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Bring back Kill Permissions *NOT CLICKBAIT*


Level 134
So for the suggestion proposed I get that people want kill permissions to be obtainable again but the reason I want to know is why? Since its removal I have had so much more fun with players gangrping, within Akihito clan yes but also random players in other gangs that before KPS was removed would only be interested in trying to use perms on me, but yet since this rule chance was made by hebwig I know for a fact that within my roleplaying it is much more enjoyable. Players are able to "GangRP" without getting killed, the quotations are for instances like delinquent gangs, that want to experience criminal roleplay however they don't run around with murder as a sole purpose and therefore it allows them to come onto the scene and roleplay properly without limitations because of other "perm hungry" gangs that once dominated SRP.

In my own opinion as a player that's been on this server for a great number of years, I have played through all 3 maps and gangrped on the 2nd and the 3rd (Current map) I have been through a large majority of different "era's" of gangrp as people will call them, Kage, Bashkimi, Owari, ZT, Miyagi, Mondai, Bakuto, Akihito and many more gangs between. A very large gang at one point being Ghost 2.0, more commonly just referred to as Ghost was lead by CarnageRP (@CarnageRP) and myself, and yeah during the time leading this gang was fun, we got to a point where we had so many members and weapons that literally no gang could oppose us and yes I am one of the very hated gangrpers that i am talking about, During the days of Ghost, ZT and Miyagi all GangRP was, was perms, that's all that mattered to everyone involved, how many kills and how many weapons they had. However now Gangrping/criminalrping without killing and majoring people it is far more enjoyable for all parties involved.

Kill permissions being removed from the server at first may have seemed very big and "oh wow" however its really not that big of a surprise, many other roleplay servers (I wont name them here) only have consented Kill permissions because they value the roleplay above running around and killing someone with a longsword or katana. In my own opinion I believe that while on SRP which is a RP server, roleplay should be the number one priority and should be valued above everything else, players should be able to have fun and take part in ALL aspects of roleplay without being limited out of fear of their character dying. I have been there, done that and got the T-Shirt (RIP Enzo gbnf) but there is nothing worst than creating lore, making biography's and such for characters that then because of one wrong move cannot play that character.

The above statement which kana said I agree with 100%, why should some random player have the ability to kill off a character that may have been on the server for 1, 2 maybe even 3 years? All that lore down the drain due to someone that just wants a ss of you doing /lay on the floor for their public activity??

Ill say what I always say, wanna make a gang and go around killing people? download GTAworld or FiveM and go shoot at people, people are on SchoolRP to roleplay and have fun while doing it. SchoolRP is a place where people should be able to make a character and roleplay how they see fit with said character that they have created, they shouldn't have to limit themselves due to the fear of losing their hard earned character.​


Level 16

I am tired of answering suggestions for some reason, but I felt this specific one needed my opinion. Hebwig fought hard to make the kill perms change; from my perspective, it has only improved GangRP. No longer are people scared that 10 people kill them in ballistic masks surrounding them, they actually get to play their character the way their character is written without fearing if the said character will be alive tomorrow. Perma death is heavily frowned upon in other roleplaying communities, let's hold ourselves to a higher standard. There have been MANY cases where kill perms were consented. Of course, I understand the want for more risk, but how about we focus on adding risks outside of character deaths? Make the police crackdown more, more evidence left at crime scenes, make it so that GANGS have kill perms on their members. Remove advanced technology, such as the eye transplants you mentioned. Have prosthetics have to be approved by staff members via forums applications (like they used to be).

I can see this doing the pro of bringing more risk, but it'll also bring the con of making people scared to roleplay the characters that THEY wrote. Characters are the property of the writer, only the writer should decide when their character dies.
But those rpers that you ask to consent for kps say no those rpers that surrounds individuals that they have kps on!
The system is easily taken advantage of nowdays!
(I already suggested this)


Level 15
But those rpers that you ask to consent for kps say no those rpers that surrounds individuals that they have kps on!
The system is easily taken advantage of nowdays!
(I already suggested this)
I know for a fact that this is a lie, many roleplayers, Imkana and myself included will give anyone kill perms on our characters aslong as it makes sense from an IRP stand point and there is good reasoning and such, its all about the roleplay, if people don't give kps then yeah move on and just dont give them kps either its that easy :)​


Level 134
If you can't gangrp without kill permissions, you don't belong Gangrping. Thats just my take.


Level 200

Eesh, I'm split on this. I haven't read many of the replies but I've read a few including the thread. See, I would totally agree with this suggestion IF the community was different. On one hand, you have the aspect of making gangrp alive again! Recently the server had felt a little dry in that aspect, while sure I've been on much less, things just feel - different. On the other hand, if you bring this back, the community will not get better or might get worse—crime wise. Some of those who are toxic have left yes, but I feel like as soon as this is introduced a bunch will happen at once. No one wants anymore unnecessarily detailed but plain and straightforward copy/pastes anymore... right? I'm not sure, there will have to be ALOT more changes to the rules though and it'll just be hard to read through if you don't have common sense. Maybe if someone wrote a full on gangrp handbook, idk. I'm very in-between, I like it but there is cons.


Level 60

The above statement which kana said I agree with 100%, why should some random player have the ability to kill off a character that may have been on the server for 1, 2 maybe even 3 years? All that lore down the drain due to someone that just wants a ss of you doing /lay on the floor for their public activity??
If you can't gangrp without kill permissions, you don't belong Gangrping. Thats just my take.
Basically my thoughts on this situation in a bundle, -1


Level 129
If you can't gangrp without kill permissions, you don't belong Gangrping. Thats just my take.
This echoes my opinion. Gang roleplay shouldn't be considered a game, it is roleplay, meaning there shouldn't be no winning or losing.

If anything, perhaps it would be better if there was a way for players to ask staff about kill perms if their character has a very strong motive to do it, considering past conflicts.


Level 110
When the permissions became consented, the risk factor to the game and to the character was near eliminated.

boy x_z is going to love this suggestion now that i'm two months out of staff and that was enough of time to consider bringing kps back looool

if you read my responses in the original thread, no it was not....risk was nowhere near eliminated when the threat of losing limbs & eyes & whatever the hell still exists. here's a good suggestion to help balance this out rather than bringing back a system that no writing-based roleplay community prioritizes: nerf the hospital's ability to give prosthetics....make people pay in-game money to have them. not to mention, the other instances listed currently in the rules as exceptions to consented kill permissions are another existence of risk

i can agree with an idea of coming up with more exceptions to the consented kps — this is the same thing hirathex suggested in the original thread

This didn't work in Heb's favor whatsoever. People within the crime faction found other ways to permanently remove a character and refused to prioritize actual roleplay and writing quality.

it did. if you think a character losing both eyes is just the death of your character, you are so wrong......sawa taigyoku is legally blind & roleplaying with her was still fun. i was bmd & did so many cool events. a massive point in the original suggestion was to ensure that people were not forcefully having their characters deleted — just because your character loses their eyes or their limbs and becomes a vegetable does NOT mean you can stop rping as that character. that's YOUR choice. don't let something like that limit you.....

....the reason why you can still engage in major assault unconsented, though, is because risk is something we still want. we don't want characters permanently deleted out of force (when in usual writing based roleplay communities, permanent death is through consent). that's why the risk of your character losing their eyes or their limbs exists still rather than just having your character deleted

- Major Assault Perms: I feel like if you're engaged enough to cut someone's limb off with a weapon after they were knocked out, you should be able to kill them, considering they inflicted permanent damage on your character

- Hitman: I feel like this should be a rule that applies to all permissions. If I pass Minor Assault Perms on player X to Player Y, player X will get minors on me. Same goes with majors and KPS

this sounds good. introduce a few more exceptions that are difficult to obtain, don't just bring back kps completely. as a roleplay community, you should not want your character or anyone else's character in this collaborative writing server permanently removed

so many gangrpers ended up coming to me, both when i was staff and when i was leaving, about how the rule was a great addition and helped better gangrp. i could name some unexpected gangrpers that fit this bill. don't fix what isn't broken. i feel like the title of the thread was a bit misleading hahaha..... tl;dr yes add more exceptions if you really don't like kps as they are now (even though risk exists and you can still rp as a character even if they are blind or limbless) but it's not really necessary considering all of the benefits we've reaped


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Thread starter
boy x_z is going to love this suggestion now that i'm two months out of staff and that was enough of time to consider bringing kps back looool

if you read my responses in the original thread, no it was not....risk was nowhere near eliminated when the threat of losing limbs & eyes & whatever the hell still exists. here's a good suggestion to help balance this out rather than bringing back a system that no writing-based roleplay community prioritizes: nerf the hospital's ability to give prosthetics....make people pay in-game money to have them. not to mention, the other instances listed currently in the rules as exceptions to consented kill permissions are another existence of risk
I apologize for not making it clearer, it wasn't a suggestion to bring back KPS completely, rather bring it back with extreme caution. Most rules that would allow you to obtain KPS before would be eliminated and the only 2-3 rules that would allow you to kill is Major (depending on what limb you take), hit man, and/OR kidnapping. As yonio said, snitching and all other KPS oriented rules wouldn't apply to this making people who don't wish to gangrp not have to suffer from it.


Level 25

Okay so this is my second time writing a response to this... So I will try and cover everything that I did before my computer crashed. I've read through multiple if not all of the replies on this thread as I'm writing my reply, but of course someone could have posted something while I'm typing this. Nonetheless, I have a sort of neutral thought about it, but definitely lean towards -1. I heavily agree with Nylu, ImKana, Aidanator14, and Yonio.

Hitman: While I think the idea makes sense, I don't know that its plausible in SRP now. Especially when it comes to getting KPS in the first place. Additionally, in the current rules, you're not allowed to pass KPS permissions at all. When giving consent, you get to say who can get it and for how long.

Majoring: I also understand where this is coming from. But majors are passed around and anyone can have them, especially on the fact that after you KO someone, they have majors. I think this would just lead into KPS becoming exactly what it was previously. Additionally, I'll state what Nylu did from Hebwig and her thread post:
"As aforementioned, forced & permanent character death would not be as rampant. This benefits everybody, as nobody likes when their character dies, and it would give people more time to fully flesh out their characters and allow them to flourish, regardless of what path they choose to take." - Hebwig (FEEDBACK | KILL PERMISSIONS RE-EVALUATION)

Kidnapping: I also understand this one. If you can go as far as kidnapping someone and holding them for multiple days against their will, it would make sense for KPS to be granted. But I worry about the wording of things. I believe this would unfortunately cause major disputes over what can and cannot be considered KPS granting and what not. Causing more OOC conflict that was for a large part been taken away from because of KPS being consented now. Hebwig also mentioned this in her thread:
"The more we overcomplicate our permissions, the more that arguments will take place. If you consider all of the benefits that I've mentioned in the thread and my replies, we only have good things to bring with this feature." -Hebwig (FEEDBACK | KILL PERMISSION RE-EVALUATION)

When the permissions became consented, the risk factor to the game and to the character was near eliminated.
Hebwig also talked about this in her feeback post which I will post here:
"The risk is the KPD now. You want to intricately plan your crimes so that they don't find you, as they are the one exception (minus third party deals with BMD) to the consenting. Risk also exists in who you allow in your inner circle in-roleplay as they could be the person who takes your limb or eyes or kidnaps you for several days on end (as that would be one of the new additions if this is accepted). The risk should not be the consequences of killing another character. As I stated in another reply, forced / permanent character death is extremely frowned upon in roleplay communities and is a huge part as to why GangRP does not have a good reputation now." -Hebwig (FEEBACK | KILL PERMISSION RE-EVALUATION)

I have seen in multiple scenarios that people have given consent to KPS and believe that most people who are saying -1 on the threat here as well are the same people who, if it made sense ICly, would still given KPS consent now.

Though I know that the possibility of adding more scenarios to non-consented KPS would be something good to discuss. Just as ImKana put in his original reply to Hebwig's thread, the possibility of adding it so that verified gangs can kill members that leave their gangs is something to think about as well. But in the same hand, when there was KPS given to verified gangs, people would use that as their IC reason to hide. Stating that it's a gang and you should be scared leaving and would hide, yet once the seven days for permissions were up they stopped hiding.

Nonetheless, these are my thoughts and feelings towards the thread and as someone who is currently and consistently involved in the CrimeRP world.

I apologize for not making it clearer, it wasn't a suggestion to bring back KPS completely, rather bring it back with extreme caution. Most rules that would allow you to obtain KPS before would be eliminated and the only 2-3 rules that would allow you to kill is Major (depending on what limb you take), hit man, and/OR kidnapping. As yonio said, snitching and all other KPS oriented rules wouldn't apply to this making people who don't wish to gangrp not have to suffer from it.
Okay I saw this as I was typing my reply so I'm replying to it now, so, I apologize if I restate things that I've said before. As Hebwig stated multiple times in her first post, complete character death is something that shouldn't be as common as it was. And even still, I believe should stay where it is at this point. This brings up the same points she made of in other communities character death isn't as normal and even frowned upon in some instances. While I understand some of the frustration that people have with not being able to kill characters, I don't find that having KPS more included would add anymore roleplay opportunities.


Level 25
This echoes my opinion. Gang roleplay shouldn't be considered a game, it is roleplay, meaning there shouldn't be no winning or losing.

If anything, perhaps it would be better if there was a way for players to ask staff about kill perms if their character has a very strong motive to do it, considering past conflicts.
If you can't gangrp without kill permissions, you don't belong Gangrping. Thats just my take.
I also highly agree with these two. GangRP should not be based on how many people you can kill or obtaining permissions in any way. With the addition of more criminal world opportunities, I think that changing GangRP to be way more roleplay based instead of permission based is a good thing.


Level 27

Never. They were taken away for a reason. Killing off characters that were worked on for years or even months is cruel. Roleplay is meant to be fun, not a constant risk. If someone majors you, maybe. I just don't think anything other than that should allow you to carry out kps. Even major is kinda iffy.


Level 38
So for the suggestion proposed I get that people want kill permissions to be obtainable again but the reason I want to know is why? Since its removal I have had so much more fun with players gangrping, within Akihito clan yes but also random players in other gangs that before KPS was removed would only be interested in trying to use perms on me, but yet since this rule chance was made by hebwig I know for a fact that within my roleplaying it is much more enjoyable. Players are able to "GangRP" without getting killed, the quotations are for instances like delinquent gangs, that want to experience criminal roleplay however they don't run around with murder as a sole purpose and therefore it allows them to come onto the scene and roleplay properly without limitations because of other "perm hungry" gangs that once dominated SRP.

In my own opinion as a player that's been on this server for a great number of years, I have played through all 3 maps and gangrped on the 2nd and the 3rd (Current map) I have been through a large majority of different "era's" of gangrp as people will call them, Kage, Bashkimi, Owari, ZT, Miyagi, Mondai, Bakuto, Akihito and many more gangs between. A very large gang at one point being Ghost 2.0, more commonly just referred to as Ghost was lead by CarnageRP (@CarnageRP) and myself, and yeah during the time leading this gang was fun, we got to a point where we had so many members and weapons that literally no gang could oppose us and yes I am one of the very hated gangrpers that i am talking about, During the days of Ghost, ZT and Miyagi all GangRP was, was perms, that's all that mattered to everyone involved, how many kills and how many weapons they had. However now Gangrping/criminalrping without killing and majoring people it is far more enjoyable for all parties involved.

Kill permissions being removed from the server at first may have seemed very big and "oh wow" however its really not that big of a surprise, many other roleplay servers (I wont name them here) only have consented Kill permissions because they value the roleplay above running around and killing someone with a longsword or katana. In my own opinion I believe that while on SRP which is a RP server, roleplay should be the number one priority and should be valued above everything else, players should be able to have fun and take part in ALL aspects of roleplay without being limited out of fear of their character dying. I have been there, done that and got the T-Shirt (RIP Enzo gbnf) but there is nothing worst than creating lore, making biography's and such for characters that then because of one wrong move cannot play that character.

The above statement which kana said I agree with 100%, why should some random player have the ability to kill off a character that may have been on the server for 1, 2 maybe even 3 years? All that lore down the drain due to someone that just wants a ss of you doing /lay on the floor for their public activity??

Ill say what I always say, wanna make a gang and go around killing people? download GTAworld or FiveM and go shoot at people, people are on SchoolRP to roleplay and have fun while doing it. SchoolRP is a place where people should be able to make a character and roleplay how they see fit with said character that they have created, they shouldn't have to limit themselves due to the fear of losing their hard earned character.​
why is the top text so light

gold fish

Level 286
-1 Kill perms being consented is what made me want to delve into gangrp without losing Tobias to people. He’s brash, and talks a big game. I dont want him to die because of the way he was written.


Level 16
I know for a fact that this is a lie, many roleplayers, Imkana and myself included will give anyone kill perms on our characters aslong as it makes sense from an IRP stand point and there is good reasoning and such, its all about the roleplay, if people don't give kps then yeah move on and just dont give them kps either its that easy :)​

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