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ilovemyplanex2 | Event Team Application


Level 102

What is your Minecraft Username:

ilovemyplanex2, but I do have an alternate account with the username of karlxcx.

Describe your activity as a player of the server:

When it comes to rating my activity, I would give it a 9/10. However, my activity as a player on this server will be put in a chart below to better keep track of when I am online! Do know that this may be due to change sometime in the future due to a changing work schedule as well as college and other changes in my life fast approaching.
Monday to ThursdayFriday to SaturdaySunday
2:30 pm to 10:00 pm3:00 pm to 2:00 am at the latest3:00 pm to 10:00 pm

As for FACTION-based activity! On the server, I am a recently accepted EMS, specifically as a psychiatrist. I often spend around 3-5 hours every day being involved with such, regardless of the events happening on it. These 'events' can range from simply working around the hospital - such as patrolling, pharmacy work, giving therapy to patients I've been assigned, etc - to role-playing with those I've managed to befriend within and outside the faction. It's something that I do love and have managed to put a good amount of time into it!​

Please provide any previous faction applications you have created, whether accepted or denied:

Okay, so there will be two sections! One for IC factions, and the other for OOC factions.

Provide your Discord and confirm if you have a microphone:

My Discord is ilovemyplane and I do have a microphone!​

What is your time zone?:

My timezone is EST.​

Are you aware that if you are inactive on the team you will be demoted?

I am aware that, if I am inactive on the Event Team, I will be demoted!​

What is your motivation for joining the Event Team:


Inspiration is a major part of why I've wanted to join the Event Team.
As someone who's spent his time watching the events that the team has made and even participating in a good amount of them, it's no wonder I've gotten some inspiration to join it from those! The way that those who organize them have managed to make them interesting and seem almost easy to make has managed to be a huge part of the motivation I've gotten. These people are what make me how I am right now when it comes to my writing and event-making in general, even if it comes down to smaller events that are family-based, as someone who leads around four of them. The inspiration I've gotten from the people behind the Event Team is a major player and always has been since my exposure to my first event, as well as the fact that I'm trying my best to influence those around me to do the same to them - as well as ensure they have fun with the events I plan out. Even if some of them were small-scale, they still add to the motivation that the Event Team managed to lay the metaphorical 'seeds' of when it comes to my interest!

On top of what I just mentioned, there are smaller events that I have been a part of that motivate me to apply for the team - while it may be more 'CrimeRP' based, I have managed to get myself involved within the Fight Club of the server, as well as the general 'Gang-RP' side. These events aren't really for those who don't like the crime-based side of SRP, but they've managed to stick with me alongside the other events that are on this server. As someone who's seen plenty of events within both Fight Club and general 'CrimeRP', I can say that these ideas also play into my interest regarding the event team. I've been able to participate in some of these events as well, my favorites being - as of late - based around the gang that I am in on one of my characters and Fight Club, specifically the one tournament that took place a good few months ago. There were many opportunities given that the people behind the Club thought of and I'm glad I was able to participate in those! One of my personal favorites that the people behind the Fight Club events had made was where, in the middle of one of my own matches - to which I promptly lost, there was someone who appeared out of nowhere hanging from the ceiling who spoke with one of the then higherups. It was interesting to witness, even if I wasn't the one being directly targeted. Shoutout to the person who did it by the way! That's one of the many memorable events that have happened during my long amount of time spent in the 'CrimeRP' faction.

Inspiration has majorly come from the SRP Event Team, but other servers' teams have managed to speed along the interest of coordinating events that I can and will have control over in some way, as well as manage to build alongside other people within those communities! They have managed to also be a part of the reason why my inspiration has taken root, but not a huge part as compared to the SRP one as of late. They have been able to make my interest take off though and I am happy about that, which is - as I've stated - the reason why I wish to join the event team and positively influence this server, especially concerning writing events and such that people can participate in. In other words, just living up to my inspiration prior!

All in all, my inspiration has been a major part of why I wish to join the Event Team and why it continues to influence my decision for this. There are, of course, other reasons why I wish to join though! But those aren't what I'm getting into with this section.


Adding onto what I was saying prior, as someone who immerses himself as much as he can in the community, I've managed to make a good number of connections while being involved in it! Ranging from being a part of families to even recently working as a psychiatrist has managed to get me immersed in the SRP community itself from day one. These things are exactly why I wish to apply, alongside many others - but that's beside the point for this segment. The community of SRP has been a major reason why I have the motivation to join - to positively influence those that I've managed to grow around and with in general. There are also those that I haven't been able to interact with because of - just like everyone else - the fact that I'm human and can't talk to everyone on the server, but I still wish to make a positive influence regardless of this fact because why not? It's fun, from what I've managed to see, and it helps keep the server alive - the community on top of the events that happen in it.
The community is also something that I love to be a part of and interact with the people involved, even if some of them are a bit silly sometimes (to say the least) and may make it seem chaotic - which it is! But it's fun, so that makes up for it. I truly love the side of the community that's more light-hearted and chill than most as it gives me an opportunity to simply grow what I've managed to get already and expand my interest in what's scattered around the server.

A couple of my friends are Event Team members and have been such for a while - months, at most! These people have managed to influence a small part of my motivation to join the Event Team, as well as the will to impact the general community that I've grown to love over the past couple of years. The community has been a major part, as has the inspiration segment I wrote, of my motivation and continues to influence such. I would like to be able to influence others as I've been, positively, and also manage to have some fun with the events that I have any idea of making, which I - once again - have had experience doing. And even with some of my friends being Event Team members, there are also the ones who aren't but still positively influence my opinion on such things - as well as keep my motivation there and afloat, as compared to some others who I have managed to influence regardless of me knowing them personally or not! They are just as appreciated as the rest regardless of how well-known they are by me personally, or even just the community as a whole. They still help and that will always be appreciated regardless of who they are.

To sum this up, the community, in its entirety, is yet another major reason why I have the motivation to join the event team - however, that's not all. Not yet anyway!


There have been many, and I mean many, people who often talk in the Out of Character Chat! One of the messages I have commonly seen are encouragement to join some faction or another. As of late, there have been a few Event Team related encouragement bits that I have managed to catch sight of and, luckily for me, the team already had my interest for a while yet, so it wasn't that hard to start up an application for something that I enjoy. The encouragement from not only the OOC chat, but also my friends and those who have managed to stay with me has managed to stick with me and enthuse me to make an application, so here we are now. I've had the idea of applying in the back of my head for a while, all it needed was some form of encouragement from my peers and friends who have managed to give me the confidence to apply already.

Alongside these people who have encouraged me, I also have had the opportunity to be exposed to the event team itself and a few of the people in it, which can be presumed by the earlier mention of having connections with it - that of which gives me motivation to apply for such a role. While, yes, it may be a small reason in of itself - these people have still given me the encouragement I've needed in order to apply, so kudos to them! I wish to use that encouragement that I've been given in order to get into the event team myself, as well as have a chance to be able to affect the server in a way that I think could be of use and make it fun for those who I've managed to be with.


As I have stated and shown earlier, as well as any look at the Emergency Discord would tell you, I am a part of the Hospital faction as EMS42. This is truly my first experience as a faction member, but why not take it further? My application for the Hospital was my first step into the waters of factions, regardless of it being IC or OOC. The community surrounding the Hospital faction has been welcoming thus far and I enjoy being a member, plus there's the bonus of them assisting with my motivation in general to join yet another faction! Faction experiences have managed to give me the confidence needed; however, I believe that I should be able to. There is also the factor of the experiences that I have yet to encounter while on the server, but the Hospital faction has managed to help push me in that direction fortunately enough!

While I have been in the EMS faction for a short period, I believe that I would be able to further expand my knowledge of the server in general if I manage to step outside my current comfort zone and go for something a bit higher, at least Out of Character wise. The ambition to get farther in this has been here for ages, but I haven't been able to take advantage of it due to my initial thought of thinking that I was not cut out for the team itself — something I see that is common-place with people, regardless of if they actually apply or not. However, I have thus changed that opinion somewhat by getting myself accepted into the Hospital faction, which has boosted my confidence with my writing. I believe that I would be better off getting more experience and confidence in general by also being a part of other factions, and the one I have the most interest in at the moment - OOC, at least - happens to be the Event Team! I hope that, by getting in this team, I can get more experience with working in OOC factions for what I enjoy as well as keeping it fun for myself otherwise.​

What makes you a suitable event team member:

There are a good few reasons why I would be a suitable event team member! These reasons will be listed below, not in any particular order though.


Some people may be surprised when they say I've had experience on both teams! While yes, I have never been on the staff or community team for SRP, I have had experience with being both on other servers in the past! Mostly concerning Event and Lore Teams plus staff for these servers, so that gives me some of the experience I've needed. I have, while in them, managed to write a good amount of lore AND events for the servers that I’ve been a part of, whilst also being fairly active in the staff. Sure, it may have been challenging to balance both, but I still managed to do it regardless since that was something I was passionate for. With this application and stepping into the event team, I plan on expanding that into SRP itself! I wish to be able to assist something that I have genuine enjoyment for as well as have fun with it, which this step can and will provide for me.

Those previously mentioned have managed to give me the experience — as stated — that I need in order to get a hand on how to handle the situations that they would provide, but I would enjoy joining in the team that’s inspired me the most, as I have previously stated. I would be able to provide my own experiences as well as learn how to handle new ones within this team! I take it as a learning experience even if I’ve been exposed to it already in the past. There are always new learning opportunities in these fields, and I will accept that to better understand how to improve. Plus, I am genuinely passionate about making some sort of impact on the things that I enjoy so these exposures are good enough in order to provide that kind of thing!


Now, this is something that should be brought up regardless of everything else because that's exactly what makes an event team member - well, one of the important parts anyways!
As someone who's made events and written lore, I've had to have some inkling of creativity in order to make these come true rather than simply just expect the ideas to waltz into my hands without any prior thinking or motivation. You have to have some passion and ability to think up these ideas for the player base to enjoy, regardless of what they may be, and that's exactly what I wish to bring to the table with my prior exposure to planning these ideas out and exposing those who are interested to them! As an event team member, these abilities will definitely be required in order to make some sort of impact on what I enjoy within this server. Not many people are able to make that a reality but there still are people who can, which I will provide if allowed within the event team.

On top of the ideas of lore and events that I have already made, as well as the impact that I wish to make within the server with these ideas of mine, most of my creativity does go hand-in-hand with my writing ability. This allows me to accurately describe a situation whilst also making it remain interesting for the people who are reading it and going through with the situation in the case of an event. My writing ability has also landed me within certain communities within the SRP tailoring community, such as with the now disbanded 'Times Two' that I frequently used when I was able to, and with that also brings in my creativity that has managed to get me people who are truly interested in my writing and wish to have me describe their own situations at hand!


This is something that any person needs when it comes to something that could be seen as a 'leadership' position, or anything similar to that. Communication skills have gotten me far already in the past, especially to the point where I've managed to make friends rather easily thanks to them and make my own IRL workplace much easier to manage as a result. I wouldn't have met as many people as I have without any sort of communication skills, nor would I have managed to get the positions that I have already gotten in my past - ranging from the faction that I am in as of present to the more leadership-based positions, at least for SRP! I've also managed to make it decently far in some of my real-life workplaces too in the past before I had to quit due to some personal OOC reasons, that of which I will not be getting into. These also make it so those around me can work easily with me rather than make it far more difficult for them, as I'd rather that not be the case. My communication skills as well as ability to see things through can make this work out easier, once given a chance of course - and I do plan on using that to the best of my ability as well as making it easier for me to get along with those who I will be working alongside.

On top of what I've mentioned above with communication skills making the ability to work with others easy, I can also make more connections with my communication skills and already have with the fact that I have gotten myself decently respected in certain communities. These communities are what makes it easier for communication since that's what's needed the most when it comes to these places. While some issues may arise, talking it out and communicating can also help - which I have had to do multiple times in the past. It allows me to find better ways to communicate and I believe that these situations could be classified as 'learning experiences' as well. I plan on using these as a part of my experience as an Event Team member and also use them to help me better my experiences! They will and can help me with what I will be getting into but even so, I can learn how to better the communication skills too in ways that even my past positions have been unable to. I will take this as I can and apply it to what I'm trying to write.


Server involvement - how does that play into this, you may ask?
It's rather simple, really. As some people know by now, I've been on the server for nearing two years (almost three months from today . . .) and I've managed to see things happen in the server within those two years! While, yes, I haven't been on as long as some others may have been on the team prior, I still have a good amount of server involvement that I've managed to get myself. Some of these can range from family-based events that I've managed to set up with other people to large scale, server-wide events that the Event Team put together! These events that I've managed to be involved in get me more and more involved with the server, to the point where I often look up certain lore related aspects of it - this, of course, helps me better understand the reasonings behind certain things and even give me an ability to better understand what is being presented to me and the other people on the server with context behind it! While it may seem to be a lot of reading to some people, it makes it all the more worth it when I get to understand exactly what's going on and why it's happening. These events often get me immersed with the world that has been built by the community teams and I find others who partake in it that also have managed to get the same amount of interest in the server and its world-building as I have! It's quite interesting, really, and I appreciate the ability it has to get me this deeply involved with something, as well as the people behind it to the point where I want to become a part of such a community.

This also plays into what I have stated earlier, but I have also managed to get myself involved in faction-based events - CrimeRP, GangRP specifically, and the more recent EMS! The Crime/GangRP side that I have managed to get involved in and that I have kept with me memory wise, as have I with most of the other events I've been through, has affected me in some ways positively. They get me more involved and invested in general with the server and it's something that I quite believe is genuinely just amazing all on its own. I appreciate the events that the server has and the ability it's had to suck me into the word that has been built around the lore, as well as what shapes said lore in the future - that of which I want to help with if given the opportunity. Not only because I just find it interesting, but also because I'd love to make my own impact on such things.

Elaborating more on the faction events, I also have gotten myself more involved with the community via factions - at least as of recent. The one that I've gotten in is EMS (and it's also my first! Yippee) and I've met quite a few people there that I think are pretty cool! There are also general events and incidents that get me more situated within the community for that specific faction, as well as - in some part - the general community. The EMS faction is something that gets you out there in a way and you have the chance to involve yourself with the community more than just someone who hasn't had the ability to get involved with it, and I'm one of those people who's been pushed slightly out of what I'm used to, which is - of course - a good thing! It gets me far more involved with the server and the people within the community, regardless of who they are. Plus, why not get out and involve myself more than I already have? This gives me a perfect opportunity to do such! Not only will I have EMS experience, but my own as well as community team-based ones - and I think that that experience will help me in the long run since I already have exposure to these types of things! Which also is gone over in the 'COMMUNITY AND STAFF TEAM EXPERIENCE' section, but it does heavily play into things like my server involvement.

Please provide three detailed event suggestions that would work for our server:



Kami Actors
Shrine priests/maidens


At the Shrine!


Planned! Definitely would also need the consent of the Shrine staff OOC to both use their faculty as the roles intended AND their shrine, of course!


Festivals! Who doesn’t love them, right?
There have been a few that are annual festivals, but the people need something new from the way that it's been lately. What's better than to announce a new type of festival where the people of the town can learn more about the city's folklore? This event provides such and also a fun way to do so, with activities and mini events that the community can get involved in. It can range from something as simple as storytelling and puppetry to more elaborate events, go wild! These events can get the people who wish to be more involved with their community and those who want to learn about their town's past mythology-wise together and have an event that the people can enjoy.

As for what shall be happening during the event, the first would be for the attendees to show up - some can be dressed in attire that suits a certain kami, others can be dressed in comfortable attire, it all depends on the person! Among what they would see would be the little spots where they can engage with the shrine staff, as well as watch what was mentioned above (puppetry and storytelling)! They can also go interact with the tea house, as well as the one area that allows you to place your wishes upon the wall - this way you can buy things from the event, which would be fairly cheap depending on the item! Vendors in general can also be scattered around the place selling various items or even food relating to the event, like the green tea and other things that attendees would enjoy!
An attendee can also go up the stairs and farther up to interact with other people who are hosting more events based on the folklore of the town in the nature of the festival or interact with the kami actors that will be placed around the shrine. The actors can also interact with the people around them, but this isn't necessarily needed. The actors can tell their own stories by interacting with each other as well, or just simply hang around and see what they can do to make the festival more interesting! It entirely depends on the kami and how the actor wants to present themself. If they want to join in and make certain legends that are being told come alive, they can also do that.

Advisors would be the people who tell those who attend the event about the kami, what and who they are, as well as various other stories that remain a part of the folklore setting of the festival. They can also get an actor or two to act out the story if they wish to, assuming the kami are a part of the story! This way if an actor has nothing else to do, they can help tell the story that the advisor is telling and make it more immersive than rather just standing to the side. This is more so of an elaboration on the paragraph above, but advisors do have their own separate duties - which will involve speaking of the history of what they're looking into as well as, in some cases, a souvenir or something of the sort to make the event memorable.


I want this event because I'd like to see more focus on the mythological/folklore side of the server, since it's been an interest of mine for a while! I love anything relating to these and this is genuinely just the perfect idea for an event that can get the community more involved and have fun with the folklore that makes the server how it is. I also want to explore something that nobody else has really thought of, despite all the opportunities that it should have been more explored! Plus, there's a lot of people who would love to explore more of the mythology that surrounds the server, and this event can teach them about it in some ways. Then there's also the general fact that festivals are a bit lacking as of late and it would fit for a certain month coming up when it does! Alongside the usually spooky events that happen in October, this can be one of the more lighthearted ones that could last for a good day or so IC. It's kind of like how the annual festival for New Years is but with its own twist, of course.



Scare performers
Stunt performers


In the Shopping District!


It would be a planned event!


Almost everyone enjoys the festivities that come around during October — weeks prior to a certain holiday, even! Shops get items themed for the holiday, rumors fly around about some spirit or another, a few cosplayers can be seen a good couple weeks earlier than Halloween, and more! So what’s better than to combine these than with another type of seasonal event? That’s right — the ‘Wicked Wonderland’ would be the perfect event for something like this! Multiple entertainment outlets can be found in these, as well as merchandise and themed food items even. In other words — anyone can find something that they would enjoy here, even if it’s something small.
There are a good few events that can happen, and some of these will be listed below!

The ‘Wicked Wonderland’ would, as stated, take place in the often visited Shopping District! It could take up the entire district, given how big such an event would be, but that’s not going to be much to worry about (unless you live near the festival, anyways). The shops that are in the area are provided beforehand with several themed items, assuming they wish to participate in the event itself, and are allowed to open during that time! That way people can come in and buy what they want, but also be able to attend the event itself. It’s a win-win situation on that end, really.

And besides that part of the event, there’s also entertainment that is scattered around the district! A haunted ‘house’ or two could be made, which would have their own unique events happening inside, as well as a few security guards could make sure nothing goes awry. Then there can be a live event in the middle of the district, right inside the Eden Roundabout. This can include plays, dance routines, or even singing a song appropriate for the holiday! During these, the actors can decide what they want to do but it has to be pre-planned so they don’t cause a mess and are prepared — but that goes without saying. Interactive theaters (which can also be improv) are also allowed to happen! These let the viewers take a part of the story that’s being played out for them, but there should not be too many viewers as to make sure it isn’t super chaotic. Just a handful of them and put them

Then there’s something else that could happen, if the event team can make it work — escape rooms! Most people are fans of these for how they’re made, as well as what challenges they produce for the players. There can be various events that happen within the escape room, such as scares from the scare performers, that can distract players for a bit of time if needed! The time can vary for the escape rooms, depending on what they are, but they’re advised to not take more than 3 hours (in character — or 45 minutes out of character). For the escape rooms, they can also give away prizes at the end when the player(s) escape. This can be something small or something larger, entirely depending on what the owner wishes to give away.

Then, as a bit of a change, there can also be a dance party too! People are advised to dress up in their Halloween costumes for this, but anyone can participate. Music that fits the season blares through the festival but this is also used for the dance floor that takes place somewhere within the event! A participant can also take their friends and family to dance with them if they wish. And, if someone’s lucky enough, they can also advise the DJ to play a song — to which they have the option to decline or accept!

There are many more events that can happen within the festival (such as horror themed QNA’s or trivia), but these are the more major ones that will be happening! These events are meant to engage the community in something that everybody is bound to enjoy, regardless of who they are.


As I said in the description of the event, who doesn’t love Halloween events? This event is bound to attract more than just a handful of people, especially since it sells things and allows unique events to happen within it. Halloween is something that many people enjoy and to be honest, I do know that more Halloween themed events would be better for engagement when the time comes! People are often drawn to the more ‘supernatural’ events that happen in the server and this event can use that to its advantage since more people would attend it.
Besides, I’d also love to see how well it can be carried out when it does happen — especially since it’s a rather big event, once you think about it. But that’s what most festivals are; huge and somewhat chaotic! That’s what this could qualify as, but at least the people joining in would have fun with it.
I also had this inspired off of the actual live event that happens in USJ — the Horror Nights, as anyone who’s been there can tell. I believe that more Japanese based events should happen within the server as well, and this is just one of many ideas I have and would love to see executed.



Wanted Criminal x2


Preferably in the forest, as long as it won’t permanently damage any buildings of importance.


It would be a flash event!


It’s been . . . awfully quiet lately in the town, hasn’t it? Karakura has had to deal with its fair share of criminals, surely, but nothing too large scale if you ignore a certain organization. Nothing has been on the news in regards to criminals around town from what anyone could gather from the daily radio. For now, it simply seems peaceful — work, school, and daily life goes as normal for most citizens.
Most. Not all of them, as some are uneasy by the peace. But it’s nothing they can complain about for now, and therefore they will not.
However, this peace was soon to change.
A duo of criminals who were known outside of Karakura (mostly in East Asia) for what they did in regards to vandalism, even getting as extreme as arson, decided to make their temporary home in Karakura. Of course they did — but they kept out of sight of the law enforcement somehow. The KPD was never aware of them being in the town as they came in from another direction that wasn’t often commonplace — the side of the island, specifically near the sewer’s entrance at the beach, right behind the lighthouse. It was something that not many would anticipate, but that’s exactly what made the idea work. A way to make it into the town without being caught and acting as if they did nothing to provoke any sort of knowledge of their true intentions. An attempt at innocence despite their prior crimes, that was important for anyone in the field. Even if it was something as flashy as what was happening now.

These two decided to start some trouble in the town. Some is an understatement, however, as the two criminals ended up coming up with an actual plan to harm whoever was involved as well as prove their own point. They would eventually find their way into the forest while wandering around for somewhere to use for their idea. They ended up wandering around, maybe even stumbling into a citizen or some animal that knew nothing better of what they had planned. However, they did not wish to run into anyone or anything else in fear of someone alerting the authorities, although that was eventually inevitable given the scale of their crime. Something of that caliber would reach the KPD and EMS regardless, as well as strike some sort of fear into the citizens that were not involved. And maybe, just maybe, that would give Karakura's unwary a warning to never trust the peace it was given for too long. It would end up with some destruction for whatever was involved, but hopefully something that can be fixed easily. If not, then that can serve as a reminder for the people within the town itself.

The two criminals would end up figuring out a perfect spot (it can be wherever allowed, so long as it won’t permanently damage an important building). The spot was where the sparks first started flying, in quite a literal sense. It was nothing that anybody in the town would have expected given their current peace, but eventually something set on fire thanks to the duo messing around with the area of their choosing. A citizen or two could have called KPD, which would land with the two criminals either getting caught or escaping once again. In the case that they were arrested, they could be transported (for lore purposes) to a more secure prison, while if they escaped it could become something the news focuses on - once again, similar to the Akuma Santos breakout and other events that have happened involving criminals of that caliber.


The reasoning behind why I want this to happen is rather simple — to get something interesting to happen. There haven’t been many events happening lately that were flashy in regards to illegal activities, save the pipe explosion and the following Akuma Santos breakout. And this? This very event would be a great one to help push forward the side of the server that some believe could need some more focus, as well as a chance to get more people involved.
There have been barely ever any events where criminals from outside the country (save that one Chinese guy who broke out of jail back in late 2022-early 2023) are involved and this is an idea that would add to that! It would give a level of interest to what’s happening on the server as well as an opportunity to investigate certain things, such as the criminal duo’s (eventually) found hide-away for a hypothetical example! I also believe that we need more events based on foreign criminal activity that affects Karakura either way, even if it’s something like vandalism in this case. It's an event that many would try to take part of because of the fact that the duo would likely spark some kind of interest from the public.
I definitely know some people would find this a fun idea and would love to see it happen in the game and that’s exactly what I deliver with this idea!

Additional notes (You may leave this blank):

I have no additional notes!

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