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How did you get into SRP?


Level 50
I found two YouTubers doing a mini-series within SRP, these two being HaydenBlake and OveqStories‬! The two of these got me to play the server, and finally, I joined it. I still go and watch their videos from time to time, and see how SRP has changed from then, wonderful experience. You should go check them out, I think they both don't do the roleplay stuff anymore but you can still find the videos on SRP!


Level 32
I was really into Minecraft roleplay series on YouTube when I was younger. Samgladitator, Aphmau, ItsFunneh, and Ryguyrocky are some of the most memorable YouTubers. Once I got my first PC in 2021, the first thing that I did was get Minecraft and I found SRP. I played for around a week or two, but eventually, I stopped playing because it was hard to talk to people on the server. I then joined back in July of 2022 and that's when I really got into it.


Level 23
my friend introduced to SRP back in 2020 when i was 10 and ive been playing for 4 years and i have not stopped i do enjoy it though


Level 20
I first joined in 2020. I played for a few days trying to get into it but i had some problems with getting people to actually rp with. Then real life hit and i had to move houses so i left then like 3 months later i got back into it. And i have been playing since i joined cause i found it online and did some research and then just decided to try it

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