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Height wihout mods


Level 66
Actually, I just realized something.

Using the generic.scale will change the size of the player model, making him unable to go thru doors, since the player model right now is made to go thru 2x1 gaps. if you were to change the height, the player skin would be distorted, since changing the height will also take affect on the players skin. So it would be pretty hard to implement the height option with the generic.scale option, since changing the height would also change the width. And from what I've read about, no plugin was made to do so, only a date pack, but it was for a 'Dwarf Potion', which was changeable from the Minecraft itself, using the /scoreboard command, but has also changed the width of the player model, making it hard for a "7'5 russian male with a V-Neck" player to fit thru a 2x1 gap (the typical door gap)

(Some of this was written with some help from the Minecraft Wiki, Reddit and Minecraft Support Sites)



Level 89
Thread starter
Actually, I just realized something.

Using the generic.scale will change the size of the player model, making him unable to go thru doors, since the player model right now is made to go thru 2x1 gaps. if you were to change the height, the player skin would be distorted, since changing the height will also take affect on the players skin. So it would be pretty hard to implement the height option with the generic.scale option, since changing the height would also change the width. And from what I've read about, no plugin was made to do so, only a date pack, but it was for a 'Dwarf Potion', which was changeable from the Minecraft itself, using the /scoreboard command, but has also changed the width of the player model, making it hard for a "7'5 russian male with a V-Neck" player to fit thru a 2x1 gap (the typical door gap)

(Some of this was written with some help from the Minecraft Wiki, Reddit and Minecraft Support Sites)

The player hit box is 1.8 blocks. if a block is equal to a meter and the maximum size(wihout autorisation) is 1.95, the character can still go through doors. For the minuscule amount of characters over 1.95 meter, they can still shift and make their hitbox smaller. To conclude this, being over 2.2 meters tall is so uncommon that you would be placed in wikipedia list of tallest people in the world.

Hitbox size of a 7.5ft player (W:0,76|H:2.28|H Shift:1.9) meassured in blocks.

I havent talked about only scaling the height, I dont really mind if the width also changes along.
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Level 66
To conclude this, being over 2.2 meters tall is so uncommon that you would be placed in wikipedia list of tallest people in the world.
Yet, people still get the authorization for 7'5" to seem scarier ICly.

It would make some people, who actually took some time and effort into writing the authorization application, mad.
I dont really mind if the width also changes along.
You may not mind it, but some people might.
The player hit box is 1.8 blocks. if a block is equal to a meter and the maximum size(wihout autorisation) is 1.95,


Converting feet into minecraft blocks is pretty easy, but converting feet into the attribute scale is slightly (kinda... actually very) hard.
The maximum amount you can set to the scale attribute, which will make you able to go thru a wall is:

/attribute IGN minecraft:generic.scale base set 1.111(1)
And I don't know for sure, how much feet... or blocks... it is.

anything above it makes you unable to go thru the 2x1 doorframe.

if generic.scale>1.1(1)
so for example, generic.scale=1.12


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Level 20
Yet, people still get the authorization for 7'5" to seem scarier ICly.

It would make some people, who actually took some time and effort into writing the authorization application, mad.

You may not mind it, but some people might.

View attachment 56171View attachment 56172View attachment 56170

Converting feet into minecraft blocks is pretty easy, but converting feet into the attribute scale is slightly (kinda... actually very) hard.
The maximum amount you can set to the scale attribute, which will make you able to go thru a wall is:

/attribute IGN minecraft:generic.scale base set 1.111(1)
View attachment 56173
And I don't know for sure, how much feet... or blocks... it is.

anything above it makes you unable to go thru the 2x1 doorframe.

if generic.scale>1.1(1)
so for example, generic.scale=1.12
View attachment 56176
My Professor char is 7’5 but it has nothing to do with wanting to seem scarier. It was logical as both his IC Parents are 7’5 and genetics can be passed down through generations


Level 89
Thread starter
Yet, people still get the authorization for 7'5" to seem scarier ICly.

It would make some people, who actually took some time and effort into writing the authorization application, mad.

You may not mind it, but some people might.
Two things can be done about that.
OPTION 1: Characters over 2 meters tall become the maximun height allowed to go through doors. (Gameplay focused solution) [i think this option could be better]​
OPTION 2: Characters over 2 meters tall have their assigned height and need to shift through doors (more realustic solution).​


Level 66
Two things can be done about that.
OPTION 1: Characters over 2 meters tall become the maximun height allowed to go through doors. (Gameplay focused solution) [i think this option could be better]​
OPTION 2: Characters over 2 meters tall have their assigned height and need to shift through doors (more realustic solution).​
I don't see what you mean by the 1st option, could you elaborate?
2 option might seem as the better one, but people like Luvnlife over here would have to shift everytime they go thru any doors at school, even if they're entering their class, which might get annoying after some time, yet I know some people IRL that have to tilt their head down whenever they are going thru a doorframe, which looks kinda funny.
The maximum height you can set, that will allow you to shift thru doors, is 1.3(3) in the generic.scale.

example of generic.scale=1.3(3)
When generic.scale<1.33(3)<1.12, then the player is forced to go thru the gap with shift, or if changed to this scale whilst being under the door frame, is forced to shift without holding down the shift button

example of generic.scale>1.3(3); in this example, generic.scale=1.3334

When generic.scale>1.3(3), then the player is forced into crawl position, if under a 2x1 space during setting your height.
(so even 1/10000th can change everything)


Level 89
Thread starter
I don't see what you mean by the 1st option, could you elaborate?
2 option might seem as the better one, but people like Luvnlife over here would have to shift everytime they go thru any doors at school, even if they're entering their class, which might get annoying after some time, yet I know some people IRL that have to tilt their head down whenever they are going thru a doorframe, which looks kinda funny.
What I want to say is that if a charcter height is X meters and said height is more than 2 meters, the player height is set to 1.99 meters. But Cannonically or ICly the character is still X meters.

So if BOBO is 2.1 meters tall, BOBO hitbox is 1.99 meters tall. But if you ask a character how tall is BOBO they will tell you "BOBO is 2.1 meters tall". This is the same thing as we do know but now it would only happen to those with extreme heights.


Level 66
What I want to say is that if a charcter height is X meters and said height is more than 2 meters, the player height is set to 1.99 meters. But Cannonically or ICly the character is still X meters.

So if BOBO is 2.1 meters tall, BOBO hitbox is 1.99 meters tall. But if you ask a character how tall is BOBO they will tell you "BOBO is 2.1 meters tall". This is the same thing as we do know but now it would only happen to those with extreme heights.
I get you now, thanks.


Level 6
- Might be a while before SRP updates to anywhere past 1.19 but SRP could DEFINATELY utilize the new 1.20 commands with blocks and entities
- If the issue has to do with players colliding with blocks, Japan's average height is apparently shorter than some other handful of countries, if you're like over 6 feet you're going to probably get bonked by some things anyway, it's a price people have to willingly pay and creates a funny realistic struggle for taller characters similar to people who are taller irl.
- This can also apply to players who are shorter as well fitting in smaller spaces.
- Might not be a big deal, but still would be pretty fun to see especially with new 1.20 mechanics.

Level 49
I would like to say I love the suggestion and also that this is one of the best sugesstions I have ever seen in my 16 years on this planet. I kneel to you sir, you have set a new bar for suggestion expectations. Along with the converstion and true interest into this I see no reason for this not to be added in the future.


Level 200
+1 if this is implemented, there is one thing I would do. Remove the application option for 7'5 and change it to an authorization to utilize the command. Make it so the only possible way for players to get above 6'5 is if they utilize the command. I read up in the comments about the issue with the hitboxes compared to the height of doors and whatnot, and all I have to say to that is why would you decide to make your character thus tall if they will quite literally end up on a wikipage (do to the abnormality of the height) as the poster of this thread stated?
Two things can be done about that.
OPTION 1: Characters over 2 meters tall become the maximun height allowed to go through doors. (Gameplay focused solution) [i think this option could be better]​
OPTION 2: Characters over 2 meters tall have their assigned height and need to shift through doors (more realustic solution).​
I feel as though if you choose your character should be this tall, you should have to deal with the issue of going through doors and shifting. Yes, genetics can happen, and sure it is possible for a character to be this tall at a 0.000038% percent, but not every person will be a healthy and normal 7'5 person who does not sustain serious pain and repercussions from being this tall alone. I have a decently tall character at 6'3, I roleplay her with height as a disadvantage against shorter characters in scenarios like fights and whatnot: most of the community ignores this alone.

If implemented, I believe both of these solutions should tag along intermixed. Make it a maximum, and if a character wants to be over that limit, they are allowed to with an application, but they also are forced to shift as they go through doors. This might be a pain, but imagine how much of a pain it is to have your 7'5 character live a normal life.

ANYWAYS good suggestion I like it


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- This feature is something we already plan to add, however the differences wouldn't be majorly different than the standard Minecraft player model, and would be more of a "small, tall, really tall", rather than a 4'5" 6'0" 7'0" type of thing. More will be announced as we gradually move over to that version of Minecraft once there are stable releases for software.​

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