players online



Level 14
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Previous bans:
2 Bans for ERP, however the last ban was 8 months ago now. (Linked Appeals below)
Second Ban; Appeal | Accepted
First Ban; Appeal | Accepted

Describe your activity on the server:

I am extremely active on the server, having more than a year being on the server. I have Two accounts MrMochiii and MaruMochii; I try to get on everyday, usually on before I head to work, and after, playing until 2-3am most nights, and I am extremely active on weekends since those are my days off. I do work and have school, so that might take some of my time, but as I was with EMS I will be highly active and involved in RP.

Which timezone are you in?

Do you have Discord? If so, what is your tag
I do, my tag is; SnizzySausage#1414

Do you have a microphone:
I have a working microphone, and yes I'd be willing to join VC's if necessary.

List your current and past applications:
Officer Application | Denied

Teacher Application | Denied
Hospital Internship | Accepted
Hospital Surgeon | Accepted

-Language Applications-
JSL Lang | Accepted
Korean Lang | Accepted
Hawaiian Lang | Accepted
German Lang | Accepted
Polish Lang | Accepted
Russian Lang | Accepted
3rd Lang | Accepted

What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation for applying for KPD is always seeing them be at the heart of every scenario and coming out on top, whether or not they lost one of their own, they always stand strong and continue forward, protecting their community and risking their lives. I remember one time as a surgeon I had been asked to be on stand-by at a crime scene, and when someone tried running I had been able to tackle them and help the officers detain them, and that made my heart race and it felt like I was actually there in that scenario, it had my heart pumping adrenaline through my veins, it was so intense, and I loved that. I wanna be on the force to serve the city and do more justicerp! Another motivation I have for wanting to join, is the passion I have for detailrp, and justicerp, I love the feeling of doing good, so I never really felt right in any gangs or criminalrp, as well as putting myself out there, as EMS I never really got to be involved in events, such as the Frat house fire, I was really only able to medical rp outside of the building, I so badly wanted to be running in and getting people out of the building, so I want to join the force to be more apart of the events and help people the best I can, when I so badly want to.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
I have read and Understand the basic laws, and conducts of Japan, at least from the constitution of Karakura that was posted. I have read every law and know the rights to the citizens and privacy rights as well. I understand that every citizen has the right to file a law suit. I know that they have a right to speak to their lawyer before being questioned. I know that they have to be told what they are being detained for, and what they have been arrested for. That a citizen can not be arrested, detained, or searched without them being informed of what charges, or what the probable cause is. I won't get to detailed with it, but I have read and acknowledge them to the best of my understanding.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
The Knowledge I have on KPD work is only what I have seen during my time of being EMS and my time on the server, I will list them out and give a brief description of each task they do, the following includes:
Desk Work: Desk work involves sitting at the front desk for around an hour, answering any concerns or questions from citizens, as well as helping them with any legal issues they have run into such as witnessing a crime, or filing a restraining order. Desk work can also includes patting people down if the medal detector beeps, and or bails.
Patrols: Patrols are usually to walk around town looking for any possible illegal activity, this is usually done in groups of 2-3 and usually is done in a certain area, such as Plaza, Powerplant, Shopping district, etc... This patrols can include hospital members to help fill the group number. When entering danger zones such as powerplant, you must action upholstering your taser for protection, and proceed into the area carefully.
Raids: During raids officers are in Riot gear, and are to have tasers drawn, they are to call each other by code names to keep identities concealed, a few will head into the area and some will stay outside keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity and will also be back-up when needed. The few inside will scope out the area checking the building for every crevice looking for any secret compartments that could be used to hold illegal contraband.
CCTV: Officers are able to check security footage from areas there are cameras, cameras can see 30 blocks ahead and anything in that area. Officers must be at the desk when checking these cameras and must get permission from businesses or the hospital when needing to check their footage. You can also see body cams of officers from the CCTV room, and can radio information to other officers through the radio. When checking CCTV the officer will need a location.
Man Hunts: When the officers are looking for a criminal it is important they have their tasers drawn and a partner with them, man hunts last 45 minutes OOCly, the criminal can not change outfits for that 45 minutes but they can run and hide anywhere. CCTV can be checked to look for where the criminal is headed, but if there is not any CCTV where they went then they can not use CCTV. Any officer is able to get on when a broadcast is made in the broadcast channel.
Patting down: When patting down a citizen they are allowed to confiscate any illegal items and spray them with luminol (Bats and Ballistics) and the person can be fined and the items can be taken if they have been arrested for major reasons such as involving weapons. They can also take prescriptions to make sure they are in date and for the right person/reason, and if they aren't the person can be arrested for illegal prescribed medication/equipment.
Bail: When someone is arrested they are told their Bail amount ICly and OOCly, and how long their sentence is. The person will be un-jailed provided they change characters. Another person must bail the jailed person out and it is allowed for them to rp receiving a phone call that said arrested character has been arrested. The different person is also allowed to ask for how much the bail would be and how long they have too wait to bail the jailed person. The bailer can not be the other character of the Jailed person. It must be a different person.
Arresting/Detaining: When arresting/detaining someone one must inform the person why they are being detained/arrested for, they must be told their rights, and if they are being question they are allowed to hire an attorney. When Detaining someone you must inform them that they are being detained for questioning, and why that is. When arresting someone you must have reason and you must inform them of this reason, and what charge(s) they have against them.
Protective Services: One is allowed to offer an individual protective custody if they have been involved in major crime, or gang activity, and they have ratted on said gang, informed officers that someone plans to hurt them/are there because someone attempted to hurt them, or if they know that someone has placed a hit on them. They must file that this person is in protective custody for said amount of time, and the person in protective services must change characters until no longer wanting to be in protective services.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The police play a major role in the community by providing security and balance to the community, they ensure the safety of their citizens with every action they make. They make sure that everyone is out of danger zones, and make sure everyone is helped to the best of their ability. They enforce the laws to everyone in the town and make sure that everyone is following them correctly. They make sure that the people who want to rebel against the laws are arrested and serve time for disturbing the security of other citizens. They are important because with out them, more lives would be at stake and more criminals would come out of the shadows and terrorize the town, without them there'd be no one to stop fires, or stop illegal activity. Without them there'd be no one to make sure everyone is doing the right thing, to make sure that kids do not drink under age. They make sure everyone gets their equal rights to, Life, Liberty, and pursuit of happiness. They are there to make sure that people have someone to call when someone is stalking them, or hurting their friends/family. They are important because they allow the community to thrive without being torn down by mass crime.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I do acknowledge, and I accept that.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I do understand, and will be completely dedicated to the police officer role.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge it and will attend every training.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
I do understand and will not take anything OOCly that is ICly, and I do understand that there will be ICly harassment.

In-Character (IC) Section


Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Ochitsune has cyan dyed hair, and sea blue eyes, she has pale skin and would stand around 5'7 she'd have a large scar along her upper right thigh. She'd have a small nose and a ball like jaw. She'd be around 132lbs and would have pearly white teeth. She'd smell of cinnamon and nutmeg. Something unique about her is her range of languages, She speaks Korean, Hawaiian, and JSL even though she is native to Japan. She is double jointed in both her thumbs and her shoulders. Another thing is when she were little she never really went outside and took her school work very seriously, studying hard into Law like her father, he were the police captain in Kyoto Japan, so she really looked up to him.

What they're like on and off the job?
Ochitsune on Duty is extremely professional being the daughter of a police captain has taught her well enough to be respectful of her higher-ups and to follow orders to the best of her abilities. She is polite to everyone including those below and above her, she believes in the golden rule and so she treats citizens with utmost respect and will try to be extremely understanding to their position. She is extremely kind to her fellow officers and will usually offer to pick them up food or a coffee if she is out. However she will never let relationships get in the middle of her and her professionalism, she believes that love is second to her career and that it should wait until when she's off-duty.
That being said, Ochitsune off-duty Loves to hang around the people that makes her feel safe and happy. She hangs with her loved ones and or goes hiking up the mountain to see if she can beat her record height, hoping she one day makes it to the way top. She loves to crack jokes and is a major animal woman, though she tends to dress formal, and try to be more adult, she can't help but be soft at nature.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
Ochitsune usually has a very poppy, and bright outlook on her co-workers, she respects each one as well as she can, in hopes they respect her just as much. She will casually try to crack a joke here and there but will usually focus on what needs to be done, such as being at the desk. She will always bow when greeting one of her co-workers as her mother taught her it were very un-lady like and disrespectful to give a handshake or to just say hello. Her plans for the future is to one day be the police captain as to live up to her expectation to be just like her father. She plans to struggle and strive as much as needed or more, to get to that position, whether she is put through stress, she will bend but won't break. Another plan for the future is to be a wife and have children so she may do what her mother did for her.

(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)

On June 3rd 1994 in Kyoto, Japan, a little Japanese girl named Ochitsune Hikari Tuo was born. Her parents had told her when she was born, she was born smiling and not crying. The doctors had said “She is the happiest baby.” That doctor was right, through the years Hikari had never really cried, of course she cried when she was sad, or hurt, but those were rare moments. When Hikari turned 5 her father had enrolled her into a private school, where she attended for several years. Through those years the other kids had tried to be friends with her, even invited her to come play outside, she never really wanted to, so she usually declined their offers and studied instead. Throughout her school years, kids stopped asking her to play outside cause they always expected her to say no. When she went home one day one of her neighborhood kids had knocked on her parents front door and had asked her parents if she would go play street hockey with them, her parents thinking nothing of it since the street wasn’t ever too busy they said she could and sent Hikari outside to play. Not knowing too much of the sport Hikari was kind of clueless, they explained the rules and through time she got better and better. At the end of the day she was laughing and smiling brightly, for her it was an amazing day! Every few weeks she’d go outside and would play with them after studying they became her new friends, but one day as she went to shoot her shot, a car has wiped around the corner and as the kids were running away it slammed into their plastic goal net and sent one of the shards shooting into Hikari's thigh slicing a big gash in it. Her mother and Father had rushed her over to the hospital where they patched it up. After that Hikari spent most days inside studying, reading, and or talking to her dad about his job. As the years went on Hikari’s academic degree allowed her to get accepted into Kyoto University where she studied in Law, Criminology, Sociology, and in foreign languages where she Studied JSL, Korean, and Hawaiian. When she turned 19 she got a Job at a retail store. And through shifts she realized that she no longer wanted to work at that store, so she instead went to work for a coffee shop, it was there she realized that she had seemed to remain very happy and calm even during the biggest rushes and hardest customers. At 20 her father and herself would train in the backyard of her house, just some basic training, like what to do in the scenario of someone holding a blade to her throat. At 24 she graduated from the University with 2 Minors in Foreign language and Sociology, and 2 Majors in Law and Criminology. She Went to work at her fathers PD as a receptionist for a couple years. When she turned 26 she headed off to explore Japan, going to Tokyo and then to Karakura, where she found to be the most happy, because she arrived on her birthday, June 3rd, when she turned 27 and it seemed all the people there had treated her well.. After moving in she learned the cold bitter truth, that the people there were sneaky.. And some were hard time criminals.. Terrorizing the world she sets out to be an officer, in hopes to help the community that once treated her with love and respect will too be safe.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Ochitsune Hikari Tuo

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:



IC Phone number:

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:

1 1/2 years back in Kyoto she trained with her father in her backyard at the age of 20
Working Experience:
She worked for 2 retail stores, 1 Coffee shop, and then worked as the PD receptionist at 23. This taught her how to do Desk work, and be respectful and kind even to those harassing her, she learned that from her time at the retail stores and coffee shop. As a receptionist she learned how to type quickly and follow what someone is saying and paying close detail to each sentence structure, as well as learning how to understand drunk for the most part. These jobs together helped her understand that she needs to get the person what they want, at least to the best of her ability.

Academic Degree:
She Graduated with her Masters and Bachelors from Kyoto University
Year of Graduation:
Majors in Law and Criminology
Minors in Foreign languages and Sociology
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
French, German, Polish​
Last edited:


Level 328
Thanks for applying for the police department! We see that you have the potential for
the force, but we want to wait a bit more to see more about your reputation on the server. Thus,
you will not need to remake this application in the next wave.

If you wish to have this app removed in the future, simply change its title to "REMOVED"​


Level 328
Thank you for applying for KPD. Unfortunately, the higher-up team and I
have decided to deny this application. Most times it is simply due to the fact that
there are more suitable applicants, so feel free to give it another shot on the next cadet wave!​

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