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It will definitely be edited and brought back with extreme caution should this suggestion be accepted. I appreciate the concern however.Neutral
Honestly, neutral this in general though I feel like if KPS rule that is not consenting does come back, you will have to have a lot of setbacks because people would honestly KPS your characters for no reason or newly turned red greenies that just doesn't know the rules as well and they take advantage of it. This is was an issue in the past where people would kill other characters who know really a reason if they don't know the rules, example of this was my friends who was role playing it didn't know the rules well with the permission side, he ballistic well in school grounds and head-butted someone. Usually this would be for a majors and it usually would bring minors within a SafeZone. I think at the time but the other player took advantage of him not knowing such rules and KPS them. Well in general I don't know how I feel about this cuz this hasn't really have any effect on me as I'm a person doesn't really gangrp like that but otherwise, I feel like KPS in general would have to be edited or whatever along with other permissions that people may toss around in this case major permissions. I feel as if major permissions also should be edited because people are tossing around like it's candy, mainly doing the sake of major permissions just for the activity of their gang and not for the roleplay experience.
Shi I posted my reply too fast LMAO. anyways if KPS were brought back, it’d be in a fashion where new players (red tags) cannot be targeted and baited kps. They would have to execute certain major permissions or hitman permissions in order For someone to gain kps. “Baiting” permissions will be near impossible. Hope that rests some concerns for u!Neutral
Honestly, neutral this in general though I feel like if KPS rule that is not consenting does come back, you will have to have a lot of setbacks because people would honestly KPS your characters for no reason or newly turned red greenies that just doesn't know the rules as well and they take advantage of it. This is was an issue in the past where people would kill other characters who know really a reason if they don't know the rules, example of this was my friends who was role playing it didn't know the rules well with the permission side, he ballistic well in school grounds and head-butted someone. Usually this would be for a majors and it usually would bring minors within a SafeZone. I think at the time but the other player took advantage of him not knowing such rules and KPS them. Well in general I don't know how I feel about this cuz this hasn't really have any effect on me as I'm a person doesn't really gangrp like that but otherwise, I feel like KPS in general would have to be edited or whatever along with other permissions that people may toss around in this case major permissions. I feel as if major permissions also should be edited because people are tossing around like it's candy, mainly doing the sake of major permissions just for the activity of their gang and not for the roleplay experience.
There is a should and a shouldn't. You shouldn't power game for example. You should roleplay consequences, roleplaying consequences is a should.I would love to note that there is no one way of roleplaying!
’m an inexperienced gangrper and im trying to shelter underneath my friends, im aware of the sewers but most of the time get lost qhen trying to navigate them. I know that they wont kill him over minors, but Tobias as ive written him will spit on people, kick them in the nuts, and anger them enough that they’d want to. He’a a brash character and thats the way i like him. Gangrping with him would be rather frighting as ive said, and j like how Kana put it, they’re our characters so we should decide when their story ends.I’m not trying to spark up a debate, but i just wanted you to know that I see your side and know you’re experienced, but that just isnt how i like it!Hope you know that no1 is gonna kill your character over a minor perms, they will only if you hire a hitman, major an important limb/body part n stuff. There are ALOT of ways to avoid kps too, attires exist, karakura might seem small for you guys roleplay abilities but its actually a big map with an underground sewer system (where bmd hides btw :OOO) and you literally just have to do is get on a place no1 wld bother to check.
Hiya GangRP enthusiast and builder oInfi here, I would just like to reassure you that this in no shape way or form will hinder your ability to play your character the way you want to! This system is in fact designed to prevent people from dying unnecessary deaths but at the same time providing an alternative, still lore motivated method of GangRPing. You are fully capable of keeping your character safe, you can even major people and it wouldn’t result in KPS (depending on the limb you’d take). Only two things would allow your character to have KPS on their back. Those two things are extremely simple to avoid. Just don’t take a major limb or hire a hitman. I’m sure your character’s lore does not include hitman work and taking off whole arms and legs. If it does however, I guess this system just isn’t for you and that’s fineI
’m an inexperienced gangrper and im trying to shelter underneath my friends, im aware of the sewers but most of the time get lost qhen trying to navigate them. I know that they wont kill him over minors, but Tobias as ive written him will spit on people, kick them in the nuts, and anger them enough that they’d want to. He’a a brash character and thats the way i like him. Gangrping with him would be rather frighting as ive said, and j like how Kana put it, they’re our characters so we should decide when their story ends.I’m not trying to spark up a debate, but i just wanted you to know that I see your side and know you’re experienced, but that just isnt how i like it!
Hiya GangRP enthusiast and builder oInfi here, I would just like to reassure you that this in no shape way or form will hinder your ability to play your character the way you want to! This system is in fact designed to prevent people from dying unnecessary deaths but at the same time providing an alternative, still lore motivated method of GangRPing. You are fully capable of keeping your character safe, you can even major people and it wouldn’t result in KPS (depending on the limb you’d take). Only two things would allow your character to have KPS on their back. Those two things are extremely simple to avoid. Just don’t take a major limb or hire a hitman. I’m sure your character’s lore does not include hitman work and taking off whole arms and legs. If it does however, I guess this system just isn’t for you and that’s fine
Nah I totally understand that you're all good :DIt doesn’t! currently though he is out for revenge.. Thanks for responding with my concerns. Posting on forums like these are scary nowadays..
This is exactly what consented KPS provides, but without the needless interference from staff members. Why make things more complicated?+1 Expect I want it to be EXTREMELY HARD to get KPS on someone, requiring for an admin to watch it go down. and for admin to approve of the situation considering how annoying it is to lose a char. It should be almost like an event with everything thought out carefully, not people running up, ko'ing u. stabbing ur carotid and ending ur char.
In response to this one, it is a bit of a double-edged sword. On one hand, from a development standpoint, if you discover someone killed someone important to your character, they would understandably want revenge. But on the other hand, someone could allow their character to die so their gang or friends can kill your character. My opinion on this would be more neutral than everything, since it could be roleplayed out amazingly, but it could also just be another way for people to gain KPS.To those who put a +1, or are on the neutral side, what is your opinion on receiving KPS upon figuring out a character’s death? Obviously consented perms and obtainable perms would be separated (I.e. you’d have to consent to kps if you killed someone who consented to kps). Should KPS in fact be obtainable via learning who killed another person?
Currently, as it stands, once you major in someone you practically have nothing to fear. You'll get majored back, go to the hospital to get patched up, and then continue roleplaying as if nothing happens. This does not mean I want majors to equal kill permission again but just giving an example of the current issues with the way KPS works right now.
?????????????????????????????????? Wait wghatincluding hebwig herself, now dislike the idea of consented KPS.
oih my bad, i read wrong?????????????????????????????????? Wait wghat
never said this....
Ruin you right rolling and simple roleplay is of course still roleplay thats a giving, the issue is running around as a 18 year old with 50 katana's 400+ confirmed kills, this should not be how SRP is used, roleplay is up to the user as you said, so therefore kill perms shouldn't be around for the reason that you have stated.Forreal! No1 is blocking you from how YOU wanna roleplay, people just want to have OTHER ways to roleplay. Rolling combat / simple roleplay still counts as a way of roleplaying!
With having a gang of masked people all with katana's trying to hunt me around karakura, that my friend is blocking me from how I want to roleplay. So using your logic why should KPS be brought back when it will affect and block many people from roleplaying the way that they are wanting too."No1 is blocking you from how YOU wanna roleplay, people just want to have OTHER ways to roleplay."
my brother in christ gang of masked people wont chase you if you dont run in with a katana and stab them allWith having a gang of masked people all with katana's trying to hunt me around karakura, that my friend is blocking me from how I want to roleplay. So using your logic why should KPS be brought back when it will affect and block many people from roleplaying the way that they are wanting too.