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Accepted Giweb | Lawyer Application


Level 0

"I don't play the odds, I play the man."


In-game Name:

Giweb - Applying Account

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:

Timezone & Country:
ACST | Australia

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
These applications are varied across old forums accounts that I've lost the login to.
Teacher Application
Shop Application
Professor Application
Surgeon Application
2x Apartment Fixes
2x Language Applications

Build Team Application
Shop Application
Club Ownership
1x Language Application

Describe your activity on the server:
Weekdays: 1 - 3 hours​
Weekdays: 3 - 6 hours​
Weekends: 3 - 5 hours (per day)​
Weekends: 4 - 6 hours (per day)​

"If they think you care, they'll walk all over you."


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
I'd be considered a liar if I said I haven't been tempted to apply for the Government Faction in the past. I've kept an eye on it during my previous four and a half years spent on this server, yet it always intimidated me. From what I have heard, it is hard work. An old friend of mine, Orange, also known properly as Vaao had been a vital addition to the Government faction around a year ago, becoming the Attorney General and even being in the running for mayor, had been talking me through the role of a Lawyer and how much effort goes in behind the scenes. The work that she put in, is what inspires me today when sending through this application. She showed me all the work that was being put into the faction behind the scenes that never gets shown and most players wouldn't even know about and it piqued my interest.

Alongside my interest in the faction, I am honestly looking for something new. I've tried nearly almost all of the factions and while I had fun in them and some lasted longer than others, I still haven't found my place. Across my previous years on the server, I have explored and dipped my toe in different roleplay scenarios, from detailrp'ing, to jockrp'ing, I found my place in the more in-depth, serious-paced type of roleplay.

Me, as a person, I enjoy having a purpose, an intention to do something, which is why I chose this faction to pursue over the other ones. A large part of me likes to feel important and I love the fact I know I am doing good in the community and a lawyer is just that. I am putting in a hundred percent effort to make a difference and a change. Whether I am defending a client, or representing them, I know I could be helping someone get out of sticky situation which is what fuels me to strive and persist through the other challenges that may be overcome.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I have familiarised myself with Karakura's laws however I am no genius, so I will have to reference back to it in the future.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
My character and I share the same goals, they are split up into two main sectors of goals.

· Effort & Achievements
Throughout my hopefully lengthy time in the Government Faction, one of my goals is to not slack whatsoever, my effort is going to be my top priority, after all, I would get no where if I didn't put in a hundred percent. A big part of effort is meeting the quota, doing additional quota for money and to be satisfied with myself, attending weekly meetings and events whether that entails staying up later or going to bed earlier, going above and beyond with cases and being active fairly often alongside setting a good reputation and being a representative for what the Government Faction is.

· Attorney General
This is more of a character-based goal, I hope to get Angela Anastadis up to the top spot of a Lawyer, becoming the best of the best. A spokesperson, and a voice. Achieving this would just be doing my first goal, always putting in effort, reaching quota and doing what I applied for. As I mentioned in my motivation, importance, impacting and making a difference is what I am all about and I want to be able to work my way to the top to prove that I am capable of doing that, no matter how long or how much effort it takes.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
· Legal Mastery
A lawyer is a trained licensed professional whose job it is to advise and represent individuals or businesses who are seeking legal advice. Lawyers are used quite frequently in SchoolRP and when you're not involved, you don't seem to realise it. On the server they play a vital role when construct and file restraining orders, attorney calls, client meetings and attending trials, alongside your basic front desk work alongside Governors, and Judges. In more depth, a lawyer either represents an individual in court or can either assist them in their legal battle by researching efficient and relevant information and taking their legal troubles into account. Lawyers provide lots of small services however their main calling is convincing a jury, a judge. Stating the facts after reviewing a legal situation and defending their client, convincing and proving that their client is innocent. Other times, their job is to destroy, they take down other lawyers clients, proving that those clients are guilty. They belong in the courtroom, that's what they were made for.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I acknowledge and agree that demotion and removal is an understandable punishment which can be given at any point of time.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I understand and am willing to put in a hundred and ten percent effort into this position upon acceptance.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I acknowledge that being bias will result in punishment or demotion.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I've read the Government Faction rules and agreed to follow to them.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, I am able to attend weekly meetings and events. Don't be intimidated by my time zone, I am very flexible and capable of attending meetings no matter what time.

"Win a no-win situation by rewriting the rules."



Full name:
Angela Anastadis

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Ms. Anastadis

Current age:

Date of birth:
March 12th 1998

Cisgender Female

Academic Degree:
Masters of Psychology

Criminal Justice

Politics of Law

Work experience:
Fresh out of University.
This would be Angela's first time working.

Nationality & born location:
Karakura, Japan

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
English, Japanese, French, Italian

Criminal record:
Clean sweep, Anastadis has never had trouble with the police.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
"Well, allow me to state the facts. After all, I am a lawyer, of course."

"I may not have ten years, or five years of experience under my belt, but I am fresh out of University. Melbourne University if I might add, ranked #1 top law school in Australia, and ranked #8 globally. Out of how many universities, I ask? I mean, if you ask me, that's pretty dang impressive. The fact I studied in Australia might intimidate you, it may sound scary on paper. An Australian student? What would they know about Japan's laws and constitutional rights? I know quite a bit, I studied it, not through my course, pure self-interest. I may sound uptight, and full of myself, but would you rather some lawyer who may have experience but still using their out-of-date, reused methods that can't relate or get through to the jury, or a young, fresh and vibrant lawyer who relates and can sway the jury and judge easily? It's all about impressions right?"


Level 185
News Lead

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we've decided to accept you:

Please contact me over discord @Aania to start the process and get you set!

Welcome to the Government Faction :D​

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