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Eichi N. Holland | College Councilor Application


Level 18

What is your Minecraft Username?:

My user name is: WistiRP

What is your timezone?:

My time sone is CEST | Copenhagen timezone.
Please provide your Discord tag:

My Discord tag is: wistier

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending): [DENIED] [DENIED] [DENIED] [DENIED] [DENIED] [DENIED] [DENIED] [DENIED] [DENIED] [DENIED] [DENIED] [DENIED] [DENIED] [DENIED] [DENIED] [DENIED] [DENIED] [DENIED] [DENIED]

As you may see I've never been accepted but some of them are from 2020 where i wasn't the most formal person ever.

Describe your activity on the server:

Well I've been a part of SRP since early 2019 during the Pandemic I've been active and inactive due to my recent player history I know it's not been good but it was mostly during my younger times when I didn't have any self-control but after I got back I've been back daily and I've been playing every day for multiple hours a day for about 4-5 hours a day or even more but I do like to party so there might be weekends where I might be online.

List your accounts and roles on this server:

I have one account which is College B it's called

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:

Of course I'm really well aware and i understand it fully.


What is the student council and what do they do?:

Well, the student councils are composed of high school and college students. They make the school a better place by working as hard to make the school have a safe environment whilst having fun like making school-wide events and overall just being somebody all students and other School workers can ask for help where they happily will.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):

Well, I've tried to join twice now and it's still a big priority to be able to get into it, I have a few friends who are within it and I had a good friend who joined it and it seems like a great community which I've wanted to be a part of since I joined SRP. This is why I'm applying again to hopefully be able to get a chance even though I've had bad experiences with applications and never gotten accepted I still hope it changes. I want to try and boost the community and the councilor badge in SRP as much as I can as possible using my experience since 2019 to try and grow myself as much as possible.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):

I know having this job is a creative mind space that I would need to challenge myself in and I'm willing to take that chance I am a creative person I just need to adapt to the job you know, I would say I'm unique in many ways that I need to get to know the people I'm working with as well. I'm a sucker for good teamwork and it's an ideal thing for me because I love working with fellow people and talking with people when it isn't too much for me I have social anxiety and that's why I might need to adapt but I do that fast! So getting to work with these people would be great and would challenge my social anxiety which I hope will do me good.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

President: Well the president's job is to kind of take care of us all which I respect it must be a pretty tough job to be able to take for me it is the second most important role in the Council they are to lead us and delegate us but also listen to what we say for the future of the council as well. The best leaders are the one who wants to work with us and don't have an ego that will drive them too far and not work with the rest of us. It's also their job in my case that they should be able to make it a family for us who work with them and make it a pleasure and an honor to be able to say you worked with them. They carry a big role and will also be the ones we will talk with when we are in need and get us into the correct potential to grow as people and counselors everything they will do will have actions that we all will work for and they do it for the best of the school.

Vice President: They work with the President on a deeper scale they are their dominant hand they will do as much as possible to be able to help as a friend and a co-worker, they will be there when the President steps down to be able to help work there and they have an important role for us all and their connection with us all is a must that they need to be able to take over the role as the president in the future. They have as much of an important role as the president and they are of course extremely important.

Councillors: This is the most important role, they are the people who see the most. They are the majority of the council and are the ones that are spoken with the most. They must listen to the roles above due to them having a higher but they are as important as the rest and they have to carry the weight of the rest of the school they are extremely crucial.

The Important roles: Well the Dean works a lot with the council having as much weight as the presidents they are extremely crucial to keep the community working and keeping the council room a safe environment and keep it running so they all are happy. The other faction members are important as well as the people we will be working with on a daily basis as well so they are all important.​


While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?

Well as a person who has a sense of humor, I wouldn't go in a passive-aggressive and I would start with probably a casual "Hey Kaneki cut it off!" or "Pay attention, dude!" if the disruption kept going i would confront them probably talking with them alone and remove them if needed. Everybody deserves a second chance and they will get one i believe they deserve as many chances to get better and grow so they will keep learning, if they continue and punishment is needed I would bar them from entering the class and possibly take them to the council room or assign a detention for them.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?

I will inform a faculty member, follow the individual, and keep giving information if possible if caught I would call the faculty member to take the mask from them which I know they are allowed to. If I lose them I will contact SLT if I get them I will let the faculty take it from there and help as much as possible

A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?

Well after all if a disruption of such kind would happen, I would offer a different classroom with permission from another teacher or professor. I would have to be there for my co-workers, mentally and in person I would assign the student a Detention slip due to threatening my co-worker. I would also call for an SLT due to this being an extremely important and deep hit and it could hurt my co-worker mentally I would hope the SLT took it seriously and gave the student the hardest punishment possible.

A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?

I would ask any higher Council, and any reasoning for the protest I believe in freedom of speech, and Article 5 you have permission to do that states "Freedom of thought, religion, conscience, and speech shall not be violated" if it's not against the law they would be allowed to do so but I think it should still be told if it goes aggressive there would be people to take care of the situation. Because people could have different meanings that would be able to cause confirmation

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?

I would ask them to specify what I did wrong but I wouldn't see anything wrong with them thinking that I'm in the wrong and that's part of the job but I would still ask about what I did wrong even if I didn't do so.

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

Well, I cogitate for the first time in ages since I've laid eyes on one of these bad boys. I believe it would be great to throw a New Year's ball, although it’s on the heels of the Winterball. Such an event may break into some amazing fireworks and a to welcome the new year with open arms, even better than that. Since this would be one of the first balls I'd be going to for New Year's, it would make the experience extra memorable, especially since I haven't seen one during my time in Karakura. To make the night memorable, we could plan different fun activities and games for the guests, plus a talented DJ to set the perfect mood. The Photography club can attend to capture those special moments and create memories from their photos. We could also have booths with yummy food and fun things going on throughout the night.

Setting the scene for a successful New Year's ball that vibrates with quality and engagement, ensuring a delightful experience for everyone at the ball. We will feature a live band at the New Year's ball. At the New Year's ball, High Society–We will encourage glamour by asking attendees to wear themselves in their finest attire, this setting the evening's decorations for an evening to remember. I feel that putting together something so big would bring joy and excitement to everyone and also portray a good community and celebration as we welcome the new year together. The whole school, all people being there — great for us all to be able to get together as a community.

A little summary
The concept is to orchestrate a New Year ball to have magnificent sparklers and some delightful games, more info here. There will also be a DJ with dance music, live band music, and an opportunity for the Photography Club to take pictures, Amazing food, good outfitting and the right feeling of a good community are key elements that will make this evening an unforgettable and mesmerizing hit.​

Personal Information
(in character)


Eichi Nayumi Holland


Phone number:

How would you describe your personality?:

I would say my personality is casual I'm a fun guy who likes a great community, and I want to have the best time possible and that's just me i may be formal in some types but I'm a family guy i love my family they are forever my top priority next to friends and school I love it all I love meeting people!

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

Questions like this make me sad, I think we all have our ups and downs but we are all human I would say it's my teamwork that makes me the better choice I love working with people and meeting people I would love to work here and I have a passion to work with what I do and I want to work there for the rest of my college career which I don't hope to end anytime soon I want to work and I want to become better and possibly see myself as a future candidate for a VP or President.

Why do you want this position?:

I want to work with the members and the presidents I would love to be a part of this and I have the motivation to work and I want to get to work as soon as possible, I want to work with the Dean and the other faculty and I would just love to be able to help the school as much as possible and feel like I have done a change and helped people. I would love to work with the students in the school. After all, I just want to work as much as possible and make a change within the school and the Community seems great and it would be a pleasure to work with them.

What interests you the most about student council?:

100% The community that the student council has, is intriguing and I want to be a part of it everything the events and the passion they have is crazy and I want to prove myself with my passion as well. It also interests me how everything works and how they do it all it's all so interesting I could keep talking because it's cool!

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:

I would contribute everything I have so I can show it all and I would do as much as possible to make it a safe environment, and having fun is the most important thing in the school makes us all want to show up right? I would love to use my humor and be there for the people who need it, helping as much as to make it fun to be in school cracking some jokes or just talking with the students to be a part of the school as well might be a councilor but I would still want to prove myself as a student me being a councilor does not change that I'm still a student after all.

Liked the Application? I hope so, have a nice day yall
Eichi Holland [COLLEGE B]
Allison Holland [GRADE-12]
Discord: @WistiER

"Life can be tough but it all get's better."

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