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Gangrp decline, possible solutions, more engaging gangrp

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Level 21
What's your Minecraft Username?: SapouT
What's the title of your suggestion?: Gangrp decline, possible solutions, more engaging gangrp

What's your suggestion?:
I want to suggest some changes as I have noticed that gang roleplay has seen a massive decline the past months and weeks. To begin with I think that adding multiple crime zones like old pwp was and advertising them would allow gangs to engage in crimminal activity and conflict more. Also the addition of less severe majors for lighter ic motives that wont include losing limbs all the time would also help create a more active and engaging gangrp as people won't be "scared" to risk stealing a blunt weapon or getting into fights as the consenquences of minor ic motive like that wont be as severe and even tho they might still include lethal weapons they wont leave perms dsmage such as a lost limb. ( Ive suggested that in the past and got no clear abt it being accepted or denied).

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I think that these changes would allow new gangs and gangrpers to engage in more conflict easier and overall make gangrp more active. This would mean that more weapons will be sold, more police conflict will erupt, third party dealing of weapons and conflict will bmd will also once again become a thing, and overall gangrp will be "revived" or at least more active than now. It is undeniable that the criminality rates of karakura have majorly decreased. More and more people are quitting gangrp and even srp due to gangrp being "dead". At least this is what I have seen. In conclusion, I believe that making a more engaging gangrp experience would help alot and these two changes would easily fix that. I believe that with gangrp being more engaging, conflict between gangs can also erupt as it used to. About a year ago for example I remember bonten and yamagashira had a conflict. Nothing was official though we still fought eachother and got majors in daily. No rules have changed since then. Gangrp just became less engaging and less promoted, powerplant closed, and limb takin became a big trend. So now most people and even uvfg and vfg are scared to even ko people that gangrp to avoid majors. And smaller gangs many times find it dificult to engage in conflict with other gangrpers. For the first issue the slight perm change would help. For the second, the crime hotspots will allow gangs to rob eachother and start conflict as they used to when pwp was busy.

Also, for people that believe a more lore based gangrp would work better, this would also benefit them. Amore active community with more day to day engaging combat gangrp would mean that more ic motives and rivalties will be created that can fuel greater events with more detailed and more progressed gangrp. For example, Kaku kai and Bonten conflict that ended with an amazing war event started out as many conflicts and combat situations and majors back and forth. the rules worked kinda like how am suggesting back then. ppl didnt take so many limbs or at least didnt take only legs just to burn them and damge players as much as possible, and pwp was rlly famous and many conflicts started there so many gangs were engaging into fights and roberries in it. Overall a more engaging gangrp with these suggestions or others like these etc would greatly improve lore gangrp in the same way that when kishi and other gangs were doing alot of pvp gangrp and there were tons of gangs that were active in combat, lore gangrp was also big as these gangs also wanted to do lore based gangrp with p2l etc to make their achievments and rivalties more important and have better rp but also daily conflict with others.

Note, after receiving some feedback, I think it is would work if powerplant became more active with the addition of the old rule abt mugperms/minors in it etc. also this could apply to the sewers

Note, After some research i discovered that ic motive rule is a thing. This is more of a mention that we should enforce this rule more and make sure that every gangrp scenario makes some sense. Cuz damn cutting a leg and burning it cuz someone defended themselves from ur bat is WAY too unreasonable even for the most notorious criminal. Also many people get passed perms and do this cuz they just know the person. This is also an example as in most of these cases, an a person they barely know isn't worth stabbing for
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Level 73
More and more people are quitting gangrp and even srp due to gangrp being "dead".
In my 6-8 month's of gangrp I've barely seen anyone quit. But this statement your making is with a hope to "revive" gang-roleplay. First of all, gang roleplay has had a meeting that has happened with every gang lead and bmd's. I do not know what was disclosed in this meeting, but it was regarding how to influence gang-roleplay to be more engaging I believe. This was made because of PokerDot's suggestion I believe, their already working on changing gang-roleplay.


Level 21
Thread starter
In my 6-8 month's of gangrp I've barely seen anyone quit. But this statement your making is with a hope to "revive" gang-roleplay. First of all, gang roleplay has had a meeting that has happened with every gang lead and bmd's. I do not know what was disclosed in this meeting, but it was regarding how to influence gang-roleplay to be more engaging I believe. This was made because of PokerDot's suggestion I believe, their already working on changing gang-roleplay.
more people must speak up abt it if u ask me. and idk abt u but most ppl that used to enjoy the gangrp the past 2 years that i knew have quit


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
To begin with I think that adding multiple crime zones like old pwp was and advertising them would allow gangs to engage in crimminal activity and conflict more.
KimiNoUso had said many times that we will not get any more hotspots. As each faction has a hotspot dedicated to its faction, GangRP is Powerplant. Now, there isn't stopping you from 'claiming' parts of the map/sewers to spark gang interaction with other groups.

the addition of less severe majors for lighter ic motives that wont include losing limbs
I agree to this and made a suggestion in a crime related discord, in short my idea was KO without weapon > Minors ; KO with weapon > Majors in short(Theres a lot more to it than just that but you get what i am trying to say)

I personally wouldn't say that GangRP/CrimeRP is 'dead', there are aspects to Crime that is still thriving if you know which direction to go. Like Fight Club, yes it opens like twice a month, but people quite enjoy it!! Ikigai is always able to be used and from my seeing is used daily(This is also a good way on communicating ICly to other crime-related people).

If you want more beef with other gangs, try talking to the head of that gang and set up some interactions! Create little mini-events between groups to get roleplay back into the factor. There isn't anything stopping groups interacting with each other or even creating little events on their own. In my opinion, GangRP/CrimeRP shouldn't be focused on perms at all but the progression of dislike and beef between groups. Reason why Akihito Clan was amazing in that regard, they(to my knowledge and how I had seen the group) focused on the roleplay aspect of the criminal side and they are still famous to this day.

As you know, there are already meetings between Gang leads/Higherups and The Crime Leads on how to change/improve GangRP, It will take time but I will; +1 on more roleplay happening in crime


Level 117
GangRP is shifting to the sewers (this is what I've heard) and the sewers is a very expansive place for gangs to work with.

Also, GangRP isn't 'dead' you might just be seeing certain gangs disbanding. I feel like it's up to us to make GangRP activity than make staff implement a bunch of new rules and features to make it more fun and engaging.


Level 63
As wheater said GangRP has been active before all without anything changing too the rules or map. We don’t have to do it or adjust the map so GangRp can be a bit more active

GangRP is already such a large factor in roleplay in the server. It’s up too the players tk make it active again. Do something fun dude. Figure some cool event out, maybe don’t act on perms blindnessy just because someone called you a bitch icly CAUSE YOU WERE BEING ONE
Maybe act on perms when there is some lore behind it. Create your own lore, your own events, etc
The players make gangrp active or not, not the map and rules


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
Refer back to the meeting that brought together ALL the gang leads and their higher ups that happened on Saturday. All those who have a current prominent presence in gang roleplay were there and we spoke about many things you've brought up here already.


Level 6
What's your Minecraft Username?: SapouT
What's the title of your suggestion?: Gangrp decline, possible solutions, more engaging gangrp

What's your suggestion?:
I want to suggest some changes as I have noticed that gang roleplay has seen a massive decline the past months and weeks. To begin with I think that adding multiple crime zones like old pwp was and advertising them would allow gangs to engage in crimminal activity and conflict more. Also the addition of less severe majors for lighter ic motives that wont include losing limbs all the time would also help create a more active and engaging gangrp as people won't be "scared" to risk stealing a blunt weapon or getting into fights as the consenquences of minor ic motive like that wont be as severe and even tho they might still include lethal weapons they wont leave perms dsmage such as a lost limb. ( Ive suggested that in the past and got no clear abt it being accepted or denied).

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I think that these changes would allow new gangs and gangrpers to engage in more conflict easier and overall make gangrp more active. This would mean that more weapons will be sold, more police conflict will erupt, third party dealing of weapons and conflict will bmd will also once again become a thing, and overall gangrp will be "revived" or at least more active than now. It is undeniable that the criminality rates of karakura have majorly decreased. More and more people are quitting gangrp and even srp due to gangrp being "dead". At least this is what I have seen. In conclusion, I believe that making a more engaging gangrp experience would help alot and these two changes would easily fix that. I believe that with gangrp being more engaging, conflict between gangs can also erupt as it used to. About a year ago for example I remember bonten and yamagashira had a conflict. Nothing was official though we still fought eachother and got majors in daily. No rules have changed since then. Gangrp just became less engaging and less promoted, powerplant closed, and limb takin became a big trend. So now most people and even uvfg and vfg are scared to even ko people that gangrp to avoid majors. And smaller gangs many times find it dificult to engage in conflict with other gangrpers. For the first issue the slight perm change would help. For the second, the crime hotspots will allow gangs to rob eachother and start conflict as they used to when pwp was busy.

Also, for people that believe a more lore based gangrp would work better, this would also benefit them. Amore active community with more day to day engaging combat gangrp would mean that more ic motives and rivalties will be created that can fuel greater events with more detailed and more progressed gangrp. For example, Kaku kai and Bonten conflict that ended with an amazing war event started out as many conflicts and combat situations and majors back and forth. the rules worked kinda like how am suggesting back then. ppl didnt take so many limbs or at least didnt take only legs just to burn them and damge players as much as possible, and pwp was rlly famous and many conflicts started there so many gangs were engaging into fights and roberries in it. Overall a more engaging gangrp with these suggestions or others like these etc would greatly improve lore gangrp in the same way that when kishi and other gangs were doing alot of pvp gangrp and there were tons of gangs that were active in combat, lore gangrp was also big as these gangs also wanted to do lore based gangrp with p2l etc to make their achievments and rivalties more important and have better rp but also daily conflict with others.

Note, after receiving some feedback, I think it is would work if powerplant became more active with the addition of the old rule abt mugperms/minors in it etc. also this could apply to the sewers
Honestly, ive been gangrping for like almost 3 years now and its true that gangrp has shown a huge decline for a while now. I do believe that SapouT got some valid points same with his other suggestion about major perms. Overall there must be a solution to this, and I think ppl like sapouT have a positive impact towards this. +1 from me


Level 18

Gangrp is fine, truthfully from a year ago. It was high in roleplay, which made a good chunk of the roleplay server DISLIKE gangrp (Mainly based on the community in it at the time was toxic). Tbf I like Gangrp for what it is now, not too much and not too little. Ontop of that, a lot of gangrp have been taken over by gangs who are providing GOOD lore and character development/involvement to keep it alive and their members having fun.
Those who are quitting should probably seek a new faction, nothing wrong with being apart of something new.


Level 1
What's your Minecraft Username?: SapouT
What's the title of your suggestion?: Gangrp decline, possible solutions, more engaging gangrp

What's your suggestion?:
I want to suggest some changes as I have noticed that gang roleplay has seen a massive decline the past months and weeks. To begin with I think that adding multiple crime zones like old pwp was and advertising them would allow gangs to engage in crimminal activity and conflict more. Also the addition of less severe majors for lighter ic motives that wont include losing limbs all the time would also help create a more active and engaging gangrp as people won't be "scared" to risk stealing a blunt weapon or getting into fights as the consenquences of minor ic motive like that wont be as severe and even tho they might still include lethal weapons they wont leave perms dsmage such as a lost limb. ( Ive suggested that in the past and got no clear abt it being accepted or denied).

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I think that these changes would allow new gangs and gangrpers to engage in more conflict easier and overall make gangrp more active. This would mean that more weapons will be sold, more police conflict will erupt, third party dealing of weapons and conflict will bmd will also once again become a thing, and overall gangrp will be "revived" or at least more active than now. It is undeniable that the criminality rates of karakura have majorly decreased. More and more people are quitting gangrp and even srp due to gangrp being "dead". At least this is what I have seen. In conclusion, I believe that making a more engaging gangrp experience would help alot and these two changes would easily fix that. I believe that with gangrp being more engaging, conflict between gangs can also erupt as it used to. About a year ago for example I remember bonten and yamagashira had a conflict. Nothing was official though we still fought eachother and got majors in daily. No rules have changed since then. Gangrp just became less engaging and less promoted, powerplant closed, and limb takin became a big trend. So now most people and even uvfg and vfg are scared to even ko people that gangrp to avoid majors. And smaller gangs many times find it dificult to engage in conflict with other gangrpers. For the first issue the slight perm change would help. For the second, the crime hotspots will allow gangs to rob eachother and start conflict as they used to when pwp was busy.

Also, for people that believe a more lore based gangrp would work better, this would also benefit them. Amore active community with more day to day engaging combat gangrp would mean that more ic motives and rivalties will be created that can fuel greater events with more detailed and more progressed gangrp. For example, Kaku kai and Bonten conflict that ended with an amazing war event started out as many conflicts and combat situations and majors back and forth. the rules worked kinda like how am suggesting back then. ppl didnt take so many limbs or at least didnt take only legs just to burn them and damge players as much as possible, and pwp was rlly famous and many conflicts started there so many gangs were engaging into fights and roberries in it. Overall a more engaging gangrp with these suggestions or others like these etc would greatly improve lore gangrp in the same way that when kishi and other gangs were doing alot of pvp gangrp and there were tons of gangs that were active in combat, lore gangrp was also big as these gangs also wanted to do lore based gangrp with p2l etc to make their achievments and rivalties more important and have better rp but also daily conflict with others.

Note, after receiving some feedback, I think it is would work if powerplant became more active with the addition of the old rule abt mugperms/minors in it etc. also this could apply to the sewers
I agree and disagree with this.. As you say gang roleplay “dead”.. There are a lot of things being worked on without the common gang roleplayers notice. Hence as for the “bigger events” they take time to go over, making sure staff are involved and monitoring everything and everyone at once. It’s difficult. We’re still planning lots of things, they just take time as anything else for events would.
For the criminal faction ruling over certain areas isn’t quite logical. We have the powerplant, now for players actually attending and visiting it, nobody can force that. Which is why it can be considered “dead”.. The entire concept is to have fun, making friends and much more. Crime is a big part of it but isn’t meant for the entire server to run off it. Great idea, love it but I just doesn’t particularly agree with this one.
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Level 146
Personally, I wouldn't mind if gang roleplay disappeared and did not come back (I do not like gang roleplay).

Anyway on a more serious note, I do not like gang roleplay (and would not mind if it disappeared (and never came back)).


Level 117
Personally, I wouldn't mind if gang roleplay disappeared and did not come back (I do not like gang roleplay).

Anyway on a more serious note, I do not like gang roleplay (and would not mind if it disappeared (and never came back)).
that doesn't seem like something you would say Mr. philbertman42


Level 21
Thread starter

Gangrp is fine, truthfully from a year ago. It was high in roleplay, which made a good chunk of the roleplay server DISLIKE gangrp (Mainly based on the community in it at the time was toxic). Tbf I like Gangrp for what it is now, not too much and not too little. Ontop of that, a lot of gangrp have been taken over by gangs who are providing GOOD lore and character development/involvement to keep it alive and their members having fun.
Those who are quitting should probably seek a new faction, nothing wrong with being apart of something new.
Nope, thats not the case. Lore gangrp always existed and always will. the problem is that with gangrp being inactive as people dont engage as much and only get in few scenarios in which they act on ligth ic motives to do big harms, the players avoid engaging. By doing that all character developemtn is harded as it is hard to start actual conflict with other gangs. With "no perms" being the most commonly said thing in gangrp history, i can assure you that out of the already poor and inactive community there are extremnely few people that will consent to perms and risk. A change in the ic motive thing would benefit everyone, also to have lore gangrp and rivalties between gangs etc, combat is essential. Events happen, and p2l too but whenever they did they were always fueled by countless attacks between the two gangs. Its not a coincidence that no big gangrp events like war etc have happened recently. Its because people engage less either due to perms being unreasonable meaning that gangrpers mostly damage as much as they can even if there is a ligh ic motive just to dominate. A while back when kps first left ppl used to major like they did in the old times by doing cool carvings or stabbings or maybe take a leg or arm for important stuff and these fights most times escalated. Nowadays ppl just get jumped with bats, they say "no perms" when u try to defend urself with any lethal wep and then cut ur leg and burn it by the campfire so that u wont get it back 100%. This is bs and its an issue. Yesterday I saw 8 ppl coming to break someones kneecap with bats because that someone pushed them. This is an issue and it is FAR from being reasonable and contributing to lore. Lore aspect of gangrp isn't threatned by this idea. Day to day aspect of it is just benefited and even lore too as I mentioned


Level 20
In my opinion gangrp isnt dieing its shifting. The gangs now are more focused on lore. I would like to see a gang that focuses on making money cause right now just seeing activity of fights is old. I wanna see more gangrp events like the ones where club lux got robbed. Also sapout alot of the people who are quitting gangrp isnt cause its dieing its more some people are just bored of it. My quitting was alot more complicated then that but i feel like gangrp is what you make it.


Level 174
This has already been suggested.

The gang leads and Hira all had a meeting to figure out how to improve gangRP like Zinth said. And I would also ask you to say this with me -



Level 163
I love the idea. I know gangrp has been decreasing over time. And I know people have either resigned from gangrp either because they want to move on from it or it’s been too boring and less active. Less activity means less things to do within the criminal world.

I do know without gangrp KPD wouldn’t have exciting moments within gang events along with EMS.

Just in general there will always be criminals in Karakura but maybe not as active. It would be nice if gangrp was reintroduced in a new way to grab the communities interest to either return to gangrp, give it a shot, or give the current gangrpers a new motivation and inspiration to boost them.

From what I’ve seen the gangrp community has about the same goal. Becoming best of the best or the most feared or most dangerous somewhere in that area. Having the same goal as the other gangs makes it less interesting. So if gangrp was reintroduced with a new interest maybe the current or new gangs would have a new goal that we’ve never seen before. And with your ideas in your suggestion I’m sure new and current gangs would also take inspiration to create new goals.
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