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Accepted Governor | DarkEclipic Application


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team

In-game Name:


Previous bans (include appeal links):

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I like talking in calls too much not to have one.

Timezone & Country:
The USA, CST (but because of my IRL job, I work nights during CST)

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
During Sunday-Thursday, my time is mainly on during the Mornings of CST between 7:30 AM-10 AM/12 PM

But during Fridays and Saturdays, I can play most of the day/night as they are my nights off. I typically play between CST 8 PM-4 PM and I can play during the day when it is needed/required


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for wanting to apply for this faction is the following: I want to help to be able to put my best foot forward, to help those who are unable to assist themselves. To be able to help change and shape the very lovable town we live in, Karakura is a town that is meant for change and new faces to be in the spotlight. I originally worked for the Teacher Faction and I quite enjoyed my time I see how people mold differently when others are in power. I am also working in the Shrine Faction on my alt and dabbled in GangRP through my accounts. Since I have been in an Adult Role for a little bit now, I have been itching to start doing things again along with my shrine duties as my real life has been slowing down to give me time to breathe and relax. While being on when I am, there is next to no law during the time I am on and there are many of those who don't have ID since any play during the time they are on.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I do have a good understanding of the Laws and Constitutional rights of Karakura. Having to deal with a few of them while roleplaying and trying to help friends/family members read up on the laws. I do go over them periodically as I do the SRP Rules to make sure I have them next to memorized or close.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
A few of my goals, if given the role, are to assist the player base in giving a fair and loving atmosphere to those all over the server and give a face to those who might be struggling and in need of help. Given a character known for listening and hating to fail, I would attempt to do anything in my power to help the Faction. I would listen to the player base, hear their sorrows and worries and turn them into a positive sort of light. If that is by giving them assistance by escorting them to a different location because the nightlife is too scary, I will try to add safer ways to avoid the dark locations like the alleyways or less walked roads. Or even if they are just lost and need a point in the right direction towards the beach or shopping district, I would make the street signs more visible and pop out for those with poorer eyesight, possibly adding brail on certain street corners so the blind would be able to get around on their own, giving them more independence.

Having a character that some of the player base knows to be kind, helpful, motherly, and strict. She will be able to keep those in line who might step out of line and guide them back in the correct direction.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Governor, Face of Law, the speaker of those who don’t have the chance to speak their thoughts. A political figure that wants change for the best of the community, best for the town. Giving out Government issued ID to those who are of age and willing. To oversee court cases and even lend a hand if other officials are tied up in other work, making sure everything gets along smoothly and in order. Otherwise, they are the ones in the court that records the wording of the case and those who are in attendance.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I do accept these terms.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
100%, I am expected to give my dedication to the role that I am applying for. I will not even put 100 percent, I will be putting 200 percent forward.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I am aware that I will be punished if given OOC bias toward anyone within the Government Faction.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have read and I do fully agree with the Government Faction rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, I will put time aside to attend weekly meetings and be able to be in events.


Full name:

Elizabeth Irene Zennix Domínguez

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

Current age:

Date of birth:
01/04/1988 [04/01/1988]


Academic Degree:
BSc in Sociology and Communication
Masters in Biology

Political Science


Work experience:
‘When I was little and living back home with my father and mother, Quincy and Elizabeth Zennix. They would often leave home and leave the two oldest twins, Myself and Anthony, to take care of the little ones. Seeing how overworked my father was and going to court after being in a car accident that left my mother paralyzed from the waist down. I saw the strict faces of the political figures of the law and saw their work. They were giving people, like my mother and me, a chance at living out life again. Even in pain, my mother would smile toward the lawyer that she hired while she was in her wheelchair. The Judge gave my mother what she wished and the other party had to pay out. From then, I wanted to help those who struggled, who had put themselves down to their lowest, giving those hopes through that dark tunnel.’

‘When I was 30, I started my teaching job at Karakura high school and soon left to focus on my own growing family. Wanting to help better myself and still wanted to keep my morals of wanting to help those who were unable to. During my teaching job, I taught Biology but mainly focused on Zoology in my lesson plans. I would stay after classes and after school to help those students who were brave enough to ask. I would normally play a game during test days called 'King of the Table' where I would pick up kids and they would be asked a question for the test, the fastest one to answer would stay on the table and would pick their next challenger. It gave the kids a chance to review their study sheets for the next possible question to get the reward in the end. While thinking about going into a Law Degree, I thought about that situation and how it would re-symbol a courtroom with the two sides fighting each other and spitting out the fact.'

'I started to look at universities in Tokyo and places to stay. That was when I met Chimon Sanders who lived with me in Tokyo. He was studying at a nearby university just for a basic degree as he tried to figure it out himself. Throughout the next four years of being in Law school, I would start to get a handle on how to help those who were in the right. Feeling that I was helping out the community that I lived in. After arriving back in Karakura, I would notice that children would need assistance or help from others and I would offer my help to them. There have been many children and even adults who would seek out my assistance in problems they might have; Situations revolving around Love, opinions on people, or even trying to decipher a piece of text from a text message to an email. I would also help in situations where my friends, family, or associates would be followed or even given harassment by another person.'

Political background:
‘Moving to Karakura when I was 16, my parents left me with very little money. You start to figure out what you need to do, you start to plan and make friends with those trustworthy. Coming from a place of having to take care of myself with very little, I made do. I started making fast friends with Kuroshima Ace(Now Sakura) through an Ex of mine and started to get my face out there. Some loved me and of course, those who disliked me. Focusing on the path ahead, I would pass into the local community college of Karakura where I started to make more friends with Jake Ace and Haru Saito and friends still in high school. Helping out with homework, my eyes would start to wonder as I looked at what happened during the night in the city. That was when I met Zheng Tsu, we grew to be fast friends and he taught me a lot. Patience, work ethic, and working in a solid team. Seeing how cruel the town was towards her people and the workers, I would start to try and work towards helping the community.’

'As I grew and went to college for my first degree, it taught me that not all things in life are given to those who don't work hard. Got over some barriers and during my Masters in Zoology, I moved to America to finish the degree. While in America, I had a few friends in Law who let me go over their work. Whilst sitting in their living room one night as I typed up a paper over animal kingdoms and communities, they were holding a mock court case to go over the current information they had on a current exam. Pausing my paper, I started to look over the evidence and tried to put the case together on my own. With help from a friend, I started to understand more about how the courtroom ran and when to speak up with the other part has partial information. As I stayed at that friend's house and they had their law friends over, I started to get more involved to where I would get a degree in law as for a back-up if teaching didn't work out.'

Nationality & born location:
Irish; Born in Dublin, Ireland

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, Gaelic, and JSL(Japanese Sign Language)

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
‘I worked for what I do know but there is still a lot that I do not yet know. I am willing, that's not the word I am looking for. I am going to learn more as life goes on and the more chances and experiences I get, I will grab it by the shirt and take it. What makes me a good candidate? Working as a Teacher in Karakura, having my face out there both in and out of the High School and College campuses, and giving my opinions to those who would listen or need to hear. That is what makes me decent, Listening is our main source when it comes to this job. Listening to the words of our community and hearing what they have to say. Listening to their experiences and taking them into account will make our town better. Will make our people better and stand up and let their voices be heard.'
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Level 192
Thank you for taking the time to fill up this application ,unfortunately I've decided to keep this Pending
  • If you wish to have this denied or taken down, message me on the forums conversations or discord DMs - MikeShotZ#0960


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, unfortunately I've decided to keep this on pending

Your application was great, unfortunately we are full on spots for Governors at the moment, I'd keep this on pending, however spots for Governors don't come up too often, if you'd like to have your application denied or taken down please let me know through discord DMs - oZinth#0001


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, unfortunately I've decided to ACCEPT this application!!

Your application was great, and really stood out to us above the others, Please reach out to me on discord at oZinth#0001 and we'll get you started! welcome to the team.

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