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Daitakei | Lawyer Application


Level 11
Out of Character | Basic information
What is your in-game name?:
Do you have discord? (If so, what is your username):
Do you have a microphone?
Yes, and I am fully comfortable using it.
List your timezone and country:
MST, United States
How active are you on the server?:
I would consider myself to be extremely active on SRP, spending my time on one of my three accounts. On a weekday I am typically on for a minimum of 4 hours, divided between the accounts, and on a weekend I am typically on for 6+ hours.
Do you have any previous bans? (If so, link your appeals):
Banned once for ERP, which lasted one week.
Link any past applications below:
Out of Character | Morals & ideas
What position are you applying for?:

What is your motivation for applying?:
I want to be involved in different factions on SRP.
Are you aware that you cannot discriminate against others in character or deny service due to race, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, etc?:
I understand this, and agree.
What qualities prove you suitable for this role?:
I am in the KPD on my second account, and would already possess great knowledge on Karakura law. I also have a very communicative nature, and often times refuse to leave any rock unturned, even if it is minute.
Are you aware of the rules each person must follow?:
I am.
Are you familiar with the laws of Karakura?:
I am,
Do you have a good understanding of this position?:
I do.
Summarize what your position does:
Lawyers serve to provide advice to their clients that revolve around the law. They are someone to go to when a person needs a clarification on any area in law that they do not currently understand. They are also known to argue cases in court themselves.

In Character | Questionnaire
Pretend that it is as if your character is filling this out, not yourself
Full Name:

Masanori Takei
Preferred name & Title:
Mr. Takei
Current age? (25+):
Past job experiences?:
How would you describe yourself?:
I would describe myself as being rational, calculated, as well as determined. I prefer to live my life in routine; having a step to step plan as to the things I am going do throughout any given day. I would definitely say that my biggest downfall is when things around me become chaotic, since I find that I struggle to formulate my thoughts as clearly when under the stress of external factors. When I am fully focused, and can weigh out my choices, I believe myself to be one of the best candidates for representing someone. This statement does not limit itself to legal matters, as I have been known to be a great "middle-man" for other people and their quarrels. I am a firm believer in representing those who need me to to the best of my ability, and would perhaps even be willing to make personal sacrifices to represent them accurately and correctly. Detail is a crucial thing to me, and I would rather fight an uphill battle so that I may give whoever I am representing a fair chance, rather than giving in a representing them poorly.
What plans do you have for the town?:
I plan to do my part to ensure a better future for Karakura. I do not claim to be the sole solution that Karakura is in need of, but do admit that I believe I could be a part of the solution, even if small. Ideally I would want to focus my attention to the crime in Karakura, and serve as a way for the crime rates to go down. I would also take any opportunity I got to advocate for a better education system or to at the very least deter the students of Karakura from getting involved in horrendous acts. Karakura is a great city, though it is not devoid of it's issues. I would like to help better the city so that the future families that reside in Karakura, including my own, may flourish and accomplish the things that they wish to.
What jobs will you execute with this position?
While serving as a lawyer I will advise, represent, and even defend my clients in court, all without bias or any sort of self-pursuit.
Do you practice any sort of religion?:
My family's routes has ties to Shintoism, though I myself am not an active participant.
How did you get into politics?:
Growing up I have always possessed the nature to want the next best thing. This could be accredited to my families' 'legacy' and consequent need to live up to it, or maybe it was just my own personal want to amount to something worth remembering. Either way, I had always been in pursuit of the things that were out of reach for me. It started with any job I could get at the age of twelve, to trying to get an accelerated education at my high school so that I may attend college and graduate at a younger age then the average graduating age. When I enrolled into high school, I got involved in my school's politics club, which only served to introduce me to the world of politics. From then, I had began looking into positions that I could attend college to attain, and eventually found one in my city when I was an adult. I never did gain this job, as I moved to Karakura with the rest of my family when my youngest brother convinced me to do so.
Do you have a criminal record? If so, list your crimes:
Nationality & Born location:
Japanese/Korean, Tsuwano
Fluent languages: (Underline your native):


Level 40

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however we have decided to deny your application.​

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