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Accepted gyuvinist applies for professor!!


Level 58
Community Team
Content Team

What is your Minecraft username?: gyuvinist

What is your time zone?: gmt+7

What is your discord username? @geumjandi. (with the period)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Denied applications:

Accepted applications:

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:

I would say a solid 9/10. I am online pretty much everyday for at least six hours. I spend a lot more time on the weekends, but I would say my activity is consistent.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

I would say I have a great deal of experience! I’ve been on SRP for almost four years now and I’ve dabbled in various types of roleplay on the server, obtaining different roles and engaging in different types of roleplay. To name a few of my milestones: I have been a teacher twice, I joined the journalism club a while ago and have recently made my return, I've obtained the media team role, and have recently started a short film project on SRP. I started roleplaying when I got my hands on the internet and I've been doing it for countless years. I started my journey on (unfortunately) Animal Jam and have since roleplayed on almost every platform imaginable! From the standard Discord and Tumblr to Instagram, Twitter, and even Omegle. I delved into various genres ranging from fantasy, to slice of life to drama.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
solorize has a college tag on my main slot, and a highschool tag on the alternate.
gyuvinist currently has no role on both slots other than grade 12

What is the subject you want to teach?: Film and Television. Though, if that is unavailable, I'll take literally anything.


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

I feel as though I am capable of teaching and I am passionate about it generally. I have been a teacher twice on SRP and I sincerely enjoyed the time I spent teaching. I have been told that I was a good teacher and that my classes were fun and interactive. I want to engage in that same experience once again, but at the same time try something different. As college classes are mandatory, I find myself sitting in a college classroom more frequently ( I used to be more online on my high school account ), and teaching for the faction has piqued my interest.

I strive to teach fun and engaging classes, offering unique roleplay experiences to the college faction, and making sure they attend classes they genuinely enjoy rather than attending just for the sake of attending.

I am also very passionate about the subject I am applying to teach. I have been a long-time lover of film and television and believe I have enough knowledge on the subject to teach it as I have also taught it IRL. I've also worked on a few shorts myself and hell, I'm working on one for the server right now! I studied it in school and it is something I am genuinely excited to teach about. But then again, I'm excited to teach in general.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
  • A step-by-step course in screenwriting: The class will start with a brief explanation of what screenwriting is. Students will learn the brief history of screenplays and what makes them stand out from other scriptwriting styles ( Ex. stage play, news ). Then we will go into the anatomy of a screenplay, going through the steps on how to actually write one. Learning what each element of the screenplay is for and why it's useful for all parties involved. Students will also learn a little bit about what makes a good screenplay. How to write a good story and how to execute them on screen. Once the students grasp the idea of why screenwriting is so important, the class will brainstorm an idea and write a few scenes in screenwriting format.​

  • Stunt class: No, not a class on how to perform stunts. But a class on how to film them and use camera angles and editing to create illusions of a great stunt without hurting anyone! The class will introduce camera movements and angles as well as audio and lighting, teaching scholars how to utilize cinematography to its fullest potential! The class will also be taught how to write a good stunt scene,and how to use stunts as a powerful tool in storytelling. At the end of the course, students will perform and shoot a short stunt scene.​

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

Scene recreation.
The field trip I will host will give students an idea of how filming on set will actually work. We will be recreating scenes from popular Hollywood movies and giving them a Karakura twist! A scene from a movie will be chosen at the beginning of the class, and for the first period, the students will be given a chance to write a script and determine the actors of the scene as well as have a "board meeting" of some sort and discuss the shoot and job descriptions. Each student will choose a role they will play. They can be either a writer, director, actor, DOP (director of photography) or art coordinators. By the second period, we will be on set (aka, the chosen location) and will start shooting the scene. Each student will play their role in shooting a scene, simulating what it's actually like being on set. The writers will be checking over the script, making sure everything is according to what was planned; the director(s) will be overseeing the whole project, learning how to lead in a film environment; actors will…act; DOP will be in charge of the camera work and cinematography; art coordinators will work on the set decoration, costumes and make up.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

My character will attempt to go about the situation as rationally as possible. He refuses to jump to conclusions. He will approach them in a calm and non-aggressive manner and ask them what is going on. He'll try to use logic to assess the situation first, figuring out if these are just teenagers messing around or if anyone is being harassed. If the latter is happening, he'll tell them to leave the poor bobcat alone. Give them a warning if they don't comply. His attitude will change once he's warned them multiple times, voice raised and chest puffed. But with no result? That is when the spartans will face a detention given by him.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Again, my character will try his best to use logic to assess the situation. He believes that every kid is unique and is at different points in life. Some are brighter than others. He will try to answer them at first, but once it becomes disruptive, he will gently tell the student to focus on their detention work and to save the questions for after school when they can go see him and he'll gladly answer them. If it seems that the student is asking questions for the sake of being a nuisance, then my character will start to tell them off sternly, warning them and reminding them of the possibility of suspension.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
My character will give them a gentle warning. Teenage girls often get sucked into their own little world and forget about their surroundings. If the behavior continues then he'll switch their seats around, hoping scattering the cheerleaders would help them focus in class rather than chatter with their teammates. If that does work, then a phone confiscation is put in place and a warning is given. He will remain calm and try his best not to seem aggressive in the situation.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
My character will continue to warn the students of their behavior, distracting them while he reaches into his pocket for the school radio. He'll ask other faculty members for backup, informing them of the situation. In the meantime, he won't stop trying to break up the fight! He’ll keep trying and trying, even if that means getting squished by a handful of students or getting injured! What matters is the safety of students, right? He’ll be asking bystanders what happened and trying to get an answer to not waste time and stand around.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

You know that one guy who is just annoyingly social? The guy who’s not that physically attractive but everyone just seems to find charming. He hasn’t done anything remarkable but everyone just… vibes with him. The guy that seems to know everyone and their mothers. The guy who talks a little weird but keeps you engaged in a conversation. That guy was Geneva Chao. The extroverted, almost golden retriever-esque persona that roamed the halls of Karakura High.

At first glance, you’d think he’s a completely average guy! His hair is neatly styled and he dresses like everybody else. He’s six feet tall with a horrible posture and smells like cheap cologne. He blends in so well with the general population that you’d think he’s completely sane and rational. But you’d be wrong. He’s the Asian equivalent of Sikowitz from that show Victorious. You know? The eccentric teacher who strives to teach with actions rather than words. The freak who speaks like they're in a 1970s dark academia murder mystery movie. Who’s, whether you want to admit it or not, the first impression made a long-lasting impact on you.

I think spending his teen years as a rebellious emo kid might have re-wired his brain. He was a freedom fighter through and through. A humanitarian that strives to prioritize the rights of people above everything. He tries his best to teach this to his students. Giving them a new perspective on life and what it means to be human. Using the art of cinema as an instrument to shape young minds. He's the type of teacher who'd stand in front of a moving train for his students. He values them so much, believing that they're our future.

Given all this, Neva’s biggest flaw is never having a plan for the future. He works spontaneously and lives in the moment. He’s so present-oriented that he often forgets about the future entirely.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

tw: death

Raised in the sunny state of California, it was almost as if Geneva was born on top of a pile of gold. Gasp, nepotism! He was born to two individuals with extreme wealth: a CEO of a production company for film and TV and a fashion designer. Neva’s future was basically promised from the day he stepped foot into the world. He's going to be like his old pal! They said. And like his old pal, he became. He took an interest in film like his father. Though, if anything, he was more interested in television as he had taken a liking to sitcoms. Geneva was a prodigy. It was like film was in his bloodline (it was). He wrote his first full screenplay at age nine and wrote a season-long sitcom at age sixteen. He seemed to be intelligent in general, having skipped grades and being put in gifted classes. He was the golden child for a while. A long while.

Gifted kid burnout got the best of him. The death of his mother was unexpected, and seeing his dad move on to marry and have kids with someone else shattered his worldview completely. He entered his typical teenage rebel phase, forgetting about his good grades and perfect reputation and instead advocating for freedom and pursuing his own happiness. Life is simply just too short. Neva didn't get along with his new stepmom and would often find himself arguing with his dad. He saw the two as a giant hole on his bridge to sucess, slowing him down with their constant criticism and remarks.

rising action
The death of his sister came not long after he'd started college. This marked the end of his rebel phase as he seemed to mature from it. The death of his sister seemed to bond him and his father. They'd suddenly gotten along again and before he knew it, he was next in line in taking over his father's business. The company, work, and Geneva's future was often the topic of dinner conversations. Geneva didn't mind. He was looking forward to taking over the company. It seemed to have motivated him to do better in college, eventually earning his role as a valedictorian for his college graduation.

An unexpected twist of events hit the Chao family like a truck. His father turned out to be corrupt. Stealing money from the company for personal benefits. Turns out those luxurious trips to Dubai were made up of dirty money. He found himself entangled in a lawsuit that cost the family greatly. They lost pretty much everything and Geneva's relationship with his father is once again shattered. Everything the family has built over the past few years is now lost on account of his father's negligence and greed. He took his siblings to Karakura, leaving his father back home in his mess. He wanted a fresh start with his siblings.

falling action & resolution
Stuck in a foreign town with almost empty pockets, Geneva decided to take on the role of the provider of the family, looking for job openings that he could do. He was desperate for anything, anything at all. Hearing that the local community college was hiring, he decided to take the chance! He's confident enough about the subject listed, and though second doubts constantly haunt him, he decides to apply for the job. If not for himself, for his siblings.



Full Name:
Geneva Chao

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s): Geneva, Neva

Preferred Name:


Gender & pronouns:
Male, He/Him

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:

Chinese–American (dual citizenship)

Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):
  • Three years of being a private tutor part-time whilst attending university​
  • Four years of teaching film as an extracurricular for a prestigious private school in the States.​

Working Experience (# of years):
  • Six years of working part-time at a country club throughout high school and university​
  • Four years of working at Chao Productions right before the company shut down. Four projects in total: assistant coordinator for a commercial (2016), director of a short ( 2018 ), co-director for 2 episodes of a mini-series (2019), director and producer of a short (2022)​
  • As well as the ones listed in the question before.​

Academic Degree:
Bachelor of Arts in Film and Television

Year of Graduation:

Film and Television

English, Education

Native Languages: English, Chinese

Other Languages:
Japanese, French

Preferred Teaching Subject: Film and Television


Additional notes about your application (if any):
When I say I literally will teach anything I mean I am very passionate and educated on film and would love to teach it above anything but I am also very passionate about teaching in general so I would love to try to teach anything else.​


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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