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How did you get into SRP?


Level 116
i used to (unfortunately) rp on hypixel housing until a random friend of mine that i genuinely cannot remember the name of introduced me to the server back in like early 2021 i think…!! anyways yeah :3


Level 4
In 2018 I was watching a lot of Mc Rp content and decided to look for an rp for myself and I found schoolrp I didn't play it for long though before leaving the server and then coming back every few months until fully playing it since 2020.


Level 73
I was used to roleplaying on discord some time between 2014-2015, began watching Aphmau's old MyStreet, Phoenix High, and Minecraft Diaries series that got me into MC roleplay— thus discovering SRP in 2017 after two years.

(An awful, cringe, and humiliating head canon fact that I want to reveal about myself: I used to roleplay as a werewolf with my close friend group when I was still a greenie very early on.)


Level 163
Came across the server somewhere in 2016-2017 most likely found it from an advertisement or something


Level 27
How did you get into SRP? What made you stay?

I’m sure this question has been asked before, but I’m curious! Share stories.
Oh boy, this is a looongg story.. But here we go!

Originally, I got into SRP because of an IRL friend of mine (we've been friends since Wreck it Ralph came out -- aka 2011) wanted to get further into roleplay (I say further because we were literal tweens who "roleplayed" on those suspicious creative servers and typed in chat "roleplay at so-and-so's plot! tpa for roleplay!" blah blah blah). So, I joined the server with her back when it was still Furnace Academy. I stayed on for a few days, didn't really like it, deleted the server.

Eventually, she convinced me to rejoin (this was during the ~2017-2018 era of SRP, back when you could rent houses for free for the day), and I got really into it! Made a lot of great friends, though the majority of them don't play SRP anymore. Even so, I kept contact with a few and we've been inseparable since!

I played for a few months with them and then came the map change (the first version of Karakura I believe), they stopped playing for a bit but I continued. I began playing more and more often, but then fell out once again due to IRL things and a lack of friends on the server.

Skip ahead a few years (~2019-2020), and I rejoin SRP again! This time it was during the era of the Akihito Clan. I joined a gang known as Akita (oh boy that's a whole different rabbit hole..) and became more invested in quality of roleplay. It was around this time that I met one of my best and beloved friends, @KotaLobo !! We were in Akita together briefly, then we left together. This was the era of truly good times.

Now comes early 2021 to late 2022, aka the Adobansu era.. Again, an entirely different rabbit hole.. This was when I was mostly known as Saydi/Lemon. But I had Kota and a few others, and I met some of my closest friends! Though I lost contact with most of them due to leaving SRP for a few months (yet again)

Anyways, Adobansu collapsed internally and I fell out with a lot of people from there, stopped hanging out on SRP for a while. Now here comes 2023-2024.

2023 is when I seriously came back into SRP and roleplaying as a whole. New name, new IGN, etc etc. I got back into roleplaying on my main (at the time) character Suzuka. Revamped their entire character and backstory, basically made a completely new character with slight aspects left over from her previous version (which some may know as Saydi). I joined a small gang that my friend had helped create, called Valhalla (now Mefisuto). That was the next six months of my life and some of the best. I met so many new people and made countless new friends, all of which I adore and cherish to this day.

It's also the year I made my first ever faction application as a professor. This was when my main (current) character Abeni-Zari came into the fray! And with her I've met some absolutely incredible people, both last and this year.

I'd like to thank the following people for a great community and a wonderful time interacting both IC and OOC:

DarkEclipic / Dark / Liz
RippedZan / Zan
ImPuggyBTW / Puggy / Blaire
> + the entirety of the Togomi family
Crovantist / Cro
KotaLobo / Kota
_cloudyhaze / Eli
sorathelobo / Sora
SirLump / Sota / Lump
0K_1N / Niko
layzah / jayzah / Jay
Soul_Demon_11 / Soul
Xhast69 / Xhast (dumbass)
CouldBeDumpster / Daiyu / Dumpster
KotaroSempaii / Komi / Kota
...and so, SO many more

I have so many wonderful people to thank for some amazing experiences and heres to more roleplay opportunities with you all!


Level 63
Oh boy, this is a looongg story.. But here we go!

Originally, I got into SRP because of an IRL friend of mine (we've been friends since Wreck it Ralph came out -- aka 2011) wanted to get further into roleplay (I say further because we were literal tweens who "roleplayed" on those suspicious creative servers and typed in chat "roleplay at so-and-so's plot! tpa for roleplay!" blah blah blah). So, I joined the server with her back when it was still Furnace Academy. I stayed on for a few days, didn't really like it, deleted the server.

Eventually, she convinced me to rejoin (this was during the ~2017-2018 era of SRP, back when you could rent houses for free for the day), and I got really into it! Made a lot of great friends, though the majority of them don't play SRP anymore. Even so, I kept contact with a few and we've been inseparable since!

I played for a few months with them and then came the map change (the first version of Karakura I believe), they stopped playing for a bit but I continued. I began playing more and more often, but then fell out once again due to IRL things and a lack of friends on the server.

Skip ahead a few years (~2019-2020), and I rejoin SRP again! This time it was during the era of the Akihito Clan. I joined a gang known as Akita (oh boy that's a whole different rabbit hole..) and became more invested in quality of roleplay. It was around this time that I met one of my best and beloved friends, @KotaLobo !! We were in Akita together briefly, then we left together. This was the era of truly good times.

Now comes early 2021 to late 2022, aka the Adobansu era.. Again, an entirely different rabbit hole.. This was when I was mostly known as Saydi/Lemon. But I had Kota and a few others, and I met some of my closest friends! Though I lost contact with most of them due to leaving SRP for a few months (yet again)

Anyways, Adobansu collapsed internally and I fell out with a lot of people from there, stopped hanging out on SRP for a while. Now here comes 2023-2024.

2023 is when I seriously came back into SRP and roleplaying as a whole. New name, new IGN, etc etc. I got back into roleplaying on my main (at the time) character Suzuka. Revamped their entire character and backstory, basically made a completely new character with slight aspects left over from her previous version (which some may know as Saydi). I joined a small gang that my friend had helped create, called Valhalla (now Mefisuto). That was the next six months of my life and some of the best. I met so many new people and made countless new friends, all of which I adore and cherish to this day.

It's also the year I made my first ever faction application as a professor. This was when my main (current) character Abeni-Zari came into the fray! And with her I've met some absolutely incredible people, both last and this year.

I'd like to thank the following people for a great community and a wonderful time interacting both IC and OOC:

DarkEclipic / Dark / Liz
RippedZan / Zan
ImPuggyBTW / Puggy / Blaire
> + the entirety of the Togomi family
Crovantist / Cro
KotaLobo / Kota
_cloudyhaze / Eli
sorathelobo / Sora
SirLump / Sota / Lump
0K_1N / Niko
layzah / jayzah / Jay
Soul_Demon_11 / Soul
Xhast69 / Xhast (dumbass)
CouldBeDumpster / Daiyu / Dumpster
KotaroSempaii / Komi / Kota
...and so, SO many more

I have so many wonderful people to thank for some amazing experiences and heres to more roleplay opportunities with you all!
ur stinky


Level 46
Community Team
Lore Team
Oh boy, this is a looongg story.. But here we go!

Originally, I got into SRP because of an IRL friend of mine (we've been friends since Wreck it Ralph came out -- aka 2011) wanted to get further into roleplay (I say further because we were literal tweens who "roleplayed" on those suspicious creative servers and typed in chat "roleplay at so-and-so's plot! tpa for roleplay!" blah blah blah). So, I joined the server with her back when it was still Furnace Academy. I stayed on for a few days, didn't really like it, deleted the server.

Eventually, she convinced me to rejoin (this was during the ~2017-2018 era of SRP, back when you could rent houses for free for the day), and I got really into it! Made a lot of great friends, though the majority of them don't play SRP anymore. Even so, I kept contact with a few and we've been inseparable since!

I played for a few months with them and then came the map change (the first version of Karakura I believe), they stopped playing for a bit but I continued. I began playing more and more often, but then fell out once again due to IRL things and a lack of friends on the server.

Skip ahead a few years (~2019-2020), and I rejoin SRP again! This time it was during the era of the Akihito Clan. I joined a gang known as Akita (oh boy that's a whole different rabbit hole..) and became more invested in quality of roleplay. It was around this time that I met one of my best and beloved friends, @KotaLobo !! We were in Akita together briefly, then we left together. This was the era of truly good times.

Now comes early 2021 to late 2022, aka the Adobansu era.. Again, an entirely different rabbit hole.. This was when I was mostly known as Saydi/Lemon. But I had Kota and a few others, and I met some of my closest friends! Though I lost contact with most of them due to leaving SRP for a few months (yet again)

Anyways, Adobansu collapsed internally and I fell out with a lot of people from there, stopped hanging out on SRP for a while. Now here comes 2023-2024.

2023 is when I seriously came back into SRP and roleplaying as a whole. New name, new IGN, etc etc. I got back into roleplaying on my main (at the time) character Suzuka. Revamped their entire character and backstory, basically made a completely new character with slight aspects left over from her previous version (which some may know as Saydi). I joined a small gang that my friend had helped create, called Valhalla (now Mefisuto). That was the next six months of my life and some of the best. I met so many new people and made countless new friends, all of which I adore and cherish to this day.

It's also the year I made my first ever faction application as a professor. This was when my main (current) character Abeni-Zari came into the fray! And with her I've met some absolutely incredible people, both last and this year.

I'd like to thank the following people for a great community and a wonderful time interacting both IC and OOC:

DarkEclipic / Dark / Liz
RippedZan / Zan
ImPuggyBTW / Puggy / Blaire
> + the entirety of the Togomi family
Crovantist / Cro
KotaLobo / Kota
_cloudyhaze / Eli
sorathelobo / Sora
SirLump / Sota / Lump
0K_1N / Niko
layzah / jayzah / Jay
Soul_Demon_11 / Soul
Xhast69 / Xhast (dumbass)
CouldBeDumpster / Daiyu / Dumpster
KotaroSempaii / Komi / Kota
...and so, SO many more

I have so many wonderful people to thank for some amazing experiences and heres to more roleplay opportunities with you all!


Level 118
known about SRP since 2019, due to my girlfriend at the time playing it regularly, though i never joined. Fast forward to 2022 and I decided to join with the intention of getting onto the build team to practice player scale builds, and now here i am nearly 2 years later.

! salty

Level 51
some friend got me into it back in 2022 to troll, like 7-8 months later I logged back because all my games where getting boring as fuuuuck and I wanted to actually involve myself in online communities. once I took it even slightly seriously, my love for the platform grew. like 7 months later, here I am! srp's basically taken over my life now lmfao


Level 88
Community Team
Event Team
I wanted to find a good roleplay server, and came across this one. I wasn't all that serious about it at first since I really thought it would just be like a couple weeks and then I'd get bored of it.. But then I got into being a student, became a college student, became a teacher, became pretty well known from teaching classes, got into KPD, event team, and then EMS and met a bunch of amazing people along the way! SRP has ups and downs but the people genuinly give it the passion for me to stay. I love my friends. (Also I met @Mewmis @bheom @rios @SP4RK5 @lobsterrdog @windswake @Ecocide @Sylcian @Shadonk @sir meow @RexLobo @vix @6Pancake @mistoreya @Hirathex and even more people, and I love these guys so much they're awesome)


Level 61
Teacher Lead
3D Modelling Team
Watched TheTerrain and Travdesu’s video on it till I decided to just join it. I played on and off for a while, but meeting @windswake is what made me stay

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