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Did your character come out how you wanted them to? Or could things have been different?


Level 146
Ayako Kusanagi is still, at her core, pretty much exactly how I characterized her when she and her sister were introduced to Karakura, which is great since I have put more thought and care into this character than any of my others. It's a damn shame that the people who played the characters she was close with have all left the server, I'm WAY too lazy to establish meaningful relationships with new people and get those juicy developments that make playing the server worthwhile.

At least she can still fulfill her student-council responsibilities as the human incarnation of the :nerd: emoji, literally the best part of playing this server


Level 118
Ezri Akai has gone in the complete inverse direction, When I came up with her, I fully intended on her being used for crime, and possibly even one day owning a gang and or being a BMD, I got invited to the Akai family, which subsequently ended up not allowing GangRP at all, (Didnt know this until after I joined the family) ... and now she's the Mayor, lol .Her personality however has stayed pretty true to how I envisioned her acting.

I'm fairly happy with her outcome though.
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Level 63
Thread starter
Planning an outcome to a character removes the fun and mystery in playing them. I give all my characters base personalities traits and see where life takes them
that’s true, although sometimes mistakes happen and i wish i could’ve taken them back but that’s not how it works i suppose :)


Level 115
I stick to the flow with my characters

I mainly go off of the lore and backstory I wrote for them, and I do have a clear idea of what their personalities are like, and how they talk, act and react to things. But overtime everything changes because of said lore, roleplay or mental illnesses and what not. It's a story after all


Level 29
all of my characters have been played the way I wanted them to, especially my special little crime boy.......

i'm cooking :3


Level 73
My GangRP character from 2018-2019 had no specific outcome, yet he managed to die under the hands of his best friend which is a very satisfying one to say the least. I wouldn't have wanted any other outcome in the end, and since this wasn't even planned, it made the RP even juicier in the end.

My iconic GangRP character in 2023, Itu Z. Saiuka-Togomi, also had no specific outcome for him. I originally planned for him to be a silly goose who didn't indulge in crimes, but tried to make friends and yada-yada, the jest of it. He would then join Anarchy, leave for Kyogoku-Shiryo, and then leave Kyogoku-Shiryo in an attempt to retire. He'd then return to Kyogoku-Shiryo once again, focusing on his relationship with a certain Shiori. He'd set out on a couple of plans such as the killing of SGT Souma Rossi, the killing of Hae-Ryung, and the kidnapping of Yaban Heddo. However, he was caught after killing Souma Rossi in his own apartment; getting raided. He didn't manage to kill off Hae-Ryung nor kidnap Yaban Heddo yet. There might be a future where I will be able to use Itu again, even if it's for a shortened period of time.


Level 86
Yes and no, basically whatever development makes sense I make it into depth, sometimes roleplaying her is fun due to how she'd act in situations as it's different than how my other characters are. Of course, places where I didn't like it, I don't plan 'outcomes' unless it's like their last moments and I wanted it to be memorable in some sort of way but that's just me because having any sort of outcome is low-key boring


Level 102
Juliette was a side character (and my second ever srp character) that I had retired for a while. I decided to bring her back one day, first as a child, then as a [grade-12] like she had originally been. Old Juliette was quite shallow tbh, she was a Sidorov and a Latina from Mexico City. New Juliette had got in a crash where she had gotten amnesia, causing her to lose a few memories. She had lost an eye due to the incident too. Old Juliette hardly had a personality ngl- she was a little rude but mostly polite and flirty. New Juliette is a lot like this, but more in depth (AND A LOT RUDER. SO MUCH RUDER. GIRL LIKE MY GIRL IS RUDER) She gets into way too many fights nowadays- I’m surprised she hasn’t lost a limb :> Anyway I’m very happy with how she came out! (Aka Juliette C. Estrella. Or Juliette Cornell/Estrella/Rose)


Level 116
Juliette was a side character (and my second ever srp character) that I had retired for a while. I decided to bring her back one day, first as a child, then as a [grade-12] like she had originally been. Old Juliette was quite shallow tbh, she was a Sidorov and a Latina from Mexico City. New Juliette had got in a crash where she had gotten amnesia, causing her to lose a few memories. She had lost an eye due to the incident too. Old Juliette hardly had a personality ngl- she was a little rude but mostly polite and flirty. New Juliette is a lot like this, but more in depth (AND A LOT RUDER. SO MUCH RUDER. GIRL LIKE MY GIRL IS RUDER) She gets into way too many fights nowadays- I’m surprised she hasn’t lost a limb :> Anyway I’m very happy with how she came out! (Aka Juliette C. Estrella. Or Juliette Cornell/Estrella/Rose)
She should fight my Takada char fr

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