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Hqrvey_ | KPD Application


Level 5

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
Hqrvey_ [Applying with!]
hurricaneswake [Alt Account]

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: [Accepted] [Denied]

Describe your activity on the server:
When I first joined SRP months ago, I didn’t think it was something I would stick to, however after being involved with the community I have found myself to stay and I like to think of myself as quite an active SRP player.

I have been playing SRP for quite a few months now. I am typically online for around 2-4 hours a day, I try to log on daily, however sometimes it may get difficult with college. On weekends, I am on for longer, around 3 - 4 hours. I like to think the number of hours I'm logged on for will become longer on the chances I get accepted. Recently after leaving EMS I felt like I have had nothing to do, and being accepted would give me something to do.

Whenever I am online, the roleplay I do can change, depending on the character. Not long ago, I was accepted into EMS, which has been a new and really enjoyable side of SRP for me. I tend to try to log on daily and roleplay with other EMS workers, or players of SRP that seek medical attention. I also tend to be doing some FamilyRP, whenever I am on my other characters.

What is your motivation for applying?:
As I have stated previously, I have been playing SchoolRP for a few months, during that time I have gotten myself a college bachelor tag, alongside applying for the Psychiatrist role and getting accepted. I would like to try to join another faction to open up more roleplay for myself, and others. In my eyes, Karakura Police Department seems like quite a fitting faction to do so. Being a part of EMS has enabled me to be able to work closer with KPD, and with various roleplay interactions I have encountered with officers has intrigued me and made me want to attempt to join myself. I have a few friends that are a part of the KPD faction, and after them telling me how good it is, and seeing it in game they have motivated me to be writing this application and hopefully get accepted.

Alongside this, most of my time on SchoolRP has been Gang roleplay, in which as of recently I have found to be getting quite boring. And I am finding myself not enjoying it as much as I did not long ago, and is another part of my motivation to join the Karakura Police Department to try something new out, and be on the opposing side to experience what both sides are like.

After leaving EMS, I found myself wanting to attempt to join another faction to engage in more roleplay and open up some for myself and others. I chose KPD due to having an interest in the roleplay they do, alongside knowing the people within the faction

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Currently, to my knowledge, the Karakura Police Department resides in two divisions, one being the Main Division; the second being the Detective Division.

Main Division consists of 7 different ranks, these being; (Highest to lowest)

The main division’s main focus is the simple tasks, consisting of responding to calls, working the front desk, patrols and the list goes on; the basic stuff. Karakura Police Department strives to keep the peace within the town and keep law and order maintained.

Some of these tasks are as followed;

Front Desk - Officers will sit at the front desk, and answer questions of anyone that comes in. They will also be the ones to take payment to bail an individual, however this is not a part of the front desk specifically.

Patrolling - Much like EMS, KPD will patrol all over the city, however their job is to be checking key criminal spots such as power plant for any criminal activity, if any were to be found, officers would intervene and deal with the criminals accordingly.

Warrants - If an individual has been seen committing a crime, via officers, bodycam or CCTV but have evaded officers or left the scene, a warrant may be issued for their arrest. For a warrant to be issued, it needs to be signed off on by a judge.

Whilst the detective division does all the same things, they are the ones that investigate further into cases, after a report has been made, the detectives are the ones that will look into it. Crime scenes are another good example of where the detective division comes into play. An existing crime scene may need to be investigated.

Both divisions may have situations where a weapon has been involved. For example; a metal bat being used to hit an individual in the face, if the bat has been washed with water, blood will still show up with luminol spray. In which you may go to the hospital and request for the blood to be identified. Both divisions may do this, it does not require a detective.

I feel as if this is common, or little knowledge, and gives me more motivation to apply. If I get accepted, it means I will learn firsthand more about the police faction, and I am definitely willing to learn more.

Detective Division consists of 4 different ranks, these being; (Highest to lowest ranking)
Detective Superintendent (DSI)
Detective Chief Inspector (DCI)
Detective Inspector
Detective Constable

Gear that is used by Karakura Police Department.
Police Baton
This is a steel baton that is used in close range combat situations, it requires two hits to the head for a KO, and can be mugged from the hands. [Two block range]
This is utilised by all officers.
Police Radio
A waterproof radio that is used by officers to communicate with KPD/EMS, it can be destroyed with a weapon, however can't be stolen or used for combat.
This is utilised by all officers.
Stun Blaster
A long range device that is used to temporarily immobilise individuals that may be evading or attacking someone. Requires action and a roll to be taken out when individuals are in range. [Eight block range]
A pair of steel handcuffs that are used to restrain/detain individuals. This requires a roll and an action if the individual is resisting.
Pepper Spray
A mid-range device that is utilised by both KPD & EMS that is used to temporarily blind an individual. If the individual is wearing a gas mask the effects won't take place. It has a three time use.
A long range plastic device that is utilised by Sergeants & Detectives. It requires an action and a roll to be taken out when an individual is in range, it also requires an action and a roll to reload two darts into the chambers.
Riot Shield
A glass shield that is used by officers for protection, it can be used both offensively and defensively. Defensively (Main hand) the officer cannot use an offensive weapon. Offensively (Off hand) The shield will be put to the side, meaning the officer can use an offensive weapon, such as a baton, Tranquilizer or stun gun. It requires an action and a roll to swap hands when in range.
Gas Mask
Gas masks are utilised by both KPD & EMS to prevent both sides from biological chemicals such as pepper spray. Can be stolen.
Utilised by police corporals, it is used to pry open doors to a building or apartment, or chests, anything that is suspicious when on a raid.
Luminol Spray
Utilised by all officers, luminol spray can be sprayed onto masks or weapons to detect any blood that cannot be seen by the human eye without said spray.
First Aid Kit
A medical kit that is used by all officers, it can grant the victim 5 minutes onto their bleed out timer.
Body Camera
Placed onto the uniform of every on duty officers, the body camera is used similar to CCTV, being able to be seen by fellow officers. It can be destroyed with weapons.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The police faction is important to SchoolRP due to the other roleplay that is a part of it. GangRP being the main. GangRP’ers have a tendency to fight one another, and the rare occurrence of fighting KPD. In my opinion, KPD is needed to keep GangRP alive and vice versa, without a police faction, where would the fun and risk be within GangRP and CrimeRP? To add onto this, the server would just be getting repetitive and everyone would be gangrp’ing in a public area, not having to worry about being caught.

Another part of this is the fact that nobody would have any police interaction, one side of this being EMS Faction, if they had a victim of a stabbing, there would be nobody to question the individual on what happened. Therefore, ruining some of the roleplay that could’ve occurred for both parties; victim & ems.

Not only do police stop crime, they investigate all sorts of cases, though most of these are mainly crime driven, some aren’t, a prime example of this would be a missing person case of someone getting lost that may be roleplayed out. The police can investigate their last known locations, family members and the list can go on.

The Police faction certainly facilitates more roleplay onto the server and keeps it alive.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I acknowledge this and fully understand why I am required to attend.

Character Information

What's your character's full name?:

“My full name is Kosuke Ishioka.”

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

“I am 32 years old.”

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

“I am a male, I go by he/him pronouns.”

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

“I have a masters degree.”

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

“Japanese is the only language I know, though eventually I would like to learn more languages, be able to interact with those who don’t speak Japanese.”

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Character Description

“How would I describe myself? Uh- Well..”
Kosuke Ishioka, a man who seems to be of Japanese descent stands at a height of approximately 5 feet, 9 inches. With short, rather dark curly brown hair bestowed upon his head. His physique, at first glance, seemed to be well-kept with black beady eyes laying upon anyone that came within visual range. At first, seeming to be quite a quiet type, however if the situation requires a loud and vocal individual, Kosuke can stand up to be this person. With his thin eyebrows, almond-shaped eyes and short eyelashes, Kosuke could be considered quite a good looking individual.


“I feel as if I am an approachable individual.”
Kosuke’s personality changes, obviously the main dependency being on his mood. There is a singular thing that will stay the same, and that is being respectful. Kosuke will always try to portray himself as approachable, unless it's a person he disapproves of. A rather, happy man, at least as happy as he could be with his childhood. He wanted to change stuff, obviously he couldn’t change the past, so may as well attempt to change stuff for other people.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

Kosuke, he’s always able to have a laugh, especially if the people around him are close friends, or co-workers. Able to easily switch from a joking matter to a serious matter. Though, as much as fun and games are, some situations are no joking matter, and when a situation like this is identified by him, Kosuke remains calm, keeping his attention to the situation ready to do whatever is needed to help. Afterall, he is an officer, one of the most important jobs within Karakura.

Kosuke is always one to have a conversation, whether it's with someone he doesn’t know, or with someone he does! He considers himself quite a sociable and approachable individual, a greetable smile on his face to show this. He is more laid back whilst in a casual situation, not having the worry of being on duty.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
“I find myself to be quite enthusiastic to work as part of a team, alongside working with co-workers. Co-workers, they are someone to talk with, not only do you have to work with them, you can have conversations with them. Teamwork is key, especially in a job such as a police department. If you aren’t willing to be apart of a team, I don't think there would be much point in attempting to get a job here.”

What's your character's backstory?
The Start (0 - 14 years)

Kosuke Ishioka, was born in Tokyo, Japan August 29th, 1991. He was brought up in a decently wealthy family, there was rarely ever a struggle for money, he grew up with his mother and father. His mother, Sakura Ishioka, worked in the Sensoji Temple. Whilst his father worked at a hospital in Tokyo. He made quite a good bit of money, providing the main income for the three. At the age of 2, Kosuke learnt how to walk, However he could still not speak Japanese. A year later, he started speaking very few words in Japanese. His parents figured it was time to teach him how to speak, using flash cards and techniques. Over the course of a few years Kosuke began being able to speak fluent Japanese. His bond mainly grew with his mother the strongest, his father mainly being absent with work, as he grew older he came to realise his fathers working hours were suspiciously late, but overlooked it for a little bit longer. One night, he woke up to a sudden bang. As he woke up, startled at the noise, he realised the noise had come from his parents room. He walked out of his room, as quiet as he could as he approached the parents room door, and placed his ear against it. His mother, and father were arguing, only a few words being able to be heard, the rest indistinguishable. A footstep was heard, as they got closer they only became louder, as he backed away from the door back into his room, it was clear his father had stormed out of his room. Kosuke slowly closed his door. His body shaking, in fear in case he was caught eavesdropping, as he heard the footsteps get further, the steps on the stairs creaking with his fathers heavy footsteps. A yell came, causing more fear to run throughout his body and the front door opened, then another loud bang- The door had slammed shut. He sat on the edge of his bed, processing, trying to understand what had just happened, before a few, quiet sobs came from his mothers room. He stood up, slowly walking to the door and opening it. His mothers face dropped when she saw him, wiping away the tears that were clearly in her eyes, she asked “What are you doing awake, Kosuke?” As he replied, “I heard the bangs- the shouting that dad did.” Sakura sucked in a shaky breath, taking a minute to compose herself, after all she had to be strong for her kid. He questioned his mother “What happened?” Sakura responded. “Nothing- Kosuke go to bed..” Kosuke took a minute to ****yse her face. “Why are you crying? What happened!” Sakura sucked in another shaky breath “Kosuke- I'll tell you in the morning, you need to sleep dear.” Kosuke let out a slight huff, before responding “Okay- Fine.” Kosuke had walked back to his room, tucking himself into bed, a final moment to process everything that had just happened, before drifting off to sleep.

14 - 18 Years old
Kosuke began school quite late, however did not let that stop him from getting an education, he was dedicated to his school work. He would rarely miss any due homework. Outside of school he would sit at the Sensoji Temple with his mother, she was a maiden at the shrine, however she mainly focused on keeping the shrine a clean and safe environment, Kosuke would help his mother when he was with her, whether it was with simply tasks around the shrine, or cleaning around the shrine. He never got paid for this, so he decided to volunteer himself as he enjoyed learning about other religions, whilst also giving himself something to do after school. Eventually after many years of the same repeat. At the age of 15, his mother had been murdered, and the police force within Tokyo had never found out who had killed his mother. This caused him to mourn the losses of his two favourite people. After a few years he had eventually moved out of Tokyo as he no longer had a reason to stay, he had explored a lot of it, and he had cut the rest of his family off. Eventually, when he turned 18 he moved to Karakura, where he studied in Karakura High School for a few years, before taking his best shot at taking the college exams, in which he passed. After passing, he decided it would be best to be a respectful and formal student. He attempted most, if not all of his classes. Even if his parents weren’t here, he still wanted to make them as proud as he could.

20 - 27
After dedicating most of his time to college, he eventually passed his masters degree, with a major in Business, and a minor in Astrobiology. He didn't feel like continuing the education onto PHD, he had dropped out of college overall now. He had too much free time on his hands and didn't know what to do with it, most of the time he would walk around Karakura exploring this new city. However, most of the time he would see families, and it got him thinking of how much he missed his mother and father. After reaching the age of 27, he applied for a job at KHS, which unfortunately got denied. However, this only became more of a motivator for Kosuke, this had opened up his chances at more jobs, jobs that could actually help out the community, the population of Karakura.

27 - 32
After his previous application to be a caretaker at KHS got denied, Kosuke wanted to find a new job to apply for. He decided to wait some time before applying for a new job, and decided he would explore the town further. He saw criminals hurting people, and thought of how wrong it was. He discovered that he wanted to help, in which he did, he helped people in any way he could. And then, he found out that the Karakura Police Department was hiring, he thought for days on end, on whether to apply, and after the realisation of what he could change, he took an application and began filling it out, maybe this was the way to go, being able to help other people, hopefully the ability to attempt to prevent what had happened to his parents he could change for others. and took an application. After many days, his application to the Karakura Police Department was completely full out, so he submitted it, as he began waiting for days, what could’ve felt like years to Kosuke eager to hear a response back.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
“No, an individual cannot own a pocket knife without facing a possession of illegal weaponry charge. Karakura is a town which has quite a high crime rate. Obviously, people continue to break the law, however the law of pocket knives being illegal helps the crime rate out, people could simply go around carrying one and stab someone, with an area that has no CCTV, they could lie and say it was “self defence” This law, continues to add safety to the citizens of Karakura.”

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Wooden Cane

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“If I were to see a co-worker abusing an inmate, my immediate action would be to ensure my bodycam is active and working, seeing as this only takes a few moments and then address the coworker as needed. I would approach them, and if they didn’t stop their actions I would use physical force to restrain the co-worker from doing any further damage to the inmate. After the co-worker is restrained, I would check the inmate for any injuries that may require medical attention and call EMS if injuries were sustained and needed to be treated. Next, I would radio for a higher-up to investigate them in case this has happened before and this not being the first time and let them take the case into their own hands. The co-worker may receive severe punishment that is out of my hands, and can only be issued out by a higherup.”

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“If I see my co-worker being assaulted, I would immediately approach the attacker and draw my taser, giving ample warnings that if they continue to assault the officer that the taser will be fired upon the individual to cease their actions, if the taser was deployed, I would go over to the stunned individual and restrain them with handcuffs, letting them know they are under arrest for assault on a government official. I would ensure that all the citizens keep a safe distance away, and radio for backup if needed. Once done, I would check over my colleague for any injuries that may need medical attention and radio when needed. It depends on the situation that is at hand, sometimes the individual may continue to try to assault and resist, or give up once taken down.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“Well, we are officers of the law, are we not? Our job is to maintain the peace and protect the citizens of Karakura. One of my first priorities would be to attempt to gather some evidence of this co-worker helping the criminal organisation, or being corrupt, as going straight to a higher-up may contradict it as an accusation. If I had evidence, it wouldn’t be an accusation. Once I have spoken to a higher-up, I would present the evidence against the officer, and then leave them to deal with it.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“I would ensure that my bodycam was active, or I was in range of CCTV. This is for two reasons, the first being having evidence of the criminal attempting to bribe me, and the second being to protect myself in case the criminal were to say I took the bribe. Afterwards, I would inform the suspect they are further being fined for attempting to bribe an officer.”
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Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!

What now?
In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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