What is your Minecraft username?: dead4mara
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): chasingjellyfish
How old are you? (Optional): 20
What is your time zone?: My time zone is AST which is an hour ahead of EST, some persons know it as GMT-4
Describe your activity on the server: I usually give my activity a rating on a scale from 1 to 10 whenever faced with this type of question, though i'll go over it completely in the table down below;
I like to think of my activity as a 7/10, being quite active throughout the week, though it's not as active as I'd like it to be, but I am a full time art student with a part time job!
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
My sundays are always free from whenever i wake up (usually 7am?) till 11pm | Not free at all, full day | Also not free, another full day | Free from 8:30pm till 11-11:30pm, would sometimes be a tad bit longer | Free from 5pm till 11 pm | Fridays are a 50/50 for me, some days i'd be free from 1pm till it rolls into saturday OR other days free from 5pm till it rolls into saturday | Im usually always free on Saturdays unless i have other plans, but i'd be free from whenever I wake up till it rolls into sunday |
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes i'm fully aware of this and would not let it get to that point, as I would give the proper heads up by using the channel provided for me to log an inactivity with a reasoning. Though knowledgeable of this, if there were to be a case where I would be inactive, it is never for a period longer than 2 weeks.
School Employee Role you are applying for?: Receptionist
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for: There's a lot of responsibilities tied to the role of a receptionist. Besting the core of an institution's foundation and being apart of it's success. From a school's perspective, their work is very effective as they make sure there is a sense of good communication in the midst of not only their co-workers, but parents and students as well, while also informing them of all the information they may need. The general idea of their role is to assist those who are in need, it can start from a new student wanting to know where a class is, to helping them with their schedule. Taking phone calls directed at the school and even greeting visitors. They help by making the school environment a lot more functional, as I believe they hold a great responsibility.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: Whenever I hear of roleplay, I like to believe that I am very experienced in the field. I starting roleplaying in 2016 usually on apps such as Roblox or Amino, and I really did fell in love with it, it was fun for me and kept me wanting more, I loved the idea that I could basically become someone else and control everything about them, their feelings, their views and everything. Then, I started watching youtubers play minecraft type of roleplays, which was really exciting for me, because my two favorite things at the time were basically combined into one, minecraft and roleplay, which then lead me to finding out about SchoolRP, which I then joined in 2018. Since then I have been apart of the SRP community, and ranging in a few factions where I got to develop my roleplay skills and branch out into trying new things, from a school employee, sports, shrine and student council factions They all taught me different ways in which I could roleplay out my characters in ways that I wanted them to be portrayed, teaching me how to switch easily between characters, how to manage each and every single one of their lives, all having different personalities.
Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?: I was granted with the opportunity of having this role a few years ago, as it was the first ever role I received faction wise, and honestly, the best one yet. Yes this is SchoolRP and though there are many city base factions, I always preferred anything school related, teams, clubs, employee, etc. Which relates to factions, makes me feel more comfortable and in my element, yes I have branched off to try new things, and would still prefer to be a school employee. While being a receptionist way back when, I absolutely enjoyed it, it brought me so much opportunities and helped me to develop the way I roleplay ten times over. Being that it was the first role I ever applied for. I decided to step out my comfort zone as I do have really bad anxiety, now, one or two persons may find having anxiety over a minecraft server a bit silly but I took it very seriously and still do! I was very much scared of the role I was applying for back then as it was still very new to me, and to this day im really glad that I took that opportunity and ran with it. It really broke me out of that shell I formed around myself, also helping me make some new friends in the faction at the moment! It saddens me seeing that there's almost never a receptionist on and I'd love to help revive that group in the employee faction, even if it has to be a one man show. I really miss the feeling of being in the faction and wanted to have that again. I believed that I was quite good at the role as well, as I used to be HD! And would love to be given the opportunity I was once given before!
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Spanish Application - https://schoolrp.net/threads/spanish-language-application.12564/
Event Team Application - https://schoolrp.net/threads/event-team-application-wandakii.51694/
Councilor Application - https://schoolrp.net/threads/councilor-application-graydoughnut747.53074/ [Was told in dm's that this was denied due to me being in too many factions at the given moment]
Spanish Application - https://schoolrp.net/threads/spanish-language-application.12606/
French Application - https://schoolrp.net/threads/french-language-application.13593/
Korean Application - https://schoolrp.net/threads/korean-language-app.13813/
Russian Application - https://schoolrp.net/threads/russian-language-application.45826/
JSL Application - https://schoolrp.net/threads/jsl-application-hisjuliet.47667/
Chinese Application - https://schoolrp.net/threads/zambiemaras-language-application.74404/
Receptionist Application - https://schoolrp.net/threads/receptionist-application.45817/
Priest Application - https://schoolrp.net/threads/shrine-application-soulxkii.46510/
Maiden Application - https://schoolrp.net/threads/shrine-maiden-application-kiism.50736/
Councilor Application - https://schoolrp.net/threads/hs-student-council-application-zambiemara.74795/
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
(Main) jvllyfsh - [College][Swim] / [Grade-12] / [Rat] / [Fish]
(Alt) zambiemara - [Grade-7] / [Grade-8]
(Alt) dead4mara - [Adult] - Account I am applying on
(Alt) marapukesglitter - [Grade-12]

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Nadia has learned that not all insults call for a response, especially when it's a student seeking for a reaction. She would of course ignore the student and keep all composure, not giving them a lick of her reaction, hoping they would soon stop. if the student continued to keep jabbing, she would throw in a bit of humor in her response, reply with, "So, I get that everyone can't always be happy, but projecting that hate onto others isn't cool! It's always good to talk about it with a trusted adult." She would tilt her head and cross her arms, trying to give off that authoritative look, still not feeding into the aggression. Nadia would only offer a way out of the situation, trying her best to get said student to open up if they truly are having a bad day, though, if the behaviour did continue, she'd take it upon herself to follow the rules and dish out the necessary punishments.
You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Nadia's relexes would take over as soon as she witnesses a physical fight in the hallway, obviously knowing she cant let it worsen. Instead of quickly jumping into the figfht to break it up, she'd quickly ****yze it, of course not tot he point where it can get really bad, but to know if she herself can break it up or if she's need bigger hands to break it apart. If the situation doesnt calm down and the fighting and tension continues, she makes them very much aware of her, going something along the lines of "Hey so this isn't great and I don't love this for you guys at all, but you're gonna have to stop or it'll be a harder situation to get out of!" In a tone that doesnt get the students more heated, and of course, offering to her out both sides of their stories to see if she could help resolve the issue at hand. Nadia would also tell them both what's the best way to go about dealing with such a situation, rather than letting it get to being all violent.
Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Nadia's a firm believer in handling situations with a strong sense of composure. Her reaction to seeing another employee acting inappropriately is oddly, not to confront them head on in public, but to pull them to a side, so the situation doesn't escalate right away. She believes that speaking to them privately would help her get a better understanding of why they're acting the way they are. Though, it also heavily depends on how serious the situation she's dealing with is, after pulling them to a side Nadia would probably tell them "Hey!.. I don't think this is like, the best idea, because if this gets SLT's attention, it would turn into something wayy bigger than it needs to be." Also being in a calm manner so they dont feel attacked and flip out anyways. She's really understanding when it comes to such topics, because of her past and how she was dealt with at her last job. However, if the situation is much worse and dangerous, Nadia wouldn't think twice about reporting the problem, especially considering it could put students and others in harm's length. She's so not scared to set boundaries where needed, ensuring to keep the school a safe environment.
When in the employee break room, how does your character act?:
Nadia is quite the natural social butterfly, and would surround her co-workers with nothing but a friendly vibe, they'd probably even get "work wife" type of vibes. She views the break room as a place to relax, unwind, interact and share moments in between tough and long hours with her co-workers, which would all, be displayed in her behaviour. Seeing that she's everything fashion, Nadia is usually quick on her toes when it comes to noticing a new outfit, and would be the one to hype people up, as she believes that a bit of confidence can go a long way for someone's day. Does she stress about work-place drama? Not if she's apart of it *cough* MAYBE just a few comments here and there but she nevvvver lets it get to a point where she's totally involved! She's more focused on making the break room a positive space for everyone.
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
/me standing behind the receptionist desk humming to herself, Nadia began to look through the stack of paperwork she had sitting at her station, looking as though she was organizing them and getting into the zone, kind of tuning out. Getting everything in order, the woman let out a small sigh of satisfaction, being glad she had completed her task, ready to up from her seat to get a coffee from the break room. Though, she was met with hearing the sound of shoes dragging across the floor, it caught Nadia's attention, making her turn back to be greeted by a student. She offered them a warm smile, getting comfortable in her chair as she rested her hands onto the desk as they intertwined with each other, her head slightly tilted as she looked over to the student. "Hey! So sorry if it looked like I was running away or something! Is there anything I could do for you?" After that last word, she glanced down at the desk, quickly grabbing onto a notebook and a pencil, one of which she kept information in and used to help assist students.
/me pushed open the doors of the breakroom while letting out a dramatic sigh, feeling like she had just survived a high stake fashion show rather than just.. 4 hours of sitting at the receptionist desk. She made her way over to the coffee machine and began to start up a batch, sitting back down into a chair though it was the last thing she wanted to do, having been that she did it for.. 4 .. hours.. straight, she also didn't want to stand anyways! She looked towards the door as it opened, watching as one of her co-workers waltzed right in. Not giving them the time of day and jumping straight at their throat, Nadia burst out, "Give me some sort of drama, annnyyything. Maybe even a scandal? I'd literally pay so much attention to even a story of you going to the beach or.. You get what I mean. I need something interesting before I go back to sitting in that chair for.. the rest of the day!" She sat up, forgetting all about her coffee she put on, there was nothing but curiosity and excitement in the woman's face, waiting for her co-worker to start speaking, HOPING it was going to be nothing but a story, making the most of her break before going back to her job.
/me got up from the chair, not long after tidying up her space at the front desk, packing her stuff away. Nadia took her bag and made her way to the door of the room, turning back one last time as she adjusted her blazer, smoothing out the fabric. "Annnnnyways, goodbye lovely people! This is me signing off for the week and please do enjoy your weekends, cause I know I will." With that being said, she turned back to walk out the door, her voice only raising higher than before, "Oh! And try not to miss me so much, yeah! See ya!" And with that final goodbye, she stepped into the halls of the school, the sounds of her heels clicking together making it's own music, music in which the woman began to hum to. The weekend was now her's and she was ready for it, until Monday rolled around the corner.

Full Name (First & Last only): Nadia Orlova
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Preferred Name: Nadia
Age (Minimum is 25): 27
Gender: Female
Academic Degree: Bachelors
Major(s): Fashion and Design
Minors: Merchandising, Art and Design History
Nationality: Russian
Known Languages: Russian, Japanese, Jsl
Nadia Orlova was born and raised in the capital of Russia, Moscow. In a home based on strict rules and high standards, from of course, her parents. Her mother being a well known socialite, and her father, a respected dean at a medicale university, both had a clear idea of what the wanted of their daughter's future, for her to of course have a life of either business, law or medicine, there was just no other options for them. But that wasn't the case!
Nadia was always one who enjoyed a fashion show here and there, using the little free time she had to model in front of her dolls and plushies, putting together outfits with her clothes and just wearing them in different and interesting ways. At the age of 9 and her parents both being on a trip, the girl was sent to stay by her grandmother to look after her. She was always a curious one, as one day of looking around the house for something to do rather than reading and studying, she went into the attic, finding boxes filled to the brim with clothes. Stuff such as silk dresses, lace gloves shawls, basically every and anything that the girl could find. Nadia's eyes were of course, opened up, as she couldn't believe what she had just found, already thinking of the many many MANY outfits she could piece together with her newly found treasure. Being who she was, she had to had to ask her grandmother first, which young Nadia did. Happy that her granddaughter found what she thought was an old life she left behind, Nadia's grandmother smiled, and that was when she began to tell her all of her stories at Parson's School of Design in New York. She talked all about how lively the fashion industry was back then, how exciting it was creating collections and the types of relationships she made with well known fashion designers along the way. Listening to each story, Nadia felt like it was something out of a movie, a dream. Felling somewhat of a fire start within the girl whenever she begged for her grandmother to tell her more stories each day. Having her own desire to make clothes she herself could wear, as well as many other people. She then committed to learning whatever she could on the fashion topic, hiding fashion magazines in her text books when she were to be studying, as well as making sketches in her school notebooks in classes.
As she grew older, Nadia's passion for fashion (see what I did there?) only deepened. Her parents, however, were not encouraging at all. They rejected her desire of becoming a fashion designer as soon as she expressed it. Her mother, stated that fashion was just a silly pastime, whereas her father referred to it as impractical and a waste of one's free will. Nadia however, kept on pushing on the low. She also had something that worked well in her favor, her grandmother's legacy at Parson's. She applied to the school, with a portfolio based on her own knowledge and self taught, as well as her grandmother's teaching and a recommendation letter from her, and once the time was right, she recived a letter, stating that she was accepted. Nadia, secretly with the help of her grandmother, left Russia and went to the school of her dreams, the same school her grandmother had once studied at, all of which, not notifing her parents about. The girl thrived at the school, she studied day in and out, perfecting her craft as she learned and worked on flaws along the way. She did pretty well in the demanding industry, and later, obtained her associate's degree, then her bachelor's degree in fashion and design, and began to focus on her future. After graduating, she landed a dream internship at Vouge that she had applied for while still in school, and this seemed like the ideal way of getting out there and starting a business and getting more of your work seen. Now, everything was fine for a while, she was doing well in the new setting, and she herself got to interact with some well-known names in the industry, while putting her back into every single assignment and task given to her, flawlessly executing them all. However, the fashion industry was brutal to poor Nadia. There was some major miscommunication on a high-profile project which caused nothing but disaster and lost clients, and Nadia, was used as the scapegoat for the mistake. In a matter of weeks, she had lost her job, and worse, her reputation in the industry was tarnished. The same industry that had once welcomed her now shunned her, not wanting to touch her name at all, and Nadia, had nowhere to go or turn to.
Broke and with zero clue of what to do with her life, as her dream was now in shambles, Nadia was forced to turn to the one person she was trying to prove wrong, which was hard, her father. Though the man still didn't agree with such decisions, he couldnt bear to see and leave his daughter, his only child at that, suffering and struggling with nothing. After a few phone calls, he got her an opportunity to apply for an employee job at a prestigious school in Karakura, Japan, where he had ties. Now working as a receptionist at the age of 27, her enthusiasm for fashion still survives, though its a far cry from what she imagined her life to be. Taking on the role and helping those of the school.
Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective): "After facing a few. . challenges in my profession, I now place a greater priority on stability and organization than I did before. I get the chance to use my skills in a more meaningful setting at Karakura High School. I believe that working here would give me a new start in a different setting, contributing to the daily operations of the school! Furthermore, I've always done my best in dynamic type of environments, as I know how to communicate with multiple individuals and use my problem-solving skills, and I do ensure that everything goes on without a hitch. if you were worried about my.. past! This position completes how flexible I am, showcases how level-headed I am in tough situations, and adding onto positive energy in whatever environment I find myself in, this role is more than just a job to me."
Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?: "I like to think that my ability to maintain composure, the way in which I conduct my professionalism, and how I take on situations head-on makes me different from other applicants. Thanks to my experience in the past, I was able to improve my social skills, communication skills, and so much more that would benefit the school. I'm very flexible and really on my toes, superrr quick with any task given to me. I bring a strong sense of dedication, especially when I put my mind to it, which of course, I will. Slacker? Haven't heard of it, not in my vocabulary. If given the chance, I'd make sure to contribute nothing but my sheer willpower to enhance the school and create an experience like no other for its students!"
Additional notes about your application: Thanks for taking the time to read my application! If there's any questions feel free to dm me :)
Do you have any questions?: N/A
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