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DarkxWalker | KPD Application #2


Level 73


IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
I have had a lot of applications accepted, or denied in the past but it dates to more than five years ago. Finding them is very unlikely, and quite the hassle.

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity can sometimes range from copious, and unhealthy amount of hours spent on SRP on a daily basis; and can go down to as much as an hour or two per day. It's entirely dependent on my in-real life duties that I must be committed towards. Ranging from examinations, college, family time, other endeavours, etc. My focus on examinations seems to be the prominent reason behind the substantial decrease in activity that occurs every couple of months. With that being said, my availability has currently skyrocketed due to winter break. My activity can range from eight hours a day to even up to sixteen hours per day. Yes, unhealthy, and an insane commitment towards the server. Suppose that I do get accepted, then a majority of my hours will be directed towards my cadet stage and passing the examination.
9 PM - 10 AM​
8 PM - 11 AM​
Tuesday - Wed.​
11 PM - 12 AM​
8 PM - 10 AM​
Friday - Saturday​
8 PM - 9 AM​

What is your motivation for applying?:
I would say my motivation behind applying is rather ordinary, and just as expected from me as any other applicant. I don't firmly believe motivation is what should be looked onto when you read or determine whether an applicant is good enough to be given a chance, it's really about the determination. With that being said, my motivation is simply to direct my focus towards more roleplay opportunities and to gain more experience whilst building over my current reputation and improvising on it. I have been playing SRP for a very, very long time, and the fact is that I have been participating in illegal forms of roleplay (delinquent roleplay, crime roleplay, gang roleplay, etcetera). It's understandable that I have gotten a chance to make a slight change in the hospital faction alongside the faculty faction(s) about half a decade ago, but the police faction is really intriguing by itself. It's worth a shot, which interests me. It's why I want to maintain my persistence in applying for every police wave from the get-go until I get the opportunity to experience it firsthand.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
As for in-real life police work, I don't have much knowledge about that. Yeah, I watched movies/shows/films/documentaries regarding police departments or things that police officers of various ranks did. I would say that puts me higher than most. As for other topics where I would directly need to experience police work firsthand (in-real life terms), I do not have much knowledge about that. However, for SRP itself, I have a lot of knowledge regarding the things that police officers do ICly. This is mainly because of how often I roleplay with the police department (when I was a hospital worker, and as a criminal roleplayer). It's not only limited to that, as I have a lot of friends from the KPD faction, whereas I tended to ask them questions; otherwise, I would probably have just read about police work somewhere on the forums and the latter. It's a whole load of shena****ns, but on a scale of 1-10, in terms of knowledge; I would place myself at a solid 7.5/10.


Advancing onto this. I didn't find the absolute need to list this down, but I might as well prove that I acknowledge things about the police work occurring within the faction itself! With that being said: Police Officers can do things from arresting criminals or residents that commit misdemeanors, felonies, petty crimes, etc. They can also fine them for illegal conduct that doesn't warrant arrest time. (If they can't pay the fine, then they will either be arrested or forced to repay with community service, if my memory serves me right).

There's this other thing, like taking and logging reports of crimes committed by certain individuals. How come? This can occur by looking through CCTV to search for evidence (Itu Z. Saiuka v. SGT Rossi reference), detaining them for an interrogation; where it's very unlikely to lead to an arrest, but it's still probable. Actively patrolling throughout the city is also one way to ensure, and log any possible crime scenes; and guarantee a lack of illegal conduct occurring throughout the city. Enforcing the law is a must, and that's one thing these duties serve!

Police Officers are able to oversee the entirety of the city (excluding sewers, locations that do not have CCTV presence, the hospital without direct approval from the higher-ups, etc). They're also able to oversee bodycam footage at all times, as disabling it would count as tampering with government equipment. CCTV is also accustomed with a custom plugin that eases the task of looking around the city actively at all times, which tends to be (sometimes) be glitchy.

Interrogating individuals or suspects that were taken into the station for questioning. Why were they taken into the station? There are a lot of probable occurrences that would lead to that. It's either because they were reported for committing a crime, were seen at the crime scene itself where the police had been directed towards, or due to the assumption or suspicion that they are directly linked towards a crime, or are affiliated with a gang. There are other options, like interrogating individuals, attempting to come to a conclusion as to what might have happened somewhere within the crime scene's premises without directly linking that individual to the crime.

Police Officers are intended to raid properties (apartment, penthouses, houses, buildings, etc) to seek for any contraband or illegal conduct occurring within the premises. All in all, things that do not meet the criteria of legality within the city. Cool term, right? Yeah. However, to do that, they need to receive a warrant to conduct those raids mainly by a judge, and possibly by the mayor themselves.

They are also meant to file logs that are related to judicial cases. You would expect that job to be left to town hall workers, but instead the town hall workers proceed with the forms that were logged by the police department. Why do such a thing? It's for future occurrences or references such as trials, lawsuits, etc. This can vary beyond such, as they also file logs of jailed individuals, raids, visitations, criminal conduct, and more.


All of these should hopefully be accurate, as some research in regards to the roles within the faction. If there are any inaccuracies, they should remain minor and are unlikely to cause problems with me in the future.

CADETS: Our beloved beginners, simply some clueless ferrets running around and still trying to configure to their new job! They were recently given a chance within the KPD faction, and are now in this 'training phase' that can last around 2~ weeks. They are the lowest of the lowest in terms of rank, and they are meant to serve citizens at the front desk. They are unable to go on patrols alone, and need to be accompanied with any role that's above them (P.O+).

PATROL OFFICERS: Fledglings! They are no longer clueless ones, and are actually trained to do their job somewhat efficiently. They passed their training phase, and received the approval to be able to go on patrols by themselves. They are able to do multiple tasks like serving citizens at the front desk, logging reports, going out on patrols with other officers, and the latter.

CORPORALS: And so you advance once more. They're much more experienced members within the faction. They're able to train the new waves of cadets (informational, physical training altogether). They can go out on patrols, and they can also ensure that the cadets alongside lower ranking officers are doing their job efficiently. Essentially, a glorified version of the patrol officer with more privileges like a police motorcycle.

SERGEANTS: Almost at the top! Sergeants are pretty much the rank directly below higher-ups. They proved themselves worthy towards the higherups, hence the rare promotions. They are able to do anything that the lower ranked officers are able to do (assessing cadets, corporals, police officers, assisting citizens at the desk, logging crimes/mugshots, etc). They are able to go out on patrol by themselves, have experience to assess the situation and commit to the job at a moment's notice.

LIEUTENANTS: Embodying Sisyphus! These individuals have pretty much gone above and beyond at proving themselves to be the best at their job. They are competent, have a good reputation, and have gained the approval of the other higherups. They're able to conduct trainings, assess the cadets (alongside sergeants, corporals, and patrol officers). They're able to assist citizens, go out on patrols by themselves. They are higher-ups within the faction, and a lot of the decisions are dependent on them. What sort of decisions? Whether an officer can go off-duty or not, patrol or not, etc. Quite the lot of dedication they put into this faction!

DETECTIVE CONSTABLE: Detective Constables are essentially 'cadets' of the detective branch. These individuals already passed the cadet training phase, and are doing further more training to be detectives instead. They're able to conduct interrogations (main branch can as well, but we will disregard that).

DETECTIVE INSPECTORS: Essentially. . the same level of a sergeant, or a corporal. They passed the training phase a while back, and are efficiently doing their job as a detective whilst committing to the faction generally as an officer. There are no differences between them and sergeants, can handle interrogations, investigate crime scenes. They're able to assess detective trainees, assist citizens, go out on patrol, etc.

DETECTIVE CHIEF INSPECTORS: The equivalent of lieutenants, instead for the detective branch. They have proven themselves worthy of a promotion a while ago, and can now help determine new cadets, and new detective trainees. They're able to watch and keep track of the lower ranks. They're able to go on patrol, investigate crime scenes, and the latter. A lot of things that the lower ranks can do, logically, they can do those tasks as well without difficulty.

DETECTIVE SUPERINTENDENT: The Detective Superintendent is the equivalent of the captain role, and overlooks their entire department or branch. Higher-ups that can replace the commissioner in case of inavailability, overlook cadets and detectives alike. They assess the skills and capabilities of the current cadets, pick new cadets for the incoming waves. They're also there to do the other usual work that lower ranked officers can do (assisting residents, holding trainings, etc). A lot of rambling, but they have proven themselves to be awfully capable. However, I wouldn't really describe Sasha Vasylenko as 'capable', he's a skeleton.

CAPTAIN: I will go into the specifics here! Our favourite captain, Daiki Saiky or Ecocide, has been in the faction for a very or fairly long time. This means that they're the most experienced within the faction, or have been playing around for the longest time. They're familiar with the rules, abide by them, and the latter. A captain as a whole serves as the leader; disregarding the commissioner's presence or not. They assess the cadets, and other officers, hold trainings, and assist citizens at the front desk. They are essentially the 2nd in command within the department/faction next to the DSI (Detective Superintendent).

COMMISSIONER: The 1st in command, the leading force of the entire department or faction as a whole. They hold an important role in determining the new wave of officers, overlooks both branches and higher-ups. They play an important part in deciding promotions alongside the other higherups. Let's go more into detail. There are case scenarios where a speech must be given. In that case, the person giving that speech would either be the captain or most likely the commissioner. They do every task beknownst to other officers, or detectives. Listing their tasks is essentially endless, as there's confidential information that isn't publicly known across the forums or across other officers within the faction.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Let's go more in depth for this question. It's a very important, and rhetoric question. When you search as to why police officers are important for the world overall. It answers with this, "Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities." And quite frankly, the SRP officers aren't much different from that.

The Karakura Police Department as a faction is very important for SRP, especially with the way current GangRPers function as a whole. The criminal faction is very active at all times due to the flow of new players coming in that prefer to play as the villains; and due to the nonexistent restrictions that prevent them from doing so. With that being said, there are a lot of gangs that must be shut down or stopped. However, again, imagining a city without officers. . There are no vigilantes either, obviously, so who's going to stop them? Instead of that horrific image, imagine a server with the presence of police officers. They can put a stop to those gangs, a lot of rambling indeed. To summarize everything I have just said; the city would go to ruins without the presence of police officers, as nothing would prevent criminals roaming around from attacking hospital workers, government workers in general, and the citizens of the city. They would cause havoc, and more. However, the existence of the police department would completely intertwine with that and put a stop to those gangs or criminals.

Let's move towards what the police utilise within the city, or what they do to help the city (or SchoolRP in general): They ensure the safety of every individual, including that individual's ability to practice their rights of Karakura (or Japan)'s constitution. They're able to partially put a stop to the shena****ns caused by the black market, or gangs in general. It makes the criminals and dealers' jobs much more difficult due to the constant patrolling or roaming by the officers around the city; and the prominent presence of CCTV cameras. Officers ensure that, during trials, nothing goes wrong. There are so many things that the faction does as a whole, and the server simply wouldn't function without them. They're an important integrity, alongside a structure that holds onto the pillars of the server. SRP coexists with the KPD itself.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Of course. I am aware that training itself is mandatory, and I am required to participate as long as I am available.


What's your character's full name?:
A brief moment as a presence was emanated from the opposite side of the door, a few light knocks would be heard from the other side of the interview room. Soon after, the peculiar interviewee would enter the room; taking a seat in front of the interviewer, and fixing his posture. "Morning, name's Sarani Martinez. Here, applying to take part within the police academy and become a full-on fledgling officer for this city." That was quite the dramatic, and corny opening!

How old is your character?:
Sarani's eyes opened for a moment, as he began adjusting his tie. He pondered over his age for a moment, however, he came prepared. He placed his briefcase on the table, opening it with the click of a button. He proceeded to slide his birth certificate towards the interviewee. Sarani was born on the 18th of February, 1997. "I am twenty six years old, gon' be twenty seven within the next couple of weeks." He let out a quiet huff as he waited for the next question from the interviewee.

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
"I go by he/him pronouns. I am a biological male."

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Sarani Martinez bobbed his head to the interviewee's inquiry as he pulled out two diplomas from his briefcase. He apparently graduated from highschool, and also graduated from college with a bachelor's degree in . . Criminology! "You can pretty much tell. I am very much dedicated towards this job, n' all." He nodded, waiting to catch a sight of the interviewee's approval whilst waiting for the next upcoming question.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
A brief, quiet sigh released from Sarani Martinez's mouth, as his hand popped out from his waist, raising three fingers. Speaking in a multitude of languages, simple sentences; catching from that, JSL, French, Japanese, and English. "I know four languages. It might be useful when dealing with those that aren't natives, yeah?"

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Such an amusing and nonchalant individual. Definitely a persona with a lack of words, a stoic expression. An uncanny presence, an uncomforting one, in fact. He stood above others with his mere height, one with a lack of a fiery expression. Stood there in formal attire at most times, a recollection of something. He was an individual representing a peculiar ambience, an unusual one. A resting, faint engraving on his collarbone from the past. He had a rather obscure sense of fashion, which could only be described as something that only matched the fifties, his aesthetic was the exact same. An old-fashioned man in a modern world, one accommodated by broad shoulders. He was not unusual in terms of looks, simply ordinary as one could be; as he had a set of pitch brown eyes, complimented by his distinct black hair. He did not look approachable, in fact, quite the opposite was suggested.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Formality is a virtue, and that's the codex that Sarani Martinez abided by. He was no casual individual except in very particular case scenarios, acknowledging this; he gave a gleeful grin from ear to ear. He clasped his hands together, interlocking his fingers simultaneously as he began coming up with the answer. He looked at the interviewee with ease, the pace of the interview going fairly well for him so far. This could simply not go wrong at that moment! "I tend to think that professionalism, alongside formality at such an age or with such a career is a mandatory endeavor that I have to commit towards. We have to show this city that police officers aren't just some slackers, and that they can truly depend on us. I can be less professional, and more leaning towards casualness whilst off-duty or with close acquaintances." Sarani Martinez tends to stay professional most of the times, although there are a couple of case scenarios where he is not all that serious. His formalistic tendencies tend to get to the best of him, keeping his casual approach indoors with family or close friends.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Sarani Martinez crossed one leg over the other, tilting his head a little bit as he thought of the question. He always preferred working alone, considering he was much more better at that. He did not want to falter at other people's incompetence, however, that was not the real integrity or idea that the Karakura Police Department supported. He definitely saw an appreciation for co-workers, they were helpful nevertheless. "I think teamwork is an essential structure within this department. We would fall, and crumble under the power of criminalistics organizations; if we did not have each other's backs." He paused, well, that was a good answer. He found that the saying 'teamwork makes the dream work' could have worked, but it was a little corny. Sarani saw a ton of Karakura Police Officers support each other and has never, or has barely seen any officer wandering the street by oneself. This is essential, and teaming up is a must.

What's your character's backstory?

A déjà vu sensation. It rings in my ears every day and feels so familiar. I'm unable to evade it, but yet. It's not that bad whatsoever. An illusion in my thoughts, the start of an extended trip. Distorted, muffled cries appeared as a fuzzy image that became clearer, similar to how a microscope's lens might change its shape. A glimpse of a white hallway brought back flashbacks. Is this a hospital or a padded room? Maybe, actually, yes. A group of individuals in scrubs rushed inside a room that had the words "OPERATION ROOM" engraved above it. You would be aware of the start of the tale if you were to imagine it. Before long, a nurse emerged from the operating room carrying something that was wrapped around a soft blanket. Rotten, every single newborn's typical start. Achy, ringing head. Several muffled beeping, specifically from a heart-rate monitor, and the sound of wheels scraping the tile floor as a stretcher was being carried somewhere else. This may have been the start of a prosperous life, but maybe not. Before the nurse, a man sat with the child in his arms. With a worried look on his face, he quickly got to his feet. I was that object, and only that, that was wrapped up in this blanket. My official birthday is February 18, 1997. Raised into a middle-class household, something couldn't go wrong, right? If I didn't go there, my life would turn out ordinary. God, what an awful beginning. My name would be Sarani. That's what my father, Michel picked for me, anyway. I was not an exception to the rule that many people encounter troubles at a young age.

BITTERSWEET BEGINNING, PART II: Someone who was meant to live in Karakura had been born with a single flaw, which is an overall lack of luck. Since I had only recently been born and wasn't yet discharged from the hospital, I was screaming. The pictures suddenly became distorted, resembling a video with pixelated images. Something was obstructing the camera's lens because the sounds were twisted. I was born in the same room as several physicians and nurses rushed into that very room. When my eyes finally opened, it was the first time. I noticed the look of complete despair on my father's face. Really, anyone could speculate as to what might have occurred at that very moment. In the meantime, a nurse attempted to comfort him; the operation room's lighting was dim, not the hallway, however. I was unable to see that well. Remembering this always makes me feel if I've put a CD into a video player and am replaying my mother's death. Except that, as a teenager, I was the sole individual who imagined it before I really witnessed it. An distorted, deformed picture of a woman in the operating room with a number of people who held medical licenses, but those licenses had no effect on the situation. They were unworthy if they couldn't save her. DISAPPOINTING. There was a buzz, an uncomfortable one, coming from the same monitor that my mother was attached to. a green, straight line that went through when the countdown reached zero.

I returned home with my father to our graceful house. A silence that was both sorrowful and devoid—my mother. After spending days signing all of the paperwork, Michel understood that the entire process would be extremely draining on both his mental and physical health. I used to wonder why higher beings, if any, would want to harm an innocent individual. I used to think about it, ask questions, and seek answers. If my mother figure had been in my life, I think I could have made greater things of myself. I'm getting off topic. In case my ethnicity wasn't clear, my native country is France. My hometown was Lyon; nothing special about it. I sincerely hoped that my life would remain ordinary—that is, quiet and pleasant. Like every other tragic middle class family here, I hoped to gradually earn my way into retirement. That's not how my fate was intended, so it wouldn't work.

DETROIT, PART III: The saying, "can't have shit in Detroit" is prominent. Sarani could perhaps personally attest to the philosophical remark that became the motto of the city. Despite his young age to relocate from France to another country, they were now considered upper middle class according to his father's newest salary. Sadly, that could not make up for the lack of security and safety in such a metropolis. By then, Sarani had turned five, thus the date was written on the whiteboard. Sarani had entered in elementary school at a relatively young age on July 13, 2007. Still, it's a difficult procedure for immigrants. Five years have gone by since Aubrey, his mother, passed away.

Sarani lived a life which was quite ordinary. An average standard of life, an average school, etcetera. After all, he was still just a child and couldn't understand the cycle of life. But by the time he was nine years old, his grandfather had moved to America and settled with Sarani and Michel. This would be a challenging endeavor that would reduce Sarani's budget and expenses. This was good and all, but Sarani had no actual knowledge of how money worked. He wasn't spoiled or selfish. He constantly asked for the barest minimum.

IMPENDING DOOM, PART IV: Sarani's grandfather was an intelligent but frail man. I think Sarani believed, that he would never really back down from a fight. On a dull morning, Sarani strolled with his grandfather down through the damp and crumbling concrete, heading somewhere he was unable to recall because he was still young at that time. Overlooking this emerging issue- approaching catastrophe, the air was getting heavy. Sarani felt as though he was carrying two enormous boulders on his shoulders. Distorted yelling started right then. It started to become clearer sooner. A group of men with cheap ski masks surrounding them. For every ordinary citizen, it was a horrifying moment. But in Karakura, this would have been common.

THE PREQUEL, PART V: Not even a second later, and the yelling began. Sarani's fearsome expression, alongside his grandfather's frail build would not have helped either of them in this case. Michel's father made an attempt to defend himself, but at such an old age. . It could only do so little, a distorted image as Sarani's grandfather suddenly fell to the ground. Sarani cowered in fear, despair- He was in a state of sorrow. He couldn't defend his grandfather, as they kicked him back and forth; a sudden splurge of blood coming out of his mouth. Supposedly, according to the 2011 medical records that were displayed for his grandfather, he died due to a fracture in his ribcage that attacked his blood vessels and lungs at that very moment.

A moment of trauma. If only there had been no witnesses that had notified the authorities to this bizarre, skewed sighting while they were still there. How could such people, who have dedicated their entire lives to serving others get attacked just for their money without showing any empathy to them? Rotten, disgusting. This is something that nobody could or would approve of. The group of people fled swiftly, with Sarani seeing only foggy visions of his grandfather dripping blood and trying to breathe and squeal. There was nothing he could do about it. Sarani's grandfather had already passed away by the time an ambulance truly arrived to help him. The paramedic who delivered the comment stated, "Time of Death, 7:19 PM." Sarani curled his legs upward and sat in the corner of the ambulance in despair. He was rocking back and forth, clinging to them with his arms while mumbling something under his breath and shedding tears down his eyes.

RELOCATION, PART VI: Sarani had to wait a very long time to truly be released from his personal resentment. For such an absurd problem, he was fully recovered by the time he reached thirteen in 2016. Michel, Sarani's father, began enrolling him in Japanese courses. This could be for a variety of reasons; perhaps he intended for him to speak multiple languages. In all fairness, he was already. The real reason was Michel's intention to leave Detroit and start working in Karakura, Japan in order to forget any unpleasant memories he had of Detroit. And they actually did that. In 2017, shortly after Sarani turned fourteen, they relocated to Karakura in the hopes of finding better chances and a better life. (<- That was their biggest mistake.)


Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
Sarani Martinez released a light scoff from his mouth, before re-directing his focus towards the question yet again. A sharp, lethal and dangerous weapon that could only be acquired by the black market; legal in Karakura? Not a single chance, not even officers could have a hold of it. Sure, tactical knives could be acquired, if the commissioner's approval was given. Pocket Knives were simply a hindrance with the amount of criminals spreading around the city like parasites. "Absolutely not." A short response was given. "It can result in an arrest, 'possession of illegal weaponry', which is a felony."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Iron Supplements
Cough Syrup
Reading glasses.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
Sarani Martinez squeezed back a bit into the seat, pondering as to why anyone, let alone an officer, would decide to violate an inmate's right in the constitution. He could only connect it to corruption, well, what else could it be? "My first instinctive move would to ensure that I have my body-cam on to record the entire situation, to make sure that the officer is caught redhanded at that very moment. Regardless of the individual being an inmate or not, their constitutional rights are not disregarded at all. Police officers are meant to set a standard, and that type of treatment is the reason behind the constant protests and fights against the department itself. Moving on, I would attempt to restrain my co-worker and ensure that I am able to stray him away from the inmate momentarily. If the inmate is injured, then I will call for paramedics to come over to the medical bay. I will then report the co-worker to one of my higher-ups, and use the body-cam footage as evidence." Isn't that so nice of you, Sarani?

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
Sarani Martinez. . What was his response going to be at that very moment, one could only ponder for a moment there. He had seen multiple people getting attacked, including his own family members. He would only do one thing, and that is to come to their aid as soon as possible. He wouldn't disregard a co-worker from that privilege, and would come to their assistance as soon as possible. He'd gather his thoughts, clasping his hands as he fixed his posture; coming up with a reasonable response. "It's only fair that I would approach the situation with a necessary level of calmness, whilst also being quick at hand. If the situation is of absolute severity, then I would instantaneously call for backup to come assist me and my fellow co-worker. I would unholster my taser from my belt, before approaching the assailants and tasing them with utter accuracy if possible. If that doesn't work out, then pulling my baton out and forcing them away from my colleague is optional. If the adversaries used quite a lot of force on my co-worker, then I will cuff them after putting a stop to it. I will then arrest them for assault on a government official, adding more charges if more crimes occurred." Quite the response there, Sarani Martinez. Restraining, or tasing the assailants is usually the best and most logical approach for a moment like this.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
Corruption is a very serious topic, and something that's been on the rise especially among the officers in Karakura. This is quite the flabbergasting moment for Sarani, truly. However, he wouldn't fret. Instead, he appeared at ease as he began calculating a reasonable answer. Throughout all of this. . oh, come to a halt there. He found a good response. "I would first consider the possibilities of my colleague truly being corrupt. You don't see such fools that much these days. I would begin recalling some of our prior interactions, trying to catch onto any previously left clues. If nothing works out, then I will try to gather evidence to report to my higher-up. We can not have corrupt officers in this city, not with our current reputation. Evidence can range from body-cam footage, to text messages, to images, and more. There are possibilities, and a corrupt officer will slip at some point."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Sarani paused. Attempting to bribe an officer could work out, but that really wasn't the plausible option as it could lead to a very hefty fine at the end. "Well, I would warn them to stop attempting to bribe me. Quite honestly, I want to preserve the image of the department. If I fined them as soon as they offered a bribe, then that would ruin our image and significantly make the person I fined dislike us in general. I want to give them a second chance before fining them for attempting to bribe an officer. If they're unable to pay the fine, then they will get community service. However, fining someone from the get-go really isn't feasible."

I plan to resign from all crime faction related roles, if I were to get accepted.


Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.​

We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but
we have made this decision based on the following reason(s)

Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the
faction, we sometimes have to deny good applicants because there are
others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to
server reputation or due to the detail that was put to their application.

Although we don't deny your will to join the faction, detail is a great
way to show off your interest. Therefore, we recommend spending more
time to try and re-elaborate your application so that it shows off you're
truly engaged in trying to join us!

- A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation. We tend
to pick players who have been in the server for a while, and that have a
relatively clean history. We suggest applying for other factions / community
teams to improve how other players see you and boost your chances at
becoming part of our faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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