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idcvesper | Caretaker Application!


Level 8
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

idcvesper [MAIN] - I am applying for this account!
omgvesper [ALT]

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


How old are you? (Optional):


What is your time zone?:

Central Standard Timezone

Describe your activity on the server:
Free / 12am-12pm​

Free / 12am-12pm​
Every other weekend I work​
Will need to contact me but will be online majority of the day!​
Will need to contact me but will be online majority of the day!​
I am online and ready to shine!​
Will need to contact me but will be online majority of the day!​
Will need to contact me but will be online majority of the day!​
Every other weekend I work​

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Nope never touch a banned on my time!

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes, I understand and give full reasonability for my actions!

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

I am applying for the Caretaker role!

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

As the caretaker job is to make sure everyone is safe and having a good experience within the school! Hear are three things that takes on for being an employee as a Caretaker!


Caretakers will that gives physical or emotional care and support when it comes in school and out of school! Taking the actions can really change a character whole expression and experience when roleplaying!


Caretakers temporarily fulfilling the function of office, whether that staff is not available to interact into a situation that where Caretakers take on the role as the staff!


Lastly caretakers take responsibility on the students and staff as they are the only ones who can take on issues and conflicts that can lead into solving the problem!

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

HS-M Basketball Team!

As shown from previous tryouts I’ve worked with the HS Men's Basketball Team and been on the team for a while now, currently I have left the team due to reasons that shall not be talked about. From going to practices and games I think my ability to work with a team has improved!


As currently I am in Black Dragons and have been there from the start, from joining in the past with Rokuhara Tandai, getting disbanded. I wanted to keep on playing and taking on the risk of getting UVG! And I told Zai as you know (LuvZai) He has shown me the ropes and skills to improve GangRP, he even taught me the ways of attacking, defending, and colliding with others once in Combat! I have now started to use what everyone calls it “Detail Rolling” as more of an improvement towards my time underneath the Criminal world.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:

After applying to others factions and getting denied for the most, I need to take a step back and reflect on what I've learn from applying to others factions and need to take my time and slow down. Working little by little to get where I want to be and starting here will be the beginning of a great journey!

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

jxstcam_ | Physical Education: Professor Application | SchoolRP
jsxtcam_ | Governor Application | SchoolRP
camwrld_ Shop Application | Takada's Steakhouse | SchoolRP
Lawyer | OceanRP Application | SchoolRP
Lawyer Application | omgvesper | SchoolRP

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

idcvesper's Characters!
[Grade-12] Antwon T. Takada [MAIN]
[Grade-12] Kamzi L. Takada [ALT]
[Grade-12] Miles Moreno [ALT]
[Cat] Night [ALT]
[Grade-12] Legoshi Wolf [ALT]


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

I would remain calm at the student and ask him what the problem is with me? If there no issue and he do that I will take action and give him a warning. Once more than 3 issue of warning If there the student has been coming at me with foul language once more, I will give them detention. If he continues to make a racket with everyone around SLT will be called down to handle the student. Further action will be needed.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

I will walk up towards both of the student to break up the fighting and give them an warning to stop fighting and go somewhere else, during later in the day if I see both of them fighting again detentions, I will be put on them while telling them to knock off before both before giving them detentions as they shouldn't be fighting and SLT will be called down to get them helped out if needed. Also, further action is needed if they start fighting during school grounds once again.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

I would take action and tell them what they are doing before immediately calling SLT and report the situation and let them know what happened and they will deal with that employee.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

He would act laybacked as he is more of the chill type, and everyone loves him for hanging out with him, he is loved by everyone and might be one of the best caretakers to ever apply at this job! He is one to be working with Tyrone as his sidekick as they would be favorited by all the staff!

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me takes his card from behind from his pocket and takes out the pencil from his shirt pocket, he would write down both of the students a detention slip. &f"Next time don't do stupid stuff. You guys have detention for today I don't wanna see anymore-- fighting, got it?" &uwith a concerned look in his eyes he stares at both of the students, with a dead face towards both of them.

/me would take the student and place them into another location of the school as they are stressing out with a issue. &f"hey what the problem? Are you alright?" &uhe would look worried as he don't understand the situation that just took place, he would-- calmly talk to the student about the issue. &f"Look lets talk around here and tell me how your feeling, alright?"

/me takes a look at the student in front of them. He would take out some candy from his pocket as he handed the candy towards the student. &f"Here you go now go have a good day, okay!" &uwith a smile on his face he grins at the student with a beam smile making him feel better at the student having a amazing day!


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):

"My government name is Antwon Takada"

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

"Mr. would be the best for every student calling on me"

Preferred Name:

Everyone shall know me as Mr. Ant, SLT and Faculty can call me Antwon."

Age (Minimum is 25):

"I am currently 25 years old!"


"Male, my pronouns are He/Him"

Academic Degree:

“I have a certified law and criminal justice degree, from Harvard. I went to go and get my degree in Economics as well when I was around only 20 I would say.”


“Like I’ve stated before, I have a degree in law and criminal justice.”


“I also have a minor degree in basic government functions, such as Economics and Legislation.”


"I am African American-Latino"

Known Languages:

"I only know Japanese..."


CHATPER I - "A new path"
Antwon Takada's voice resonates deeply with the human spirit. Growing up in a close-knit community, Antwon faced his fair share of struggles and setbacks. Money was often tight, and opportunities seemed scarce. But Antwon never let those obstacles define him. With a heart full of determination, Antwon poured himself into his studies, fueled by a burning desire to create a better life for himself and his loved ones. He spent countless nights at the kitchen table, poring over textbooks and working tirelessly to excel academically. His tenacity paid off when he earned a scholarship to a prestigious university, becoming the first in his family to pursue higher education. College opened up a whole new world for Antwon. He soaked up knowledge like a sponge, immersing himself in his studies and embracing every opportunity that came his way. But it wasn't just about the textbooks for Antwon; he also found solace in the connections he made with his peers. He became known for his infectious positivity and unwavering support for others.

CHATPER II - " Hard Times Become Great"

After graduating with honors, Antwon embarked on a corporate career, eager to make his mark on the business world. He quickly rose through the ranks, impressing his superiors with his exceptional skills and work ethic. But just as Antwon's star was shining brightly, fate intervened. A devastating natural disaster struck Antwon's hometown, leaving his family and community reeling from the destruction. Antwon faced a crossroads – continue his upward trajectory or return to his roots and help rebuild what was lost. For Antwon, the choice was clear. Family and community always came first. Leaving behind his promising career, Antwon rolled up his sleeves and joined forces with his Neighbours. Together, they rebuilt homes, schools, and businesses from the ground up. It was during this time that Antwon discovered his true purpose – to empower others through education and employment. With unwavering determination, Antwon founded a non-profit organization that focused on providing vocational training and job placement services to those affected by the disaster. He became a beacon of hope, offering a helping hand to those who needed it most. His infectious enthusiasm and genuine care for others inspired not only his community but also caught the attention of a prominent company.

CHATPER III - "Sucess Is Key"

Recognizing his extraordinary efforts, the company offered Antwon a senior executive position, leading their corporate social responsibility initiatives. It was a dream come true for Antwon – a chance to make a difference on a larger scale. He embraced the opportunity wholeheartedly, using his skills and experiences to create positive change. As an employee, Antwon's warmth, empathy, and ability to connect with people made him a beloved leader within the company. He approached his work with a human touch, always putting people first. Whether it was mentoring young professionals or spearheading initiatives that gave back to the community, Antwon's impact was felt far and wide. Antwon's journey from humble beginnings to becoming an esteemed employee is a testament to the power of resilience, compassion, and the indomitable human spirit. He reminds us that no matter where we come from or what challenges we face, we have the ability to rise above and create a brighter future for ourselves and those around us.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):

"The Motivation that I have for applying for this position is not only to have a safe and better experience with the school, but to take care of everyone and take everyone like they are my children's. As I don't own any and I would love to treat the students as my own family!"

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?

"As stated before, I want to become a figure towards everyone and be known as one of the best staff to ever work at this fine school! I wish to take on everything and everyone that standing in my way! To take on another path that can lead everyone to success!"


Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?

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