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FEEDBACK | Kill Permissions Re-Evaluation


Level 8
I can't understand in which world it's normal or realistic for most murderers to be teenagers in high school and how all of them have such "developed" characters that don't feel any remorse/fear for killing someone and tbh dying for them is pretty lame when you actually have a developed characher
Actually the sad truth is most murder and shooters are younger than teens. Ppl need to realize that in reality their is kids like this out in world who have been in gangs since 9-10 yrs old and by the age of 19 most are killed i come from a environment irl where I saw my friends do all that reason why srp sometimes felt real gangrp has its downsides yes but it’s already having less activity lately as it is.Just wanted to point that out since many ppl have been saying that is unrealistic when the sad truth it is realistic in every way and form.


Level 6
"Changes can be good" Well No they can't if you a players cant lose their characters the answer is simple. stay out of gangrp, No need to ruin it for the few that are willing to lose their characters in order to have fun in this
I completely agree with this to add to it I keep saying perm baiting is against rules and if you are being perm baited REPOT IT PEOPLE!


Level 211
Actually the sad truth is most murder and shooters are younger than teens. Ppl need to realize that in reality their is kids like this out in world who have been in gangs since 9-10 i and by the age of 19 most are killed i come from a environment irl where I saw my friends do all that reason why srp sometimes felt real gangrp has its downsides yes but it’s already having less activity lately as it is.Just wanted to point that out since many ppl have been saying that is unrealistic when the sad truth it is realistic in every way and form.
I'm from Brazil and I literally live in a slum (favela), I know how kids, unfortunately, get into crime but keep in mind that this is a third-world country. Japan is not like this.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Why not compromise? Don’t make KPS OOC consented, however make gaining permissions significantly harder.

Rule Changes:

1. Hitman: Upon asking someone to kill another character, you may only act on up to major permissions.

2. All KPS must be approved by a staff member with plausible IC reasoning before acted on.

3. Death threats/threatening with a weapon will only result in Major permissions.

in the end, the only way to gain kill permissions is via assisting in a major, using a weapon against an individual, or following through with major permissions.

I believe if we have to compromise this will be a great way.

KPD Rule Changes:

1. You may only gain Major permissions on an officer if they tase your character.

Lastly, GangRP should be treated as a roleplay, not a game. I believe that kills should be extremely limited, but not to an extent where all permissions must be consented to.


Level 110
Thread starter
-1 and +1
(Read before u ban, actually consider it homie)
Hi cujo here, my opinion might not matter on this server anymore, but I was sent this. Believe it or not I actually read through all of this and heres my response.

-The obvious part, no one wants to die. Not everyone has the same mindset that "Oh I'm doing this for fun! I'll let you kill my character." No one has that mindset, people who GangRP do it to win, winning in turn is fun. Obviously, it's not fun for the other party so why would they ever consent to it? Simple, they wouldn't.

-I think that the Idea is good, but there needs to be to it. This part is very simple, double conformation. What I mean by this is basically, I think you should be able to go to a staff member and make sure that your reason for killing them is valid. This is a very simple and easy thing, but the other problem with this is what if the staff member is good friends with that player and decides they don't want that character to die. No matter what you say to me, you cannot tell me that there are staff members that aren't going to be bias towards their friends, we all know they would (if I was a staff member, I'm sure I would too). There are many pros and cons to this idea, and I really think you should take a look at this Grand Theft Auto Roleplay server;

GTA World - GTA World - Heavy Text Based GTA V Roleplay Server.

There are many similarities between SRP and Gtaw, and I promise you to take some ideas from them would greatly improve the roleplay of your server.

Have a nice day

Hey, Cujo. Yep, your account is probably going to be banned. Forced / permanent character death, as I've stated in early every reply now, is frowned upon in roleplay communities. People never consenting to their characters being killed is a better alternative to the rampant character death that we currently have alongside no lore-based interactions with these deaths and endless arguments. We are taking a step in resolving the reputation that heavily surrounds GangRP. I explain in my first reply in this thread to ImKana why we cannot use the latter point of contacting a staff member / LT member. Thank you for your suggestions, but you're not in the community any longer & frankly do not have an understanding of what it is at the moment (unless you're bypassing, of course). I say the exact same thing that you do regarding that half of your suggestion.

I've stated in another reply, too, about how rules relative to roleplays that we see in Garry's Mod and GTA have very little correlation to us as our communities and in-character settings are completely different. We are text-based — and that is exactly what overpowers the other rules that are more commonly seen in these communities. I definitely think a good handful of our rules align with that server, though. It's just completely different circumstances and occasions. I'm grateful that you've replied, but don't do it again (you should probably just log out of that account).

+1/-1 Personally I’ve played a lot of rp in and out of minecraft, and yes they do have to ask for permission to kill the other player permanently and honestly it’s a 50/50 chance that they say yes, toxic people, it’s almost just hope they slip their words and go ahead. Besides that though it does make a lot of goods points but I think most will try to bend these rules to try and exceed higher then the other player which most already do but as well as this may save the gangrp community which has been sorta dead? But I know many don’t like sudden changes in rules and a lot try and it’s always, stop changing the rules as it leads to a lot of confusion with people that don’t check up recently on the rules. I think mostly it should be laid out as if someone in your family, clan, or gang has been killed by another person you are granted kill permissions in that other person if you find out consent not needed. But with cops I think it stays that shooting, tasing should be kps maybe tasing permitted on but I agree shooting not consented, all in all it may be a good edition and may save some of toxic gang role play and also as well as open us up to more players, also to add that if someone is already trying to stab your member and you can see that and witness it I think you would be allowed to join in during the fight for non consented kill persons but also risk them on yourself as well as if you are to refuse the consented kill I think the other party should be able to major once maybe twice (though I wouldn’t believe twice) the person to a certain extent of a leg, arm, or eye depending on how you gained kps on your victim.

I would read some of my other replies throughout this thread. I cover a lot of the concerns that you mention & that could maybe sway your opinion. These concerns are valid and I appreciate the notion about helping GangRP, as that's my goal in the entirety of this. I don't want the misconception that I'm trying to completely kill off GangRP — it is arguably the most interesting part of the server, which some might drop their jaw at in consideration that this server's name is SchoolRP. There's no denying that there aren't many other roleplay communities that have crime intricately thought out like ours and have systems for practically everything.

If you or anyone else also needs other convincing, it's worth mentioning that a lot of weapons are going to get buffs if this does push through. Almost each weapon will get a special statistic that separates them from others (such as pocket knives becoming projectiles. . .). So, consider it. I appreciate your reply & all of the other ones so far!!! You are helping this community grow even with small input and that'll always be something I look up to.


I am, very in-different about this. While it sounds nice, this could really only work in a IDEAL SRP, there could be a lot of instances where it'll become a problem for others.
Yes, it is VERRYY frustrating about how toxic-gangrpers go about KPS, and kill of characters for a simple bragging-right. I think NixyMixy's character, Nichole. was a good example of this.

I agree with ImKana on this topic personally.

Thank you for your words!! Check out the reply I made to ImKana and why it wouldn't be ideal for SRP (but seems to be ideal for FRP). We are two different communities, in both playerbase and in staff members. We'd be asking for more player retaliation with a system like that, unfortunately. It's a good idea and it clearly works out for our sister server; but, there's very little confidence in its execution compared to this idea regarding consent for killing permissions.

To be honest that’s an unrealistic suggestion, Gangrp is all about risk and success. People have the choice to never die by not risking. You can also gangrp on low risk. To get perms you need to risk. If you don’t wanna get killed then don’t kill yourself. But being able to oocly consent to not die will completely erase killing forever cuz no one will ever consent. The perms are made in a way so that it’s fair for everyone. Players have the way to even gangrp and not die. Even if they want to kill etc they can always rely on passed perms instead of having to risk to get perms by majoring or giving perms. And at the end of the day is you don’t wanna get killed don’t kill. Lastly saying in ooc if u consent to die is extremely unrealistic. In the same way that is you for example stabbed a criminals limb out irl you would get killed, in the same way you die in game. Gangrp is about the competition of who kill/majors who or who damages the enemy gang, it’s a never ending war. -1

This is YOUR personal involvement in GangRP and what YOU are thinking. It's not unrealistic, given our setting and the inane amount of deaths that occur within it. It's not realistic whatsoever; this is Japan. . .and, if we're arguing that Karakura would be the outcast of the country in terms of criminal rates and is known for being dangerous (which is the lore that we currently do follow), there are still too many permanent character deaths occurring. Read the thread for the benefits that this suggestion would bring and try to see it from a broader perspective, rather than from just yourself. I went into each gang discord's private chat and talked with them about how this is beneficial and a good amount were compliant and understanding to how it would help GangRP rather than hurt it.

Killing not taking place on the server is not a bad thing. By making it a consent-based thing, all kills that occur (minus police and BMD-related) become a lot more writing-fulfilled and help expand your intricate roleplay than ever before. Again, all I can ask is that you read my replies and the thread itself before replying with something that has already been stated by others & then refuted. GangRP can be about the competition; yes, but ALL roleplay is about the characters and their stories. Do not overlook that aspect within it as it is the driving force of the entire server. Gangs have lasted without centering their entire focus on kills and major assault (I know I'm a bit of an Akihito Clan fan and a bit of bias seeps into my opinion, but they are an example of a gang that does this. They don't publicize their kills or major assault and instead make GangRP more unique for themselves while managing to exist actively for over a year now); and, that is something which will become the norm. As you are a Bonten member, you may already be aware that they are working on shifting their focus to a red-light district. This is a great way to involve yourself on the server as a criminal and in GangRP that has never been done before. Trying something new is nice, especially if it has more benefits than setbacks.

The best way to persuade you is to have you read my other responses and to read the original thread. They explain everything. You only need to have trust. I appreciate your reply above all things as you are greatly active within the GangRP community and it's always nice to receive other perspectives!

This is an excellent idea, but it wouldn't work. Although I'm a die-hard gangRolepalyer and respect the majors and kps perms without trying to get most situations voided, I am pretty attached to my character/characters. I, for one, would say I won’t let you kill me oocly. I think this also Isn't a good idea because if you don't want you're character kpsed, you don't give out perms I think personally, it's pretty hard to get perms on people anyway, and if someone wants perms so bad that they would do anything, perm baiting rules are already set in place.

So although I love the idea and you put a shit tone of work into it,


Please read my other replies and the thread itself. I refute this and explain how this isn't an issue. Thank you for your compliments, however!! I really appreciate this input and I do see it as a valid concern, it's just worth noting that there is a resolution to it. There's no problem with killings not happening in the way that they currently are.

[-1] I have been playing srp for around a year and ever since I joined kills were permanent. My question is, why would anyone give consent to actually die?? This moves to further problems such as: if for example someone left a verified gang, his character got all the information on the gang and he wants to snitch. Normally the lead along with the gang would act on kps and avoid any info being spilled. With these changed rules though the former member for example can easily say "I dont consent" that easy a gang is doomed. The real image is that gangrp was and will always be a risk. Removing that risk just ruins it fully. It's like a game that you cant lose and how long will it take people to get bored with it?. I understand the pain of losing a character but it is part of the game and if you chose to gangrp you have to go through it. I also have a character that I would be sad to lose but removing the risks of losing a character makes it easy. Instead of playing smart, everyone can just not consent into a permanent kill and gangrp as we knew it will just not work. Right now this suggestion will cause arrests to rise and gangrp to slowly die. People vote yes because obviously gangrp was always cool looking and the idea of gangrp without losing characters sounds awesome bit gangrp will get pointless after this.
Everyone will now be able to do it and it will not longer have anything interesting. It will lose all source of competition and everything will change as we knew. What's the point in leading a verified gang if you cant do pretty much anything with the people leaving or if you cant do anything in general that others cant. Stronger gangs always killed each other but now all of this has to change
I can understand that after constant whining of losing characters and calling gangrp toxic, gamble, and advising people not to go into it staff decided this rule but to be honest we should not change this fir the people that want to gangrp without a risk. What could happen is that those people stay out of gangrp until they realise that Its Just A Game it's an imaginary person in a game if they cant stand losing their character the answer is simple Don't gangrp. Plus verified gang leaders should still have the ability to use kps on former members for obvious reasons. Leaving a gang is the ultimate betrayal. A leader gets motivated to erase the former member's full existence in order to avoid information being spilled. Why is that changing? ? ?Right now verified gangs get nerfed too and the risk gets removed again. WHY do you want gangrp to NOT have a risk. Thats how gangrp always were RISKY. It removes all motivation to gangrp. And ill agree with kana here. There is no risk in joining and it almost allows players to join a verified gang, buy verified weapons and then leave the same day not to mention that they will claim to have ic info using it against the gang after. This whole new update makes no sense. It is there to make gangrp friendly to those that are not fit for it and used to throw dirt on it as well as advising new players to stay away from it. This is the actual problem with gangrp. It changes frequently to stay friendly for those that never liked it or its risks. Gangrp without risks is simply not gangrp. I don't know if many enjoy it but I don't having to discuss oocly about using kps or typing huge paragraphs with others for no reason(no reason because even if you win the paragraph fight there are no consequences). Also take a look at the +1s, Lots of them are from people that used to hate on gangrp but wow when gangrp loses its risk of losing a character suddenly its a +1. Wasn't the whole point of srp to not take character's deaths oocly and be sad about them? This update is not needed considering the fact that a huge amount of gangrp activities gets voided daily because people start whining when they lose their character. Personally I can't find a reason why this update will make gangrp fun. It will no longer be gangrp it will just be a bunch of players writting a story about a random character they thought of and value precious enough to ruin the game for everyone removing the traits that make it a game. Its a non competitive, without the ability to win or lose as well as any risk to make it interesting or to make it easy for evryone. In other words pointless

In Addition., How about the poor gangs that are mainly killing gangs ? This suggestion will destroy them fully. Losing is always part of a game and most mature people should not have a problem with losing. Why ruin it? Why can't the ones that cannot accept losing in a game just stay out of gangrp and instead they have to change gangrp for the ones that can easily lose and still have fun in this. Most of the people will think I am toxic but it is what it is. Gangrp have been like thisever since i joined the server and people got used to it. Don't change it, Instead allow players to chose if they want to take the risk or not. And its not like gangrp started dying due to the fact that people started losing characters. It started having issues when non gangrpers started hating on it because when they tried it they couldn't compete with the ones that had way more experience. Making it easy for everyone just ruins it for the ones that spent hours, days, months or even years gangrping and suddenly they can't even kill people that just joined gangrp. It is unfair this way. The problem is not with gangrp. Its the people that spent one week in a developing gang and then decided that gangrp is not worth it and started throwing dirt on it. And for those people you are changing it. Leaving the ones that actually loved gangrp even when it started flopping unsatisfied. I am one of them. When gangrp flopped and pretty much all of my friends quit srp or gangrp I stayed there and decided to open a gangdoing my best to save it. And suddenly gangrp changes for the ones that made it flop. I understand people's side that want the ooc consent based kps but Its pointless. Thats why gangrp was always interesting, Because it actually had a risk and a reason to get better, A reason to compete and the passion of always trying to improve, To reach the top. Thats what makes this game fun. A game with no risk, no competition and no winners or losers will eventually get boring.

-I might have repeated myself my bad if i did so, I am just a bit tired. I tried to sum up in a paragraph the reason why its a BIG -1 from me and I hope to find people that will understand this suggestion.

In another reply (to Hirathex, specifically), I explain how we could involve more specific scenarios that are exceptions to the consented killing — one of them being deaths through verified gangs. It's ALSO worth noting that with this rule, you can literally decide the length of kill permissions from now on if the other person consents. You get more freedoms with it and more unique roleplay experiences — which is what you should be seeking along with fun on the server. Expanding your character to their greatest length is just about the greatest fun that this platform is able to offer people, and is especially why I'm grateful to it for allowing me to host my characters upon it for so long. A gang is not easily "doomed," they just need to work around it. The point of this rule, along with all of its other benefits and setbacks that it'll resolve, is to force people upon this roadblock that they must work around. That's what people do already; so, why can't you do it again? Weapons will get buffs, major assault permissions will tie in with kidnapping permissions. . .you still are able to stop someone from revealing information. You just won't be forcing them to make a new character.

It will not cause GangRP to die and that is where you are sorely mistaken. View the other replies and review your private gang chat when I was conversing with them prior to making this suggestion. People are already mentioning how they are tempted to be re-involved with GangRP by this suggestion alone; and, there are several other updates that would come with this update to help "fill the hole." Trust me when I say weapons are going to receive a major improvement if this goes through. . .meaning, you aren't losing all too much. In fact, you're only gaining from this. Read the thread and read my replies for an explanation of how you are within a community that is improving itself.

The argument that GangRP is not GangRP without risks is baseless. GangRP is roleplay within a gang and crime; it's nothing more than that. The keyword within that is roleplay — you are on a roleplay server, and should therefore be roleplaying. There's nothing wrong with roleplaying, guys! And, I definitely agree that risk plays a role in it. I think, that with this update, kidnappings and hostage situations are going to occur much more frequently as you'll now be able to hold a character in confines for the complete seven days, even during school hours, still giving that "effect" of having taken away someone's character for a meantime while also permitting them to still roleplay as their said character. Yes, no one likes losing their character, so they'll oftentimes say no when asked for consent. . .and that's fine. That is okay, and I implore you to work to understand that. There is no issue with someone not wanting their character to die. We all put a lot of effort into writing ours, and that's fine. It's roleplay! We write!

A lot of my concern lies in your statement about the point of SchoolRP being to not whine/be sad when a character dies after you get them involved in criminal roleplay. That. . .is definitely not what SchoolRP is about, and I'm sure you understand that as well (maybe it was poorly worded?). The point of SchoolRP is to roleplay as a character within a school setting or to explore the other factions outside of it. . .the point is always going to be to roleplay, which is exactly what my suggestion is promoting. This update is needed. A good majority of the staff members find agreement within it because they are the people who have been on the server for the longest and are most frequent to the situations/scenarios you speak of. A lot of people possess disdain toward staff in spite of the fact that they are the people who were chose to represent the server. . .would it not be more acceptable to be lenient toward their opinions? They have the experience. The update is needed as it will improve the status of GangRP greatly; and, if you need proof, you can refer to the thread and my replies. I've already stated a good deal of what I've needed to within them (and you need to read them, considering it will help in convincing you). Be open-minded.

Yes. Losing is a part of the roleplay, and "mature people should not have a problem with losing." This was clearly not the same thoughts that were adopted by your gang during their war, considering the amount of powergaming reports that came through — so, what's the issue with limiting the instances of powergaming and those who are immature just a little more? This suggestion, if implemented, draws back on many of the issues we face during arguments. We will inevitably draw the curtain of toxicity backward by introducing this, which introduces a butterfly effect of GangRP bettering wholly. Again, refer to my other replies and the thread itself for how.

GangRP "flopped" a great deal because of rampant character death and little reasoning for people to continue to be motivated. As you see in this thread, there are people mentioning how they would be motivated and willing to involve themselves with GangRP if this suggestion were to be considered. There is NO issue with accepting people back into the faction of this server, unless they are a part of the problem — and you've provided no evidence that these people are a part of the problem. Good writers and people who care about characters will ultimately benefit this half of the server and bring about more benefits to the community as a whole, which I again do not need to elaborate upon as I already have in my other replies and the thread. You should read that.

It is not pointless. I've made that very clear, in this reply and in my other replies, at how this is not pointless and there is indeed a purpose for it. You just have to be open-minded and read them. I apologize if I'm coming off as passive aggressive with the persistence in asking you to read the other replies; but, they address a great deal of your concerns and have resulted in many people being fully persuaded in that this suggestion is for the better. I don't want to have to explain the same thing several times when you can just view it for yourself, which is why I'm replying to every single disagreement. Disagreements help bring up challenges that we can address early on; and, that is what I'm doing. I'm addressing it.

Risk, competition, and "reaching the top" can all be elements of your fun in GangRP; and, it is ridiculous to state that this rule would remove that. Yes, it would draw back slightly on it, but all of those elements still exist. Risk exists in the police and not having your character kidnapped for seven whole days while they are brutalized. Competition exists in that gangs will likely exist for a lot longer now, if this rule were to be implemented (and this is a GOOD thing, I'm sure you can agree). "Reaching the top" exists in that gangs are now forced to be more unique rather than traditional in the sense of logging each activity relative to killing and major assault. You just have to think a little differently now. . .it'll still be fun. I never permanently kill players on the server without consent. I can count how many people my characters have killed within my six years on the server on one hand, and a good deal of them were consented on. The other ones didn't even happen on the server and are just belonging to my character's lore. I have fun with what I do, roleplaying as two criminal characters (Sawa Taigyoku and Takuya Miwa). I found a way that still involves risk, competition, and "reaching the top" while avoiding. . .killing others. Permanent / forced character death is frowned upon in other roleplay communities. I'll keep saying that.

I don't mind your concerns in this response, though. Receiving a reply from someone who leads a verified gang and has been heavily involved in this part of the server (as a player) for a year is extremely helpful; as, when I address your concerns, I also address other ones. I will always be grateful that you spent your time replying to this and giving your insight. So, thank you, and I hope this clears up a lot. PM me over conversations if you want to discuss it a little more, as I'm more than willing to. Take care.

-1, honestly is kind of a waste of staff's time

Read the thread and read my replies. My time is not wasted. Please note that several staff members, including the owner, have already agreed that this would be a beneficial suggestion and that this post was simply made to hear out the community. I hope that a bit of gratefulness lies in you and in others that we are choosing to consult the community, instead of just implementing this wild suggestion with no prior perspectives received. This is not going to waste our time and I do not think you should be speaking for staff, either. Please, do read the thread and my replies, and they may help a little in convincing you. Take care!

cool suggestion but fr prosthettics had access to more things in gangrp bcs he was a staff. nowadays when u try n talk to a staff bout gangrp events they just totally completely ignore u so no this suggestion will only benefit non gangrp players and make gangrp so boring cuz not everything has to be detailed or go smooth

As the crime faction lead and the person who manages events on the server, no. I do not ignore you. I've recently lowered the amount of GangRP events because we had so many in the previous two months and we have several other events currently planned for several days on this month. Staff members post when they have a scheduled event in a channel, meaning we are all informed when an event is taking place.

This is just completely false. I'm still receiving event suggestions, there's just a little prioritization for updates within the crime faction and allowing other events in other factions of the server to thrive first. Please note in my original post: I state that introducing this feature to the server would benefit the reputation of GangRP, which would then result in more events. Consider that.

GangRP is roleplay within a gang or crime. As I've stated before, I went to each private channel of our gangs and asked them what they thought of the idea. A great deal of them responded in positives (or at least did so after being convinced) with the understanding of the benefits that it would reap. It is baseless to say that it only benefits non-GangRPers. It doesn't — it benefits everyone. Refer to my thread and my replies for how as I'm certain I do not need to repeat myself; however, I do understand where the basis of your concerns lie. I will always work to better the server and not hurt it, as having a platform where I can freely write and roleplay my characters on (especially for as long as I've been here for) will always be something I am indebted to and grateful for. Take care (and please read my other replies!! I mean it: the reason why I'm replying to each disagreement is so that you guys can reference those replies later on)!!


I'm an EMS worker, KPD Cadet and crimerper myself, and obviously I know y'all's crazy gangrp stuff. I think this idea is absolutely fanatic. However how can we then stop the cycle of majors being the new bait? I'd suggest adding an extra set of perms, not sure what yet but something just to sorta give the cycle some relief from minors -> majors. My point is better laid out in others arguements but i honestly love the amount of dedication your putting into gangrp as a whole heb <3

Hey! Your concerns are super valid and I'm glad that you gave a response, considering how much you involve yourself in the server. I appreciate the kind words regarding the suggestion and my work; and, it's worth assuring your rest in that baiting would greatly decrease with this. A lot of the basis for baiting came with wanting to kill another person's character — people want to avoid having their characters kidnapped for several days on end or having their limbs removed, as the character would still be alive and present to receive a arrest. There's even more risk now, and I feel that a lot of people are forsaking that with the suggestion. If you like risk, you're being handed it. Thanks for this reply! It helped me explain a part that I think a lot of people were worried about regarding risks.


With major assault permissions being the new norm, players can now keep their mangled characters, sure, however that just means that there's going to be loads of amputees running around. If I were a brand new player logging on to see that loads of people have 'missing arm/leg' in their description, that'd be a little concerning. The playerbase isn't reliable enough to handle this because I doubt the majority will consent to their character being killed from either being too attached or since everyone trying to be Mike Akihito 2.0

Characters can still be 'killed' in terms of making them unplayable, which is actually arguably more violent because you have to specify cutting out eyes, removing limbs, tongues, stabbing ear drums, all of that instead of just making one swift killing action

We discussed this part briefly in DMs; it'd be a lot more concerning, as a new player, to see rampant character death taking place in the most random locations rather than amputees. Amputees are not the most shocking thing in the world. Again, refer to my other replies for how it is completely fine if people do not want their characters to die. Treat our event in late May as an example: we worked out a consensus for your character's fate and made something even cooler out of what we had planned of the kidnapping/explosion, as we blended a few unplanned things into it. We still found a way to make it fun, regardless of if it had a pre-planned conclusion.

I reference your latter concern in several other replies throughout this thread. CTRL+F and look for Minobu, since I like to reference his comment about turning characters into vegetables (and that's where I mention your concerns and how they actually bring more benefits than setbacks). One swift killing action, while having its rare circumstance of being beneficial for roleplay and character writing as a whole, is mostly known for not having any weight to it (even though it's a whole KILL). I don't mean any kills that you've done specifically and I truly believe you are an example of someone who would work around this rule perfectly fine; but, in general. I'm sure you know what I mean as you were the former crime faction lead.

Thank you for leaving your input, though. I understand where your concerns and disagreement come from; but, I want your unrest to be settled. I'm not looking to hurt GangRP; and, as I've elaborated upon much in my replies, it won't bring harm. Having your insight on this suggestion helps greatly in solidifying how a lot of other GangRPers feel in reading this suggestion. From each agreement and disagreement so far, I've noticed that it's generally mixed between the community. I can only hope that this sways you a little.

-1 /+0.5 I dont like the idea personally
To be fair srp in the gangrp side of things gets dry sometimes u can find anything to do at all gaining perms has gotten harder cause most ppl won’t act on them.Yeah I see the pros but their is also lots of cons.A lot of ppl I know who gangrped for a long time had a really hard time adjusting to the new rules as it is I know I’m just being repetitive.Sounds like a cool idea after all their was a time gangrp was only all about fists fights still be glad to try it out.

Hey! Thank you for your input. These are all valid concerns in which I address in the original thread and my replies. You should seek them, if you're looking to be persuaded. This is something that will be crucial and beneficial to GangRP and the community as a whole. Please take the time to be open-minded and consider my efforts — I would be grateful.

Yonio is right and I'd like to add, Both Kpd and gangrp require a risk that people take before joining. Limiting kps will have some more disadvantages that yonio maybe forgot to mention
-Non realistic lifes
what is a character? It's a minecraft version of a human. Sometimes a character has to permanently die and it is unrealistic for that character to not die permanently. In addition this could lead to people being able to do all kinds of things without getting punished Icly. For example leaving a verified gang no longer has any effects to the former member because if we get realistic No One will consent to die.
--Less activity within gangrp as well as gangrp and kpdrp getting boring

It is obvious why removing the risk off a game as well as the ability to win or lose will make the game get boring and of course activity in both will slowly start dying
- Extra
gangrp had some common traits that most people hate because they are not ready to accept defeat. Changing gangrp will not benefit those people fully but instead will cause the old audience to dislike it. Many people have been gangrping for even years to reach a certain level and who this update all of their constant trying will prove useless. In addition kpd is close to gangrp and it will have the same issues

Hi, again. Did you read the thread? I explain how KPD are an exception to this. If anything, the roleplay within the KPD would be more interesting as this rule sets up a roadblock (a beneficial one) that requires that people put a bit more thought into what they do as a criminal on the server. KPD will likely have actual cases to resolve now and more hostage situations. . .arguing that there is "less activity within GangRP" is just a telltale sign for me of how YOU will specifically react to it. The rest of your gang, however, as I've stated, is planning a red light district that sounds absolutely phenomenal and a great way to involve yourself in a gang and in crime. If you think you're not going to be active in GangRP anymore, you're free to hand your gang off to someone who will do well by it.

Why not compromise? Don’t make KPS OOC consented, however make gaining permissions significantly harder.

Rule Changes:

1. Hitman: Upon asking someone to kill another character, you may only act on up to major permissions.

2. All KPS must be approved by a staff member with plausible IC reasoning before acted on.

3. Death threats/threatening with a weapon will only result in Major permissions.

in the end, the only way to gain kill permissions is via assisting in a major, using a weapon against an individual, or following through with major permissions.

I believe if we have to compromise this will be a great way.

KPD Rule Changes:

1. You may only gain Major permissions on an officer if they tase your character.

Lastly, GangRP should be treated as a roleplay, not a game. I believe that kills should be extremely limited, but not to an extent where all permissions must be consented to.

All of these changes, minus the second point (which I explain why in my first reply to ImKana) are going to be added if this suggestion is implemented. Thank you for your efforts in reaching a compromise, though! You are a great example of a player who has always put their greatest effort in terms of writing into GangRP and have helped greatly in bettering it. I appreciate you, Infi.


Level 6
Why not compromise? Don’t make KPS OOC consented, however make gaining permissions significantly harder.

Rule Changes:

1. Hitman: Upon asking someone to kill another character, you may only act on up to major permissions.

2. All KPS must be approved by a staff member with plausible IC reasoning before acted on.

3. Death threats/threatening with a weapon will only result in Major permissions.

in the end, the only way to gain kill permissions is via assisting in a major, using a weapon against an individual, or following through with major permissions.

I believe if we have to compromise this will be a great way.

KPD Rule Changes:

1. You may only gain Major permissions on an officer if they tase your character.

Lastly, GangRP should be treated as a roleplay, not a game. I believe that kills should be extremely limited, but not to an extent where all permissions must be consented to.
Damn I like this ALOT. Personally, I think these changes could be very nice and could prevent alot of stupid deaths without flipping gangRp on its head I think It would be a very nice and refreshing place to take gangRoleplay. Again as a gangRoleplayer that has been roleplay for around 3 years now I really dont think its nescessary to make kps oocly consented, but I think it is nescessary seeing how many none gangRpers and people that are too attached to there characters are dieng and being kpsed lately I love this idea and I think this should be a suggestion thread on it's own.
Last edited:


Level 110
Thread starter
Damn I like this ALOT. Personally, I think these changes could be very nice and could prevent alot of stupid deaths without flipping gangRp on its head I think It would be a very nice and refreshing place to take gangRoleplay. Again as a gangRoleplayer that has been roleplay for around 3 years now I really dont think its nescessary to make kps oocly consented, but I think it is nescessary seeing how many none gangRpers and people that are too attached to there characters are ding and being kpsed lately I love this idea and I think this should be a suggestion thread on it's own.

All of these changes, minus Infi's second point, will be implemented if this suggestion goes with it. The reason why we can't do the second point regarding consulting staff is elaborated upon in my first reply on the first page to ImKana. It would only result in more arguments and set us back from the progress that we would make in permanent deaths being OOC-consented. If you've been around for three years, you may just find we have aligned values in what we want for GangRP and would understand how they bring about benefits. You can read my replies for more elaboration.


Level 272
Hatola have to disagree, in case it will invlove OOC perms
MOST of the people won't agree to give their char to die. (as what yonio said b4)


Level 110
Thread starter
Hatola have to disagree, in case it will invlove OOC perms
MOST of the people won't agree to give their char to die.

Did you read the thread or my replies? This is refuted and given a rebuttal several times. I think you'd actually be convinced if you read them! However, I do appreciate your input nonetheless. You are helping the community grow and prosper, which are exactly my intentions as well. Take care.


Level 8
I'm from Brazil and I literally live in a slum (favela), I know how kids, unfortunately, get into crime but keep in mind that this is a third-world country. Japan is not like this.
From a friends experience japan has a very dark side it’s not all colors from what i was told from a older man who used to live their certain organizations would use kids to do things such as murder etc japan isn’t any different than the rest of the world kids doing such things still do things like this just bc it ain’t reported don’t mean it don’t happen from what the old man told me and the stories he’s told me along showing me pics and stuff from his past organizations and gangs still used kids Reason why I’m saying ppl should say It’s unrealistic at all over all this world is full of darkness just as much as it’s full of positivity (use to help the man out cutting his grass and doing chores he couldn’t do by himself) all Im saying dont rule out anything at all we don’t see most things and no matter where in the world kids are used by crime related organizations


Level 110
Thread starter
From a friends experience japan has a very dark side it’s not all colors from what i was told from a older man who used to live their certain organizations would use kids to do things such as murder etc japan isn’t any different than the rest of the world kids doing such things still do things like this just bc it ain’t reported don’t mean it don’t happen from what the old man told me and the stories he’s told me along showing me pics and stuff from his past organizations and gangs still used kids Reason why I’m saying ppl should say It’s unrealistic at all over all this world is full of darkness just as much as it’s full of positivity (use to help the man out cutting his grass and doing chores he couldn’t do by himself)

In Japan, though, this organized crime is heavily concealed. I definitely agree that Japan is both fetishized and shone a strange light on in media because it wants to draw the attention away from its setbacks (in spite of it being technologically advanced); but, the amount of murders that take place on SchoolRP are not a realistic representation of the real Japan (granted, Karakura is not a good representation, either). Please read the thread and my other replies as this has been refuted; however, I do appreciate the input! Your concerns are greatly valid and something I have considered when making this suggestion and replying to others.


Level 6
All of these changes, minus Infi's second point, will be implemented if this suggestion goes with it. The reason why we can't do the second point regarding consulting staff is elaborated upon in my first reply on the first page to ImKana. It would only result in more arguments and set us back from the progress that we would make in permanent deaths being OOC-consented. If you've been around for three years, you may just find we have aligned values in what we want for GangRP and would understand how they bring about benefits. You can read my replies for more elaboration.
I have a really good idea Heb what If OOC consent was only valid sometimes, example as I have seen Jtth_ talk about people leaving his gang that would be a situation where OOC consent isn't needed. Now I would go into more detail but I have already wasted about 5 paragraphs of my life on this thread, and I am no longer going to reply here so I hope it gose well and I hope this idea is considered.


Level 23
Hey, Cujo. Yep, your account is probably going to be banned. Forced / permanent character death, as I've stated in early every reply now, is frowned upon in roleplay communities. People never consenting to their characters being killed is a better alternative to the rampant character death that we currently have alongside no lore-based interactions with these deaths and endless arguments. We are taking a step in resolving the reputation that heavily surrounds GangRP. I explain in my first reply in this thread to ImKana why we cannot use the latter point of contacting a staff member / LT member. Thank you for your suggestions, but you're not in the community any longer & frankly do not have an understanding of what it is at the moment (unless you're bypassing, of course). I say the exact same thing that you do regarding that half of your suggestion.

I've stated in another reply, too, about how rules relative to roleplays that we see in Garry's Mod and GTA have very little correlation to us as our communities and in-character settings are completely different. We are text-based — and that is exactly what overpowers the other rules that are more commonly seen in these communities. I definitely think a good handful of our rules align with that server, though. It's just completely different circumstances and occasions. I'm grateful that you've replied, but don't do it again (you should probably just log out of that account).

I would read some of my other replies throughout this thread. I cover a lot of the concerns that you mention & that could maybe sway your opinion. These concerns are valid and I appreciate the notion about helping GangRP, as that's my goal in the entirety of this. I don't want the misconception that I'm trying to completely kill off GangRP — it is arguably the most interesting part of the server, which some might drop their jaw at in consideration that this server's name is SchoolRP. There's no denying that there aren't many other roleplay communities that have crime intricately thought out like ours and have systems for practically everything.

If you or anyone else also needs other convincing, it's worth mentioning that a lot of weapons are going to get buffs if this does push through. Almost each weapon will get a special statistic that separates them from others (such as pocket knives becoming projectiles. . .). So, consider it. I appreciate your reply & all of the other ones so far!!! You are helping this community grow even with small input and that'll always be something I look up to.

Thank you for your words!! Check out the reply I made to ImKana and why it wouldn't be ideal for SRP (but seems to be ideal for FRP). We are two different communities, in both playerbase and in staff members. We'd be asking for more player retaliation with a system like that, unfortunately. It's a good idea and it clearly works out for our sister server; but, there's very little confidence in its execution compared to this idea regarding consent for killing permissions.

This is YOUR personal involvement in GangRP and what YOU are thinking. It's not unrealistic, given our setting and the inane amount of deaths that occur within it. It's not realistic whatsoever; this is Japan. . .and, if we're arguing that Karakura would be the outcast of the country in terms of criminal rates and is known for being dangerous (which is the lore that we currently do follow), there are still too many permanent character deaths occurring. Read the thread for the benefits that this suggestion would bring and try to see it from a broader perspective, rather than from just yourself. I went into each gang discord's private chat and talked with them about how this is beneficial and a good amount were compliant and understanding to how it would help GangRP rather than hurt it.

Killing not taking place on the server is not a bad thing. By making it a consent-based thing, all kills that occur (minus police and BMD-related) become a lot more writing-fulfilled and help expand your intricate roleplay than ever before. Again, all I can ask is that you read my replies and the thread itself before replying with something that has already been stated by others & then refuted. GangRP can be about the competition; yes, but ALL roleplay is about the characters and their stories. Do not overlook that aspect within it as it is the driving force of the entire server. Gangs have lasted without centering their entire focus on kills and major assault (I know I'm a bit of an Akihito Clan fan and a bit of bias seeps into my opinion, but they are an example of a gang that does this. They don't publicize their kills or major assault and instead make GangRP more unique for themselves while managing to exist actively for over a year now); and, that is something which will become the norm. As you are a Bonten member, you may already be aware that they are working on shifting their focus to a red-light district. This is a great way to involve yourself on the server as a criminal and in GangRP that has never been done before. Trying something new is nice, especially if it has more benefits than setbacks.

The best way to persuade you is to have you read my other responses and to read the original thread. They explain everything. You only need to have trust. I appreciate your reply above all things as you are greatly active within the GangRP community and it's always nice to receive other perspectives!

Please read my other replies and the thread itself. I refute this and explain how this isn't an issue. Thank you for your compliments, however!! I really appreciate this input and I do see it as a valid concern, it's just worth noting that there is a resolution to it. There's no problem with killings not happening in the way that they currently are.

In another reply (to Hirathex, specifically), I explain how we could involve more specific scenarios that are exceptions to the consented killing — one of them being deaths through verified gangs. It's ALSO worth noting that with this rule, you can literally decide the length of kill permissions from now on if the other person consents. You get more freedoms with it and more unique roleplay experiences — which is what you should be seeking along with fun on the server. Expanding your character to their greatest length is just about the greatest fun that this platform is able to offer people, and is especially why I'm grateful to it for allowing me to host my characters upon it for so long. A gang is not easily "doomed," they just need to work around it. The point of this rule, along with all of its other benefits and setbacks that it'll resolve, is to force people upon this roadblock that they must work around. That's what people do already; so, why can't you do it again? Weapons will get buffs, major assault permissions will tie in with kidnapping permissions. . .you still are able to stop someone from revealing information. You just won't be forcing them to make a new character.

It will not cause GangRP to die and that is where you are sorely mistaken. View the other replies and review your private gang chat when I was conversing with them prior to making this suggestion. People are already mentioning how they are tempted to be re-involved with GangRP by this suggestion alone; and, there are several other updates that would come with this update to help "fill the hole." Trust me when I say weapons are going to receive a major improvement if this goes through. . .meaning, you aren't losing all too much. In fact, you're only gaining from this. Read the thread and read my replies for an explanation of how you are within a community that is improving itself.

The argument that GangRP is not GangRP without risks is baseless. GangRP is roleplay within a gang and crime; it's nothing more than that. The keyword within that is roleplay — you are on a roleplay server, and should therefore be roleplaying. There's nothing wrong with roleplaying, guys! And, I definitely agree that risk plays a role in it. I think, that with this update, kidnappings and hostage situations are going to occur much more frequently as you'll now be able to hold a character in confines for the complete seven days, even during school hours, still giving that "effect" of having taken away someone's character for a meantime while also permitting them to still roleplay as their said character. Yes, no one likes losing their character, so they'll oftentimes say no when asked for consent. . .and that's fine. That is okay, and I implore you to work to understand that. There is no issue with someone not wanting their character to die. We all put a lot of effort into writing ours, and that's fine. It's roleplay! We write!

A lot of my concern lies in your statement about the point of SchoolRP being to not whine/be sad when a character dies after you get them involved in criminal roleplay. That. . .is definitely not what SchoolRP is about, and I'm sure you understand that as well (maybe it was poorly worded?). The point of SchoolRP is to roleplay as a character within a school setting or to explore the other factions outside of it. . .the point is always going to be to roleplay, which is exactly what my suggestion is promoting. This update is needed. A good majority of the staff members find agreement within it because they are the people who have been on the server for the longest and are most frequent to the situations/scenarios you speak of. A lot of people possess disdain toward staff in spite of the fact that they are the people who were chose to represent the server. . .would it not be more acceptable to be lenient toward their opinions? They have the experience. The update is needed as it will improve the status of GangRP greatly; and, if you need proof, you can refer to the thread and my replies. I've already stated a good deal of what I've needed to within them (and you need to read them, considering it will help in convincing you). Be open-minded.

Yes. Losing is a part of the roleplay, and "mature people should not have a problem with losing." This was clearly not the same thoughts that were adopted by your gang during their war, considering the amount of powergaming reports that came through — so, what's the issue with limiting the instances of powergaming and those who are immature just a little more? This suggestion, if implemented, draws back on many of the issues we face during arguments. We will inevitably draw the curtain of toxicity backward by introducing this, which introduces a butterfly effect of GangRP bettering wholly. Again, refer to my other replies and the thread itself for how.

GangRP "flopped" a great deal because of rampant character death and little reasoning for people to continue to be motivated. As you see in this thread, there are people mentioning how they would be motivated and willing to involve themselves with GangRP if this suggestion were to be considered. There is NO issue with accepting people back into the faction of this server, unless they are a part of the problem — and you've provided no evidence that these people are a part of the problem. Good writers and people who care about characters will ultimately benefit this half of the server and bring about more benefits to the community as a whole, which I again do not need to elaborate upon as I already have in my other replies and the thread. You should read that.

It is not pointless. I've made that very clear, in this reply and in my other replies, at how this is not pointless and there is indeed a purpose for it. You just have to be open-minded and read them. I apologize if I'm coming off as passive aggressive with the persistence in asking you to read the other replies; but, they address a great deal of your concerns and have resulted in many people being fully persuaded in that this suggestion is for the better. I don't want to have to explain the same thing several times when you can just view it for yourself, which is why I'm replying to every single disagreement. Disagreements help bring up challenges that we can address early on; and, that is what I'm doing. I'm addressing it.

Risk, competition, and "reaching the top" can all be elements of your fun in GangRP; and, it is ridiculous to state that this rule would remove that. Yes, it would draw back slightly on it, but all of those elements still exist. Risk exists in the police and not having your character kidnapped for seven whole days while they are brutalized. Competition exists in that gangs will likely exist for a lot longer now, if this rule were to be implemented (and this is a GOOD thing, I'm sure you can agree). "Reaching the top" exists in that gangs are now forced to be more unique rather than traditional in the sense of logging each activity relative to killing and major assault. You just have to think a little differently now. . .it'll still be fun. I never permanently kill players on the server without consent. I can count how many people my characters have killed within my six years on the server on one hand, and a good deal of them were consented on. The other ones didn't even happen on the server and are just belonging to my character's lore. I have fun with what I do, roleplaying as two criminal characters (Sawa Taigyoku and Takuya Miwa). I found a way that still involves risk, competition, and "reaching the top" while avoiding. . .killing others. Permanent / forced character death is frowned upon in other roleplay communities. I'll keep saying that.

I don't mind your concerns in this response, though. Receiving a reply from someone who leads a verified gang and has been heavily involved in this part of the server (as a player) for a year is extremely helpful; as, when I address your concerns, I also address other ones. I will always be grateful that you spent your time replying to this and giving your insight. So, thank you, and I hope this clears up a lot. PM me over conversations if you want to discuss it a little more, as I'm more than willing to. Take care.

Read the thread and read my replies. My time is not wasted. Please note that several staff members, including the owner, have already agreed that this would be a beneficial suggestion and that this post was simply made to hear out the community. I hope that a bit of gratefulness lies in you and in others that we are choosing to consult the community, instead of just implementing this wild suggestion with no prior perspectives received. This is not going to waste our time and I do not think you should be speaking for staff, either. Please, do read the thread and my replies, and they may help a little in convincing you. Take care!

As the crime faction lead and the person who manages events on the server, no. I do not ignore you. I've recently lowered the amount of GangRP events because we had so many in the previous two months and we have several other events currently planned for several days on this month. Staff members post when they have a scheduled event in a channel, meaning we are all informed when an event is taking place.

This is just completely false. I'm still receiving event suggestions, there's just a little prioritization for updates within the crime faction and allowing other events in other factions of the server to thrive first. Please note in my original post: I state that introducing this feature to the server would benefit the reputation of GangRP, which would then result in more events. Consider that.

GangRP is roleplay within a gang or crime. As I've stated before, I went to each private channel of our gangs and asked them what they thought of the idea. A great deal of them responded in positives (or at least did so after being convinced) with the understanding of the benefits that it would reap. It is baseless to say that it only benefits non-GangRPers. It doesn't — it benefits everyone. Refer to my thread and my replies for how as I'm certain I do not need to repeat myself; however, I do understand where the basis of your concerns lie. I will always work to better the server and not hurt it, as having a platform where I can freely write and roleplay my characters on (especially for as long as I've been here for) will always be something I am indebted to and grateful for. Take care (and please read my other replies!! I mean it: the reason why I'm replying to each disagreement is so that you guys can reference those replies later on)!!

Hey! Your concerns are super valid and I'm glad that you gave a response, considering how much you involve yourself in the server. I appreciate the kind words regarding the suggestion and my work; and, it's worth assuring your rest in that baiting would greatly decrease with this. A lot of the basis for baiting came with wanting to kill another person's character — people want to avoid having their characters kidnapped for several days on end or having their limbs removed, as the character would still be alive and present to receive a arrest. There's even more risk now, and I feel that a lot of people are forsaking that with the suggestion. If you like risk, you're being handed it. Thanks for this reply! It helped me explain a part that I think a lot of people were worried about regarding risks.

We discussed this part briefly in DMs; it'd be a lot more concerning, as a new player, to see rampant character death taking place in the most random locations rather than amputees. Amputees are not the most shocking thing in the world. Again, refer to my other replies for how it is completely fine if people do not want their characters to die. Treat our event in late May as an example: we worked out a consensus for your character's fate and made something even cooler out of what we had planned of the kidnapping/explosion, as we blended a few unplanned things into it. We still found a way to make it fun, regardless of if it had a pre-planned conclusion.

I reference your latter concern in several other replies throughout this thread. CTRL+F and look for Minobu, since I like to reference his comment about turning characters into vegetables (and that's where I mention your concerns and how they actually bring more benefits than setbacks). One swift killing action, while having its rare circumstance of being beneficial for roleplay and character writing as a whole, is mostly known for not having any weight to it (even though it's a whole KILL). I don't mean any kills that you've done specifically and I truly believe you are an example of someone who would work around this rule perfectly fine; but, in general. I'm sure you know what I mean as you were the former crime faction lead.

Thank you for leaving your input, though. I understand where your concerns and disagreement come from; but, I want your unrest to be settled. I'm not looking to hurt GangRP; and, as I've elaborated upon much in my replies, it won't bring harm. Having your insight on this suggestion helps greatly in solidifying how a lot of other GangRPers feel in reading this suggestion. From each agreement and disagreement so far, I've noticed that it's generally mixed between the community. I can only hope that this sways you a little.

Hey! Thank you for your input. These are all valid concerns in which I address in the original thread and my replies. You should seek them, if you're looking to be persuaded. This is something that will be crucial and beneficial to GangRP and the community as a whole. Please take the time to be open-minded and consider my efforts — I would be grateful.

Hi, again. Did you read the thread? I explain how KPD are an exception to this. If anything, the roleplay within the KPD would be more interesting as this rule sets up a roadblock (a beneficial one) that requires that people put a bit more thought into what they do as a criminal on the server. KPD will likely have actual cases to resolve now and more hostage situations. . .arguing that there is "less activity within GangRP" is just a telltale sign for me of how YOU will specifically react to it. The rest of your gang, however, as I've stated, is planning a red light district that sounds absolutely phenomenal and a great way to involve yourself in a gang and in crime. If you think you're not going to be active in GangRP anymore, you're free to hand your gang off to someone who will do well by it.

All of these changes, minus the second point (which I explain why in my first reply to ImKana) are going to be added if this suggestion is implemented. Thank you for your efforts in reaching a compromise, though! You are a great example of a player who has always put their greatest effort in terms of writing into GangRP and have helped greatly in bettering it. I appreciate you, Infi.
Personally actually I’ve always thought “Why the hell can’t I throw a knife? I can throw rocks, eggs, all sorts of stuff but a knife? I mean I can throw knifes pretty easily in real life so why not in game, I think honestly that would be a good plus and agree with that, if so I’m down for the idea but think there should be some regulations for gaining and maybe not needed but it might help.


Level 110
Thread starter
I have a really good idea Heb what If OOC consent was only valid sometimes, example as I have seen Jtth_ talk about people leaving his gang that would be a situation where OOC consent isn't needed. Now I would go into more detail but I have already wasted about 5 paragraphs of my life on this thread, and I am no longer going to reply here so I hope it gose well and I hope this idea is considered.

I'll take this reply as an opportunity to gather each idea that I think was brought about the half-disagreements that could benefit us.

T3OTO - Some kind of other consequence once your character has major assault inflicted on them, such as being barred from being in a gang or involved in crime for a certain amount of OOC days.
Hirathex - More specific scenarios in which unconsented killing permissions could exist, outside of the KPD and BMD examples in the original post.

In regards to Hirathex's idea, we could add unconsented killing permissions to those who leave verified gangs; or, verified gangs could include that one rule that they really loved putting back then along the lines of, "If you leave the gang, you consent to us having kill permissions on you" written in their rules and whatnot. This is counter-intuitive to what I'm trying to suggest, so I don't recommend it (as we had it removed in the past and it may have to become a separate rule if people DO put that in their gang rules and then abuse it), but it could be a compromise along with the aforementioned specific scenarios to killing permissions.

Thank you for all of your input, though!! I do appreciate it. None of what you had to say was a waste and you're helping both myself and the community grasp this concept better. I am grateful to you.


Personally actually I’ve always thought “Why the hell can’t I throw a knife? I can throw rocks, eggs, all sorts of stuff but a knife? I mean I can throw knifes pretty easily in real life so why not in game, I think honestly that would be a good plus and agree with that, if so I’m down for the idea but think there should be some regulations for gaining and maybe not needed but it might help.

I'm glad you say this!! Other weapons will also receive special and additional buffs like this, meaning there are still good things coming out of this suggestion (if you are a part of the crowd that is convinced this is a horrible idea). Overall, we're only reaping benefits, as I've stated. Thanks a bunch for your reply.


Level 23
In Japan, though, this organized crime is heavily concealed. I definitely agree that Japan is both fetishized and shone a strange light on in media because it wants to draw the attention away from its setbacks (in spite of it being technologically advanced); but, the amount of murders that take place on SchoolRP are not a realistic representation of the real Japan (granted, Karakura is not a good representation, either). Please read the thread and my other replies as this has been refuted; however, I do appreciate the input! Your concerns are greatly valid and something I have considered when making this suggestion and replying to others.
I’d say half in half, yes it’s not ALWAYS realistic and I agree with that heavily but I’ve also heard this story from Reaper and he explained it into quite detail with me one on one and it was very fascinating, which I mean do check online there is many news reports in children and shootings, just the other day I watched a kid with a gun tucked down into his waistband searched and arrested for it also having more in his backpack, which yes it’s not the same place as Japan as Japan is more strict and it’s hard to get any sort of weapon like katanas without registration but there’s also publicly beatings in Japan that later on lead to the death of someone maybe quietly or maybe in the open. And I completely agree Japan is not all colors and it is very well hidden by the media and how it’s made it seem all flashy colors and happiness all over when it really isn’t.


Level 23
I'll take this reply as an opportunity to gather each idea that I think was brought about the half-disagreements that could benefit us.

T3OTO - Some kind of other consequence once your character has major assault inflicted on them, such as being barred from being in a gang or involved in crime for a certain amount of OOC days.
Hirathex - More specific scenarios in which unconsented killing permissions could exist, outside of the KPD and BMD examples in the original post.

In regards to Hirathex's idea, we could add unconsented killing permissions to those who leave verified gangs; or, verified gangs could include that one rule that they really loved putting back then along the lines of, "If you leave the gang, you consent to us having kill permissions on you" written in their rules and whatnot. This is counter-intuitive to what I'm trying to suggest, so I don't recommend it (as we had it removed in the past and it may have to become a separate rule if people DO put that in their gang rules and then abuse it), but it could be a compromise along with the aforementioned specific scenarios to killing permissions.

Thank you for all of your input, though!! I do appreciate it. None of what you had to say was a waste and you're helping both myself and the community grasp this concept better. I am grateful to you.

I'm glad you say this!! Other weapons will also receive special and additional buffs like this, meaning there are still good things coming out of this suggestion (if you are a part of the crowd that is convinced this is a horrible idea). Overall, we're only reaping benefits, as I've stated. Thanks a bunch for your reply.
Personally I find gangrp fun it keeps me going so either way I’m gonna do it no matter the change but I think ways to organize it is add onto forums ways to gain non consented kps and to keep regular kps ways on how you gain them and that if someone may not consent to kps to have maybe a limb or two allowed to be removed, editing this rq that I don’t exactly expect the majors to be added but it could be an idea. Actually while it’s also on my mind it’s like if you won’t let me kps you what do I get out of you, like you did something and you have to pay some sort of consequence for it if I win like let’s say boom I stab you, you don’t consent, well then I just sit there awkwardly and have to walk away, I think a good way to have some sort of + out of that is maybe the person doesn’t play their character for a day or two or I get a major just something a long those lines I think would best make sense. Sorry I do keep changing this but these all are just ideas I think could be good
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Level 211
From a friends experience japan has a very dark side it’s not all colors from what i was told from a older man who used to live their certain organizations would use kids to do things such as murder etc japan isn’t any different than the rest of the world kids doing such things still do things like this just bc it ain’t reported don’t mean it don’t happen from what the old man told me and the stories he’s told me along showing me pics and stuff from his past organizations and gangs still used kids Reason why I’m saying ppl should say It’s unrealistic at all over all this world is full of darkness just as much as it’s full of positivity (use to help the man out cutting his grass and doing chores he couldn’t do by himself) all Im saying dont rule out anything at all we don’t see most things and no matter where in the world kids are used by crime related organizations
We all know that kids in crime exist everywhere, the thing that I said is in which world is normal 85% of the serial killers are teenagers in high school? Maybe if you read again what I said you'll understand.


Level 23
I'll take this reply as an opportunity to gather each idea that I think was brought about the half-disagreements that could benefit us.

T3OTO - Some kind of other consequence once your character has major assault inflicted on them, such as being barred from being in a gang or involved in crime for a certain amount of OOC days.
Hirathex - More specific scenarios in which unconsented killing permissions could exist, outside of the KPD and BMD examples in the original post.

In regards to Hirathex's idea, we could add unconsented killing permissions to those who leave verified gangs; or, verified gangs could include that one rule that they really loved putting back then along the lines of, "If you leave the gang, you consent to us having kill permissions on you" written in their rules and whatnot. This is counter-intuitive to what I'm trying to suggest, so I don't recommend it (as we had it removed in the past and it may have to become a separate rule if people DO put that in their gang rules and then abuse it), but it could be a compromise along with the aforementioned specific scenarios to killing permissions.

Thank you for all of your input, though!! I do appreciate it. None of what you had to say was a waste and you're helping both myself and the community grasp this concept better. I am grateful to you.

I'm glad you say this!! Other weapons will also receive special and additional buffs like this, meaning there are still good things coming out of this suggestion (if you are a part of the crowd that is convinced this is a horrible idea). Overall, we're only reaping benefits, as I've stated. Thanks a bunch for your reply.
personally I also sit neutral I like it but I think some may not but I’m all for it and I think that this will have more adapted and cool people added like the hardcore rpers that right out AMAZING stuff for role play characters but they don’t do it for gangrp afraid to do that all and lose it so I think this will not only add more people, but live it up, hope to get rid of some toxicity, as well as make it fun again like hell yea I’m down for throwing knifes I definitely think they could use a little plus and maybe if I throw a knife it won’t instantly kill yes but at least start a bleedout for when I pull it out and also make the person possibly stroll for a minute or more, just all ideas I’m thinking that could possibly make sense? Editing this real quick for the bleedout let’s say I have a knife thrown at me as long as I’m not pulling it out I’m not dying but it could be like let’s say I have 3 minutes of adrenaline to run or I have to stroll for a minute or two to make it completely fair and let’s say also that if I do pull the knife out maybe it won’t have the same bleedout as every other weapon let’s say like 15 minutes or 20, now 20 may be too much but 15 I think could be slightly reasonable but all ideas.


Level 115
IGN: hebwig
DATE: 03/07/2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Make kill permissions only possible to be used if the person consents through OOC means to have their character permanently killed. This is the suggestion simplified down to one sentence; but, it goes a bit more in-depth. Bear with me, the crime faction lead, and take my input on how this would benefit & what other changes would come with it.

Roleplay communities, outside of Minecraft and within Minecraft, frown upon permanent/forced character death. Completely deleting a character from a setting’s existence is really ridiculous and one of the many reasons why GangRP has the reputation it has (which then leads to other issues within said portion of the server). Requiring that kill permissions become an OOC consent-based system will limit these deaths, promote players into writing fleshed-out characters, and discourage those who oftentimes use throwaways.

Please note that this suggestion has already been discussed with a few staff members, including the owner. This thread is being created so that players can give their input on the suggestion. We value feedback and would like other perspectives before going through with the suggestion above. If possible, read through every point mentioned before making a response as they are to be considered in any feedback.

Again, take the above into account. These are not the only changes that would take place in the next few weeks (if enough feedback is given and considered); but, these are the ones that are just related to this massive change. If you choose to respond or react to this feedback, please give reasoning behind it as this thread is being monitored by staff and will be reviewed by staff when the next period for reviewing feedback messages rolls around.

Thank you for any input! Both myself and the staff members of SchoolRP are grateful to you, for both reading this thread and for potentially leaving a response. Note that if you have any other points/benefits worth mentioning, this thread will be edited to include them. Take care.
Alright *cracks knuckles* time to crack this open
  • As aforementioned, forced & permanent character death would not be as rampant. This benefits everybody, as nobody likes when their character dies, and it would give people more time to fully flesh out their characters and allow them to flourish, regardless of what path they choose to take.

    So. U can't really take away one of the fun aspects in my opinion about this server (the unorganized part & not scripted part of this sever). And rebrand it as somewhat new, with part of giving "OOC" consent it takes away a lot of the not scripted part. I'm talking from expirance here on this "OOC" consent part as i used to roleplay on a special server with this feature as well and it truely wasn't fun, yes it may limit the deaths of characters but I just have a few opinions about it such as:

    - If u care so much about ur character then why give out perms so easily?
    Truely if u'd care for ur character u wouldn't be involved in such "Major" parts of gangRP, say cop killings, group majoring etc all kinds of stuff. Simply cause u don't want that character to die, but legit the solution for this is too. Make. a. new. character. I get the rules are confusing sometimes but in the end it really is UR fault if someone has permissions on you and they execute them, since ur the one who gave them away. Yk cause I speak for myself here, yes it's a bummer loosing a character but i've just developed an "IDGAF" mindset about the characters since well, THEIR just characters. I can make a new one whenever the fridge i want :shrug:
    - Less arguments about permissions
    I mean, u kinda can also make the rules VERY obviously stated on what they are. Say for instance describe different scenario's in the rules and for what perms they provide, maybe specify on what is "GOOD" proof of perms (EX: an uncropped screenshot showing them threatning u maskless, instead of a cropped message of their chat) heck even give out warnings if u try and kill someone with invalid perms since u are basically wasting time at that point. valued time for the staff team then, theres truely more than 1 solution to solve these issues about the arguments. Better ones than this "OOC consent" thing, cause think logically here

    The logic part of everyone:
    I can bet you, that if u cared for a character and we are in a dying situation and u got the option for what feels like god himself to type "no i do not consent" and be saved out of all ur troubles. That you'll take it. This "OOC" consent rule simply makes it so anyone can bs their way out of any KPS activity they are ever in, which would just not seem fair if u took a lot of effort to kill someone, say for example a cop character. u did all this work, kidnapping them and making a whole escape plan for them to say "No" and boom all ur effort down the drain. A part of "OOC" consent is just far too abusable in any situation.

    Some very unbalanced shizzles:
  • Police officers will not have to ask for consent if they attempt to kill a criminal by shooting them.
  • If a police officer DOES attempt to shoot you, you are not required to ask them for consent in order to kill them. It’s vice-versa.

    what the f***.
    so like, we try to kill cop, but they decline our consent so it gets voided and we move on, then later they catch us doing a crime. we run and they chase us. Or when i'm taking someone hostage, and cops pull up. Ur telling me they can whip out their glocks, and just shoot me in the head 3 times.

    In my opinion cops were already a bit OP;
    - Being able to roll 200
    - Not having to roll for shooting/tazing

    but this brings it to a whole other level, and stating by this sentance "If a police officer DOES attempt to shoot you" just means u just have to pray and hope they got bad WiFI that day and miss, cuz else u done for.
    But then we have to ask OOC consent for killing, but they can kinda roam around freely and if we hold out a weapon just bop us in the head and chest without saying a word except "GET ON THE GROUND". seems a bit unfair don't u think.

    But this reflects perfectly on my logical point, my theory is, is that this "rule" will only be inplace since. When a cop pulls up and ASKS u if they can shoot u and kill u. WHO IS GONNA SAY YES? I know i'm not thats for sure. This "rule" will litterally be in place JUST so people don't "abuse" their ability of saying no, whilst they get the chance to abuse this consent power normally with others. Just not cops.

    Overall think it's a s*** system, far too much abuse can be pulled out of it, and makes everything feel like its scripted which just isn't fun.
    (no i don't gangRP JUST to kill people, although u might think so i don't, this just takes a lot of the fun away. Cuz like if we having arguments about KPS and make something so we consent to it, what will u think will happen to Major perms? Prolly the same thing, which in that case u could better make everything consent worthy even minors. Which is even more sh*tty.)
Rq also gonna mention that like either Old gangRP'ers or not gangRp'ers are replying with +1.


Level 9
+1, A lot of my opinions on this topic have already been stated in previous posts in this thread, but I absolutely agree with this suggestion. This is just my personal opinion, but I don’t like it when people focus their GangRP/CrimeRP entirely around perm hunting and getting the highest kill count possible, without ever making their characters have realistic reactions to killing. Realistically, you wouldn’t have large amounts of high schoolers running around completely desensitized to killing, and I hope that by changing the way people go about obtaining kill perms, it will increase the amount of interesting lore/storytelling in the crime faction. I think that forcing people to find other ways to solve their problems aside from jumping straight to killing will also add a lot more interesting RP to the server. My only hesitation on this has already been mentioned a number of times in previous posts, so I won’t put much detail into it, but I definitely think there should be exceptions to the OOC consent requirement, like the cop exception you mentioned in the first part of this thread, or when leaving a verified gang, and others that I can’t think of at the moment. This isn’t my full opinion on this topic, and I think I’ve rambled a bit, but I’m rather sleep deprived at the moment, so I might come back to this in the future and revise it, but it gets the basic gist of my thoughts across, I hope. Thank you for all the work you’re putting into the crime faction, heb, and I genuinely think that this idea will be incredibly beneficial to GangRP as a whole.

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