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HighRiceCake's Police Application.


Level 20

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

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IGN (In-Game Name):

My In-Game Name is HighRiceCake

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Discord Name & Tag:

My Discord name is itsmelody18

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Which timezone are you in?

CET, Central European Time

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List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:





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Describe your activity on the server:

I'm online every day for at least 1 hour, reaching a maximum of 6/7 hours daily. I often play on multiple characters and switch from my main account to my alt, meaning I am not always online as one account, however. I often play with my friends and random people to kill some time. I think joining the Karakura Police Department will enhance this, and help me have more fun playing and
have more experiences​
Week DaysDuring the weekdays (Monday -Thursday) I'm normally online from 3(:30)PM until 8 PM CET. This highly depends on the amount of lessons i have on a day.
Friday And SaturdayOn Friday and Saturday, however, I'm mostly online from 3 PM until 8:30 PM CET
SundayOn Sundays, I am mostly online from 11 AM until 8 PM, and between them may come interferences for OOC reasons

If I got accepted into the KPD, I would of course prioritize this character and role, trying to put even more time and dedication into it than I'm already doing, just as I did with previous roles. (Cashier, etc.) I would challenge myself to roleplay as the police character as much as I can, whilst still maintaining my other characters' roleplay situations.

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What is your motivation for applying?:

I wish to enhance my enjoyment of playing SchoolRP and hopefully make some new friends on the way there. The KPD has always been a faction I wanted to join, and now I'm finally here trying! My general motivation for applying is because the KPD would fit my character, and make some lore regarding that character possible.

I see this role as a way and opportunity to contribute to the community, wanting a safer environment for all characters. I have inspected the Karakura Police Departments role, and I am assured I would be able to handle the job with ease.

I've applied for multiple factions; teacher, school employee, shopkeeper and doctor. The job of KPD fits me OOCly as well, because of the action you need to do, and the overall job itself, patrolling the city, arresting criminals, detaining them, etc. My character has always been obsessed with the KPD, and she knows how the entire job works.
She wants to protect her family, children and everyone in the city from criminals, so there won't be any dangers in the city.

Getting the job would allow me to roleplay a character, that's for now only been seen in lore. The backstory regarding the character I'm applying for would make sense if I were to get accepted. My character already has a police background too.

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What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

The way salary works is through a quota system. From my knowledge, police workers must have a total of 40 quota points to redeem a paycheck of 400,000 yen at the end of the month they have reached said quota. This paycheck is the same for every rank

To get quota points, your character can for example arrest criminals, take reports, carry out visitations, patrol the city, take reports, etc. You can also get money from fines people need to pay, these go straight into your pocket!

The progression system is basic:

At the moment your application is accepted, you will become a Police Cadet. This rank is restrictive because higher-ups will monitor your every move, to make sure you don't break your equipment or abuse your rank. For example, you may not patrol the city without a higher-up, to protect you from possible dangers, and you may not go off-duty without permission from the faction lead (In this case Yonio).

In the period of being a Police Cadet, you will receive Police Training, which includes how to act in certain situations, and how to use your equipment correctly. This training usually lasts for two (2) weeks. After 2 weeks you will take an exam, which will be the first step of your progression. This exam is physical and informational, meaning you will need to show what you have learned. If you fail, however, you will get more training, usually lasting 1 week, adding up to 3 weeks of training. Then you will be able to retake the exams. However, if you fail this exam too, you will be removed from the faction. If you pass these exams you will become a Patrol Officer.

Criminal Activity:
If you're caught being in criminal gangs, or the Black Market, you will be removed from the faction, because this is not allowed

CCTV Activity:
There's a custom-made CCTV plugin, that allows police officers to watch through the cameras scattered throughout the city.

Radio Codes:
There are certain radio codes that the Police faction of Karakura uses. Every code has a meaning behind it. Here are the ones I know of:

The officer saying this is returning to the hospital (H) or the police station.

Used when an officer is in danger.

This means an officer is going off duty. (Cadets are only allowed to do this with permission from a higher up)

This means the officer is asking for the direct location of another officer, or the currently going on situation there.

Means "understood". As an example, if a higherup were to give you an order, you could say "10-4" back to them.

Fineable offences and laws

All the information on this is found in the thread under
Each of these offenses are minor crimes that will not result in jail time nor a criminal record, unless a fine goes unpaid.

The act of remaining on grounds operated by a private entity, extended past their welcome.

The act of crossing or stationing in a roadway without use of a marked crosswalk.

The act of harassing or disturbing an individual in any way, shape or form against their will. This includes, but is not limited to, blackmailing, verbal abuse, defamation, stalking, chasing, criminal intimidation, etc.

Illegitimate Possession of Bats/Ballistic masks
The act of possessing a ballistic mask(s) or bat(s) while having a felonious criminal record

The act of damaging someone else's reputation through slander.

Criminal Intimidation
Making verbal, physical, or otherwise criminal threats toward a person.

The act of attempting to force someone to do a specific action(s) by threats.

Possession of Un-prescribed Medication
The unlawful possession of any sort of medical item without a required prescription
-In the case of crutches, the item will only be taken away if the individual can walk properly without the need of them. Otherwise, they should be advised to go to the Hospital to get a new prescription

Irresponsible Driving
The act of driving unlawfully by driving on the wrong side of the road (the right lane), or doing a turn in the middle of a roadway

The crime of an individual attempting to prevent the work of an officer through bribery.

Underage Possession of Alcohol or Smoking Accessories
The crime of an individual below the legal age (20) actively or previously possessing alcohol or smoking accessories.

Possession of Fake Identification
The crime of an individual possessing a forged or otherwise tampered piece of government identification.

Disorderly Conduct
The crime of behaving in a disruptive manner to themselves or others in public. In regards to yelling, a fine will only be put in place for yelling in a neighborhood or apartment complex

Disrespect Toward a Government Official
The act of acting unlawfully disrespecting an on-duty government official.

Public Intoxication
The act of being drunk in a public region.

Failure to possess an I.D.
Failure to show one's I.D. car to a Government official when asked. Only applicable to individuals who are 16 or older.

Motor Vehicle Offenses

These laws fall beneath the (KMVA) Karakura Motor Vehicle Act, violation of them will result in a criminal record along with jail time, as well as the potential to suspend or remove a person's driving abilities.

[F] Kidnapping with a Vehicle - 6 Months
The action of abducting someone against their will and/or holding them captive using a vehicle.

[F] Evasion With a Vehicle - 3 Months
The act of driving away from a law enforcement after being flagged during the performance of their duty.

[M] Street Racing - 2 Months
The illegal form of auto racing that occurs on a public road.

[M] Drunk Driving - 2 Months
The act of driving an automobile while under the influence of alcohol.

Animal-related Offenses

The laws listed here fall under (KAWA) Karakura Animal Welfare Act. These laws are in place to prevent cruelty & abuse toward animals.

[F] Animal Murder - 12 Months
The intentional act of killing any animals, domesticated or wild.

[F] Animal Abuse - 4 Months
The illegal practice of using an animal as a target for physical assault.

[M] Illegitimate Possession of an Animal - 2 Month
The act of abducting an animal that is not under one's existing ownership.

Minor Crimes

These crimes will result in a criminal record & jail time.

[F] Tampering with Government Equipment - 3 Months
The crime of tampering with government equipment or to make unauthorized alterations.

[F] Illegal Services - 3 Months
Any advertised or services that are deemed unlawful, such as selling alcohol to minors

[M] Theft/Scamming - 2 Months
The act of illegal taking another individual's possession through force, fraud, among others.

[M] Restraining Order Violation - 2 Months
The unlawful crime of violating the terms of an approved restraining order.

[M] Obstruction of Justice - 2 Months
The crime of interfering in police duties by physically or verbally obstructing police work.

[M] False Reporting - 1 Month
The crime of knowingly making a false statement that is material to criminal investigation.

[M] Vandalism - 1 Month
The act of involving deliberate destruction or damage to public or private property.

[M] Evasion - 1 Month
The act of escaping from or running from a police officer once halted or otherwise instructed to face a wall.

[M] Trespassing - 1 Month
The act of entering another's private property without authority of the property owner.

[M] Resisting Arrest - 1 Month
The act of an individual obstructing, resisting or delaying a law enforcement confrontation during the performance of their duty.

[M] Misuse of the 110 Hotline - 3 Day
The action of calling 110 for purposes that are not related to any emergency services.

Assault Crimes

These crimes all have to do with offenses related to unconsented instances of assault.

[F] Assault with a Deadly Weapon - 12 Months
The usage of a lethal weapon on another civilian with intent to cause major harm

[F] Assault on a Government Official - 6 Months
The intentional assault on a Government Official (KPD, EMS, KT) during the line of duty

[F] Assault with a Weapon - 6 Months
The usage of a non-lethal blunt weapon on another civilian with intent to cause harm

[F] Kidnapping - 4 Months
The action of abducting someone against their will and/or holding them captive.

[M] Assault - 2 Months
The crime of actively starting a fight against someone unconsentedly.

Government Crimes

These offenses have to do with town/executive-related matters, and can only be issued with the approval of a Mayor/trial case.

[F] Tax Evasion - Variable
The unlawful act of intentionally evading taxes after failing to comply when issued with a notice from the Government.

[F] Government Corruption - 20 Months
Any sort of unauthorized affiliation between a government official and a member of a criminal organization.

[F] Government Misconduct - 6 Months
The intentional failure to follow government guidelines, training or duties that result in someone's being harmed.

[M] Government Negligence - No Jailtime
The unintentional / intentional failure to follow government guidelines, training or duties

Major Crimes

These crimes will result in a felonious criminal record, as well as a long jail time.

[F] Weapon Trafficking - 20 Months
The act of selling or distributing illegal weaponry.

[F] Hostage Taking - 16 Months
The act of taking a hostage and or demanding a ransom.

[F] Gang Affiliation - 16 Months
The act of being apart of a group of people in which commit illegal services/crimes that has been contributed to.

[F] Possession of Illegal Weaponry - 3 Months
The unlawful possession of illegal weaponry that is capable of extensive harm.

[F] Breaking and Entering - 4 Months
The intentional act of damage to a private property to allow yourself and or others to enter.

Murder Crimes

These crimes will result in a criminal record, jail time, & may result in life sentencing

[F] Capital Murder - LIFE / 40 Months (If attempted)
Deliberate killing of a government official. (Police, Hospital-Staff, Governor, and Mayor)

[F] First Degree Murder - LIFE / 30 Months (If attempted)
Deliberate killing of another individual that is planned beforehand.

[F] Second Degree Murder - LIFE / 20 Months (If attempted)
The deliberate killing of another individual that occurs without planning beforehand.

[F] Manslaughter - 16 Months
The killing of another individual in which the offender acted without intent to kill.

[F] Conspiracy to Commit Murder/Major Injury - 10 Months
The intentional action of placing hits and/or ordering third parties to commit Murder or Major Assault on an individual

Ranking System
CommissionerThe Commissioner is the highest rank available in the KPD faction. They manage both divisions and control everything, to make sure everything runs smoothly, by managing operations, members, management, coordination etc.
CaptainThe Captain manages both of the divisions, to make sure all the policies are being held inside of the faction and to watch over the lower-ranking officers. (Cadets, Patrol officers.)
LieutenantThe first rank that would be allowed to be called a "higher-up."
SergeantThe Sergeant does not have many differences from the ranks listed below, although, they often have more experience in the faction. The Sergeants make sure that the lower ranks run smoothly.
CorporalThe Corporals lead the patrol groups and deal with arrests and respond to emergency calls made through the number 110. They are still required to listen to higher-ranking officers.
Patrol OfficerPatrol officers are the second lowest rank in the police force. The role is obtained after finishing the Cadet exam, which you can take after 2 weeks of training. These officers are allowed to go outside of the police station but are often required to have a higher-up with them, to ensure their safety. They are allowed to patrol and deal with various situations.
CadetThe Police Cadet rank is obtained after your application gets accepted. Cadet is the lowest-ranking role in the faction. The Cadets get a 2 week long training, on how their equipment work and how to follow the rules. This is to ensure their safety and to know that cadets won't misuse their equipment. After the 2-week training, they can get an exam. If you fail the exam you will get another 1 week worth of training, before you are allowed to re-take the exam. If you fail the exam twice, you will be removed from the faction and given back your previous role (Grade-12, College, etc.) If you pass the exam you get the Patrol Officer role. The cadets are monitored by the higher-ups to ensure they aren't abusing their rank.

HandcuffsHandcuffs are used to arrest or detain civilians whilst moving them. They are bound around their wrists to make sure they aren't able to move their arms.
TranquillizerA sort of gun. This shoots out a dart with a powerful sedative, mainly used against animals, or people who are aggressive or causing trouble for police officers or EMS workers.
Pepper-SprayA bottle of pure pain for the eyes. This is used against gangs, a big crowd of people or for pure self-defence when needed. The main symptom is inflammation of certain spots around an individual's body.
BatonA metal device which is used by officers as a self-defence weapon.
BreathalyzerThis item is available to both EMS and the police offers. The item is used to see how drunk someone is. (/drunk)
Police Bike/CarVehicles that are used by the faction to get to situations fast, or used during car chases.
CrowbarA tool that can be used to knock down doors is mainly used to raid properties (Only done with a warrant) when someone is suspected of having illegal items inside their property, or to find possible hostages/kidnapped people inside of them, as well as proof for cases.
TaserAn electronic device, used to stun people incase of them being aggressive towards police officers, trying to flee the scene or not listening to orders a police officer gives them. If someone is tased towards the ground a police officer can safely approach them to detain them for further questioning.
Badge & RadioA police badge is combined with an identification card for the police officers to prove that they are a government official, including the officers' ranking and badge number. The radio is an electronic device used to talk to other Police officers or to talk to EMS. Radio codes are used.
Riot GearThis is a specially made gear for police workers and is specifically made to protect them from dangerous targets. Mainly used when controlling riots, raiding a property, gang riots or when controlling a crowd of people.
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Why is the Police important to SchoolRP?

That's because of the high criminal activity of course! There are many criminals in Karakura, the city is almost overflowing with criminals?! Someone needs to take care of them, am I right? It enhances the RolePlay situations to make CriminalRP feel illegal and make people have fun (bullying) playing with Officers. It would make illegal stuff feel illegal, and be able to get punished for it, which in my opinion enhances the roleplay feeling, for both CriminalRP and the officers.

The Karakura Police Department adds to the realism of the City Roleplay. Every city has a police department, and if there wasn't, CrimeRP would feel empty and unrealistic.

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Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you must attend or be punished?

Yes, I won't miss any trainings that are being held whilst I'm online, and if I were to do so, I'd face the consequences

In-Character (IC) Section
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Potret of Amane when she was 20.
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What's your character's full name?:

"My full name is Amane Yuogio Nakazumi." (Amane Y. Nakazumi)

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How old is your character (if accepted)?:

"I'm currently 31 years old,"

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What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

"I'm Female, my pronouns are She/Her."

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Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

My current highest academic role is Grade 12

(My character in the current primary slot is sixteen years old, but I have reached Grade 12. I had to change it to make up for lore!)

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What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

"I currently don't know any other languages, but I am trying to learn Latin, as well as Italian and Russian."

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Describe your character; how they look, and what makes them unique.

Amane Nakazumi is a 31-year-old, Japanese woman. Her skin would have a light sun-touched tone, reflecting onto her wavy, brown hair. Her blue eyes would always make her look sweet. She stood at 5'6 with a lean muscular figure. She would be an adventurous person, yet self-disciplined and friendly. She would also sometimes have a childish side when not being on the job. She would smell like "La Vie Est Belle Perfume". Her voice, often sweet and soft, could get a demanding side when on her job.

Amane has a childish side, which she often shows when off-duty. On duty, however, she shows her professional and adult side. Her adventurous personality makes her want to explore, learn and teach.


Amane was always a curious girl, always wanting to explore everything that she saw, from abandoned factories to abandoned, 'haunted' houses.

Amane's adventurous personality makes her want to explore everything, no matter how creepy or disgusting it is. She always wants to put others first when in danger, wanting to protect her friends and colleagues. She has a strange way of getting people to tell the truth because of her uncle, who was a lawyer, teaching her when she was young.

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Provide your characters' family tree:

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How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

In professional situations, there will be a stricter atmosphere around her than usual. Instead of a smiling face, there is only a serious expression on the face. she will be respectful and courteous to others and takes work seriously. A simple greeting or joke might be accepted for a while. But that's only for a moment and she'll go right back to work mode. She will take their work seriously. She pays close attention to those around her to ensure that justice is served quickly at any time. She will be ready to throw herself on the line for justice.

In casual situations, The atmosphere changes so much that you wonder if it's the same person. She will be more friendly and show an adventurous personality to others. However, she will still pay attention to those around her to see if something is happening. She is relaxed a lot compared to when she is at work. But, who knows... Crime happens at any time. Most of her time will be spent hanging out with other people, taking care of her family, or watching anime.

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What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

Amane has a positive opinion about teamwork & colleagues. In other words, she thinks it's the most important thing! She respects and cares for her colleagues who work to catch criminals like her. If there are several people, she will try to work together to get the job done. This is because it makes certain situations safer and is more reassuring. She will contribute to the team by actively encouraging colleagues, listening to others' opinions, and collaborating. She prefers working with others rather than alone.

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What's your character's backstory?

"July 15, 1993. Amane was born in Tokyo. She was the third child of Utaho Mitsumoto and Tokiwa Nakazumi, she grew up receiving affection from her family. From the age of 8, Amane wanted to become a magical girl of justice and defeat villains and admired them in comics. At the age of 10, she was told by her older brother Ryoki that to become a magical girl she had to be strong enough to help others and defeat bad people. Afterwards, she continued to do good deeds, such as picking up trash on the street and began learning judo to increase her strength.

When Amane entered high school in Tokyo, she got bullied because of her dreams and her soft character. Amane had no friends, but she didn't care. This made her mentally strong and resistant. After being beaten up multiple times by bullies, and locked inside lockers, she started going to the gym, to train herself physically. Amane met someone in the gym when she was 15. A boy, named Nathan. She became friends with her and started training with him. Soon enough, they fell in love. The bullies soon came to know this and started bullying Nathan as well. Soon afterwards, Nathan's parents had enough of it and moved to another town, together with Nathan, leaving Amane behind alone.

Afterwards, as she got older and her body grew, her dreams changed from being a magical girl to becoming a police officer. She entered the police academy at the age of 25. She spent five months there, studying general education, law, and police practice, In addition, she learned the things necessary to become a police officer, such as arrest techniques, first-aid techniques, and how to use a handgun, and she graduated after enduring the tight schedule and strict regulations there. After three months of on-the-job training, she finally became an official police officer in Tokyo.

When she was 29, while working as a police officer and accumulating achievements by arresting several criminals, she heard the news of the disappearance of her brother Haruki and the death of his wife. It was then that she found out that his cousin was in Karakura. She looked into Karakura and learned that it was not a safe place, compared to Tokyo and gangs were running rampant there. She thought that it was a place where police officers, truly 'justice' were needed, and she immediately requested a change of duty from her jurisdiction to KPD. To defeat the villains!"


General knowledge

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Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

It's stated in the law, that there are a few legal weapons, such as a metal bat. "The unlawful possession of illegal weaponry that is capable of extensive harm", breaking this is considered a felony and will land the criminal in 3 months of being with us to enjoy life. (That means prison.)

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Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

Melatonin | 2000¥ | Maximum Amount 3

Paracetamol | 1500¥ | Maximum Amount 3

Cough Syrup | 6000¥ | Maximum Amount 2

Iron Supplements | 2500¥ | Maximum Amount 3

Multivitamins | 3500¥ | Maximum Amount 5

Wooden Canes | 7000¥ | Maximum Amount 2

Eye Patches | 5000¥ | Maximum Amount 2

Band-Aids | 1000¥ | Maximum Amount 5

Glasses | 4000¥ | Maximum Amount 2

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If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

"All citizens have a right to protection from police misconduct. Any unwarranted or excessive use of force will result in a felony to law enforcement involved, including to law enforcement that obstructs or fails to report said misconduct." Making sure that my bodycam is on (ItemRP), I'd use my radio to call for backup, and, if any physical wounds, EMS. I'd take out my cuffs and pull/push my co-worker to the ground (forcefully if needed) and cuff their hands together behind their back, holding them down. I'd inform EMS about the inmates' current state, adding as much detail to their physical wounds as possible. I'd make sure the inmate isn't able to run, or possibly escape. I'd wait for backup and EMS to arrive to take care of the inmate, and help me with the co-worker, to put them in a cell and contact higher-ups about them, using the recorder footage on my bodycam and, if any, CCTV footage from cameras hanging in the cells.

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What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

I would use my faction radio to call for backup, keeping an eye on the offender(s) and protecting my co-worker as greatly as I can. If there were to be weapons, such as a metal bat, gloves etc., I would take out my Taser and warn them. If the offender(s) don't listen and keep assaulting my (dear) co-worker, I'd tase them, to neutralize them, then wait for the backup to take further action. If the offender(s) would listen to me and stop, I would, with the help of my co-worker, cuff them and detain them. (/jail). If the criminals were to run away, however, I'd use my tranquilliser and make myself ready to shoot them, if needed (Of course, never shoot if not necessary!). If my co-worker is wounded I'd use the radio to call for EMS to help my co-worker.

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What do you do if you find out your co-worker is corrupt and helping criminal organisations?

I'd use my bodycam to film what is happening and try to be as quiet as possible. I'd take out a tape recorder -so that if my bodycam were to somehow glitch and remove audio, or the co-worker tries to remove the audio-, and record everything that's happening (ItemRP). I'd contact the commissioner (Yonio), or any other higher-up to get the officer removed or get punished. However, not wanting to bring myself in danger, I'd not step in during a situation where I find out that my co-worker is corrupt.

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How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

I would simply deny the offer. It's against the conduct and my training. Who cares about money? They are criminals, and it's my job to get them to jail for something illegal they did. If I were to accept their offer, I would be fired. I don't want to get fired, because I want to get that criminal to jail.​

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Do you have additional notes about your application?


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Have a nice day!
Last edited:


Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.​

We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but
we have made this decision based on the following reason(s)

Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the
faction, we sometimes have to deny good applicants because there are
others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to
server reputation or due to the detail that was put to their application.

Although we don't deny your will to join the faction, detail is a great
way to show off your interest. Therefore, we recommend spending more
time to try and re-elaborate your application so that it shows off you're
truly engaged in trying to join us!

- A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation. We tend
to pick players who have been in the server for a while, and that have a
relatively clean history. We suggest applying for other factions / community
teams to improve how other players see you and boost your chances at
becoming part of our faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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