I have thoroughly read through your comments and discussed this with the council higherups; The concept you propose is great, on paper.
The Council leadership has a certain delicate nature to it's balance, and to put the pick of who leads in the hands of the community would lead to too much variation or power in the hands of who may be the wrong pick, suddenly council becomes biased and problematic not only ICly but OOCly, it is best if the pick for who is president lies solely within the hands of myself and the pick for vice president lies within the hands of the president, so they that may choose who works with the best but a good candidate for it that the rest of the higher-ups agree with too.
"Just remove them if they abuse their power"
it becomes and seedless loop of removal until a good candidate is picked, leaving the council leaderless and vacant until a good option is chosen, its a scramble for a good option when I could have picked on myself.
"Its for the roleplay, even if you need to rig the election you can manipulate the result"
Giving council its corrupt nature not only ICly but OOCly too which will have complaints roll in about the choice of leadership or people on council, these are the issues you must consider when putting someone into power, how it will effect council not only short term but long term aswell, one wrong move can throw the balance scale off completely and set us all back to square one, suddenly council has less time to focus on your community and planning, and has to sort out its own internal issues aswell, which those of you not on council will not get to see regardless.
"What is the problem having conflict ICly, as long as it isn't brought up OOCly."
The problem is that it WILL be brought up OOCly, regardless of if you think I will not be, to ensure everyone is happy, it is better not to leave that option in the hands of the community who will only complain about their own choice to me.
"Having something like this wouldn't hurt the council"
It could, what you do not see ICly you see OOCly, people on the council itself are conflicted by who is put into power, suddenly the leadership and teamwork is thrown off because someone who was "Suitable" for the role's leadership is not liked by their fellow councillors; Having someone I know who was no problems with many of the others that can run the role is much more beneficial to the running of council than putting it up to a popularity contest
"Whats the problem with a little corruption ICly"
IC corruption turns into OOC corruption > council looses trust in its leadership > complaints are made not only ICly but now OOCly > I'm labelled as a biased faction lead > The name of council is tainted.