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Accepted HS Student Council Application | zambiemara


Level 218
What is your Minecraft Username?:

What is your time zone?:
My current time zone is AST, which many people haven't heard of. It's usually one hour ahead of EST, but due to daylight savings, it's currently the same time as EST, known as GMT-4.

Please provide your Discord tag:

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Spanish Application -
Event Team Application -
Councilor Application -

Priest Application -
Maiden Application -

Describe your activity on the server:
I'm very active on the server, and if I were to base that activity on a scale of 1-10 it would be a solid 8/10. Before my activity was at a striking 10/10 but due to me being in college now, I cannot dedicate all my time to the server. Usually around the time for exams, my activity would decrease a bit, but not that much to the point where I'm offline for long periods. I would either be on one of my four accounts, or online on Discord with my notifications on. I have been a member of the SchoolRP server since the year 2018 and I have always made it in my best interest to be active on the server

List your accounts and roles on this server:

(Main) jvllyfsh - [College][B][Swim] / [Grade-12] / [Rat]
(Alt) zambiemara - [Grade-10] / [Grade-8]
(Alt) dead4mara - [Adult]
(Alt) marapukesglitter - [Grade-12]

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:

Yes, I am fully aware of this, though I will not let it reach this point, if I have to be inactive for a short period, I will use the necessary channels to take note of said inactivity.​


What is the student council and what do they do?:

The way I view it, the student council is a curricular or extracurricular activity that consists of student representatives, who are elected by their fellow peers and faculty or can be volunteer students and are supervised by an adult advisor. This group of students comes together to talk and address school-related problems whilst they tackle their responsibilities. They help take a load off of their school's faculty by helping them ensure that the school is kept as a positive environment for all.
Student council members share not only their ideas but the ideas of their peers, as well as their interests and concerns. They also assist with projects and activities that can better the school, granting them the chance to grow their leadership skills that help the community within the walls of the school. They encourage their peers as they promote school spirit and pride, by guiding them to participate in more school-based activities such as a club or even a sports team. Rolling back to them helping take a load off of the faculty, they show that more by helping manage disruptive students, handing out detentions where necessary, and defusing conflicts among students, such as a fight or an argument.
Overall, the student council helps promote a lot of positive traits, such as encouraging leadership skills, helping students too scared to speak on issues they might come across, getting people to contribute, and many more. This helps by contributing to the overall educational development of their peers.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
Just like before when I applied for council, as my motivation since then hasn't changed, I will continue this by adding that I've always had a soft spot for school-related factions, as being a Receptionist was the first faction that I joined ever, and I loved every bit of that experience. As I had stated, I always wanted to give being on the student council a shot, but alas, back then I was more fearful of stepping outside of my comfort zone when It came to roleplaying, as my anxiety had run deep. I'm happy to say that I did eventually break out of that habit and started gaining more experience in terms of roleplaying, and that gave me all the confidence I needed to want to join.​
I had no shame in mentioning this before and will have no shame in mentioning this again, I am an anime freak. The genre I love the most is a slice of life, and I enjoy high school-type animes, if you love anime, you know that there was always a student council in those as well, which also played a huge role in my motivation. I used to fan girl a lot whenever it came to seeing student council members and how much power they held within the school, as well as how respected they were, it made me want to have a character like that and pushed me to write my application.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Yes I am very much aware of the fact that I will have to use my creativity and teamwork within the council!

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

Yes, I can list the roles in the student council, which are the following;

  • The student council President is the leader of the student council, they represent the entire student body as well as the student council. A role that is granted someone who is mature, great at managing challenging situations, very well organized and the ability to work well with many different people. The position needs a lot of energy and time, and the ability to maintain a good relationship with their peers as well as the faculty and administrators. The president is in charge of running council meetings, and organizing all student council activities. They inform the school's faculty and administrators about any activities.
  • The role of the Vice President should be defined in consultation with the President, they are the President's right hand. They work close with the President, and are always the one to step in and represent the student council when the President is not able to do so, taking on the duties and responsibilities the President would normally do. They also help when it comes to scheduling board meetings.
  • The job of the secretary is quite complex, not only does it require them to be present at all board meetings, but they also record the proceedings and decisions of the meetings and distribute the minutes to council members. The student council role is very important as it keeps the business of the school council running, and helps communicate all of the group's important work to the members.
  • The objective of the treasurer is to manage and keep track of funds and expenses, as well as create a budget for the student council. The treasurer is also responsible for financial reports, and record-keeping, and makes sure that the student council operates within its budget and that the funds are being used responsibly within the right guidelines or regulations.
Regular Councilors
  • The main goal of the councilors is to assist their fellow peers by representing the interests of students at a school. They carry out school activities and service projects. Not only do they help plan events that promotes positivity within the environment, they serve as the voice of their peers. Aiding in communicating their ideas, interests and concerns to the entire school community.

General Information.png

While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?:
"I would quickly make my way over to them after I see such behavior being displayed, and ask for them to step outside with me so we could have a simple chat, assuming that they do, I would let them know that what they did was rude and not called for, telling them they should've had more respect than what was displayed in the assembly. Then I would ask them what caused their behavior, trying to get to the bottom to the root of the problem at hand.
I would offer my assistance to the students, as well as let them off with a warning, sending them back to assembly but following them, making sure that everything has been defused. Now, if they didn't want to step outside with me after I calmly asked, I would call over one of the school faculty to help assist me with the situation, as they were trying to be defiant with me, and watch as the teacher corrects them and gives them the punishment necessary if they decided to carry on."

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?:
"I'll be sure to take note of their clothing, their build and how tall they are, gathering as much information as I could. Then I'd make my way over, asking them to kindly remove their mask. Let's say, in a case where they just run off, I am no track star, and my legs are short! This is where the information I took down comes into play, As I would notify the other members of staff and my fellow councilors about said person.
I'll continue to look around to see if I can find the person again, keeping my eyes very much peeled as well. In a case that I do, I'd radio in another faculty member to help assist with the matter and give the necessary punishment."

A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?:
"Even though I might be small, I would do my utmost best to assist the teacher, firstly, I would ask the teacher the necessary questions to gather the information I needed as I would need to know exactly what happened so I could give my all to help defuse the situation, assuming that I wasn't always there.
I will work with the teacher to help address that student, being that one of my higher-ups would be there, I would stand to the side as they punish that student accordingly and help enforce it as well if there were to be any complications, as well as stating the appropriate rules against their behavior. More or less, I would be there to help enforce the rules with the teacher, as well as offer to help them, as I could imagine how stressful it would be. I would try my best to help contain the problem, so I could help keep the environment safe for other students."

A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?:
"I believe that freedom of expression is the best way that humans show their creativity, and I'm 100% for it. But of course, I have to know what's being protested first, right? I'll simply ask the group of students if they could give me a summary of what they're protesting and how they plan to carry it out to let their voices be heard.
I would also make sure that this wouldn't be hindering any of the rules implemented. If given the green card, I would also try to plan with the students to show them how they could go about their protest without any blood having to be shed, or any fists being raised. We do not want anything violent happening when people only want to voice their opinions, which they have the right to do so. I will still be there during the protest as well, making sure it's nothing but peace and love, and that everything goes smoothly."

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?:
"If a member of the faculty told me that something I did went against what I was trained to do by my higher-ups, my response, and the correct one at that, would be to firstly listen to what is being said, rather than trying to get defensive and interrupt what is being said. After, I will simply thank them for letting me know of such actions instead of leaving me in the dark about the situation. Then, is where my questions would follow, I'll start by asking them again, how I went against what I was trained to do, so I could properly grasp at the situation, then follow up by asking how can I properly handle it, rather than repeating such actions.
Now knowledgeable of everything, if allowed, I'll be sure to explain why I carried out the situation in the way I did, and why I thought it was the proper thing to do, to ensure that the faculty knows that It was not in my interest to go against my training at all. Then, I would simply finish it off with yet another thank you."

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event): Gardener's Basket

( Gardening Club )

This could be one of two things: a fundraiser for the club, or a way to pique people's interest, leaving them wanting to learn more about the club. Despite the fact that a gardening club is more of a group of people who share a common interest in gardening and all things plant-related, the Gardening Club is not one of those clubs that receives the attention it deserves from the student body. I propose a mini-event to change that. This event may also provide students with an opportunity to learn more about the gardening club and encourage them to join!

A student council member or club leader would make an announcement over the school intercom or through an event announcement. The location of the flash event, as well as the items for sale, would be included in the announcement, encouraging all the students to come take a look, or even buy flowers for a love one.

( Location )

Many different colored booths would be set up at either the track field or any other open space, possibly including the gym. Students from the club, of course, would be running the booths, selling flowers of all kinds and handing out flyers with each sale. For the booths selling flowers, there would be pots near, showcasing what that said booth would be selling, and to also fit the scenery.
Though these will not be the sole purpose of all booths, one or two will also have treats and refreshments (they would also be complimentary, but it all depends on what the club leader decides) . After each sale, the person behind the sale would make a point of mentioning that if they were ever interested in joining the club or learning more about what they do, they should look at the flyer, which would provide them with more information if the student ever wanted to contact them again.

General Information (1).png
Hosoo Yu
Phone number:

How would you describe your personality?:
"I like to think of myself as quiet and more of an observer, as well as a perfectionist. I more so cannot stand when things are out of place. I have a love for set rules, and that may be because I like following routines, I think that having them makes living much easier, so I never really stray away from my routines, but I have been stepping out of my comfort zone a tad bit. I have been told by people I know that I'm a bit unpredictable, but why would anyone want the world to know their every single move? Yeah?
Usually, unpredictable people are seen to be reckless and impulsive, but that is far from who I am and what I stand for. Creating a ruckus? That's not very ladylike. I like to think of myself as friendly, maybe, kinda.. sorta. I can be friendly though... I like making friends, it's a great pastime and I find people real interesting. Overall, I like a good laugh as well, but I do know when and where, as I could be really serious at times. I'm quick on the thinking game, as I take intuitive.. that helps me out as I've been called curious a ton, exploring is great and all, I just find expanding my knowledge fun!
But like I said, about being an observer.. I express myself more through facial expressions. . my face would tell anyone what they needed to know before words could. I speak my mind and address topics that I feel need to be addressed, I'm a very truthful person, in all actuality, still friendly! I hope I explained that properly."

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

[OOC, Her Descreption]:
A very petite Japanese girl who stands at about 5'0 with a youthful appearance. She had a pale complexion and long silky black hair with long bangs split in the middle of her forehead, hiding a bit of her right eye. Her fingernails painted Russian violet and her lips coated in peach rose lipgloss. She usually smelled of sweet pea.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
"What separates me from the other applicants is an easy one, I have a deep respect for set rules as I mentioned.., as well as fairness. I'm no rule breaker, and I'd keep people in check if I saw them doing the rule-breaking. I like to think that I am more mature than most, even persons twice my age. I also enjoy letting my voice be heard and throwing in my opinions. My personality plays a major role in this as well, as I find it easier to feel the need to explore ideas and take on challenges, though I might consider them to be tough, I wouldn't walk away, putting my mind to something comes naturally for me. I have the mentality of someone who wants, and usually when I do want it, I aim for, no matter how difficult the task may be.
I carry myself in ways that other people don't, and that would be a major factor for someone who is looking to join the student council, as I would never act in ways that tarnish the good name and what the student council has built and done for the environment of the school. I'd really enjoy putting in my spare time into something that really matters."

Why do you want this position?:
"I enjoy school, you don't find that much in kids my age, but I wanted to give back to the school's community and be more involved when it comes to my school life. I thought about. . joining a club.. or a sports team even, but they just didn't click on me as much as the thought of joining the student council. I like to lead as well, I am very much a leader.
I also believe that this position would really give me a great push out of my comfort zone, and I would be granted multiple opportunities and make great memories while doing so. Did I mention that I like to lead?"

What interests you the most about student council?:
"I've seen many of the student council around school and have admired them and the work they put into making school a better experience for other students as well as themselves. I think it takes a lot to want to be a part of that, to help manage a whole community and flawlessly pull it off. The student council is also the foundation for all schools all over the world, and it deeply piques my interest. I often ask myself, what if I were to be a part of such a group? A group filled with leaders.
A group that does so much, even little things they do go unnoticed. But being noticed isn't what they stand for, they stand for greater things, and that, I appreciate. I like to think of the student council as a government and a country cannot survive without one."

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
"I would be the voice for the voiceless, helping speak up for those who are afraid to do it themselves. I might be small but I have a lot going on in my mind, a lot of ideas to spew out and contribute. I'd put the much-needed time and effort into this position and do my utmost best at that. I'll be there to offer a helping hand to those who are in need of such."
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Level 227
Council Lead

Thank you for applying. Congratulations on your application being accepted. Please ping @[Dean] gotsnapped in ⁠#help channel in KA Discord for your roles. If you have any questions, you're welcome to message me at jawhyla on Discord.

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