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Guide Team [Community Members]


Level 5
IGN: SanrioRoll

DATE: 10/30/2023


My suggestion is that a new community team is created to help guide new and/or confused players. A guide team will have the role of guiding confused players and/or relatively new players in game and out to help them adjust to things better rather than only having a NPC guide unless staff is open to help them or a player. I came up with this idea due to all of the "greenie guide" jokes that people act as when helping new players along with my experience with helping alot of new players adjust too. Guides will work within the discord server and also oocly in game, perm wise Guides will reatively have no perms unless choosen otherwise. With helping players in game, questions can be answered within the discord and forums aswell.


A community team especially for this could benefit the server by answering relatively asked questions by newer players in /help along with in game. This can also benefit the newer players aswell so they have a separate support team for them so its less likely theyre taken advantage of by older or even other new players. Everyone has lives so staff can't always answer questions 24/7 or tag along to help every new player in sight so having a separate team purely for relatively new players could possibly help. The same goes for guides, their job responsibility wont be to babysit new players 24/7 but be a support system and give them a push in the right direction, even helping them settle in RP wise with some encouragement. In the discord and forums, theres many written guides but most new players dont read them, can't locate them or they need extra help step by step. Guides won't have the responsibility of answering more or less RP targeted questions, such at EMS, KPD, or CrimeRP to avoid spreading misinformation. They also won't have the job of acting as moderation or so on, enforcing the rules is something all community team members should do if they see something that shouldnt be done of course but their job purpose is different than moderation/staff. If a staff, faction member or normal player does encounter someone having issues with learning the basics on the server, they can request a Guide to help that specific player.

[Example] Questions a guide will answer
"I purchased something from the auction house but I didn't get it right away"

"How do I work the cellphone I bought"

"What are the quickest ways to make money besides a job"

[Examples] Questions a guide would not answer (unless knowledgeable)
"If I called KPD under a camera, will anyone gain permissions on me?"

"Is it possible to have a limb reattached still after the surgery"

"When I'm arrested and have my bali taken, will I get my bali back after I'm freed"

These questions above are more faction targeted questions, Guides CAN answer these if they have experience but it's best to direct the player into a /help channel so no misinformation is spread. To become a Guide member you should have a good amount of time on the server plus know the basics of the rules along with the server map to help guide people to areas n such.

Thank you for reading ! Please add on to this if you like +1 if you do agree or -1 if you feel like another team isn't necessary! Comment if you like<3 This is a suggestion just for funzies.


Level 104
I for one enjoy helping new players, as great as this would be i doubt it would be turned into a whole community team


Level 88
Community Team
Event Team

Honestly this is a great idea and think it could possibly be turned into a community team if there would be space or necessity for it. It'd definitely help other's jobs be easier when dealing with greenies and possibly make the server a better roleplaying experience for all those involved with a team that'll help those who don't understand but want to!

Some suggestions I have to add on:
A type of ticket for greenies that with go to the Guide team, similar to staff except this is for questions in order to lower the risk of chaining, false information being said as a joke, and/or clearing ooc up more due to questions not needing to be asked in ooc much more if not at all!

Guide team would be selected individuals who know the rules well, are knowledgeable of different lines of work, are friendly and often online to answer players' queries!


If Guide Team was added, I would 100% apply, this sounds like something I'd LOVE to do! If it doesn't take up as much space or is easy to put in I must say I really wish for this to be accepted.


Level 146
To summarize the argument against this from the old thread, it is both unnecessary and has too big of a risk for misinformation. Players already have the ability to do this on their own without a fancy prefix, and if you're feeling especially motivated to help people, you should just apply for moderator. A Helper role would also require each one of them to understand everything regarding the rules, which even staff have trouble with at times.

I am aware that you suggested these "Guides" wouldn't be obligated to help with faction specific questions, though that seems a bit counterintuitive; why introduce a Helper role if they are only able to help you with a limited amount of things? I believe this would be confusing for newer players, which may not fully grasp the concept of factions.


Level 129
Authorization Team
As Philbertman noted, players already have the ability to help new players out themselves. There may not be guides on specific questions people may be confused about but there are help channels in every faction discord so for questions regarding a bail or majors/minors, those would be asked in the emergency discord. How being a shopkeeper works and their quota, that’d be asked in town discord. A lot of players that aren’t staff respond fairly quickly to questions asked in any of the servers, or that i’ve witnessed myself. It’d be a nice thing but not something that is necessarily needed and would just be an extra add on for staff. A lot of players have worked their way up from greenies, it’s an experience and they’ll learn through it.


Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team
the idea of the role is cool, however, this feels like something you could just do without a role


Level 35
Community Team
Omg potential for another heated debate!!

In all seriousness, its still a good idea. Having guides on a roleplay server allows them to get used to roleplay from the get go and not wander around clueless (simply attending classes) as to how to start interacting with people.

You give them a push and they'll take a dive. If you think any random player will give new players a push consistently, you are delusional.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
It’s already CT’s job as the community team of SRP to be role models and guide new players in the direction they need to go. They set an example that everyone else can follow hence why they’re called “Community Team”. Though they can’t answer any staff related questions, they can certainly be the best version of themselves possible and lend a helping hand when they can. All community teams have this standard of being a CT to uphold.

HOWEVER, that also doesn’t mean normal players can’t run around and help new players understand the game as well! The server would be a much better place if everyone helped a lending hand
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Level 105
Nothings stopping all players from acting as role models and answering questions for newer players. Really, that's what should be happening already. I don't find it necessary to have an entire community team set up for this; besides, this was recently suggested and denied with a response similar to what I've just said


Level 29
There have been other suggestions like this and they were deleted.
Though I see where you are coming from I still believe there is no sense in adding this role.

Realistically it's just specializing players with a green tag for something that everyone on the server can do without. You can very much aid players without the green tag and I believe giving players who do not have permission to /warn or /ban nor have access to store people in the mod box the option to view tickets would be a horrible Idea.


Level 32
Good Idea, but I don't see this ever happening. -1

I don't see the need for a dedicated community team role just for this. A lot of players already make a great effort to help new players, so why limit this number to 10? Besides, this is technically a job that staff already have.


Level 73
IGN: SanrioRoll

DATE: 10/30/2023


My suggestion is that a new community team is created to help guide new and/or confused players. A guide team will have the role of guiding confused players and/or relatively new players in game and out to help them adjust to things better rather than only having a NPC guide unless staff is open to help them or a player. I came up with this idea due to all of the "greenie guide" jokes that people act as when helping new players along with my experience with helping alot of new players adjust too. Guides will work within the discord server and also oocly in game, perm wise Guides will reatively have no perms unless choosen otherwise. With helping players in game, questions can be answered within the discord and forums aswell.


A community team especially for this could benefit the server by answering relatively asked questions by newer players in /help along with in game. This can also benefit the newer players aswell so they have a separate support team for them so its less likely theyre taken advantage of by older or even other new players. Everyone has lives so staff can't always answer questions 24/7 or tag along to help every new player in sight so having a separate team purely for relatively new players could possibly help. The same goes for guides, their job responsibility wont be to babysit new players 24/7 but be a support system and give them a push in the right direction, even helping them settle in RP wise with some encouragement. In the discord and forums, theres many written guides but most new players dont read them, can't locate them or they need extra help step by step. Guides won't have the responsibility of answering more or less RP targeted questions, such at EMS, KPD, or CrimeRP to avoid spreading misinformation. They also won't have the job of acting as moderation or so on, enforcing the rules is something all community team members should do if they see something that shouldnt be done of course but their job purpose is different than moderation/staff. If a staff, faction member or normal player does encounter someone having issues with learning the basics on the server, they can request a Guide to help that specific player.

[Example] Questions a guide will answer
"I purchased something from the auction house but I didn't get it right away"

"How do I work the cellphone I bought"

"What are the quickest ways to make money besides a job"

[Examples] Questions a guide would not answer (unless knowledgeable)
"If I called KPD under a camera, will anyone gain permissions on me?"

"Is it possible to have a limb reattached still after the surgery"

"When I'm arrested and have my bali taken, will I get my bali back after I'm freed"

These questions above are more faction targeted questions, Guides CAN answer these if they have experience but it's best to direct the player into a /help channel so no misinformation is spread. To become a Guide member you should have a good amount of time on the server plus know the basics of the rules along with the server map to help guide people to areas n such.

Thank you for reading ! Please add on to this if you like +1 if you do agree or -1 if you feel like another team isn't necessary! Comment if you like<3 This is a suggestion just for funzies.
This is a good suggestion, although they can simply ask questions on the forums, discord or /help but this is just a more convenient way of providing help to new players I'm guessing? +1 then.


Level 174
I love the idea but I don't see it as a future community team. -1

As many others have stated, there is nothing stopping all players from being role models for new players. Guides are also made by the community and it defeats the point of having guides made by players if we just limit the guide making to one dedicated team.


Level 35
Community Team
For every reply I see talking about community teams, limiting guides to a team and not allowing players to help out. I will send you a link to the McDonalds recruitment page to learn that focusing on one job at a time is a lot more productive/efficient.

Expecting players or pre-existing community team members to go out of their way to guide people around all of the hotspots and push new players into their first rp scenario, is not gonna work out in the long run. Guides would have one responsibility only, which is to make sure that they help a certain amount of new people with-in a week.

No lore writing, no event hosting, no developing, no designing, no modeling, you name it. No distractions.

I will also remind people that we had a guide system on FRP which was incredibly successful, and could definitely benefit the same on SRP. One of the very much prominent effects of having such a team, was that players soon started voluntarily guiding new players themselves in order to raise their prospects to join the team.


Level 105
For every reply I see talking about community teams, limiting guides to a team and not allowing players to help out. I will send you a link to the McDonalds recruitment page to learn that focusing on one job at a time is a lot more productive/efficient.

Expecting players or pre-existing community team members to go out of their way to guide people around all of the hotspots and push new players into their first rp scenario, is not gonna work out in the long run. Guides would have one responsibility only, which is to make sure that they help a certain amount of new people with-in a week.

No lore writing, no event hosting, no developing, no designing, no modeling, you name it. No distractions.

I will also remind people that we had a guide system on FRP which was incredibly successful, and could definitely benefit the same on SRP. One of the very much prominent effects of having such a team, was that players soon started voluntarily guiding new players themselves in order to raise their prospects to join the team.
The difference is that these community teams require a certain skill set, whilst being a generally helpful person shouldn't. From that, nothings stopping a regular player from helping someone new to the community in contrary to how you'll need a community tag to do what that community team does (if that makes sense). The same players who'd apply for this new community team can already do what that team's meant for without the tag, and overall makes the interaction more genuine as they wouldn't be "forced", or obligated to help any new players

You make good points, but overall, I still believe the creation of a whole new community team isn't necessary to simply be a role model or guide for other players
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