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Council Elections | Phantwaun

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Level 10
Council elections are something that is common in almost every education system there is, it wouldn't be something out of the ordinary to see in a SchoolRP server.
I am well aware of that. But just because they are done in schools realistically, does not mean they have to be done on SRP. Real life and the fictional world are two different things.


Level 62
Thread starter
I am well aware of that. But just because they are done in schools realistically, does not mean they have to be done on SRP. Real life and the fictional world are two different things.
Yeah, but it wouldn't hurt! And the process wouldn't be hard at all if organized correctly. If it's beneficial to roleplay and there are qualifications for who runs, what's the harm?


Level 151
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I think an election after a character steps down would be cool since it’s not a staff role


Level 12
Neutral, leaning more towards +1.

Great idea role-play wise. The main issue would be biased voting which has already been stated and justified


Level 125
Student council elections don't need to make the person with the most votes become president. They can be rigged, meaning if the individual that has won does not fit OOCly, you can rig and change the results when necessary. This satisfies both sides of the argument: Roleplaying and Role-Fitting.


Level 125
Now, my own opinion leans towards approving the suggestion, but with alterations.

Karakura Highschool and College is a highly-regarded educational institution that has had prominent presidents and vice presidents that have left their mark on the school such as Mee-young Jaibatsume, Hiroshi Saiky, and Mavis Saiky.

The school president needs to be known and revered, though I have genuinely not seen that. A student council election would be a great opportunity to get to know the president and what they do for the school as a character. What type of person are they? What makes them so interesting? What have they done for the school? As much as I dislike saying this, the presidents of the school have to be known. They must be prominent. They must have a reputation.

Nominated students that will run for elections would be members of the student council or specific members of the student council. The debate of "Staff will be elected over everyone" has proved us wrong during the latest mayoral elections. Annabell Sturm, Karakura's first-ever female captain and KPD higher-up, was outvoted by Kiyoko Akai. How? Marketing and advertisement campaigns. Kiyoko Akai had a marvelous campaign and she won. The student council members running for presidency must do the same.

In the applications for the student council, a question that demonstrates the applicant's leadership would also be necessary. If ever student council elections were to come again, the current members of the student council would be ready and at least have had somewhat of experience in knowing what is required of them in the elections.



Level 174

As someone who worked with council in it for a short time, there is clear differences between experienced members and inexperienced. If we were to do an election and someone who didn't understand the council well was to be elected we'd have obvious problems. It's practically a game of blind man's bluff, we have no clue what's going to happen or if the outcome will be good.


Level 62
Thread starter

As someone who worked with council in it for a short time, there is clear differences between experienced members and inexperienced. If we were to do an election and someone who didn't understand the council well was to be elected we'd have obvious problems. It's practically a game of blind man's bluff, we have no clue what's going to happen or if the outcome will be good.
Read these:
Student council elections don't need to make the person with the most votes become president. They can be rigged, meaning if the individual that has won does not fit OOCly, you can rig and change the results when necessary. This satisfies both sides of the argument: Roleplaying and Role-Fitting.
I can assure you that if we had SLT select like four councillors INCLUDING VP to run for president, it wouldn't be someone with "no leadership experience" or "has never been in council" - All those concerns can be easily fixed by having requirements to run.
(it doesn't have to be all of the members, but it could be at the Faction Lead's discretion on who's fit & who isn't).


Level 67
As the College Council Vice-President I think it is high time I comment on this post. The idea is good and pure, I have mentioned this a few times within the council higher-ups chats. The real meaning for a council in real life, is to teach inspiring students about politicians, and though this is lost in SchoolRP, I've thought about ways to lowkey implement that. Especially now that a government faction exists inside of Karakura, however this idea in itself would simply not work for the student council. As Mookie has mentioned, we have allowed a saying for the councillors to vote on their Vice-President, however this would not be possible to implement for President in itself. I could see us possibly making elections school wide for a few potential candidates on electing for Vice-President, however to become president you need a certain experience and leadership to obtain. This is why a Vice-President stage exists, because during that stage is when you will learn to lead and truly become a President. I do not suppose it would hurt if we talked about doing a schoolwide vote for Vice-President, the idea would allow the student body to love our council more than ever before, giving a saying into who they have working over the student council and use their personal experiences to propel the council forward. I have a fair share of my own ideas I will discuss further in our next higher-ups meeting, that will tie into how we could go about doing this.



Level 272
I'm 100% sure it will go by favoritism in case it will be in elections, so I have to go with -1 . Even if there will be some requirements, it wouldn't matter and still will go by favoritism becasue in this case someone very popular will try to be the VP and in the end they will get selected even other will pass the requirements.
Saying it as a someone who's in the council for above a year, the system we have right now is totally okay. .LK & Mookie already said what I think about in general


Level 331
As long as SLT supervise the elections and make sure that the person that's elected DOES have the capabilities of "running" (I put running between quotation marks because, at the end of the day, the person in charge of Council is an SLT member, in this case Customable) the council ICly and somewhat OOCly.

There can also be other limitations such as a required duration in the council team before you can actually opt to be the council president. This would only happen if the actual player who's currently taking the spot of president steps down from the role OOCly, meaning that no current presidents / vice-presidents will have to give up their role if this is accepted


Level 148
School Clubs Lead
Content Team

I have thoroughly read through your comments and discussed this with the council higherups; The concept you propose is great, on paper.

The Council leadership has a certain delicate nature to it's balance, and to put the pick of who leads in the hands of the community would lead to too much variation or power in the hands of who may be the wrong pick, suddenly council becomes biased and problematic not only ICly but OOCly, it is best if the pick for who is president lies solely within the hands of myself and the pick for vice president lies within the hands of the president, so they that may choose who works with the best but a good candidate for it that the rest of the higher-ups agree with too.

"Just remove them if they abuse their power"

it becomes and seedless loop of removal until a good candidate is picked, leaving the council leaderless and vacant until a good option is chosen, its a scramble for a good option when I could have picked on myself.

"Its for the roleplay, even if you need to rig the election you can manipulate the result"

Giving council its corrupt nature not only ICly but OOCly too which will have complaints roll in about the choice of leadership or people on council, these are the issues you must consider when putting someone into power, how it will effect council not only short term but long term aswell, one wrong move can throw the balance scale off completely and set us all back to square one, suddenly council has less time to focus on your community and planning, and has to sort out its own internal issues aswell, which those of you not on council will not get to see regardless.

"What is the problem having conflict ICly, as long as it isn't brought up OOCly."

The problem is that it WILL be brought up OOCly, regardless of if you think I will not be, to ensure everyone is happy, it is better not to leave that option in the hands of the community who will only complain about their own choice to me.

"Having something like this wouldn't hurt the council"

It could, what you do not see ICly you see OOCly, people on the council itself are conflicted by who is put into power, suddenly the leadership and teamwork is thrown off because someone who was "Suitable" for the role's leadership is not liked by their fellow councillors; Having someone I know who was no problems with many of the others that can run the role is much more beneficial to the running of council than putting it up to a popularity contest

"Whats the problem with a little corruption ICly"

IC corruption turns into OOC corruption > council looses trust in its leadership > complaints are made not only ICly but now OOCly > I'm labelled as a biased faction lead > The name of council is tainted.

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