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GuitaristRP | Priest Application


Level 31

IGN (In-Game Name)

GuitaristRP (alt - twirlyscalesRP)

What is your Discord username?

What is your timezone?
+5:30Hrs GMT

Describe your activity on the server
1 - 2 Hours​
1 - 2 Hours​
1 - 2 Hours​
1 - 2 Hours​
1 - 4 Hours
(extended basis next day holiday)​
3 - 6 Hours
(Depending if i am working or not)​
4 - 6 Hours​

I do try to play atleast 10 hours in a week since I am a working professional.

Roleplay activity
Mostly active on Zayven - He interacts with the shrine staff regularly, since he is a tea enthusiast.

Angel - She is a difficult one to play, her personality is very dark. I have detailed her disdain for all humankind alongside her need for power and control. The feedback has been decent for her.

Kai Arya - So I wanted to play someone ridiculously young, just to experience a different kind of roleplay. He has a few things working for him, high energy, he is a twin and he is surprisingly very manipulative in nature using crying and everything to get his way alongside his twin.

List your current roles on the server
[Professor QP]
Zayven J. Akiyama (on alt account)
[Grade - 7] Kai Arya
[Grade - 12] Valor 'Val' Andreas
[College][B] Angel Yamashita

Link any previous applications
Professor Application [Accepted]
Maiden Application [Denied Twice] [1] [2]
Government Application [Denied Four times] [1] [2] [3] [4]
Reporter Application [Denied]
Hospital Application [Denied Four times] [1] [2] [3] [4]
KPD Application [Denied Twice] [1] [2]

What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?


What is your motivation for applying?

I have always wanted to RP at the shrine, it's been like a year since I have been trying. The last time it was a reputation issue, and I worked hard to build characters who have values, backstories and things that align with different professions. I honestly want the opportunity to show how much I have grown in roleplaying over the past few months, and experience the dynamic nature of shrine. What I really enjoy about the shrine is hospitality, and that runs in my blood oocly, so I am excited to see how it will translate into roleplaying experience and lore for my character.
Character reason -
Mako has always wanted to help people, and he wanted to do it with psychology. But overtime he learnt there are many ways to help people and heis finally ready, and he does have images of him perform at the shrine. This moment and the response from the audience made him very happy, and he felt close to a certain maiden. It was an affirmation for Mako to pursue his love for music, while helping people. I hope he finally gets to do what he was born to do.

What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?

Shinotism is native to japan but the origins come from buddhism. Personally i find it very similar to hinduism.
Kami are honored with offerings, prayers, and even performances of music and dance known as Kagura.

Purification plays a major role in worship, before entering a shrine, one must cleanse themselves, often by washing hands and mouth at the cleansing area(forgetting the name), as water is considered the ultimate purifier. Even blood is considered impure. (This was icly knowledge gained) There's also a belief in the soul, or Yurie. Every person carries a divine spirit, known as a Reikon, and after death, the Yurie is meant to reunite with the gods. However, if someone dies unexpectedly or traumatically, they may linger in this world as a wandering spirit until they find peace. (Yikes)

Then there are Yokai, mischievous and dangerous supernatural beings. They’re not human and are best compared to demons or trickster spirits, taking on various forms.

Shrines exist to protect sacred spaces where a Kami resides, whether it’s a waterfall, an ancient tree, or even a treasured object. This sacred vessel is called a Shintai, and every shrine has one.

Regarding the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery in Karakura. This place has a long and complicated history. Karakura was once home to many Kami, but after the monastery was burned down twice, they left except for one. Chiharu remains, the last Kami of Karakura, and her loneliness affects the city's weather itself. They say when it rains, it is her crying over her lost siblings.

The monastery itself was founded in 744 AD by Buddhist monks and went through multiple names and reconstructions before it became a Shinto shrine. Even today, those who visit follow traditional rituals: washing their hands, bowing at the Torii gate, and paying their respects. There’s also a dojo where people practice Kendo, and the monastery holds deep knowledge of spirits, Yokai, and Onis, making it a significant place for those seeking guidance in the supernatural.

That’s about the extent of my knowledge, mostly from personal research and conversations with the shrine staff. But honestly, the more I learn, the more fascinating it becomes.


Character Full Name

Mako Sidorov Akage

Character Title

Character Age

Character Marital Status
In a relationship, not single but not married.

Character Nationality
Japanese (from russia)

Degree/Certifications (If applicable)
Barely finished college before he got his calling from the Kami.


Mako was born in Tokyo to a single mom. She was quite abusive towards him as a child, always blaming him for her problems. When he was 6 years old, after a particularly bad day, he was screamed at by his mother for hours, and that was the day Mako decided to fight back and tell her she was a Bad mom. In response she [Redacted] herself right in front of him, leaving him scarred forever. He unfortunately had a similar incident with one of his doctors who did the same however it always made everyone suspicious of Mako’s true intentions.

As a kid, he dreamed of becoming a psychologist, someone who could sit across from people carrying the kind of weight he’d seen in his mother’s eyes, and help them lighten the load. But life had a funny way of closing doors on him. The endless red tape of college admissions for medical specializations made it impossible for someone like him, someone from nowhere special, with no family to back him, to break through.

He remembered the last time someone truly believed in him when as a child he performed at the shrine after the Maiden Emiko asked him to play a K-pop song, and she praised him. She even got him an audience to play at the Dojo. As his dreams for become of psychologist vanished.. He decided there are better ways to help people.

(His bio for reference)


How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?

Mako has a lot of respect for the shrine, it's a special place for him. He still remembers how Emiko gave him a chance to perform at the Dojo, and for the first time, he had an audience. That moment stuck with him, and now, he wants to give back in every way he can.

He’s the kind of person who makes everyone feel at home, whether they’re a guest or part of the staff. To him, it doesn’t matter who you are, if there’s a way he can help, he will. He’s warm, friendly, and always keeps things light and easygoing, making sure people feel comfortable around him.

He lives to brighten people’s days which could mean occasionally serving with a little extra enthusiasm or even breaking out his guitar(he calls it black death since its my custom) to entertain guests, he’s more than happy to do it. And if someone needs to talk, he’s all ears. No problem is too big or small, he just wants people to know they’re not alone.

With the staff, he’s even more relaxed. These are the people he sees every day, and he hopes to form real, lasting friendships with them. In his eyes, they’re not just coworkers.. they’re family. And if he can make their days a little better, even in the smallest ways, he’ll do it without hesitation

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?

Mako would definitely be taken aback at first, seeing someone literally jump around on the roofs is not exactly an everyday sight, not to mention slightly blasphemous. But instead of getting angry or scolding them outright, he’d approach the situation with his usual warmth and good-natured energy.

He would speak to them in a lighthearted but firm way,
Example -

"Hey there! Cool moves, but I’m pretty sure the shrine wasn’t built for parkour. Come on down before you break something—yourself included!" He would end it with a laugh to remove the bite of the scolding.

Once they’re back on solid ground, he’d flash them an easygoing smile but make sure they understand the weight of their actions. “Look look I totallly get it, freedom, excitement, all that. But this place is special, and a lot of people come here to find peace. Let’s keep it that way, yeah?

If the guest seems rebellious or dismissive, Mako wouldn’t push too hard, but he’d still stand his ground. He’d offer them an alternative, like, “Look I get the need to be energetic! I am myself rather energetic!" he would flash a smile before adding with a calm and gentle tone, "If you need to burn off energy, I can show you a spot that won’t upset the shrine spirits. Or hey, maybe a little sparring at the Dojo?

At the end of the day, Mako’s goal wouldn’t be to punish or lecture, but to guide and helping them understand why respect matters, without making them feel alienated. And knowing him, he’d probably find a way to turn the whole thing into a friendly, positive experience instead of just a reprimand.

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest? What do they wish to achieve?

Mako wants to become a priest because at his core he’s always believed that people deserve to be saved from themselves.

Even after failing to get through med school, Mako never stopped wanting to help. He couldn’t. If he wasn’t fixing people, what was the point of everything he’d been through?

The shrine became his second chance, a place where he could still guide people without needing a degree or anyone’s permission. Being a priest meant he could offer comfort, a listening ear, or even just a moment of peace to anyone who walked through those gates. He didn’t need paperwork to remind people that they weren’t alone.
But... there’s always a small part of him that wonders if he's trying to atone more than help. Mako knows in his heart that all he’s ever wanted is to stop what happened to his mom from happening to anyone else.
Becoming a priest feels like the closest he can get to that dream, helping people fight off the darkness without anyone needing to know how much of it he’s carrying himself.

He wants to prove to everyone, but mostly to himself that just because he's seen the worst in people, it doesn't mean he can't bring out their best.

What are the core values of your character?

While Mako is not christian, he does wear a purity ring, a memorabilia from his mother (Find out icly)

Mako’s entire moral foundation is built on one idea -
No one should have to face the darkness alone.

Here are a few commandments Mako Follows (Get it ? Get it?)

- Everyone Deserves Kindness No Matter WHO They Are -
Mako believes that no one is beyond saving. No matter how lost, broken, or angry someone is, they still deserve compassion. He refuses to judge people by their worst moments because he knows what it’s like to be seen as a monster for things beyond his control.

- Strength is Not About Fighting, It’s About Endurance -
Life has thrown everything at him, pain, loss, suspicion, but Mako refuses to break. To him, true strength isn’t about how hard you hit back but how much you can take and still choose to be good.

- Helping People is More Important Than Being Right -
Mako doesn’t care about proving a point or winning arguments, if bending a little means someone else finds peace, he’ll do it. He values understanding over being "correct" and listens more than he speaks.

- Hope is Something You Create -
He’s seen the worst of humanity, both in others and in himself. But instead of letting that break him, he chooses hope. Not because it’s easy, but because he has to. If he doesn’t, who will?

- Your Past Does Not Define You -
People whispered about him. They wondered if he was cursed, dangerous, someone to be feared. Mako refused to let those voices decide who he is. His past is tragic, but it’s his, and he will not let it chain him down.

- No One Should Ever Feel Alone -
He knows what it’s like to stand in an empty room, drowning in thoughts too heavy to carry alone. That’s why he goes out of his way to make sure no one else has to feel that way. Whether it’s a smile, a joke, or just sitting beside someone in silence, Mako will always be there.

- Faith is in People, Not Just Gods (That is.. minus Kitsa ofcourse) -
He respects the shrine and its traditions, but his real faith is in people. He believes in their ability to grow, to heal, to change. Religion, to him, is about guidance, not blind obedience. If he ever had to choose between following a rule and saving someone, he wouldn’t hesitate to break the rule.

- If You Can Brighten Someone’s Day, You Should -
Life is hard enough. If he can make someone smile, even for a second, he will. Whether it’s cracking a joke, playing music, or just making sure they’re heard, Mako believes in spreading light wherever he goes.
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