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Create a plugin to track dents on a baseball bat


Level 199
I would just un-dent my bat by making dents all around the surface area of the bat, so that everywhere is equally dented, thus making it look like it isn't dented.

tell me why this wouldnt work
That’s until the bat gets so skinny from those dents that you can’t even tell if its a bat or a tree stick.


Level 14

i feel like it would help people to keep track of dents but i feel like it would not be very effective


Level 25
Community Team
I don't know anything about crimeRP so I can't comment on the usefulness of the addition, but this would not be difficult to add code-wise.


Level 51
Thread starter
I feel like the entire procedure might be difficult or simply too scuffed to implement.
It really wont be. Even a developer just said coding it will not be difficult.

I just feel like it'd be an even bigger mess for the poor devs to deal with or try and figure out how to even put into effect
Again, a developer just said that this wouldn't be hard to code.

also can we bring up the fact that everyone loves the idea...

but doesnt trust people that will use it..?
thats kinda sad if u ask me
Yeah, it's very sad how people don't just follow simple rules these days. It ruins great chances or potential of a plugin to be added just because of the stubbornness of the player-base.

From a KPD and Staff perspective there won’t be much achieved from this. People will still lie or complain it wasn’t them and cause issues. Someone will find a loophole around it and abuse that or just be a headache. It cannot be changed the best you can do is roleplay fairly and please be honest with KPD and staff. Those groups are here to help and support roleplay not shut it down.

Additionally it’s another plug-in which leads to more coding, things going wrong and just more lag and storage taken up on the server. It’s better to keep things simple then complex.
Why would someone complain and lie that it wasn't them over a simple bat right click? Wouldn't that just mean they're a clear trouble maker and shouldn't be playing on the server if they cannot do a simple task? Plus, if we're going to talk about not much being achieved from a rule, lets talk about the Rolling for Initiative. Thats a rule, but nobody abides by it. Why do we still have it?
We've already seen that people won't be honest with the KPD and staff, if you have no proof against them all they'll do is just lie about it (unless they're being actually truthful.) Plus, another staff member, @RexLobo, was one of the people who supported this idea, thus why it's on the forums today. Just pointing that out.

good idea but you’d still have to rely on other players to be honest about it so i don’t think it rly changes much
Just like we have to rely on every other player in the server to be honest and abide by rules, but there is always going to be those specific individuals who wont do it. We cannot change how people act or what people do, but we can try our best to influence them to do the right thing.


People can sometimes use metal bats for other roleplay situations then just this; Like destruction of property.
This rule and plugin would also have to include; Pipe wrenches, crowbars, spiked glove and spiked bat. Not to mention they'd also have to find a way to get it to connect to custom item's which would end up requiring a lot more work and I just really don't see this going anywhere. If yonio is present at the time he'll end up going back into their previous chat log's to check if they've done an action then continuing to warn them for 'lying out of characterly' and some players can just choose to not abide by this plugin.
Valid point, I Respect that.

Although, at the end of the day, It's always up to staff to see if this would fit well in the server; or at least if Kimi sees it fit. (I don't know how this suggestion stuff works behind the scenes...)


Level 115
people lie, that's just how the world is. A plugin around this won't stop playings from still lying and failRP'ing or whatnot, it just adds so much more 'trouble' to it which might not really resolve a lot either way.

but we can try our best to influence them to do the right thing.
To comment on this: We already are, kinda, since it's apart of the rules. Yet still as you said, some people just do not abide by them, so I don't think a system like this which from far away looks very good and nicely thought of, would actually help fix the problem


Level 81
To comment on this: We already are, kinda, since it's apart of the rules. Yet still as you said, some people just do not abide by them, so I don't think a system like this which from far away looks very good and nicely thought of, would actually help fix the problem
This. Ultimately, it's redundant - whether it's easy to code or not. People will always find loopholes, or other ways to break the rules undetected. The main flaw with the suggestion is the expectation that the community will be acting in good faith - and while I realize that it's pessimistic to doubt them, I'd rather not be proven right.
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Level 100
Community Team
Lore Team
I don't know anything about crimeRP so I can't comment on the usefulness of the addition, but this would not be difficult to add code-wise.

The amount of people who /do/ ignore the rules and claim their weapons aren't dented = lots.. As a BMD who sells the weapons, I can quite clearly tell that we don't get lots of pipe-wrench/bat orders, yet somehow every GangRPer's bat is undented.. you're telling me that you bought a bat months and months ago and then never ever put it to use? (yes, I know this DOES actually happen but I'm talking about the majority, not the minority)

! salty

Level 51

The amount of people who /do/ ignore the rules and claim their weapons aren't dented = lots.. As a BMD who sells the weapons, I can quite clearly tell that we don't get lots of pipe-wrench/bat orders, yet somehow every GangRPer's bat is undented.. you're telling me that you bought a bat months and months ago and then never ever put it to use? (yes, I know this DOES actually happen but I'm talking about the majority, not the minority)
yeah I just forgot to use it I've just been breakings legs with my prosthetic

but I laugh so hard when I see a pat down and the '/it Clean, undented!' pops up in chat because we all know that that is a LIE, no bat is staying with you undented.


Level 113
lolll idk how many times i've probably lied about my bat and i dont even combatrp that much
also pain in the ass to code whats the point


Level 51
Thread starter
lolll idk how many times i've probably lied about my bat and i dont even combatrp that much
also pain in the ass to code whats the point
also you just proved my point by adding the fact that you probably have lied about how much dents are on your bat, which will make this plugin prove useful if added.

lamby :3

Level 39
Community Team
Event Team
Weapon endurance = More Sale from BMD = More money = more money for me = more acitivy = more econmony

(Yes it'll be hard to code but much more realistic. If one Salem Sin goes around ambushing 50 guys with a bat, Wouldn't my bat become wonky?)


Level 39

I got dents in my bat, but not because of combat RP. My character destroys things with the bat inside his house when he gets angry; there are a lot of dents on the bat because of this. So if we implement this, then all the roleplay I did with the bat could A) not register, defeating the purpose of this, or B) Have a code that would register it, but it will be extremely. . . EXTREMELY complicated to make it work due to many other factors.

Additionally, there is a flaw in this suggestion:
The main reason why this suggestion is in place is in order to reduce the amount of RP and lying about the dent count. As you said:
This addition will reduce the amounts of failrp and lying about the dent count, or overall will help people not forget that they have used it.
But still, people can lie about it. . .
What if I accidentally right-click someone with the bat?: Simply, a confirmation button can be added when you right click someone. For example:

Are you sure you want to proceed with this act?

[YES] [NO].

Thus, if you mis-click someone, you simply press [NO] and it will cancel it.
How can they lie? A) Click NO. or B) Don't right click the person. . . Even worse, the right click doesn't show the other person that you followed this process; that would be a left click, which would show them that you physically hit them because your character moved, making it easier to visually use as evidence (Recordings or SS).
Additionally, if someone purposely doesn't do this, they can be warned or severely punished.
How is this gonna get checked? Seems like the same issue as now. If you want to go ask the person they fought with, and they say that your character did, in fact, use the bat, then why even bother using this plugin? It can be already checked by asking the people they interacted with. . . And STILL, people can lie, saying they bought another bat. . .

As I said earlier, there's some issues in this suggestion and I don't think that using this particularly will solve it. I do think that there needs to be some sort of tracking, and that's why I'm neutral about this.

Plus, if you wanna add the system, we need to consider non-combat situations. I understand the bat is COMMONLY used for combatRP. People can also dent bats by hitting objects, it's just not people and that will be a bigger issue to code.

! salty

Level 51
for the ppl saying "non-combat dents" they can just add a feature to add dents to a bat, somethin like


[SchoolRP] Are you sure you want to continue with this action? Re-type the command to confirm.


[SchoolRP] 1 dent added to your bat blablalbla

you could also add like a '/dentadd 5' but that might make people accidentally add more dents- and you cant add the ability to remove dents because that can be abused. so 1 at a time might seem good


Level 108
ok. last point im gonna make.

"/me pats down"

"/me sprays balalal with lu.inol"

/it no dents.

youve all seen this right? unless u are literally against yonio there is 0 way for people to know if you are lying or not. yes, this could help with this but if im being realpeople will say "oh i misclicked" or just not do this and lie about it. yes itd be cool but not everyone would stick to it. im afraid in terms of reality, this will just be a waste of a plugin

! salty

Level 51
ok. last point im gonna make.

"/me pats down"

"/me sprays balalal with lu.inol"

/it no dents.

youve all seen this right? unless u are literally against yonio there is 0 way for people to know if you are lying or not. yes, this could help with this but if im being realpeople will say "oh i misclicked" or just not do this and lie about it. yes itd be cool but not everyone would stick to it. im afraid in terms of reality, this will just be a waste of a plugin
my bat just doesjnt get damaged because its like made of space metal and it also eats all the blood it has on it so its actually not frp guys


Level 9
Players will not abide by this and continue to FRP. There’s no genuine way of getting around it. Even if you make it a rule they’ll still lie and not do what they’re supposed to be doing. I’m sorry but I just don’t think it will work
You forgot the fact that the person who i shit will receive a message about it. If the person had acted on it but didnt right click will simpy be reported about it. It is that simple.


Level 9
What's your Minecraft Username?: layzah
What's the title of your suggestion?: Create a plugin to track dents on a baseball bat

What's your suggestion?:
Basically, the suggestion will be exactly what the title states; Creating a plugin for the baseball bat to have a dent count when used in CombatRP. This addition will reduce the amounts of failrp and lying about the dent count, or overall will help people not forget that they have used it. Additionally, this will help officers find out if the bat has dents by simply hovering over the item in their inventory.


How will this plugin work?: Verbally expressing it in a sentence would be rather difficult; thus, I will show how it'd work in a scenario.
Player A walks up to Player B and actions to slam the bat onto their skull. The hit connects, so they right-click the person with the bat, which adds .5 to the dent amount. Once they hit the person again, it will add another .5 to the bat, making it a full dent.
Although, what can be expressed is that it will be in the description of the bat. It will look something like this:
- 3 Block range
- K.O: 2 Hits
- Can be mugged
- Dents: 1
Additionally, after using the bat against someone, a message in your chat will say, "You have hit [IGN] with the bat! Due to the strike, the bat received .5 in damage." As for the other person, the chat will say, "You have been hit by [IGN] with a bat. You have started to feel dizzy." (NO EFFECTS WILL HAPPEN TO THE OTHER PERSON TO REDUCE ABUSING THE ITEM)

What if I accidentally right-click someone with the bat?: Simply, a confirmation button can be added when you right click someone. For example:

Are you sure you want to proceed with this act?

[YES] [NO].

Thus, if you mis-click someone, you simply press [NO] and it will cancel it.

How will you make people use this plugin?: Add a severe rule that people HAVE to do this after using it against a person. If they forget, they can click on another person. I would tell the person you will do so before clicking them so that they know you aren't trying to act on permissions.

Additionally, if someone purposely doesn't do this, they can be warned or severely punished.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This would reduce any OOC lying about people not having dents on their bats.
People may give me a bat but i wont know how many dents it has so valid

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