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DaDankk23's KPD Application


Level 8

IGN (In-Game Name):

DaDankk23 (one for application)
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: Accepted Denied Denied Denied

Describe your activity on the server:

1-3 Hours​
2-5 Hours​
2-5 Hours​
2-5 Hours​
2-5 Hours​
1-5 Hours​
1-5 Hours​

What is your motivation for applying?:
As a previous gang lead I found myself wanting to join KPD after DisgracedAngel had joined. I started to feel that if I could learn how other factions function I could gather certain aspects of them, and implement them into gangRP. My goal is to learn and grow as much as possible, and I believe KPD would be the best place to do so. After my time in EMS I came to the realization that I’d also prefer to be out and chasing the criminals instead of treating their victims.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I’m aware that the pay is at a maximum of 40 quota for 400,000 yen. As well, there are two branches: main branch, and detective. I will focus primarily on the main branch as I’ll likely find it most interesting. The primary job of the police is, as you might think, stopping criminals. However it’s not always chasing gangRPers at power plant and bails at the front desk. While granted that is a large portion of the job, KPD go on raids, check CCTV, take reports, oversee visitations, engage with a large number of events, interrogate gang members and potential murderers, as well as standard patrols.
Obviously the commissioner is the highest ranking officer. Maintains and decides the future and present actions of the police force. The commissioner has final say on anything from what I presume.
Is the head of the main division, answers only to the commissioner, and is possibly the highest rank you can possibly get within the main division. They operate the main division, and act as an extension of the commissioner. They decide who gets to be lieutenant usually, and often does what they can to take the load off the commissioner when involving the main division.
Lieutenant is the three higher ranks that operate the actions decided by the captain/commissioner. Lieutenants operate the majority of the individual tasks such as assigning trainers, organize and oversee exams, and any and all internal affairs. They also give permission for off duty.
Sergeants operate under the lieutenants, and act in place of them ICLY when they are not available. Sergeants are usually the ones giving permission to patrols and other questions when online, however that just come with being the highest rank online
Corporal is the second rank, just above patrol officer, it gives nothing major beyond being a higher ranking officer.
Patrol Officer:
Patrol Officers are the lowest rank above cadets, they are the soldiers. They do patrols, front desk, any and all tasks of the job.
The trainee rank, this is the rank someone just joining the faction gets. This is where you learn all that you need to know when it comes to doing your job. As a cadet you do shadows, training, and exams. Once you pass your exam it’s only then that you have shown you know everything there is to know, and then able to patrol the streets.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
To me it’s the main reason GangRP is even interesting in the slightest. When I was the leader of a gang by the name of Jigoku No Kyodai, the most appealing aspect of doing anything was the butterflies I’d get leading up to a situation. The fear of getting caught made the tension on call so thick I could cut it with a knife and only when getting away after a chase did I finally feel a wave of relief and dopamine. After getting away free I felt as though I was nearly addicted to it, I would always want to go do something else right after, I felt so free, and like I could do anything in SRP.
Without that fear, without KPD, I wouldn’t have stayed on SRP for as long as I did. Gangs such as Man’en wouldn’t have been created. Kpd is one of the factions I desired the most to be in due to it being the primary motivator to gangRP and all things crime related. The entire time I’ve played on SRP I’ve spent my time finding new ways of having fun with CrimeRP and attempting to find new ways to make GangRP more interesting, and now I just hope I can learn how to better do so from the other side of the jail cell.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I’d expect as much, as it shouldn’t be much different from EMS in the way that it functions.

What's your character's full name?:
Kaneda Yoshiro
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
28 years old.
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Male He/Him
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Japanese Sign language
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Kanada would stand six foot four, and have oily inky black hair that was shaved short on the sides but remained long and messy along the top. His chiseled jaw, and protruding cheekbones alongside his stubbled chin would only further enforce his commanding presence. Though an air of relaxed professionality remains in his posture. His shoulders level yet pulled back slightly to allow his chest to be puffed outward. He’d lean most of his weight to his right side as he usually held onto his belt or waist. His deep brown eyes, so dark they looked like their own little black holes, seemed to pull you in and soothe all worry.
His torso, arms, and legs were covered with muscle. It was more than obvious that he’s not only dedicated to keeping healthy, but to his goals and aspirations. His bushy black barrows were but long rectangles that slowly tapered the closer they got to the side of his face. The baggs beneath his eyes, only seemed to show the hidden scars beneath his determined stare.
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Kanada often remains rather casual in most situations he’s in, not due to him not caring for the outcome, but due to him ****yzing and processing all the information about the situation. In the past he felt that his mistake was that he was either too scared or simply didn’t know enough about what was going on in a situation, and to remedy this he’s determined to look at everything from both an objective and informed point of view.
It’s because of his lack of physical communication that those around often find themselves frustrated when talking to him, as they feel as though he’s either not listening or simply disagrees with whatever it may be. However, once action is being taken, Kanada performs like a workhorse going above and beyond with anything and everything he does.
He treats everyone he meets with the same respect, what’s given to him is given right back. He believes all people are good at heart, and only bad evil due to both the environment they were raised in and their outlook on it. In his personal life, he rarely talks, and only does so if needed. In most cases he’s often found spacing off or working out.
Though Kanada is reserved, it doesn't mean doesn’t have a sense of humor or isn’t friendly, as once you get him talking you’ll find yourself becoming fast friends with him. Most often those he does befriend will find themselves spending more and more time with him. Kanada has a bad habit of placing the needs of others before himself, and would take a bullet for someone he’s never met once in his life.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
When working in a team he’ll take orders and meet them to a T with the determination of a soldier, but when he's the highest ranking out of the group with no hesitation he takes the reins, and puts his team before himself. He values his co-workers and fellow officers like they were either extensions of himself or family. In the situation where he’s got to choose his life over others he’d give his own before even considering giving another’s for his own.
Kanada’s selflessness is nearly a flaw of his, as it has led him to trusting the untrustworthy, or simply giving someone a second chance when they didn’t deserve it. However it’s this selflessness that’s brought him Karakura, and is the main driving force in his aspirations.
What's your character's backstory?
Her voice sounded just like a creaky door hinge, with every other word her voice would go soft and only when speaking in higher volumes would it be registered by the phone. I could hardly keep my patience, I wanted this to be over more than anything in this world. Sweat began to drip from my palms and brow, and I ground my teeth so hard together I swear my jaw was welded shut from the heat. Who did this bitch think she was, talking to me like her own son hadn’t been killed.
“Kaneda? Are you still there?” She said, I bounced my knee up and down like a jackhammer as my grip constricted the phone in my hand. My knuckles, and fingertips frosted white and red, my vision clouded by my furrowed brow as I stared daggers down the empty, and cramped alleyway. I was leaning up against a brick wall supported by right arms wrapped in his cotton white jacket. The sleeve had a massive tear from just below the top of the shoulder all the way down to my elbow. Stains of brown and vibrant red could be found all over the jacket, but mostly around the large stab wound just below the rib cage.
With a final stomping of my leather boot and my slamming of my balled up fist against the brick wall, I threw the phone I held in my head down the alleyway riddles with signs of love hotels, bars, and nightclubs before I finally heard the loud crack of the phone meeting the pavement out of sight. I then placed my palm over my face with my fingers sprawled across my forehead and brow. I felt the stinging of the cuts along my cheek bones, the burning of the purple bruises across my forehead, and the blood dripping from my broken nose. I closed my eyes, just to see his face for the last time.
I remember them calling out to us to stop, their voices sounded like gunshots to me back then, as he slammed his shoe into the gaps of the chain link fence before thrusting himself into the air. To him, it was effortless; he landed gently on the other side before continuing on. However I took much longer, instead of going high and throwing myself over with a single step like he had, I went low and forced myself to climb over like a cat stuck to a tree. After reaching the top of the fence I could hear them getting closer, all it took was for them to round the corner and find me halfway over the fence, and just as I saw the shadow of a figure begin to round the corner I was torn off the fence like a dirty old rag. I landed on my knees and palms and when I looked up I found him staring back at me. His messy black hair, deep brown eyes, and long narrow face decorated by the bushy black worms that rested on his forehead. He held me by my long tattered sleeve before quickly grasping my hand, and pulled me along with him down the dimly lit alley.
He led me to an empty parking lot, the sky was now a deep purple with the sun casting yellow rays through the clouds and onto everything in sight. I was sat on the curb just in front of a vending machine, I remember just how much my legs hurt and how the cold concrete made my ass feel like it was nothing but bone. With the sound of the final can falling into the tray I heard his heavy footsteps approach me from behind.
“Here, take it you earned it,” He said. He held a cold can of Fujiya Peach Nectar inches from my face before I took it and set it on the ground between my legs.
“Hey uh, Yuuki? Don’ ya think I’m a bit weak for this all?” I said, my gaze was glued to the pavement below me. I could hear him gulping down his drink before suddenly I felt a can land directly into the side of my head. I swiftly stood before wrapping my hands around the collar of his pure white t-shirt.
“The hell was that for!?”
“Think you're weak? You're only weak cause you think like that.” He said. His expression remained calm with a simple smirk as he placed his pointer finger upon my forehead.
“You're using your head too much little brother,” My grip then slowly loosened as he removed his finger and simply turned away from me. “Let’s roll, we got a long walk back home,” Yuuki said, he then placed his hands behind his head as he slowly began walking west towards Machida.
Our father left when we were young, with mom rarely home due to her working, we spent most of our nights and days together. We lived to run free in the street, and to come home just at midnight to see our mother walk through the door. Often mom was so tired from working two full time jobs that she would simply open the door before taking her shoes off and collapsing on the floor of the living room. We lived in a little apartment in south Machida, it had only two rooms with a kitchen and bathroom just to the right when entering. We kept all of our things in the closet, and were too poor to own a T.V. So most of our days were spent outside, and most nights spent sleeping on the tatami mats sharing a blanket. In an economic boom it seemed we were the only ones starving.
In terms of education, we practically didn’t have one. Yuuki and I would skip school even at the age of ten to wander the streets with a couple of friends. The few times we did show up for class, Yuuki and I would find ourselves either detached or disruptive. Yuuki would often stand on his desk while he screamed and rambled on about shit he had just come up with. It was because of our public display of disrespect that most either ignored us, feared us, or if you were dumb enough fought us.
I remember most times after school we’d find ourselves in the back by the school dumpsters. I can still smell the nauseating stench of the trash, and the sweat off the brute’s chin. Yuuki and I stood side by side, and with him to my right made me feel more capable. We were faced up against what I think was six jr.high school kids, second years, my brother and I were two years apart, so we couldn’t have been more than three years younger than them. I felt like a worm compared to their size, and while Yuuki remained relaxed as always I however couldn't. The kid in front of me staring me down was nearly twice my size, and his stomach bursted out of the bottom of his gray shirt. With the pressure placed upon the waistband of his black trousers, I was certain that if him punching me didn’t knock me out, the single button holding his pants up would. I remember envisioning nearly a million scenarios where that single button popped off like a rocket ship, and landed directly into my face.
The boy sitting just before Yuuki seemed to be the exact opposite of the one towering over me. He was tall and spindly, like one of those bugs that look like a stick, he had a long triangular nose that came to a point. His hair an oilily black that nearly came down to his shoulders if it weren’t for it being tied up in the back. He wore dirty worn combat boots, and baggy black slacks from his school uniform. His shirt unbuttoned to reveal a decorated T-shirt. He was leaning over with his head tilted to one end as he pressed his face forward nearly a hair’s length away from my brother’s nose.
“Oi, the fuck’s your deal anyway!? You snot nosed brats waltzin’ around like ya hot shit, startin’ to make me sick!” The skinny one said, as he violently lifted his heel off the ground before launching it into the wall behind my brother only inches away from his shoulder. Yuuki didn’t even shutter, and with the slightest rise of his chin he’d look the boy in the eye.
“The fuck’s that look for eh!? You think you're better than me or somethin’!?” The boy said. It was then my brother turned and looked at me with a calm and blank gaze.
“Did I say somethin’ ‘bout being better than him?” Yuuki said. I simply responded with the shaking of my head. As I looked my brother in the eyes I held my grasp around the bag's strap that was over my right shoulder firmly, before returning my sights back to the oversized giant before me.
“Sounds like someone’s got a superiority problem, what daddy not love you enough back home?” Yuuki said. The pencil stick of a boy then growed in a high key through his crooked teeth, before swiftly balling his right fist and slamming it directly into my brother’s lower rib cage. With a grunt and wince my brother slowly placed his left palm upon the wound, before swiftly raising his knee and slamming his back into the wall behind him he launched his heel into the stomach of his aggressor. And though both me and the behemoth before me at first stood in awe for a moment, it wasn’t long before we both returned our focus upon each other. It was then I saw the monster sized hands of the boy barreling towards me in an attempt to restrain me. Then in a moment of survival I thrusted myself onto the ground and rolled under the giant, and upon doing so swung my heavy bag of text books off my shoulder and into my hands. Now with the strap in hand I violently spun and leaned towards my target as the heavy bag swung violently into the temple of the boy. The boy then grunted and screeched before falling to the floor as he held his forehead in his palms.
I then swiftly turned to my brother, who now had his aggressor pinned to the ground and getting his face flattened by my brother’s barrage of punches. I then placed my hand upon my brother's shoulder as I stared down at the poor face of the middle school boy. The boy’s nose was crooked to one side, his mouth bleeding, and his brow and cheeks a mixture of red and purple. As the setting sun began to bathe the scene around us in orange light, and hard shadows, I simply remained silent as a mouse before placing the shoulder strap of my bag onto my shoulder, and walking away towards home.
My brother and I didn’t speak once that night, not on the walk home, not as we ate the leftover onigiri from the family mart, and not even as we both laid awake in the dark covered by the same blanket. It wasn’t long before word spread around town that two boys from the Jr. high were beaten up in the back of a primary school. And, it was no surprise that the boy I fought ratted my brother out for nearly hospitalizing his friend.
Once in highschool things took a turn, suddenly the late night walks and delinquent pranks began to grow beyond control. What once was riding bikes and dumping water onto people from balconies, then became stealing motorcycles and picking fights with random strangers on the street. My brother went from ratter kid, to a full delinquent punk and to me it seemed I had simply fallen asleep and woke up with a new brother. While I too styled my hair into a pompadour like my brother had, I would out right refuse my brother’s demands for assistance in actions that were against the law or in my eyes unjustified. In my brother’s second year of highschool he had already joined a biker gang, I still remember the day he came home after a year of being a part of the gang. I sat watching a T.V. he had stolen, it was nearly twelve in the morning and I still had yet to change out of my black school uniform. With the slamming of the door behind me I turned to see my brother limping in through the door way past the little divider wall separating the kitchen from the room I sat in. He hadn't even bothered to remove his shoes as he placed his muddy boots onto the tatami mats. He leaned against the dividing wall for support, and through his battered smile I saw the proud smirk of victor. For he held in his hand the muddy coat of the leader of the gang, his own gang.
Even after months of pressure from him to get me to join, I refused to join even with me spending most of my time hanging around and talking with both my brother and his members. Unlike my brother I waited till I could legally drive a motorcycle to get one, and also unlike Yuuki I got a job at the local gas station, I worked my ass off to buy my Suzuki while my brother stole his.
I remember how happy my brother was, he felt that he had finally found his people. Running around in loud packs, surrounded by pissed off cries and bloodied teeth, my brother was truly a delinquent to all senses of the word. While I would constantly hear that he’d become a yakuza or that he’s simply an idiot, I however didn’t think he was so dangerous. For those three years of him leading, our lives seemed to have come to an all time high. But, that which goes up must come down, and thus so did Yuuki.
We were parked out the side of the 11/7 on Donchi Icho Dori street, there were around six of us, a couple of them were smoking, the others eating and sharing snacks as we shot the shit. I remember how cool it was for a summer night, not a cloud being seen in the pitch black sky. The moon shone brighter than ever that night bathing the shadows in its dim white glow. I began to lose focus of the conversation as I began to soak the moment in, and right then I heard the sound of hell itself.
In a ball of light I saw rounding the corner roughly over thirty motorcycles all with their riders wearing pitch black uniforms. They filled the parking lot before the last four split into pairs blocking the two exits. Before we could even give the slightest reaction we found ourselves being surrounded, it was only after we were cornered that I read the names embroidered on their attack uniforms in gold thread. Specter, one of if not the largest gang in all of mainland Japan. What made this situation even worse wasn’t the fact that they all held bats and lead pipes, it was the fact that not a single one was wearing a white jacket. To some that would be a good sign, as it means none of them were above the lower ranks, but to me it only meant that we weren’t even a threat to these monsters.
It felt like an out of body experience, I was just some high school delinquent, and there I was standing in what would be the largest blood bath I’d see for most my life on ward. I didn’t hear a word, just the loud packing of a metal pipe being embedded into the skull of the smoking boy next to me. I continued to sit there like a ghost as I heard the boy behind me meet the same fate, and I continued to sit like a statue as I watched the next boy fall limp to the ground. My brother and the other’s still standing, however, fought back. To their credit my brother was able to knock a few of them out and even stole weapons for themselves off those he had knocked to the ground.
After losing another person they found themselves in a bloody and brutal brawl, as I watched I fell to ground and found myself unable to move. I watched as my brother and the people I called friends fought for their lives. With a pile of unconscious foes around them they found themselves slowly being picked off, and before I knew it my brother stood alone welding a bloodied lead pipe in hand. His bushy black brows and dog-like scowl, seemed to emit a determined rage as waited for the next poor bastard to make his move. With an enemy every direction he faced I suddenly saw the glint of a blade shine into my eyes just before someone forced their way through the crowd of Specter soldiers. In the blink of an eye my Yuuki had a knife in his arm.
Her voice sounded just like a creaky door hinge, with every other word her voice would go soft and only when speaking in higher volumes would it be registered by the phone. I could hardly keep my patience, I wanted this to be over more than anything in this world. Sweat began to drip from my palms and brow, and I ground my teeth so hard together I swear my jaw was welded shut from the heat. Who did this bitch think she was, talking to me like her own son hadn’t been killed.
“Kaneda? Are you still there?” She said, I bounced my knee up and down like a jackhammer as my grip constricted the phone in my hand. My knuckles, and fingertips frosted white and red, my vision clouded by my furrowed brow as I stared daggers down the empty, and cramped alleyway. I was leaning up against a brick wall supported by right arms wrapped in his cotton white jacket. The sleeve had a massive tear from just below the top of the shoulder all the way down to my elbow. Stains of brown and vibrant red could be found all over the jacket, but mostly around the large stab wound just below the rib cage.
With a final stomping of my leather boot and my slamming of my balled up fist against the brick wall, I threw the phone I held in my head down the alleyway riddled with signs of love hotels, bars, and nightclubs before I finally heard the loud crack of the phone meeting the pavement out of sight. I then placed my palm over my face with my fingers sprawled across my forehead and brow. I felt the stinging of the cuts along my cheek bones, the burning of the purple bruises across my forehead, and the blood dripping from my broken nose. I shut my eyes and made a vow to never be as weak as I was then.
For a delinquent I had perfect grades, and upon graduation I moved to Tsukuba where I attended University for my major in criminal justice and minor in criminology. It was in these days I rarely lost my focus as I was hell bent on joining the police force with all the knowledge that I needed. It was at this time I met Tomomi, we shared many of our classes together, and though we saw each other near daily we never actually talked. In fact if it weren’t for me missing a class or two. At the time I was working two jobs on top of going to school, and due to me needing to cover someone’s shift I missed a couple classes. It was the day after that I approached Tomomi during her lunch. They were practically drowning in papers and books, so much in fact her food had gotten cold. I remember so vividly how when I first said anything they didn’t even notice, it was only after I had sat down in the chair in front of her that they noticed me.
After college, Tomomi and I decided that living as roommates would cut on living costs, and after doing some research found that housing in Karakura is far lower than anywhere else in the mainland with the added benefit of their police force being constantly in need of additional help. After arranging funds, Tomomi was able to land us a house two houses down from the Karakura town hall, and soon after we moved in. Upon landing in Karakura I instantly hopped onto my application, and spent all my time filling out my resume.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No, you can not possess a pocket knife in Karakura.
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Paracetamol, cough syrup, Melatonin, Multivitamins, Iron supplements.
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
Immediately intervene with my co-worker and remove them from the situation after calling for another officer to witness the situation. Once over I contact a higher up and provide any and all evidence I have gathered from the situation.
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
Call for backup before equipping either a taser or other non-lethal weapon and assist my fellow officer the best I can depending on the situation.
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
Gather any and all information, evidence, and witnesses with another co-worker before submitting them to a higher up. It’s important to conduct a thorough and complete investigation before making such accusations. The main things I’d attempt to gather is eye witness testimonies, video/photo evidence, and information on the organization in question.
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Refuse to take the bribe, and proceed to fine them for bribery upon their previous violations. I do not budge, or move this boundary and will proceed to ignore any further attempts of bribery.

Additional Notes:
The account I am applying with has its collage tag on the primary slot, if accepted I’d like it if that collage tag could be moved to the secondary character slot.​


Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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