♡ Player Information ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡
What is your Minecraft username?:
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
I currently own three accounts; MxxkieStan, AhShiet and FindingRiko, the last one being the one I am applying on.
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
How old are you?:
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
19 and I am currently studying in University OOCly. I will be turning 20 later this May.
What is your time zone?:
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
CET (France)
Describe your activity on the server:
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
When looking at my activity, I’d say most people could recognize purely on my large activity on the server. I am working on bringing myself back into the community, becoming even more active and interactive than before. Due to certain personal reasons, I took a three-month break from SRP back in late January that lasted until the end of March, but I've recently resumed my previous playing habits. My current playtime throughout all of my accounts is around 11w+ and I have gained lots of experience on both writing actions as well as having different characters.
I first joined SchoolRP in August of 2022, though I had already been roleplaying for several years before this. Within those 9 months, I’ve become a part of the Police Faction as well as the Male Bobcats Basketball Team. While I am also active in-game and interacting with various people, I am quite active OOCly as well. I have been taking art commissions on Cartier for 9 months, since August of 2022, which was also the month I first joined the server. During the entire time in Cartier, I have remained active without doubt.
To give you a clearer idea of my online hours, my activity usually ranges between 2pm to 12am on weekdays and 4pm to 3am weekends, both in my time zone. This time will most likely stretch by a couple more hours during my summer vacation.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
Maintaining my reputation is important to me, and I understand the consequences of getting banned. Because of this, I have never been banned and I completely intend to keep it this way.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
Absolutely. Inactive shopkeepers take away opportunities for active players who may also be interested in the shopkeeper position. Therefore, demoting inactive players is completely reasonable, and I will ensure there will be no need to demote me for any inactivity reasons.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
https://schoolrp.net/threads/gaelic-language-application.53248/ ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/kpd-application-edensjingleball.55925/ ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/ahshiets-filipino-application.59956/ ACCEPTED
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
[College][B] MxxkieStan
[College][B] FindingRiko ← Account I’m applying for.
[Grade-12][M-Basketball] AhShiet

♡Shop Information♡
What shop are you applying for?:
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
I am applying for the shop currently named Igen’noaru, which resides right below the apartment complex D. It is at a unique spot, though not completely away from all life. It is perfect for the shop!
The shop’s name would be kept the same it is currently, as I do not believe it is in contradiction with the shop’s concept, which will be introduced in more detail later on in the application. As the previous shopkeeper has presented it, The name Igen’noaru means “Regal”.
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
I’ve always thought of the shopkeeper as one of the most difficult, if not the most difficult role to apply for on SRP. It is a well mixed remix of player history, good ideas, experience and detail, thus I always hesitated in applying for it. Shopkeepers serve entertainment and services to the server and community, which is a lot of work. Even so, I always admired them. To be able to be selected and to run a shop smoothly is a lot of work, even on a Minecraft server.
But like many SRP players, I wanted to try something new. I know, it is a very popular reason for applying to something, but it is true. The best way to gain new experiences and keep yourself busy on SchoolRP is by joining a faction. After my return to SRP a month ago, I was quick to realize the main thing I had been missing before I quit was something to be enthusiastic about, something new and fresh. Thus, I made my decision to apply for a faction, though this brought up another issue; most factions didn’t really make me that excited or happy to join them. While many other players have shared their experiences and told me how specific factions have been fun, most of them just feel like they would not be my cup of tea. I also noticed this while I was in KPD. It just didn’t feel like something I really enjoyed doing. I like to do something organized, something that will feel highly rewarding and motivating to work on. The more I thought about it, the role of a shopkeeper really seemed like the best ICly job I could apply for. It is a very unique and self-capable role, exactly what I am looking for! I get to put my creativity to work and I can also put my art and other stuff I am enthusiastic about out there with the help of it. Because of the reasons I listed earlier, I decided to let my ambition take over and apply for it.
Of course, that is mainly how I got the idea to become a shopkeeper. Other than wanting to explore a completely new faction of SchoolRP, I have other smaller reasons for applying as well. I have a little bit of shop experience in shops ICly, which was in Sayonara for a couple of months last year. It might not be a long time, but I did still do pretty well and gain lots of experience with it. While I do not have crazy amounts of experience ICly, I have worked and enjoyed working on multiple projects with my friends in real life, in which I usually took the lead role. It has always been quite enjoyable for me. Throughout my life, I’ve enjoyed creating small designs for various businesses and shops. I’m also currently taking a course that studies the creative side of designing. I’d love to put this shop that I’ve been imagining in my head into reality.
While I want to give myself new experiences, I also want to offer the player base more roleplay opportunities in my shop. Though it may not offer them as much as a bar would, I do still aim to make it a highly interactive shop for both employees and customers. What’s a shop without its own community anyway?
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Igen’noaru opens welcoming doors to anyone who passes by, almost pulling them in! It is a fashion paradise, the dream of every teenage girl and any fashionable influencer residing in Karakura.
The shop’s overall theme would be high-end fashion, though we do also sell some props and gifts. It is highly inspired and influenced by western fashion shops, though it still holds Japanese fashion to a high degree. Being modern is also a part of the theme, but the employees are expected to follow good etiquette while working. Since most of Karakura’s population consist of teenagers, I’d like the main target of the shop to be them. The good etiquette and professionalism will help in also attracting both the teenagers and the older people in the community. The shop keeps its previous name, but it will be revamped to fit the concept I have in mind. While Igen’noaru’s ICly goal will be to attract as many customers, OOCly I would like to offer new roleplay opportunities for players of all time zones, as well as provide smaller businesses with getting started. To help you find your way through all our ideas and organized stuff, I’ve divided all the different topics presenting ideas and our work mannerisms under different headers.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
The exterior of the shop is the first impression for anyone walking by, thus it should be something original and unusual compared to all the surrounding buildings and other shops in Karakura. Given the shop is supposed to be a high-end fashion (and gift!) store, it should still look fairly expensive and fashionable. You know what doesn’t look cheap and can be carved into your brain if it’s used properly? Colors!
So to sum it up, the front of the shop has to be somewhat colorful and original in its surroundings. The exterior should have windows to really enhance the wealthy and modern look. To wrap the design up with a bow, a sign should be displayed at the front with a catch phrase.
Other than the previous wishes, the front of the shop can be greatly edited if needed since there isn’t a specific design set in stone yet. The main reason for this is simply the idea that it would be smarter to plan it better with the faction leaders and builders to see what would work the best. Even so, we do have a general vibe we want to match with the design attached down below.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Upon entering the store, our first goal is to make you want to look at EVERYTHING! Yet again, the color palette should have a wide variety of rich colors. For example, Details could be added in gold with a dark background and if we’re going for the brighter look, pastels and silver will do the trick. The sold products should be categorized so that when you’re looking for something, it shouldn’t feel like you’re searching for a needle in a haystack. The interior should be kept fairly clean looking, though accessories shouldn’t be left little to avoid that blocky look. To add more interesting details, a slightly taller second level/floor will match the shop’s vibe perfectly. The higher level will lead the customers to the cashiers, while still displaying a few last items on shelves.
During different seasons and events, the shop will be decorated in various different ways! For example, for the Lunar new year the shop’s interior could include lots of bright colors while avoiding white and black. While this is a cool idea, the general interior should first be built before working on the decoration ideas and it also depends on the availability of builders.
Just like the front of the shop, we’d get proper builders to help us with the exact interior but I have still attached an idea down below.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
I believe that a shop’s atmosphere is one of the key things to making a shop feel alive, therefore I’ve created a playlist that will be played whenever the shop is open to give out the general vibe of the store as well as keeping our shoppers entertained. This could be played through a watch2gether link as I’ve seen some other shops do. If not, it could simply be attached to a channel on the discord server. This playlist could change depending on the seasons! For now, I’ve only included a general vibe we will play for the first few openings.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
I believe everyone should be given a fair chance to visit shops on the server and possibly participate in any events held with them, no matter their timezone! Most shops only open during the server’s busy hours, which leaves the people in different regions to not be able to partake in openings. Thus, opening multiple times a week at different times is one of our most important priorities! To be more specific, we will aim to open at least 4 to 7 times a week, depending on our own IRL schedules.
Openings will be advertised as any other shop would in the game chat and a ping on the discord server for any that want to enable it. For each opening, we only need three cashiers and at least two managers/a shopkeeper to ensure everything will run smoothly in case someone has to leave. More on the details of employee payments will be down in the employee section.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
As I earlier stated, we want to have good etiquette, and to enforce the professionalism of the shop, we’d have one of our managers at the front door, greeting the customers with a bow and a smile. This could be difficult to do during busy hours, so I am obviously willing to be flexible with it. Cashiers and any other employee will be tasked with keeping an upbeat attitude during their time working, though not enough to lose their professionalism.
Paychecks will work like most other shops, meaning they must pay a percentage back to the shopkeeper at the end of each shift. However, tailors working with the shop will get to keep all the money they make off of the skins. Any and all items sold should be logged on the SRP store website for the employees and at least one manager will always keep an eye on the workers and business coming along.
Dress codes are also very important for the theme. Each employee will be dressed in formal attire, which is their uniform, and are expected to keep themselves looking clean and respectable. This uniform will most likely change during the different seasons and events, just like the interior.
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
Being respectful comes a long way. If someone were to help out my precious employees in any way, a reward could come their way. If a customer is helping the shop towards the better and is found by a manager, they may give them a coupon. Alternatively, employees can also recommend people, but these will stay as pure recommendations until the manager is given proof by their own eyes and ears. The coupon could be made using a simple original book signed by a manager, stating the purpose of it and the reasoning it was given. This coupon would allow them to get a specific discount as long as the book is presented at the checkout. Cashiers will have to let a manager know whenever one is used and it must be returned to them to avoid recycling coupons and discounts in that way. It is a fun way to encourage the fun atmosphere in the shop by giving everyone a fair chance of discounts.
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This would be an actual digital card that would be given via link through ICly scenarios. Each manager + the shopkeeper would have their own personal business card stating their name, contact and the shop’s name. This would add to the professionalism of the business and make me and my managers seem much more mature rather than blatantly sharing phone numbers. It is a short and sweet idea, but I figured it could be quite cool to add to the professionalism!
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
While it might seem small compared to everything else I’ve listed so far, one of my favorite ideas for this shop would be all the magazines and photoshoots I’ve planned. Magazines will work as a way to advertise our stock as well as our business partners. Any time our selection experiences a new wave of items, the shop will work on magazines to advertise them. It will also bring more realism to the roleplay, seeing as magazines are not all that uncommon. These magazines will be professionally made, laid out and will most likely be posted on the discord of our shop.
While most shops with a partnership with other businesses opt to work together with other shops (Ex, the music store and electronic store’s partnership), I plan on having a partnership with a tailoring service such as Takagi Corp and other smaller businesses to support them and their work. Whilst working with them, multiple magazines and posters could be created. The partnership would offer new experiences for both shop’s workers as well as their public images. Magazines will be done together with the partners and they would gain payment for it. The shop could sponsor items they can work with on photoshoots whilst they supply the photographers, models and tailors for any projects we’re working on. There are many things partnerships give to both parties, but these are just some core ideas I’ve thought of and felt were good to include in this small paragraph.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
A shop discord is an essential tool for any and every shop on SchoolRP. I’ve mentioned it multiple times in this application, thus I decided I might as well list all the ideas I have regarding it, as well as the stuff we can use it for.
First of all, like any other shop, we’ll use it to announce any and all upcoming events, applications and major changes to the shop or community. We will also list the entire employee roster and partnerships we have.
The next thing; magazines. The magazines will be posted on the discord. We will have one primary magazine showcasing the main selection we have, which is the one that will not be changing. The others will be possibly frequently posted magazines, introducing the new stock we have as well as our partners. This will be its own channel.
Most of the communication within the workers will be in a separate category with guides, information and rules for the employees. These will help new workers get started, as well as help them with any problems they might have. Of course, if they cannot find an answer in any of the guidebooks provided, they can simply ping one of the managers in the corresponding channel!
Depending on how the partnering tailors want to do it, we may have another category for the tailors. It could work similarly to auction, but not exactly, as the shop should not be a complete tailoring server. It is simply a shop that also sells outfits during special occasions!
Lastly, the discord could include a channel with lore and information about the shop. It isn’t essential, but it’d be a nice breeze of history and fun stuff to read when bored.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Now, events are quite important for shops. In my opinion, they offer amazing ways for both the employees and customers to bond with each other while also helping the shop’s reputation and image. Because of this, I’ve listed some event ideas down below! Obviously, we’d always plan them way more before actually executing them, but these are simply some outlining of what it could look like.
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
I’m unsure if a public festival could be held by a shop outside the actual shop, thus we could celebrate something similar INSIDE the shop. The interior design will be decorated with loads of colors and the customers will enjoy an immense sale of 25% off for each item sold at the store! The store will be filled with interactive activities for the customers, such as a Lucky wheel and perhaps even fortune telling? This would be held on a special day such as halloween or something similar and it is a very flexible idea, as it can be easily adjusted to almost anything.
Though the store is usually formal and serious, Christmas is the season of fun and joy. This event will be held right outside the store, in front of it. Snowman building competitions, snowball fights and shoveling competitions are all activities that will be done on a specific opening. Allow everyone’s inner child to come out as all ages are allowed to compete! A storewide sale will also be held during this time to encourage the Christmas spirit. After the event, any left-over toys from the stock will be given away at plaza along with a flier by our employees.
Highly inspired by the countless competitions many shops have done, we also want to join the wave, though in our own way. On a lucky day announced beforehand, the shop will hold its own runway fashion show during an opening. Whoever decides to participate will be able to showcase their beautiful and original outfits under a set theme and the people will choose their favorite at the end of the opening. Just like any competition, the winner gets a prize! Discounts, a free set of the new stock we got in yesterday? Maybe even money? The list could run miles. Overall, this event would be a fun community event that yet again, offers popularity and opportunities for both the shop and the customers. A great deal, don’t you say? It could also be made into a seasonal event, seeing as it could be fairly easily executed, minus the actual runway building and sign-up process.
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
Of course, it’s important for the employees of the shop to get along, therefore I’ve come up with a few events for everyone to get together and get to know each other. We don’t just offer work around here, but also friends. Maybe you’ll meet your soulmate?
This will be hosted at either a tower floor or at one of the restaurants. Either way, it should be a formal and professional setting. Since it’s a formal dinner, everyone must dress in their proper clothing and be on their best manners. Each employee will be allowed a plus one though they are expected to be on their best behavior as well. It would mainly be a bonding event, with conversations about stuff. At the end of it, the group will move to play smaller card games and competitions. Who’s the best singer? Who’s the best artist? All of this would hopefully bring the crew closer to each other and make work more enjoyable for everyone. I don’t want to own a shop just for the business, but also the memories that can be made with it.
Although everyone is expected to be formal and polite, a small party wouldn’t hurt. Every season, a get-together will be hosted for everyone to enjoy. For summer, a day at the beach together would go well with barbecue and a sandcastle competition. Spring brings out beautiful flowers and butterflies so it only makes sense to host a picnic with lots of strawberry cake and pies. Autumn is the best season for cuddling and wearing sweaters, a movie night or a hangout at the nearby park would be amazing. Ice and cold blizzards are the buzz when it turns to winter, this calls for a small ball to be held with beautiful blue dresses and ties that match.
What will you sell in your shop?:
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
In addition to the items being sold in the shop, I’d also like to have different tailors advertising their pre-made outfits in the shop. The idea is to have a ‘clothing rack’ with a link to a magazine that will be created. Alternatively, the shop’s discord could also be used for this. Each pre-made outfit will only be sold to one person and will be taken out of the magazine once it’s sold and replaced with another. This transaction will be made through discord and instructions for purchase will be decided together with the shop and the tailors. Though tailors would have creative liberty over the types of clothing they wish to sell at the store, it will be encouraged for them to create outfits that fit the theme of the current season. I believe that this will be the first player-ran shop to sell clothing as well as items, yet still not working as a pure tailoring business.
The items that will be sold in the shop will include public items and some of the items that have been previously sold at this shop. Most of the items are supposed to be as related to fashion as possible. I have also included props and such, but nothing too out of the ordinary.
The list of items can and most likely will be narrowed down by whatever amount I see is needed, depending on the space we have. The prices will be set only after I get the shop, since I want to make sure none of them are too high or too low considering our budget. While it is a high-end store, nothing should be too overpriced! We can discuss this later in more detail, as I most likely will require at least a little bit of assistance with the pricing.
There are a few custom ideas that I plan on selling, which will be included in the list below.
Cherry Blossom Fan
Red Japanese Fan
Midnight Butterfly Fan
Horned Hat
Itsbyoshi Hairpin
Toy Staff Shinju
Toy Katana Youtou Hinata
Toy Sword Falchion
Toy Katana Yamato
Toy Galaxy Scythe
S.S.A.U.S.O Toy Gun
Cherry Earrings
Wordly Earrings
Flower Earrings
Pentagram Earrings
Gold Tinto Shades
Deluxe Glasses
Silver Framed Glasses
Heart Sunglasses
Mustache Glasses
Black Pearl Bow
Pink Mini Bows
Star And Moon Clips
Apple Watch
Cat Ears
These items will rotate and can replace some of the items in the main selection based on seasons.
Water Gun
Beach Ball
Polaroid Camera
Custom items that are exclusive to specific stores are what usually brings customers in. I plan on purchasing customs that would benefit the shop as well as purchasing other player's customs that would fit the theme. There are plenty of player customs around the server that I've seen from friends and strangers that could be sold in the shop.
With the shop’s owner being Korean and the noticeable amount of Koreans in Karakura, another custom sold at the shop could be a heung nip, also known as a gat.
To target the older audience, these custom glasses + earrings would also work well. I’ve noticed that no one has a custom that includes both glasses and earrings, this would be one of a kind. They’ve also grown more trendy in the past years, so this would go to really show off the trendy waves Igen’noaru follows.
I have a few more custom ideas saved, but I am unable to attach more images. They are a mix of hats, earrings and different glasses that would suit the vibe for various reasons. Trendy, simple and would be able to be simplified into the SRP model style.
How many employees do you plan to have?:
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
1/1 Shopkeeper
Mu-Jin Byun | FindingRiko
This role will be responsible for most of the management of the store. This includes, but is not limited to, managing stock, choosing which employees to hire and getting everything sorted (the building, item list, etc.) One of the main responsibilities of the shopkeeper is to also manage who is working on shifts. This needs to be chosen carefully, allowing everyone to have a chance at working. The shopkeeper will also be responsible for choosing when to open. I will be taking this role on myself, and plan to open at various times during the week in order for all players of different time zones to be able to shop.
Kusume Byun | IrisFi
Hyun-Rae Byun | LosingRiko
Tiffany Takagi | yBonnu
Being a manager is a very important role, therefore I have chosen a few of my friends that I trust to help manage the store. They will be tasked with different things and sometimes will be taking over the shopkeeper’s jobs when I’m busy. In short, they will be my right hand, except I have 3 of them.
Since there are multiple managers, I plan on dividing the work between them. One manager will be tasked with counting stock and letting me know when I need to restock. Another will aid me in choosing employees as well as helping out any new employees with training and such. The last manager will be in charge of the partnerships and sorting disputes out. The managers will also be permitted to open the shop when I’m not able to. Coupons will be handed out by managers by their free will at any time and one of the managers will be tasked to greet customers at the door.
3 cashiers will be required every opening, each manning a cash register. They will be tasked with maintaining a smile and being overall very respectful to each customer. If any problems arise with a customer, they must report to the shopkeeper or any managers present at the time of opening. Each cashier gets to keep 20-30% of the total income, while the rest is given to the shopkeepers.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Whenever the applications for Igen’noaru are open, it will be announced in the shop discord. The application will begin with a form that must be filled. They will mainly focus on the ICly part to keep everything as roleplay-oriented as possible, but the shop will take a player’s reputation and history into account when choosing suitable
We will then move on to ICly interviews, where the applicants get to increase their chances of being accepted. These events will be advertised both ingame and in the discord beforehand to give everyone time to prepare. Interviews do not guarantee a spot for an applicant, nor does the form.
Each cashier will be hand-picked based on their answers and how they maintain themselves. During the interview we will keep close attention to their answers and such. While we do appreciate detailRP and effort, we will not work purely based on that. They are there to be cashiers, after all. One thing we do look at and consider a lot is their timezone. We want cashiers across all timezones to make openings as manageable as possible at various different times, as I’ve already included in the application. The applicants will also have to be tested on their math shortly, as it is quite an essential skill, duh!
Whenever the wave of applicants is closed, I will review applications and interviews together with my managers to choose who will be getting in. Cashiers will be put on trial for a short amount of time, though exceptions can be made if they have experience.
Additional notes about your application: None!
Do you have any questions?: I have no questions whatsoever! If any come up, I will DM the faction leader about it.
What is your Minecraft username?:
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
I currently own three accounts; MxxkieStan, AhShiet and FindingRiko, the last one being the one I am applying on.
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
How old are you?:
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
19 and I am currently studying in University OOCly. I will be turning 20 later this May.
What is your time zone?:
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
CET (France)
Describe your activity on the server:
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
When looking at my activity, I’d say most people could recognize purely on my large activity on the server. I am working on bringing myself back into the community, becoming even more active and interactive than before. Due to certain personal reasons, I took a three-month break from SRP back in late January that lasted until the end of March, but I've recently resumed my previous playing habits. My current playtime throughout all of my accounts is around 11w+ and I have gained lots of experience on both writing actions as well as having different characters.
I first joined SchoolRP in August of 2022, though I had already been roleplaying for several years before this. Within those 9 months, I’ve become a part of the Police Faction as well as the Male Bobcats Basketball Team. While I am also active in-game and interacting with various people, I am quite active OOCly as well. I have been taking art commissions on Cartier for 9 months, since August of 2022, which was also the month I first joined the server. During the entire time in Cartier, I have remained active without doubt.
To give you a clearer idea of my online hours, my activity usually ranges between 2pm to 12am on weekdays and 4pm to 3am weekends, both in my time zone. This time will most likely stretch by a couple more hours during my summer vacation.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
Maintaining my reputation is important to me, and I understand the consequences of getting banned. Because of this, I have never been banned and I completely intend to keep it this way.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
Absolutely. Inactive shopkeepers take away opportunities for active players who may also be interested in the shopkeeper position. Therefore, demoting inactive players is completely reasonable, and I will ensure there will be no need to demote me for any inactivity reasons.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
https://schoolrp.net/threads/gaelic-language-application.53248/ ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/kpd-application-edensjingleball.55925/ ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/ahshiets-filipino-application.59956/ ACCEPTED
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
✦ ⠂⠂୨୧
[College][B] MxxkieStan
[College][B] FindingRiko ← Account I’m applying for.
[Grade-12][M-Basketball] AhShiet

♡Shop Information♡
What shop are you applying for?:
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
I am applying for the shop currently named Igen’noaru, which resides right below the apartment complex D. It is at a unique spot, though not completely away from all life. It is perfect for the shop!
The shop’s name would be kept the same it is currently, as I do not believe it is in contradiction with the shop’s concept, which will be introduced in more detail later on in the application. As the previous shopkeeper has presented it, The name Igen’noaru means “Regal”.
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
I’ve always thought of the shopkeeper as one of the most difficult, if not the most difficult role to apply for on SRP. It is a well mixed remix of player history, good ideas, experience and detail, thus I always hesitated in applying for it. Shopkeepers serve entertainment and services to the server and community, which is a lot of work. Even so, I always admired them. To be able to be selected and to run a shop smoothly is a lot of work, even on a Minecraft server.
But like many SRP players, I wanted to try something new. I know, it is a very popular reason for applying to something, but it is true. The best way to gain new experiences and keep yourself busy on SchoolRP is by joining a faction. After my return to SRP a month ago, I was quick to realize the main thing I had been missing before I quit was something to be enthusiastic about, something new and fresh. Thus, I made my decision to apply for a faction, though this brought up another issue; most factions didn’t really make me that excited or happy to join them. While many other players have shared their experiences and told me how specific factions have been fun, most of them just feel like they would not be my cup of tea. I also noticed this while I was in KPD. It just didn’t feel like something I really enjoyed doing. I like to do something organized, something that will feel highly rewarding and motivating to work on. The more I thought about it, the role of a shopkeeper really seemed like the best ICly job I could apply for. It is a very unique and self-capable role, exactly what I am looking for! I get to put my creativity to work and I can also put my art and other stuff I am enthusiastic about out there with the help of it. Because of the reasons I listed earlier, I decided to let my ambition take over and apply for it.
Of course, that is mainly how I got the idea to become a shopkeeper. Other than wanting to explore a completely new faction of SchoolRP, I have other smaller reasons for applying as well. I have a little bit of shop experience in shops ICly, which was in Sayonara for a couple of months last year. It might not be a long time, but I did still do pretty well and gain lots of experience with it. While I do not have crazy amounts of experience ICly, I have worked and enjoyed working on multiple projects with my friends in real life, in which I usually took the lead role. It has always been quite enjoyable for me. Throughout my life, I’ve enjoyed creating small designs for various businesses and shops. I’m also currently taking a course that studies the creative side of designing. I’d love to put this shop that I’ve been imagining in my head into reality.
While I want to give myself new experiences, I also want to offer the player base more roleplay opportunities in my shop. Though it may not offer them as much as a bar would, I do still aim to make it a highly interactive shop for both employees and customers. What’s a shop without its own community anyway?
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Igen’noaru opens welcoming doors to anyone who passes by, almost pulling them in! It is a fashion paradise, the dream of every teenage girl and any fashionable influencer residing in Karakura.
The shop’s overall theme would be high-end fashion, though we do also sell some props and gifts. It is highly inspired and influenced by western fashion shops, though it still holds Japanese fashion to a high degree. Being modern is also a part of the theme, but the employees are expected to follow good etiquette while working. Since most of Karakura’s population consist of teenagers, I’d like the main target of the shop to be them. The good etiquette and professionalism will help in also attracting both the teenagers and the older people in the community. The shop keeps its previous name, but it will be revamped to fit the concept I have in mind. While Igen’noaru’s ICly goal will be to attract as many customers, OOCly I would like to offer new roleplay opportunities for players of all time zones, as well as provide smaller businesses with getting started. To help you find your way through all our ideas and organized stuff, I’ve divided all the different topics presenting ideas and our work mannerisms under different headers.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
The exterior of the shop is the first impression for anyone walking by, thus it should be something original and unusual compared to all the surrounding buildings and other shops in Karakura. Given the shop is supposed to be a high-end fashion (and gift!) store, it should still look fairly expensive and fashionable. You know what doesn’t look cheap and can be carved into your brain if it’s used properly? Colors!
So to sum it up, the front of the shop has to be somewhat colorful and original in its surroundings. The exterior should have windows to really enhance the wealthy and modern look. To wrap the design up with a bow, a sign should be displayed at the front with a catch phrase.
Other than the previous wishes, the front of the shop can be greatly edited if needed since there isn’t a specific design set in stone yet. The main reason for this is simply the idea that it would be smarter to plan it better with the faction leaders and builders to see what would work the best. Even so, we do have a general vibe we want to match with the design attached down below.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Upon entering the store, our first goal is to make you want to look at EVERYTHING! Yet again, the color palette should have a wide variety of rich colors. For example, Details could be added in gold with a dark background and if we’re going for the brighter look, pastels and silver will do the trick. The sold products should be categorized so that when you’re looking for something, it shouldn’t feel like you’re searching for a needle in a haystack. The interior should be kept fairly clean looking, though accessories shouldn’t be left little to avoid that blocky look. To add more interesting details, a slightly taller second level/floor will match the shop’s vibe perfectly. The higher level will lead the customers to the cashiers, while still displaying a few last items on shelves.
During different seasons and events, the shop will be decorated in various different ways! For example, for the Lunar new year the shop’s interior could include lots of bright colors while avoiding white and black. While this is a cool idea, the general interior should first be built before working on the decoration ideas and it also depends on the availability of builders.
Just like the front of the shop, we’d get proper builders to help us with the exact interior but I have still attached an idea down below.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
I believe that a shop’s atmosphere is one of the key things to making a shop feel alive, therefore I’ve created a playlist that will be played whenever the shop is open to give out the general vibe of the store as well as keeping our shoppers entertained. This could be played through a watch2gether link as I’ve seen some other shops do. If not, it could simply be attached to a channel on the discord server. This playlist could change depending on the seasons! For now, I’ve only included a general vibe we will play for the first few openings.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
I believe everyone should be given a fair chance to visit shops on the server and possibly participate in any events held with them, no matter their timezone! Most shops only open during the server’s busy hours, which leaves the people in different regions to not be able to partake in openings. Thus, opening multiple times a week at different times is one of our most important priorities! To be more specific, we will aim to open at least 4 to 7 times a week, depending on our own IRL schedules.
Openings will be advertised as any other shop would in the game chat and a ping on the discord server for any that want to enable it. For each opening, we only need three cashiers and at least two managers/a shopkeeper to ensure everything will run smoothly in case someone has to leave. More on the details of employee payments will be down in the employee section.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
As I earlier stated, we want to have good etiquette, and to enforce the professionalism of the shop, we’d have one of our managers at the front door, greeting the customers with a bow and a smile. This could be difficult to do during busy hours, so I am obviously willing to be flexible with it. Cashiers and any other employee will be tasked with keeping an upbeat attitude during their time working, though not enough to lose their professionalism.
Paychecks will work like most other shops, meaning they must pay a percentage back to the shopkeeper at the end of each shift. However, tailors working with the shop will get to keep all the money they make off of the skins. Any and all items sold should be logged on the SRP store website for the employees and at least one manager will always keep an eye on the workers and business coming along.
Dress codes are also very important for the theme. Each employee will be dressed in formal attire, which is their uniform, and are expected to keep themselves looking clean and respectable. This uniform will most likely change during the different seasons and events, just like the interior.
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Being respectful comes a long way. If someone were to help out my precious employees in any way, a reward could come their way. If a customer is helping the shop towards the better and is found by a manager, they may give them a coupon. Alternatively, employees can also recommend people, but these will stay as pure recommendations until the manager is given proof by their own eyes and ears. The coupon could be made using a simple original book signed by a manager, stating the purpose of it and the reasoning it was given. This coupon would allow them to get a specific discount as long as the book is presented at the checkout. Cashiers will have to let a manager know whenever one is used and it must be returned to them to avoid recycling coupons and discounts in that way. It is a fun way to encourage the fun atmosphere in the shop by giving everyone a fair chance of discounts.
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This would be an actual digital card that would be given via link through ICly scenarios. Each manager + the shopkeeper would have their own personal business card stating their name, contact and the shop’s name. This would add to the professionalism of the business and make me and my managers seem much more mature rather than blatantly sharing phone numbers. It is a short and sweet idea, but I figured it could be quite cool to add to the professionalism!
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While it might seem small compared to everything else I’ve listed so far, one of my favorite ideas for this shop would be all the magazines and photoshoots I’ve planned. Magazines will work as a way to advertise our stock as well as our business partners. Any time our selection experiences a new wave of items, the shop will work on magazines to advertise them. It will also bring more realism to the roleplay, seeing as magazines are not all that uncommon. These magazines will be professionally made, laid out and will most likely be posted on the discord of our shop.
While most shops with a partnership with other businesses opt to work together with other shops (Ex, the music store and electronic store’s partnership), I plan on having a partnership with a tailoring service such as Takagi Corp and other smaller businesses to support them and their work. Whilst working with them, multiple magazines and posters could be created. The partnership would offer new experiences for both shop’s workers as well as their public images. Magazines will be done together with the partners and they would gain payment for it. The shop could sponsor items they can work with on photoshoots whilst they supply the photographers, models and tailors for any projects we’re working on. There are many things partnerships give to both parties, but these are just some core ideas I’ve thought of and felt were good to include in this small paragraph.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
A shop discord is an essential tool for any and every shop on SchoolRP. I’ve mentioned it multiple times in this application, thus I decided I might as well list all the ideas I have regarding it, as well as the stuff we can use it for.
First of all, like any other shop, we’ll use it to announce any and all upcoming events, applications and major changes to the shop or community. We will also list the entire employee roster and partnerships we have.
The next thing; magazines. The magazines will be posted on the discord. We will have one primary magazine showcasing the main selection we have, which is the one that will not be changing. The others will be possibly frequently posted magazines, introducing the new stock we have as well as our partners. This will be its own channel.
Most of the communication within the workers will be in a separate category with guides, information and rules for the employees. These will help new workers get started, as well as help them with any problems they might have. Of course, if they cannot find an answer in any of the guidebooks provided, they can simply ping one of the managers in the corresponding channel!
Depending on how the partnering tailors want to do it, we may have another category for the tailors. It could work similarly to auction, but not exactly, as the shop should not be a complete tailoring server. It is simply a shop that also sells outfits during special occasions!
Lastly, the discord could include a channel with lore and information about the shop. It isn’t essential, but it’d be a nice breeze of history and fun stuff to read when bored.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Now, events are quite important for shops. In my opinion, they offer amazing ways for both the employees and customers to bond with each other while also helping the shop’s reputation and image. Because of this, I’ve listed some event ideas down below! Obviously, we’d always plan them way more before actually executing them, but these are simply some outlining of what it could look like.
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I’m unsure if a public festival could be held by a shop outside the actual shop, thus we could celebrate something similar INSIDE the shop. The interior design will be decorated with loads of colors and the customers will enjoy an immense sale of 25% off for each item sold at the store! The store will be filled with interactive activities for the customers, such as a Lucky wheel and perhaps even fortune telling? This would be held on a special day such as halloween or something similar and it is a very flexible idea, as it can be easily adjusted to almost anything.
Though the store is usually formal and serious, Christmas is the season of fun and joy. This event will be held right outside the store, in front of it. Snowman building competitions, snowball fights and shoveling competitions are all activities that will be done on a specific opening. Allow everyone’s inner child to come out as all ages are allowed to compete! A storewide sale will also be held during this time to encourage the Christmas spirit. After the event, any left-over toys from the stock will be given away at plaza along with a flier by our employees.
Highly inspired by the countless competitions many shops have done, we also want to join the wave, though in our own way. On a lucky day announced beforehand, the shop will hold its own runway fashion show during an opening. Whoever decides to participate will be able to showcase their beautiful and original outfits under a set theme and the people will choose their favorite at the end of the opening. Just like any competition, the winner gets a prize! Discounts, a free set of the new stock we got in yesterday? Maybe even money? The list could run miles. Overall, this event would be a fun community event that yet again, offers popularity and opportunities for both the shop and the customers. A great deal, don’t you say? It could also be made into a seasonal event, seeing as it could be fairly easily executed, minus the actual runway building and sign-up process.
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Of course, it’s important for the employees of the shop to get along, therefore I’ve come up with a few events for everyone to get together and get to know each other. We don’t just offer work around here, but also friends. Maybe you’ll meet your soulmate?
This will be hosted at either a tower floor or at one of the restaurants. Either way, it should be a formal and professional setting. Since it’s a formal dinner, everyone must dress in their proper clothing and be on their best manners. Each employee will be allowed a plus one though they are expected to be on their best behavior as well. It would mainly be a bonding event, with conversations about stuff. At the end of it, the group will move to play smaller card games and competitions. Who’s the best singer? Who’s the best artist? All of this would hopefully bring the crew closer to each other and make work more enjoyable for everyone. I don’t want to own a shop just for the business, but also the memories that can be made with it.
Although everyone is expected to be formal and polite, a small party wouldn’t hurt. Every season, a get-together will be hosted for everyone to enjoy. For summer, a day at the beach together would go well with barbecue and a sandcastle competition. Spring brings out beautiful flowers and butterflies so it only makes sense to host a picnic with lots of strawberry cake and pies. Autumn is the best season for cuddling and wearing sweaters, a movie night or a hangout at the nearby park would be amazing. Ice and cold blizzards are the buzz when it turns to winter, this calls for a small ball to be held with beautiful blue dresses and ties that match.
What will you sell in your shop?:
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
In addition to the items being sold in the shop, I’d also like to have different tailors advertising their pre-made outfits in the shop. The idea is to have a ‘clothing rack’ with a link to a magazine that will be created. Alternatively, the shop’s discord could also be used for this. Each pre-made outfit will only be sold to one person and will be taken out of the magazine once it’s sold and replaced with another. This transaction will be made through discord and instructions for purchase will be decided together with the shop and the tailors. Though tailors would have creative liberty over the types of clothing they wish to sell at the store, it will be encouraged for them to create outfits that fit the theme of the current season. I believe that this will be the first player-ran shop to sell clothing as well as items, yet still not working as a pure tailoring business.
The items that will be sold in the shop will include public items and some of the items that have been previously sold at this shop. Most of the items are supposed to be as related to fashion as possible. I have also included props and such, but nothing too out of the ordinary.
The list of items can and most likely will be narrowed down by whatever amount I see is needed, depending on the space we have. The prices will be set only after I get the shop, since I want to make sure none of them are too high or too low considering our budget. While it is a high-end store, nothing should be too overpriced! We can discuss this later in more detail, as I most likely will require at least a little bit of assistance with the pricing.
There are a few custom ideas that I plan on selling, which will be included in the list below.
Cherry Blossom Fan
Red Japanese Fan
Midnight Butterfly Fan
Horned Hat
Itsbyoshi Hairpin
Toy Staff Shinju
Toy Katana Youtou Hinata
Toy Sword Falchion
Toy Katana Yamato
Toy Galaxy Scythe
S.S.A.U.S.O Toy Gun
Cherry Earrings
Wordly Earrings
Flower Earrings
Pentagram Earrings
Gold Tinto Shades
Deluxe Glasses
Silver Framed Glasses
Heart Sunglasses
Mustache Glasses
Black Pearl Bow
Pink Mini Bows
Star And Moon Clips
Apple Watch
Cat Ears
These items will rotate and can replace some of the items in the main selection based on seasons.
Water Gun
Beach Ball
Polaroid Camera
Custom items that are exclusive to specific stores are what usually brings customers in. I plan on purchasing customs that would benefit the shop as well as purchasing other player's customs that would fit the theme. There are plenty of player customs around the server that I've seen from friends and strangers that could be sold in the shop.
With the shop’s owner being Korean and the noticeable amount of Koreans in Karakura, another custom sold at the shop could be a heung nip, also known as a gat.
To target the older audience, these custom glasses + earrings would also work well. I’ve noticed that no one has a custom that includes both glasses and earrings, this would be one of a kind. They’ve also grown more trendy in the past years, so this would go to really show off the trendy waves Igen’noaru follows.
I have a few more custom ideas saved, but I am unable to attach more images. They are a mix of hats, earrings and different glasses that would suit the vibe for various reasons. Trendy, simple and would be able to be simplified into the SRP model style.
How many employees do you plan to have?:
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
1/1 Shopkeeper
Mu-Jin Byun | FindingRiko
This role will be responsible for most of the management of the store. This includes, but is not limited to, managing stock, choosing which employees to hire and getting everything sorted (the building, item list, etc.) One of the main responsibilities of the shopkeeper is to also manage who is working on shifts. This needs to be chosen carefully, allowing everyone to have a chance at working. The shopkeeper will also be responsible for choosing when to open. I will be taking this role on myself, and plan to open at various times during the week in order for all players of different time zones to be able to shop.
Kusume Byun | IrisFi
Hyun-Rae Byun | LosingRiko
Tiffany Takagi | yBonnu
Being a manager is a very important role, therefore I have chosen a few of my friends that I trust to help manage the store. They will be tasked with different things and sometimes will be taking over the shopkeeper’s jobs when I’m busy. In short, they will be my right hand, except I have 3 of them.
Since there are multiple managers, I plan on dividing the work between them. One manager will be tasked with counting stock and letting me know when I need to restock. Another will aid me in choosing employees as well as helping out any new employees with training and such. The last manager will be in charge of the partnerships and sorting disputes out. The managers will also be permitted to open the shop when I’m not able to. Coupons will be handed out by managers by their free will at any time and one of the managers will be tasked to greet customers at the door.
3 cashiers will be required every opening, each manning a cash register. They will be tasked with maintaining a smile and being overall very respectful to each customer. If any problems arise with a customer, they must report to the shopkeeper or any managers present at the time of opening. Each cashier gets to keep 20-30% of the total income, while the rest is given to the shopkeepers.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Whenever the applications for Igen’noaru are open, it will be announced in the shop discord. The application will begin with a form that must be filled. They will mainly focus on the ICly part to keep everything as roleplay-oriented as possible, but the shop will take a player’s reputation and history into account when choosing suitable
We will then move on to ICly interviews, where the applicants get to increase their chances of being accepted. These events will be advertised both ingame and in the discord beforehand to give everyone time to prepare. Interviews do not guarantee a spot for an applicant, nor does the form.
Each cashier will be hand-picked based on their answers and how they maintain themselves. During the interview we will keep close attention to their answers and such. While we do appreciate detailRP and effort, we will not work purely based on that. They are there to be cashiers, after all. One thing we do look at and consider a lot is their timezone. We want cashiers across all timezones to make openings as manageable as possible at various different times, as I’ve already included in the application. The applicants will also have to be tested on their math shortly, as it is quite an essential skill, duh!
Whenever the wave of applicants is closed, I will review applications and interviews together with my managers to choose who will be getting in. Cashiers will be put on trial for a short amount of time, though exceptions can be made if they have experience.
Additional notes about your application: None!
Do you have any questions?: I have no questions whatsoever! If any come up, I will DM the faction leader about it.
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