players online

dani's police application


Level 62

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
Alternate accounts:

Discord Name & Tag:


Which timezone are you in?

EST (Eastern Standard Time)

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
OOC Faction Applications

Event-Team Application #1 ()
Staff Application #1 ()
Staff Application #2 ()
Staff Application #3 ()
Event-Team Application #2 ()
IC Faction Applications
College Professor Application #1 (through Conversations) ()
KPD Application #1 ()
EMS Application #1 ()
KPD Application #2 ()
College Professor Application #2 ()
KPD Application #3 ()
KPD Application #4 ()
Shopkeeper Application #1 ()

Describe your activity on the server:

At the moment, my activity isn't polished or rusted. I log on a few times a week to roleplay with friends or just to keep updated with the community. I have no roles on the server at the moment, so initiating roleplay can be difficult. If accepted, I expect my activity to soar tremendously and stay persistent. Since getting into university and leaving my previous job, I have mass amounts of free time on my hands that I'm willing to contribute to the faction! Most of my free time is in the afternoons, but I should be available for training and whatnot any time of the day. I have one class on Mondays that lasts into the afternoon, but that's it!

What is your motivation for applying?:

The police faction and the emergency factions as a whole have always been the most lively in the community, in my opinion. They are fun and encouraging to be a part of, and there are endless possibilities for roleplay. Especially when it comes to the KPD, there are instantaneous different situations every day that allow for excitement. It's almost impossible to get bored. The faction in itself is also very innovative, and there is usually always something new to look forward to. The higher-ups pay attention and take everyone in the faction's opinions and suggestions into play. It's overall just a super welcoming place to be, and I do miss it! A lot.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

What equipment does the force use?
- The first, and probably one of the most important items an officer should have on them at ALL times is their radio. The radio is the KPD's quickest and most effective form of communication. It should be held in the officer's off-hand so that they don't have to roll to pull it out in intense situations. It can also be used to communicate important signals like location, situation, etc. AND code zero.
- Another item all officers will carry is a baton. The baton should only be used when needed because they are muggable. They will mainly be used inside the police station when escorting inmates, during visitations, and inside prison cells.
- The stun blaster is also super important to all officers. It is an officer's right-hand man. It will be held out during patdowns, chases, and sometimes during patrols if the City Emergency Level is high enough or if walking through a dangerous area. It has a range of 8 blocks.
- The breathalyzer is used to see how drunk someone may be. It is more accurate closer to the police station.
- Handcuffs are dire, how else would people be arrested or detained? They require an action to cuff the target's wrists. The target is allowed to roll to resist the restraint.
- Pepper spray is an item that has three uses each. It is usually used with an aggravated target, causing them to be blind for 60 seconds. It won't be effective is the person is wearing a gas mask.
- Next is
the riot shield. It's a shield made of glass that officers can use defensively. It is likely they would be used during things like crowd control, possibly raids, situations that involve lethal weapons, etc. It is muggable if wielded by an unconscious officer, similar to the baton.
Riot gear is often paired with the riot shield. It can be used during intense situations like controlling a crowd, riots, situations that involve lethal weapons, hostage situations, animal control, and more. Every officer has access to riot gear, but they are only permitted to use them with permission from SGT+ or DI+.
- Last, but not least is
the tranquilizer. The tranq isn't accessible to all officers, only officers of higher ranks (starting at SGT & DI). This is a very long-range weapon that will knock a target unconscious for 2 minutes.

- There are plenty of other items the force uses (ItemRPed) to make ends meet.
What are some of the procedures of the Karakura Police Department?
- The most common procedure of the department is patrolling. Patrolling allows officers to come across any possible crime that may be happening that cannot be captured on CCTV.
- City emergency levels are what's used as a measure of safety for officers at any given time. It's usually updated every month but can change at any time depending on the circumstances. There are four levels. One, being the safest, and four being the most dangerous. As the levels increase in danger, officers must take more precautions and be more weary of their surroundings. It's recommended that officers patrol with one another when the level is high.
- Patdowns happen often during patrols. This is when officers come across someone who is concealing their identity, wearing gang attire or were called to a situation. This involves taking your taser out (with an action), telling the target to face the wall, switching positions with them, patting them down, and then handling the rest of the situation accordingly.
- Front desk work is often done by lower ranks such as cadets and patrol officers. It involves sitting at the front desk and greeting anyone who enters, as well as taking concern for what they may need. It involves taking and tax-paying bail and handling visitations.
- Raids are also a common practice. Raids are only permitted when someone has been arrested for Possession of Illegal Weaponry OR if they were granted a warrant by a judge. Raids require a minimum of three officers, one of which HAS to guard the door with their taser out. One person must have a crowbar (CPL+).
- The arresting officer is responsible for their arrests. They must document their arrest accordingly, and post the NGP if needed. They may also be required to take mugshots or appear in court if the NGP is processed.
- CCTV is super important to the department. It's one of the main sources of evidence when it comes to making arrests or solving cases. Officers should know how to operate the CCTV system and document any evidence that comes along with it. You are also able to patrol using CCTV.
- Officers are often called to do trial duty. There are usually three officers in the courtroom, with one who is in charge of escorting the inmate to and from the podium and cuffing them accordingly. There is also one-three in the watching area to keep citizens from disrupting the trial.
- These are a few of the main procedures of the KPD. Officers are compensated for these duties via quota points.
What is the expected behavior and activity of the officers in the KPD?
Behavior is extremely important when it comes to being on the KPD, both OOCly and ICly. First, they should always SeriousRP in any situation. Actions should be clear and concise, and stray away from anything that could be deemed as troll behavior. It can be easy to get into some intense situations OOCly. When this happens, the player should contact a staff member to take charge of the situation and mellow it out. They should not attempt to diffuse the situation themselves or argue. Frequent activity is also pretty significant. Officers can display activity by logging their quotas, and arrests, or staying active within the chats of the Discord. If they believe they will be inactive for more than 5 days, they should create an inactivity log that will inform the higher-up team.
How does the Karakura Police Department work with other factions?
The police faction works closely with the Hospital and Government factions. They go to the hospital if citizens are injured ICly, and can request medical records when it comes to investigations. They also work with the detective division when it comes to forensics. The hospital will also request officers if there is a disturbance in the hospital, or if someone comes in with questionable injuries. When it comes to the government faction, they are most often contacted when it comes to non-guilty pleas. They are reviewed by the Deputy-Mayor/Mayor, and brought to trial then. Warrant logs are reviewed by judges or the Deputy-Mayor/Mayor. Lawyers are contacted by detectives or someone else when they are requested during interrogations. The police faction is also usually assigned some kind of supervisor/representative by the government.

Black Blue Minimalist Family Tree Graph.png

(This is also downloadable if the quality is messed up! Also DCs = CPL)

Why is the Police important to SchoolRP?
Many reasons! The main reason for the existence of the police department is to counter the crime/BMD faction. What would wrongdoing be if there wasn't the thrill of being caught? When the KPD is called upon, they show up with the intent to protect, enforce, and then capture potential suspects. The second reason is for the sake of roleplay. While the server does focus on SchoolRP, CityRP is also a huge part of the server at times when students aren't required to be in school. There may even be situations where the police are required on campus. It simply would not make sense for there not to be some kind of enforcing power in the city. Last, the police are important because they give players a field to experience. Player experience is an important part of SRP, and allowing this one keeps those who seek it interested and satisfied.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

Yes, I will attend all training that I am available for.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Winona Washitowao

How old is your character (if accepted)?:


What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

Woman | She/Her

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Bachelors in Pre-Law with a minor in Forensic Science

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:


Describe your character; how they look, and what makes them unique?

Winona is one vixen of a woman, with a tongue as blunt as the cut of her short hair. Despite her lacking height of 5'3" and bambi-esque facial structure, she garners a pretty intense air. It's probably because of the RBF that keeps the features of her face tight. The browns of her eyes compliment the deep tan color of her skin, much of which is littered with constellations of beauty marks and freckles. She had various piercing holes that were held open by a clear filler when she was on duty. While her appearance may seem daring, she softens up a little -- eventually. Her strident, articulate voice would eventually settle into a fluttery one. The prospective police officer has an undeniable habit of keeping a high guard, which Winona didn't see much of an issue with.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

Ms. Washitowao never allows immaturity and her professional career to cross paths. Sure, she's had her fair share of mess-ups, like one does. She's learned from her past mistakes and continues to flourish with a competence that's hard to beat. It isn't often that Winona's found off-task or where she leaves one unfinished. All of her work is completed with as much effort as necessary, even if it rubs her fingertips dry and calluses her feet.

In a casual setting, Winona is less stuck up. She even lets her shoulders relax a little bit, giving her spine a break from her usual statuesque posture. Maybe she'll crack a smile now and then, or even tell a little joke. Who knew she could do that? Around the right people, of course. If she's off the hay about someone, it's unlikely she'd do anything of that nature in the same air as them.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

On the backside of her standoffish vibe, Winona cares deeply about her co-workers. In and outside of work, they have her to fall back on. She expects the same kind of care from them. While they are protecting the city, they also have to protect each other, creating an unspoken trust that's always there. Despite not being the epitome of a socialite, she keeps her work relationships professional and works with others effectively. It's not something she despises when she sees them every day. It's almost like having another family, which is something Ms. Washitowao has craved for a while.

What's your character's backstory?

A shrill cry broke the fleeting tension in the air as a swaddled baby was shoved into the arms of the expecting mother, her exhaustion turning into relief as she stared into the face of what was her firstborn daughter's little face. Expectantly, she looked up at Sylvester, her father, who didn't look too amused. As they made eye contact, the corner of his lips curled upwards slightly. "I cannot think of her name. It isn't coming to me." The mother bellowed, pressing the pad of her thumb to her newborn's cheek. "Winona." He almost blurted out, as if he didn't mean to say it aloud. He stiffened. "Winona? I like that. ." She looked down at her baby again, with an enlightened grin. "Winona Washitowao, I knew I married your father for his quick wit."
Only one year from May 9th, 1997, they were divorced for his estranged adultery with a Winona Yu. Sylvester had named his firstborn after his mistress. She would be having his second child. Despite the scrapped relationship between her mother and father, baby Winona had no grit against her father. She was just a little girl after all. Sylvester planned to continue to be a part of his firstborn's life for a few years, seeing her for short instances here and there. For Winona, these short-lived interactions were what she looked forward to every week until she was about ten years old. The interactions slowly became shorter and shorter, before they became less frequent, and finally - they ceased. With no warning, Winona was hurt and left with no closure. She tried to call, text, email, and even show up at his job.. but it was like he disappeared off the face of the earth. Her mother encouraged her to move on give up, and find something new to care about. It felt impossible to shake for Winona, so she ended up turning to the internet. After some deep digging, she found an address in Tokyo. She was in Yokohama, which wasn't too far. Without telling her mother, she took a train to Tokyo and ventured to the location. It wasn't anything like what she expecting. It was a nice-sized home, covered in beautiful overgrown plants. She thought she was lost, but she decided to knock on the door anyway. Another child about her size appeared before her with curious eyes. "Hi.. um, do you know where Sylvester Washitowao is?" Winona asked shyly, rubbing her arm. The child turned around and called for their father. A few moments later, Sylvester came into the frame, the brightness in his eyes mellowing. "You should not be here, Nona. I have a new family. A new life. Maybe one day I can bring you, but not now." Before she even had the chance to reply or even process this newfound information, there was a door in her face.
For many years following her discovery, Winona regretted not listening to her mother's advice. If she had, she'd probably feel a lot better about herself. She drowned herself in school work and applied to countless internships in high school, using these opportunities as leverage of distraction. What her father had said that day was way more difficult to move on from than his simple disappearance would have been. Despite Sylvester's wrongdoings, her hatred was directed at that child she had come to face. Why was that child allowed to have him, but not she? Why was it the child's father, but not hers? She felt robbed. Until her high school graduation came about and she set sail for the best international university in Tokyo, it was a question she asked herself every day.
At her new university, Winona settled in well. She had a few colleagues, and she was beginning to think about herself and what she wanted to do with her life. She was originally en route to become an elementary school teacher, but her path abruptly changed the night she watched a female officer tackle a man almost triple her size from her dorm window. While it was a small event that she somehow managed to witness, it led her mind to wander. What if she could use the knowledge and skill she earned to tackle the baggage she felt like she was carrying on an endless path? Teaching elementary kids their ABCs wasn't the type of succor she was looking for.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"No, you can't legally own a pocket knife here. Unless you want a felony and a few months behind bars. It'd be pretty hard to get a good job after that. I don't think you're allowed to do that anywhere except in the West, maybe."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

Cough Syrup
Wooden Cane

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

"Personally, I would capture evidence of what was happening first before I would try to intervene verbally. If they didn't stop, I would immediately ask for some sort of backup or a higher-up to come help. Once they were off of the inmate, I'd check them for any injuries that could be critical before calling EMS. Once the inmate was okay, I would show the evidence I captured to a higher-up so that the officers who were abusing him faced the proper consequences.. because they weren't above the law. Inmates are people too ya know. . it's pretty messed up to be beating them for no reason."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

"It kind of depends on the context, but if it's just me and the co-worker and they are being assaulted by multiple people.. I'd immediately call any other officers on duty for backup. It'd be a bit silly for me to just jump in, I'd probably end up in the same predicament. If the officer's life was threatened at any point, I would intervene by tasing the person who is assaulting them. If not, I'd wait until other officers arrived to act. We'd allow them to face the wall, depending on if they have weapons or not, and tase them if they do not comply or attempt to run. While a few officers handle the culprit, I would assess my fellow officer for any injuries before taking them to the hospital to be professionally looked at and repaired."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

"Well, first I'd inform a higher-up that I'm suspicious about it. I don't think it would be smart to be the only person knowing about it when help from someone trusted could help us gather more evidence. I would do my best to gather evidence of their corrupt actions when possible, and once I had enough to seal the deal, hopefully, the higher-up I reported them to would help us take it to court. That'd be a pretty disappointing predicament."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

"I'm assuming that I'm patrolling or patting them down or something in this situation. I think I would honestly just walk away and kind of ignore them because I'm not too big on giving fines unless it's weapon-related or required.. but if they kept bothering me about it, they would get slapped with one... No- like a fine, I wouldn't slap them myself. I think that's assault. Okay, it is assault. I know it's assault."


Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.​

We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but
we have made this decision based on the following reason(s)

Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the
faction, we sometimes have to deny good applicants because there are
others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to
server reputation or due to the detail that was put to their application.

Although we don't deny your will to join the faction, detail is a great
way to show off your interest. Therefore, we recommend spending more
time to try and re-elaborate your application so that it shows off you're
truly engaged in trying to join us!

- A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation. We tend
to pick players who have been in the server for a while, and that have a
relatively clean history. We suggest applying for other factions / community
teams to improve how other players see you and boost your chances at
becoming part of our faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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