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[C] LK's College Council App


Level 67

What is your Minecraft Username?:

Past warns/kicks/bans?:
Ban for AvoidRP; back in September of 2020 (Appealed)
Ban for Advertisement; back in early December (Revoked)
Ban for Bypassing; literally later the same day as previous (Revoked)
Warn for FailRP; for not FearRPing Back in December (False Warn - Miscommunication)
Warn for Toxicity; About a month ago. A time my temper of being attacked multiple times by a multitude of people resulted in a warning

What is your timezone?:
EST (GMT -5)

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?:
LK GamingYT#1436

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):
Chinese Application - ACCEPTED
Russian Application - ACCEPTED
Spanish Application - ACCEPTED
Professor Application - ACCEPTED
Russian Application 2 - ACCEPTED
Spanish Application 2 - ACCEPTED
Police Application - DENIED
JSL Application - DENIED
German Language - DENIED
College Application - DENIED
College ApplicationV2 - DENIED
Councillor Application - DENIED
Event Team - DENIED
Police V2 - DENIED

Describe your activity on the server?:

I've play an average of 9 hours on the server a day. From a rough estimate, I'd say I've played at least 2,000 hours on SRP.

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:
Yes I completely understand and respect that.


What is the student council?:
Student Council is a group of students who work in providing the students or Karakura comfort. They help students with things such as help with school assignments, they show them around and help a student in need. They encourage others in their studies, and help them improve. Additionally, councilors would discuss with each other to think of ideas on improving the school as well as punish students not behaving.

Who or what brought you to apply for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc):
OnTerm encouraged me too after I expressed interest in /ooc. However I thought it was always quite cool what they do. It’s true I don’t know much, but I am quick at adapting, and can quickly learn them.

What does the school council of Karakura do?:
The student council keeps students feeling comfortable and having a fun, joyful, and safe environment at school. Sometimes, they have to stop students from causing troubles, but that's to keep other students safe and away from any bullying/harm. Councilors would also help students with assignments if they're having any trouble and take them to their specified classes if they're lost.

How would you describe your work ethic?:
Something that would describe my work ethic is determined. If it’s something I am fully taking seriously, I’ll work really hard to achieve it. In terms of Volleyball, I’ll get on almost daily with an alt, and I’ll just practice for an hour and a half by myself. (As long as I am not hogging a court) Ask any of my teammates in Football, or my Volleyball team, they’d tell you I am quite determined and I work HARD. This is 1 of the 3 spots on the server I’ve really wanted, I will work really hard to do it.

What interests you the most about the student council?:
Well I’ve always liked meeting new and unique RPers. Getting a chance to go around meeting new people having interesting RP experiences with them is something I desire. I also thought dealing with DeliquentRPers sounds fun, even though it isn't a councillors focus it’s something they occasionally experience. They are not like officers of the school, but they do protect students in terms of providing stability and a comfortable environment for students.

Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?:
Yes. I’ve been involved with a lot of RP. I’ve done GangRP in my early SRP career, quit in December, I am experienced in DeliquentRP both DeliquentRPing and dealing with DeliquentRPers, JockRP, InnocentRP, I also am experienced in TeachingRP.


You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?:
I'd take the idea into consideration because if I submitted an awful idea, I sure wouldn't want someone to shame on me. If having the member improving the idea still doesn't work out, then I would begin disagreeing with the idea. If the idea has a chance of working out, I would try to think of ways to improve or add onto the idea. This way, there's a higher chance for the other councilors to agree with the idea. Though I doubt councilors would run into a situation similar to this, I still believe this is what I would do.

In a situation where you propose an idea, and everyone else dislikes it. How would you go about this?:
I would first and foremost try to explain why I think it’s a good idea. If the others don’t like it, I would begin thinking of what I could do to improve the idea in any way. Once I have a reasonable idea written out, I would once again, show my idea to the council members and get their opinion of it. If they continue to disagree with the idea, I would simply drop the idea. If it does work out, I could try talking to higher ups like the Council Vice-Presidents, Presidents, or even the SLT to help me improve on it.

There is a split decision on an idea. The councilors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?:
Taking the situation into consideration, I would try to stop the argument. If I'm unable to, I'd try to get the Council Vice-President or President to step in. If that still doesn't work out, contacting a faculty member or SLT would probably be the best chance out there. However, I don't see a problem like this happening in the council since all councilors probably have to submit an application as well.

A councilor is stirring up problems and bullying students on school grounds! What would you do?:
If I catch one of the councilors bullying students, I would immediately step in and try to stop the fight. I'd take out my phone to call a faculty member, preferable a counselor to help if the student got mentally or physically traumatized by the councilor. Adding onto this, I would also contact one of the higher-ups on the team (Vice-President, President, SLT) to handle the situation with the councilor. With that being done, I would simply leave the higher-ups to deal with the situation and if they need me, I'll answer, otherwise, the situation is no longer in need of me.

The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?:
If it were to contain a debate, I would simply debate back. If it turns into an argument, I would take a moment to realize that it was in fact an argument and once I did, I would bring it up with the higher-ups (the SLT). If the argument were to cause the other members to turn on me, I'd simply bring the situation up with the SLT.

There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councilors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?:
I’d ask them what it’s about, and to please stop fighting. Taking both answers into consideration, I would think up of the best possible solution I could think of and try to get them to stop. If they continue to fight each other, it would be a simple solution to bring it up with the Vice-President and/or President. If the two councilors begin fighting instead, it would be a reasonable answer to simply ask the SLT what to do. Possibly one of them being removed from the team?

There’s a school faculty member abusing their power on school grounds! What do you do?:
If I realized what was going on, I would immediately contact the SLT members. They'll hopefully take care of the faculty member causing trouble and I would be placed out of the scene. If no SLT members are available at the current time, I would run it up with the other council members, including the Vice-President and President to get the faculty member to stop.

Your friend has been given detention and has asked you to get them out of trouble. What do you do?:
We all know friends don't get any special treatment. It's like in every movie! Moving on, I would simply say no to their request. Asking me to get them out of what they did would be like using me, which I do not want a friend of mine to do. If they suddenly get angry, I would simply run it up with a faculty member running the detention or a higher-up that is authorized to deal with this kind of situation. Adding to that, if they really did ask me for help, I would simply unfriend them, now knowing they were using me.


Character Name: Hidekazu ‘Kazu’ K. Otto

Character Gender: Male

Character Age: 20

Character phone-number:

Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality:
I’m really kind and polite, but also a determined athlete working on my body improving my skills. However, especially since I graduated High School, I have been taking college a lot more seriously. I got a big future ahead of me, and I want to fulfill that.

Character appearance/attire:
A half-Russian male would stand at the height of 6'0, weighing at 175lbs. Looking at him, he'd appear with an semi-athletic build as well as dark red streaks of hair dye in his vibrant dark hair. Clothing-wise, he'd usually be seen wearing sporty clothing or a decently fancy outfit.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
My determination. That is a trumping factor I possess. With determination you can work up to anything you put your mind to. That's not all though, for my age some say I am pretty wise. My life was tough, so adapting to new environments is something that happened a lot. I can quickly adjust to this new position and help people in physical and mental troubles.

Why do you want this position?:
I enjoy helping people, helping people feels good and hits deep in the heart. School can also get boring, so it would be fun to obtain more responsibilities so I am not bored either. Finally, the most important factor, I want to have this in my Résumé. This would be a good experience for my future applications for jobs in my life.

What interests you the most about student council?:
More so would be dealing with delinquents. Dealing with delinquents would help me in understanding why they misbehave. With that knowledge, I could stop more of the delinquents and make the job easier. Another would be simply helping students with their assignments or just directing them to the right class. Additionally, if I were to become a councilor, it would be easier for me to communicate with students and get to know the school a bit more.
What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
Since council is a pretty decently high position in the school, I would probably be able to host a few more events for the school or help the school clubs with their events. For example, parties could be hosted on the roof (with permission from the SLT of course). That could benefit the school a lot by giving the school staff/faculty a better reputation, as well as add a better reputation to the SLT for allowing these events. Another event could be possibly a field trip, similar to the France trip. This wouldn't be done a lot since the budget would probably be a lot but hosting trips like these would probably get the students a lot more interested. (Obviously, it won't be done since there'll be a limited amount of players and it probably won't be easily set up but I feel like it could be a fun event.)​
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Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Congratulations! After both the council presidents and I have reviewed your application we decided to accept it!
To get your roles on the Karakura Academics discord applied ping @Tippie#6666 in #help, for the roles in-game you can either DM me or paste the link of this application in /help. Welcome to the student council!

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