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GuitaristRP | Reporter Application


Level 18

OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:

GuitaristRP | the_twnk_dragon

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
Yes, therainbowlemon

List your timezone and country:
+5:30hrs GMT

Describe your activity:
I play mostly on weekends, and I do try to play for an hour or two on the weekdays.
So weekly around 10 - 15 hours, depending on how my IRL job is placed.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:

To be honest, I have been rp'ing as a professor on my character for a year now. I need a change of RP situations. I have tried many times to apply into various factions with my characters, however I have been denied a lot... It has been rather difficult applying for this.

I also feel like this specific character of mine was meant to be in the government, as a lawyer or as someone who exposes the truth. Hence I felt the need to apply. If it helps.. I have experience in writing, so I am hoping that might add to it in terms of making a real fun experience.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
Yes, I have written countless stories ever since I was a child (yes I am mostly older.). I also work in marketing and train a lot of students, that makes me guide them in making conclusive reports on various data formats.
As a child I loved my imaginary world I created in my stories, and currently I am writing a book which is a bit of an experiment but hopefully it goes well.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:

Why should we accept you over others?:
I do not have a clear answer to this, all I can honestly say is that I can write really well and enjoy detective work a lot. The reporter faction does give you a nice view into life outside the school, and social hierarchy of the town, and I think I have spent enough time in this server to have learnt how to do better. I also have so many rejections due to reputation, I am really eager to prove myself in my RP. I am hoping the reporter faction gives me a chance to do so, to help me grow a character that was made for this!

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Yes. Ooc and icly are different, it's a core value of roleplaying.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
I would be able to yes.

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
I imagine working as a reporter would mean visiting places all over Karakura to find out interesting details about the daily lives of Karakura. Going to the shrine for the latest news, then moving forward working with KPD to explore the depths of criminal activity within Karakura. It is highly dangerous, yet requires a certain level of skill to be the perfect journalist. One my character would very very happily fit into.

IC (In-Character) Information:

Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

(He would enter and hand his simple business card)
Valor Andreas.png

Full Name:
Valor Andreas

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
Mr. Val/ Val

Current Age (25+):

Past job/work experience:
I was in Karakura for my highschool before I moved to Tokyo for some personal work. I decided to pursue Mass communication over there, which led me to finally realize I wanted to be a journalist. I did intern at a Local news outlet, however, once they decided to shut down I decided to move back to Karakura.

Bacherlors in Mass Communication.

Nationality and born location:
Spanish, South Korea

Phone Number:

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
I like to think of myself as a good listener. I have been known to be quiet, and easy to talk to, but it also may be because I'm extremely good looking. Hey, I don't shy away from how Hot I am, and it does get me a lot of information and that's what it is all about isn't it? Knowledge is power.

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
I .. Have some history which I am slightly uncomfortably sharing, but I can mention one thing. I have not had a regular childhood, I was taught calligraphy when I was younger, and I was told that the pen is mightier than the sword as a child. However as I grew into my teenage, I may have not been the best, but that all changed for me when I understood morality. I decided I wanted to write more about the underworld networks that exists within Karakura, however over time I have come to realize that everything is connected in this town.

So yes, I do not have a particular comfort zone, I do not think I could write homemade recipes for moms, but If I am asked to work on it, I would surely try it out! I like being uncomfortable, its the best place to learn.

What are your expectations for the job?:
I just want to write about the town that surprisingly never sleeps. There is so much happening here, so many stories untold, I want to give people voices. I want to help the citizens be heard. So yes, my expectations are publishing and researching tons of articles about karakura, alongside networking amongst the elite.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
Nah, me? a criminal? NEVER!

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
Korean, Russian, JSL

You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

On Halloween 2023, everyone Karakura citizen was looking forward to the festivities at the forest. The shrine had organized a small maze for everyone to come to visit with the occasional spooks. It was a night where everyone was gathered together with their friends and family, lining up to go see the legendary maze. As they all entered the haunted house, screams could be heard inside as the people outside laughed.

Everything changed when the clock struck midnight, the screams from inside the haunted house became bloodcurling. It was reported that if one heard the same, they would feel a shiver down their spine. Many students and adults were asked to leave by the shrine staff mentioning that the maze was closed, however, some students were still inside the maze.

Priests were seen rushing inside the maze, and one by one students started coming out terrified as if they had just seen a ghost. Upon interviewing them, it was found out that one of the props came to life and had an actual weapon that was hurting people within the maze.

3 Citizens were reported to have been found severely mutilated within the maze. While interviewing the priests it was found out that a real haunting had taken place in the maze due to its proximity to the forest.

While there is no evidence to suggest that there were supernatural elements involved, the commissioner from the Karakura Police Department Stated that the investigation of the missing mass murderer is still on. They would not stop till the families of the victims receive justice.

Was it a Prank gone wrong?

Is there a mass murderer in Karakura on the run?

Was it really as they say a spirit?

Stay tuned at Karakura times reports to find out.

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

Setting - There has been a rise in crime in Karakura in recent years. I have taken the name, and details of the person I am interviewing.

Q1. How long have you been living in Karakura and what all changes have you seen in the town?

I have lived in Karakura for ... er.. a year now.. like the town is amazing. It has free therapy and medical facilities. I have seen them open a facility for animals given the recent rise in animal abuse.. this town can be rather mean to animals in town, but animals mean nothing to the high mortality rate. I have lost so so many friends.

Q2. How safe do you feel living in Karakura, given the recent increase in crime?

I don't know..I have been personally threatened so so many times... but I am yet to be severely injured.

Q3. You mentioned Severely injured... Have you ever been victim to a crime before?

I think.. there is nobody in Karakura who has not been some form of crime.. but yes. I was once mugged..

Q4. If you don't mind, could you tell me how it happened?

I.. don't mind sharing. So.. I wandered off to the powerplant on a dare one time, and what I did not know back then was that it was a popular crime spot. I.. was looking around when a masked person came up to me with a giant bat.. and asked me for money. I did not.. have any, and well.. it just led to me being really badly beaten up. I woke up at the hospital with a severe head injury after a few hours. I don't know who got me there.

Q5. Did you call the Karakura police department? Could you let me know what they did?

Well yes, I did call them, well the EMS did, and when I told them what had happened.. they said they cannot pursue much.. that place was off limits, I should not have been there in the first place.

Q6. How does that effect your perception of the Karakura Police department?

I think they just give up if you tell them someone is masked. There are so many masked people running around, all the time however the Karakura Police Department is handling the issue by blaming the victim. I think they are highly ineffective.

Q7. Okay.. So I will shift the line of questioning if you don't mind. Why do you think crime is so rampant only in Karakura?

It's because it's a city full of parentless teenagers. They do not know how to behave, and because they need to survive they resort to their id.

Q8. Do you think the government or town officials are doing enough to address this issue of parentless teenagers?

Recently they started an adoption option, legally if someone is 18 or below. It will help get families, however what does one even do when the families itself are so criminal in nature. I think the government needs to do way more than what it is doing right now!

Q9. In your opinion what do you think can be done to foster a better relationship between the government, police and citizens?

Personally I feel like the government barely responds to citizens, they are always busy. They Seem like untouchable people, same with KPD. They feel like robots. I think.. the first thing they need to do is be human and bring themselves down from the pedistal they think they are on.

Q10. Do you think there is hope for this town to be better?

I don't know. To be honest while I am frustrated with the town, there are places like the shrine that make it worth it for me.

Thank you for giving me your time, I hope you have a good day!

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