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GangRP Overhaul

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Level 10
TheInnocentFool or MedicalRP

November 26, 2021


I want to suggest a complete overhaul to the GangRP system. Don't click away or downvote just yet! My idea is to make GangRP more interesting. Currently, there's a lot of /me stabs carotid and /roll 150 connected to key binds and that is all GangRP is nowadays. I have seen there are more gang wars taking place, but that doesn't change the state of GangRP, it changes the state of the events taking place within the community.


There is barely any character development for characters that players use to GangRP. There are a lot of throw away characters being used for GangRP whilst it being nearly impossible to punish someone for a throwaway character since they're difficult to track down. This is a problem.


I suggest we made it more difficult to kill someone to allow characters to live longer, develop more lore behind their name and gain battle scars and stories to tell, in a sense. There should be an increase in the amount of blunt objects/weapons. Have Kill Permissions more difficult to gain and nerf what you can do with Major Assault Permissions.


GangRP can be extremely toxic, so to change that, I suggest an application wall. I suggest we place an application wall for GangRP. For example: FRP has a pretty big player base, it's completely organized, very very few cases of bad failrp, toxicity, and everyone complies very well with the lore.


I get that SRP is more of a "tutorial" roleplay server as people can just join like that and get a sense of roleplay but, GangRP takes more than just learning; It takes mastery to enjoy, to develop genuine lore, and much more.


So, to really develop GangRP's lore and allow you to enjoy your time playing it more, I suggest: as you get accepted for the GangRP Application, you must cease using rolling within combat situations. It will be purely P2L (Play to Lose). If you don't know what that is, then here is a brief explanation from a friend of mine (with his example):

P2L (Play To Lose) is a combat style that uses full detail and no rolling. The logic and brains of your opponent determine who wins the fight. It is a much more skilled-based combat system than rolling, but it can often be challenging for new players to pick up. Few people teach P2L to the new players of SchoolRP. While there used to be more, P2L has pretty much died out as a fighting style. While it isn’t used often, you should make an effort to ask your opponent if they want to P2L before engaging in a full-on fight. Many people will be willing to P2L with you as long as you make an effort to ask.


The last suggestion is to use the new tunnel next to the powerplant. If every section of the series of suggestion in this post is accepted, SRP will get it's very own application team. Once someone is accepted, the team member is to add the username to a door or something to allow them to travel through the tunnel, whether it be on a bus or not, and gain access to a large, run down, crime sector. Something like the powerplant, but dark, using a large solid dome in the sky to make it more dark than usual, assuming large plumes of smog and such collect there. It would also be a "minor assault permissions all the time" location, though with the new system, there wont be random attacks just because. The 24/7 minor assault permissions allow for a street fight to start from an argument or "bumping into someone" if you decide to, like what you can see in some crime shows.


My last suggestion is to update the KPD by switching out their current Glock 17 firearm with the more accurate New Nambu M60 that Japanese Law Enforcement use in real life.


So, to sum up everything in the top part as how it will benefit the community, I believe it will enhance the idea of GangRP, bring more realism into combat and bring a need for actual knowledge while engulfed in GangRP/CombatRP. No more will there spamming of roll commands of the exact same short 3 word action for stabbing a carotid. With an application in place, there could be less acting on false permissions and less speaking in LOOC as a result. The police force could grow to allow 10 officer raids into the GangRP sector, whilst going after one person since going after everyone wouldn't be possible. It could grow the GangRP community, given time, and improve it as well.


I will obviously help work out the kinks and help develop the idea further if it is received positively within the community. I may help plan and create this new GangRP sector and give suggestions on updating the rules to pair with it.

I wrote this suggestion based off of a lot of complaints about the current GangRP community and I hope everyone else will help me bring GangRP into a new age!​


Level 134
I've seen many other NON WHITELISTED RP servers work well with a system like this, and we're a roleplaying game, not a first-person shooter. I've asked a lot of people why they gangrp, and if they care about the story, you'd be surprised how many of the replies were "I just like the action" or "it is fun"


Level 22
+1 yeah this somewhat can make it more fun but I just wanna add NOT a lot of people do stabs carotid anymore legit ive seen gangrpers and myself included detailrp their stabs even if its a copy and paste action its still very detailed so I feel like we moved pasted the stabs carotid part 2nd I like the idea about the P2L thing about gangrp i feel like it can end in a glory or a disater yes it will be all based on skill but then there will be people that will dodge everything so they can be the best or whatever so its like 50/50 and I could agree with your idea on the application wall since yeah shit does get into looc 100% of times. The option about making it more diffcult to kill if we talking about realistic yeah it would make sense since Japan dont got high kill rates and shit but this is srp so to me i honestly dont have a problem if kill perms get nerfed just for more lore but overall yeah good suggestion


Level 10
Thread starter
+1 yeah this somewhat can make it more fun but I just wanna add NOT a lot of people do stabs carotid anymore legit ive seen gangrpers and myself included detailrp their stabs even if its a copy and paste action its still very detailed so I feel like we moved pasted the stabs carotid part 2nd I like the idea about the P2L thing about gangrp i feel like it can end in a glory or a disater yes it will be all based on skill but then there will be people that will dodge everything so they can be the best or whatever so its like 50/50 and I could agree with your idea on the application wall since yeah shit does get into looc 100% of times. The option about making it more diffcult to kill if we talking about realistic yeah it would make sense since Japan dont got high kill rates and shit but this is srp so to me i honestly dont have a problem if kill perms get nerfed just for more lore but overall yeah good suggestion
I guess it has changed a bit since I last GangRPed, but I still think the rolling puts the fight up to chance instead of knowledge and skill, which is what fighting should be about.


Level 22
I guess it has changed a bit since I last GangRPed, but I still think the rolling puts the fight up to chance instead of knowledge and skill, which is what fighting should be about.
I agree that it should be P2L but if its gonna be P2L then there will be those people that will dodge everything and keep it no realistic so if this does happen then yeah.....idk


Level 129
I definetly agree that making characters harder to kill and majorly incapacitate will lead to more development and more rp. Gang Roleplay itself at the moment is not really realistic, it's taken more as a game than roleplay. Many people say that "everyone can roleplay how they want to", but a lot of the times it just downright doesn't feel like roleplay. I've seen so many /me grabs recently, like if you're going to use a keybind, atleast make it a more detailed grab yknow-

Throwaway characters definitely have to be addressed somehow, they are currently everywhere. Agreed

Though, I feel like making everything P2L will only end up in chaos, as not many people know how to do it, it will just spawn more arguments and stuff

Overall +10000


Level 10
Thread starter
I definetly agree that making characters harder to kill and majorly incapacitate will lead to more development and more rp. Gang Roleplay itself at the moment is not really realistic, it's taken more as a game than roleplay. Many people say that "everyone can roleplay how they want to", but a lot of the times it just downright doesn't feel like roleplay. I've seen so many /me grabs recently, like if you're going to use a keybind, atleast make it a more detailed grab yknow-

Throwaway characters definitely have to be addressed somehow, they are currently everywhere. Agreed

Though, I feel like making everything P2L will only end up in chaos, as not many people know how to do it, it will just spawn more arguments and stuff

Overall +10000
The fact of P2L only will allow for people to be able to actually ICly teach combat. It's another form of TeachingRP aside from school. It might add some quite cool ICly training sessions.


Level 10
Thread starter
I agree that it should be P2L but if its gonna be P2L then there will be those people that will dodge everything and keep it no realistic so if this does happen then yeah.....idk
As I said above as a reply to GemiLightning, if people are taught to use it properly, there wont only be dodging. Plus, just like how FRP has applications, maybe, just maybe people who know what they are doing enough to get through the application will most likely play with more diversity.


Level 70

i extremely agree with whitelisting gangrp, this is a roleplay server not a roll 150 pvp server
throwaways need to be addressed asap as gemi said
however p2l as a main combat system sounds messy (people might get confused) , i rather leave it to player consent instead


Level 10
Thread starter

i extremely agree with whitelisting gangrp, this is a roleplay server not a roll 150 pvp server
throwaways need to be addressed asap as gemi said
however p2l as a main combat system sounds messy (people might get confused) , i rather leave it to player consent instead
I guess, it could be something to be worked on, but even if we don't make it mandatory, we should bring more light to it and maybe people would like to voluntarily do it more.


Level 80
im half on half on this due to the fact i couldn't gangrp for jack shit cus' of all the desperate/kill-chasing bozo's out there. however, about the p2l part would most likely enhance the quality of SchoolRP as it is.. roleplay, and as what Mebo said, this ain't some PVP Minecraft server where you roll 150 every time u get a crit. I can see why most players now transfer to FRP due to this problem specifically.
All in all, opinions are only a quarter of the actual decision.


Level 13
+1/-1 I don't think GangRP should be behind an application wall but I think the perms should be toned down. It takes no real effort to kill a character and it is so easy to do. Just call on any gang who just wants to kill someone and have them kill that person for no real reason other than they called the police because they saw you drinking alcohol or they called the police on your party. Along with major I am personally terrified that my char will go blind if I am not careful in a fight and I knock out someone. Maybe make major to where its just like breaking a limb instead of cutting off someone's limbs because they knocked you out in a fight during school. Its just unrealistic and makes GangRP all about the body count. The majority of GangRP characters I encounter have no real backstory. They are just there to kill and nothing more. If the permissions are changed it will add more genuine characters to GangRP instead of the stereotypical 6 foot tall character who had a bad childhood came to Karakura for no reason and goes around killing people for no reason.


Level 134
im half on half on this due to the fact i couldn't gangrp for jack shit cus' of all the desperate/kill-chasing bozo's out there. however, about the p2l part would most likely enhance the quality of SchoolRP as it is.. roleplay, and as what Mebo said, this ain't some PVP Minecraft server where you roll 150 every time u get a crit. I can see why most players now transfer to FRP due to this problem specifically.
All in all, opinions are only a quarter of the actual decision.
I agree with this, along with that, even I've considered moving to FRP and I've been in CrimeRP for 2+ years. It's sad that since 2018/2019, we've been plagued by gangrp with almost no lore at all. That needs to change, and this is the perfect time to do so. If not, one of these days SRP will lose its entire player base and all that will be left are gangrpers and a few stragglers. Where will the people who left SRP be headed? Straight to FRP.


Level 22
I agree with this, along with that, even I've considered moving to FRP and I've been in CrimeRP for 2+ years. It's sad that since 2018/2019, we've been plagued by gangrp with almost no lore at all. That needs to change, and this is the perfect time to do so. If not, one of these days SRP will lose its entire player base and all that will be left are gangrpers and a few stragglers. Where will the people who left SRP be headed? Straight to FRP.
Yeah agreed I used to have a good buddy of mine that gangrped with me back in the days and he stopped and moved on since everything was so repetitve even when you try to be creative with kidnapping them or ransom they will somehow metagame it one way or another and now im realizing that thats true and ive been stopped


Level 10
Thread starter
The reason my thought of an Application Wall was so that you needed to play fair and you needed to play correctly or else you'd lose access to the crime sector or some weapons from the BMD and such. Access to those perks would encourage professional roleplaying in a crime setting.


Level 183
It's be very nice if GangRP got overhaul and it'd be a big change in the server... The GangRP is like just a whole other thing than roleplay currently it'd just be some v cool thing... Applications can stop the GangRP in the community to come off as toxic too

Yes I agree, and wish if things would change, but what's harder is to convince staff. I don't think this will happen because it's a very big change and many might disagree with it, despite more agreeing with it. Minobu wants to keep the current system I'm sure, but let's see where this feedback goes with some positive feedback to it.

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