching, a talent that she could transform into a meaningful profession.
In her earlier years, she unearthed a passion for caring for others, but now, as she matured into her own, Taiga discovered an equally fervent passion for sharing that care through the art of teaching. The realisation that she could merge her love for medicine and her gift for instruction to create a fulfilling career path filled her with a sense of purpose and determination for the future.

Young Adult; 18 - 21
Although Taiga had discovered her passion for teaching, an unexpected longing took root within her heart – the desire to serve in the Canadian military. Her love for teaching would soon intersect with her newfound path as she embarked on this remarkable journey. Upon enlisting in the military, Taiga realised that she yearned to make a difference as a medic. Armed with the knowledge she had acquired from books and online lectures prior to her service, she swiftly earned her first aid and CPR certifications upon joining. However, her journey was just beginning, and she eagerly embraced the opportunity to expand her medical expertise within the military framework. The military became not only a training ground for medical procedures but also a profound school of life. Taiga's time in service imparted valuable lessons that transcended the medical field. She learned the essence of respect, the art of adapting to change, and the necessity of swift adjustment in ever-evolving environments. With the military, change was a constant companion. Frequent relocations forced Taiga to quickly immerse herself in new cultures, languages, and surroundings. Each transfer brought with it a fresh set of responsibilities and challenges, further moulding her into an adaptable and resourceful individual.
It was during her final deployment that Taiga's leadership potential shone brightly. She found herself leading and managing a group of fellow servicemembers, proving herself adept at coordinating and guiding others in high-pressure situations. Recognizing her natural teaching abilities and her knack for providing direction, her superiors urged her to consider a new role, that of an instructor. Thus, Taiga's military journey took an unexpected turn, merging her love for teaching with her newfound military expertise. She was poised to return to her passion, not only as a medic but also as a mentor to her fellow comrades, ensuring that her knowledge and experience would benefit the next generation of service members. In this way, Taiga's service became a testament to her adaptability, her unwavering commitment to growth, and her unique ability to inspire and educate others in the face of challenges.

Mid 20’s; 21 - 25
Taiga's military career, marked by her ascent to the role of instructor and dedicated service as a medic, was abruptly interrupted when she received the heart-wrenching news of her mother's passing due to cancer. At the tender age of 22, her world was turned upside down, and an overpowering urge to be with her grieving family overtook all other priorities. In a heartfelt conversation with her military superiors, Taiga sought permission to depart from her recent tour in Kosovo and make her way to Dublin, Ireland, where her mother had been undergoing treatment. Her unwavering dedication to her family led to her decision to step away from the military entirely, despite her promising career and the deep connections she had forged with her colleagues.
Though she had left the military, Taiga remained connected with her comrades, as the bonds formed in the crucible of military service were not easily severed. Her friendships endured, a testament to the lasting impact she had made during her time in uniform. Upon her arrival in Dublin, Taiga's life took a new turn as she sought a fresh purpose. She became a member of the Irish Fire Department, where she served as an EMT for the aid car for a span of five years, from ages 22 to 26. This period of her life was marked by courage and selflessness as she raced against time to respond to emergencies and save lives. However, as her residency in Ireland drew to a close, Taiga found herself at a crossroads once again. The bonds of family called her back to her homeland in Canada, where she had to bid farewell to her colleagues at the Irish Fire Department. Today, Taiga stands as a resilient individual, having navigated through the highs and lows of a military career, family loss, and a dedicated service in emergency response. Her journey is a testament to her unyielding dedication to those she cares for and her readiness to adapt to life's ever-changing course, no matter where it may lead her next.

Current; 25 - 28
As Taiga embarked on a series of diverse careers, one constant thread wove through her professional journey—her innate talent for teaching. Even as she navigated various paths, she found herself repeatedly drawn to the role of an educator. Her journey led her to a significant decision at the age of 24. Taiga decided to bid farewell to her role at the fire department, recognizing her longing for a deeper connection with teaching and a thirst for knowledge that only higher education could quench. With this realisation, she made a pivotal choice: to return to school and embark on a journey toward earning her Ph.D. Over the course of three intensive years, Taiga pursued her studies with unwavering dedication, transitioning from elementary-level education to the realm of college-level instruction. It was during this academic odyssey that she discovered a profound passion for working with older students. The complexities of higher education, the depth of engagement, and the exchange of ideas among her college students resonated deeply with her.
Upon achieving the prestigious title of professor, Taiga's career took on a new trajectory. Her newfound love for teaching found its ideal niche in higher education. It was during this time that she nurtured a vision to travel to Karakura, Japan. Her objective was clear—to continue her own education and share her expertise with college students there, particularly in the field of Emergency Medicine and First Aid/CPR. With a wealth of practical experience, she not only educated but also provided CPR/First Aid certifications to her eager students. Taiga's life as a professor became her true calling, and she aspired to dedicate herself to this role until at least the age of fifty. Her passion for teaching, coupled with her commitment to imparting life-saving knowledge, formed the cornerstone of her professional journey. In doing so, she fulfilled her desire to continue learning and shaping the future of those she had the privilege to educate, leaving an indelible mark on the world of academia.



Full Name:

Taiga DeArmond
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Mrs. DeArmond
Given Name(s):
Tiger, Tai
Preferred Name:
Taiga DeArmond

Age: 30 (08/04/1995)
Gender & pronouns:
Female - She/Her
Phone #: (030) 613-5488

Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:

Current Location:
Kinsale, Ireland. Relocating to Karakura, Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):


Working Experience (# of years):
6 years - non teaching
3 - years as a teacher

Academic Degree:
doctoral degree (PHD)

Year of Graduation:
2012 - High school
2015 - College

Emergency Medicine
Biology, Education

Native Languages:
Other Languages:

Preferred Teaching Subject:
First aid

Extra: N/A

Additional notes about your application (if any): N/A​
Last edited:


Level 78
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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