IGN (In-Game Name):
What is your discord username?:
What is your timezone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
Activity chart
Day -> | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Vacation | Time I’m free depends on when I’m awake | Time I’m free depends on when I’m awake | Time I’m free depends on when I’m awake | Time I’m free depends on when I’m awake | Time I’m free depends on when I’m awake | Time I’m free depends on when I’m awake | Time I’m free depends on when I’m awake |
School | 4:30 PM - 12 AM | 4:30 PM - 12 AM | 4:30 PM - 12 AM | 4:30 PM - 12 AM | 4:30 PM - 12 AM | 12 PM - 12 AM | 12 PM - 11 AM |
What I spend my time on the server doing
My time on the server consists of 3 things. These three things are shop openings, Government, and Gangrp/CrimeRP
I’ll start with the thing I spend most of my time doing. Which is the government faction. I spend anywhere from 1 hour to 4 hours on my government faction account. During this time I usually sit at the front desk or attend trials. Other than during trials I can usually switch at a random time if needed for something.
The thing I spend the second most amount of time doing is shop openings. Usually, I can’t switch during these, however they only last 30-45 minutes so I won’t be too busy doing this. And if it’s absolutely important I can probably switch to my shrine tag during an opening.
The thing I spend the least amount of time doing on the server is gangrp and crimeRP. However, I still spend anywhere from 0 minutes to 30 minutes doing this every day. It usually depends on what is going on if I get on my bounty hunter character or my gang character. However, when I am taking part in gangrp or crimerp I’m least likely to be able to get online during it unless what I’m doing isn’t important or it’s been an hour after it’s over.
List your current roles on the server:
DisgracedAngel - Judge, Adult, College B, Grade 12
DisgracedBank - Grade 12
DisgracedJoe - Adult, Grade 12
Link any previous applications:
What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?
What is your motivation for applying?
My motivation for applying is as follows
I’ve always wanted to learn more about what the shrine faction does. I’ve always interacted with shrine in tiny pieces. From shrine cleansing KPD when it was haunted during halloween to sparring with shrine members on my Judge character. Yet despite all the tiny bits of roleplay I’ve done with shrine I’ve never actually been part of the faction and I would like to be part of shrine to finally actually learn more about what they do. Because I've always found shrine to be interesting from the interactions with them and have always wanted to play a character interested in shrine and yet never have.
I’ve seen new people joining shrine and I’ve never interacted with them. Every faction I’ve ever joined one of my main goals was to learn more about the people in the faction. And, while I wouldn’t say I’m great at it, truthfully I’m not a social person but I do want to roleplay with some of the shrine members’ characters because I’ve always wanted to see the different ways each faction roleplays on the server
What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
Truthfully, I do not know much about shintoism which is why I’m applying to be a shrine priest. I’ve always seen it being a big part of the server and yet I’ve never really learned about it and I’ve always wanted to learn about it but never had the time to do it. And with my schedule being more open than ever I think now would be the perfect time to learn the part of the server that I’ve spent the least amount of time on.
Character Full Name:
Tsuneo Shishigumi
Character Title:
Mr. Shishigumi
Character Age:
Character Marital Status:
Character Nationality:
Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
The only degree that I have is a degree I have is in medical science Which I don’t believe will help much with this job.
Chapter 1. Life outside of Karakura
Life outside of Karakura included Tsuneo, his sister, mother and father living a decent life. They had enough money to survive although the family estate their grandparents owned allowed them to always have a fall back. That’s how it looked from the outside at least. The inside of the family consisted of constant arguing between his mother and father leading to them getting a divorce with Tsuneo and his sister not wanting to go back to the estate with how bad their grandparents were they decided to live with their father. Their mother ended up marrying their step mother. Their mother, father, and step mother were a bunch of criminals and it appeared to run in the family. The stepmother married their mom just to get to their father eventually one day their father went missing. Of course, Tsuneo suspected the step mother because he disliked her heavily but he could never gather proof. They ended up moving to their grandparents estate with their father dead, their step mother in jail for life and their mother in jail for a couple months for assisting with the crime.
Chapter 2. Life at their grandparents estate
Their life at their grandparents estate was not a good one. With their grandparents being so old they could barely take care of themselves this led to Tsuneo and his sister having to take care of them. At this point Tsuneo was only 15 and his sister was 22 meaning his sister had to do most of the caretaking leading to arguments at times. Finally after living with their grandparents for 10 more years their grandparents died forcing them to leave the estate with neither of them having enough money to keep paying for it and they both decided to move to Karakura.
Chapter 3. Time in Karakura
His time in Karakura was mostly positive. He spent his first few months attempting to become a nurse for the school with his medical degree he had. With that not going anywhere as he never became a nurse for the school. With his free time he attempted to date a person in Karakura before eventually leaving the town for a bit causing that relationship to fail due to his dislike of relationships. He eventually returned a few months after his sister left town with the two having very little interaction anymore. Deciding that if nursing wasn’t going to work out he would have to take part in the crime scene like his father had taken up his fathers old ways of being a criminal.
Chapter 4. Life in crime
Tsuneos life in crime wasn’t a horrible experience but it did lead to regret in his life for what he was doing, making him reconsider his actions. Starting with joining a gang known as Immertreu. It was exactly as he wanted it to be with limited fighting and only taking part in dealings with stores. He also spent this time getting to know another shrine maiden. Jane Genesis but it wasn’t exactly a friendship they had and more of knowing each other and disliking each other. However, he found her story interesting and tended to spend a lot of time with her not leaving her alone despite her punching him a couple times. Eventually, they became loose friends not liking or disliking each other as much as they had originally. During this time his gang was starting to get more violent getting into more and more fights which he did not agree with. However, believing maybe it was what his father had done he continued to take part in the fights to an extent with his limited fighting knowledge but eventually after seeing someone get stabbed just for winning a fight he decided the gang was not where he wanted to be and found it rather against his morals he left them moving on to attempting to join shrine to seek some sort of forgiveness for what he had done.
Chapter 5 Joining shrine.
He made it his new goal to join the shrine. Believing what he had done was wrong, the only proper way he could see himself seeking forgiveness was the same way Jane did before him. By joining shrine and following the religion of Karakura and changing for the better. He may still be an asshole at heart but he does want to join shrine in an attempt to better himself.
How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?
Despite his previous interactions with the shrine, if he were to get in he would be incredibly respectful to the other shrine members. This would include giving them gifts despite his previous actions there as a way to apologize. Around guests he would probably be pretty friendly to them. Not the nicest he could be and especially not as nice as other shrine members but he wouldn’t be rude or disrespectful to them.
You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
Well, of course he wouldn’t allow that to happen and would treat it as a very serious situation telling them they had to get down immediately. If they didn’t get down he would count down from 3 warning them if they didn’t stop they would be kicked out of the shrine. He would then count down and if they didn’t leave he would suggest a temporary blacklist from the area!
Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest? What do they wish to achieve?
He has two reasons he wants to be a priest. The first reason is much better than his second reason. His first reason for wanting to be a priest is to atone for what he has done in a previous gang he was in full of violent people he didn’t believe to be violent originally. He also wants to do better than his father and mother ever did and become a better person even if he started off as a bad person. His second reason is because of another shrine maiden there Jane and he wants to go there to prove to her that he can be trusted and isn’t that bad of a person. During his time at the shrine he wishes to achieve peace for himself and forgiveness for what he had done in the past. He also wants to have more of the shrine workers trust him after his previous negative interactions with them.
What are the core values of your character?
Tsuneo has mostly complicated values. While he does believe in loyalty and would not betray anyone he considers close he would not stand back and let them hurt the people that have done nothing to deserve being hurt. Despite how suspicious he may act he is a completely honest person and will usually not lie to others even to the point of hurting their feelings. He believes that sometimes violence is the right answer but only in extreme cases where it protects the people that need to be protected. In a case where he had to choose between two friends he would pick the one who he believed was in the complete right and if neither were in the right then it would not be something he interacted with and would let them settle it himself. Overall Tsuneo is a neutral person and will usually take either side depending on the situation at hand.