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Accepted ImEucasBTW's English Teacher Application


Level 13


Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
I am applying for the account ImEucasBTW.

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes, I have a microphone and am able to use it.

How old are you? (Optional):
I am 21 years old.

What is your time zone?:
My time zone is EST/EDT (GMT-04:00).

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Absolutely. I accept full responsibility for failing to report any inactivity before taking time away from the server. Additionally, I understand that I am responsible for hosting the mandatory monthly classes to avoid demotion and fulfill the role I am applying for unless I have a legitimate reason for inactivity.

Describe your activity on the server:
I am generally active between 23:00 and 02:00 EST, but these hours depend on how late I work. Certain days I may even be online at 18:00 EST. I have a stable job with, for the most part, reliable hours every week that make it easy to schedule things. Other than that, the topic of accounts: I use several alternate accounts with different roles to engage with the server in as many creative ways as possible. My main account, Eucatastrophe, has the most playtime at the time of this writing. However, I have more playtime than that, as I played for a long time before that command existed. I am fully prepared to communicate with those in charge about changes to my schedule and active hours as needed and am prepared to alter my lesson plans or active hours to fit my role to the best of my ability, within reason.

Do you have any previous bans?:
On May 23rd, 2023, I was permanently banned for attempting to break the EULA. I had asked in /ooc to buy or trade for someone's adult account, which was against Minecraft's EULA and punishable by staff. I immediately appealed the ban, but it was denied. I appealed again and was denied once more. Finally, my third appeal was accepted on June 11th. This was the only ban in my history of playing on SchoolRP and was solely caused by ignorance. I had no intention of intentionally breaking the rules. I am grateful that my ban was lifted one month after it was put in place, and I appreciate the staff team's decision to allow me to return.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
This is gonna be a long one, stay with me.
I’m still trying to find where my other application is, but I was an astronomy professor on one of my alternate accounts. I don’t remember which one, and I apologize. I am also unsure why I can’t locate the application on the forums. I have the application saved in my Google Docs, where I write all of my applications, but it’s not under either of my forums accounts.

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
As of the time of this application’s writing, the current roles I have on the server are as follows:

Tags: [Grade-12]
This account is my main account and is used for the character Kōji Maeda.

Tags: [Grade-12]
This account is used for the character Annaliese Eichel.

Tags: [Grade-12]
This account is currently unused.

Tags: [College]
This account is used for the character Jóngeirr Nørgaard.

Tags: [Grade-12]
This account is used for the character Huàn Hú Yǐng.

Tags: [Grade-12]
This account is used for the character Aoi Yozukinabahimetsu.

Tags: [Grade-12]
This account is used for the character Tetsuya Gendo.



What subject are you applying to teach?:

I would like to teach English. This is a good choice for several reasons, including, but not limited to:
  1. I am in the journalism club and have already shown my skills in English;
  2. It opens up club and council involvement opportunities, such as debates, spelling bees, and poems;
  3. I can include several server-related examples for English, including student presentations on server history (this may not seem relevant at first, but accurate summation of history is a great way to show English skills);
  4. I can teach Japanese alongside English as I know both languages in real life. This directly relates to the server and even allows me to help educate players on English as a whole;
  5. It is easy to stimulate player involvement as all server activities require English. How convenient.
In summary, I plan to teach English by incorporating projects, presentations, debates, and various vital aspects of gameplay into my lessons to make them interactive, enjoyable, and memorable.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
First and foremost, I am an actual teacher. To be more precise, I spend a lot of my time talking to random people about the topics I am passionate about, educating them as best I can without seeming like a know-it-all. During high school, I was a tutor and a mentor, spending several months on a governor’s school project that included teaching a middle-school science class about astronomy. In college, I was a planetarium instructor and operator, sharing my knowledge with the many families and fellow students who visited on show nights. I find joy in teaching and cherish the memories I’ve made throughout the years doing so. When presented with the idea to teach on SchoolRP, I couldn’t turn down my urge to pick up the metaphorical pen and paper and start jotting down the ideas and plans to bring the light of knowledge to others. As I was putting some ideas together while on the server, I brainstormed the best way to approach a new role and decided that becoming a teacher should be part of my agenda. I also carefully considered whether or not I would be able to handle the role, and after deciding that I could, I began writing my application, and here I am! Finally, I still have memories of being a college professor on the server a long time ago. As I reminisce, I can’t help but feel the need to shoot for the stars again and do something fun and different yet still familiar. Oh, and the pay is good, too.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
I absolutely understand that I am applying for the teacher role of UT (untrained teacher) and that if my application is accepted, I may have to undergo teacher training. Even though I was a teacher once before, I know that things change, and the role of a teacher may have changed too, so I will approach it like I'm brand new. This is the best way for me to learn a new way of doing things while still being able to apply my previous experience to fill the role as completely as possible.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Based on my previous experience, teacher class logs are physical reports of having taught or held a class to document sessions. This is especially useful to ensure that a teacher is doing their job and also proves that they were active in the first place. Since being a teacher requires a specific number of sessions to have been taught by the end of the month, and class logs are the only way to prove those sessions took place, they are essentially one of the most vital parts of being a teacher. It is also important to note that class logs are generally submitted as screenshots. Still, sometimes, it’s necessary to take multiple screenshots to ensure that the proper proof has been acquired to avoid unnecessary issues.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
This question's answers vary depending on the teacher. From my former experience as a teacher, as well as what I would enforce were I to be hired, there are several rules I would be strict about.
  1. Phone Usage: The first rule would be absolutely no phones. Not only is this disrespectful to the teacher and the class, but it also hinders students’ ability to learn properly. Anyone caught using their phone without permission during class would be given a warning, and for every subsequent offense, they will be punished accordingly for disrupting class.
  2. Core Values: The second rule would be to respect others as you would respect yourself and your teachers. Japan is a country centered on respect, humility, and honor. Upholding this is extremely important in my class as it involves the essence of the country.
  3. Civil Behavior: The third rule would be to conduct yourself civilly. No unwarranted fights, arguments, insults, or anything else will exist. The only exception to this rule is class events such as prepared debates or arguments. The best learning environment is one where all students have equal opportunity to learn and aren't withheld by other students or teachers. Therefore, civil behavior is a rule that will be heavily enforced.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
As stated before, I have an extensive history with SchoolRP and Roleplay Hub for several years. I joined back in February of 2017, invited to the server by one of my former online friends. The server was a lot different back then, as was the roleplay itself; how it has changed over time is pretty crazy to think about. As the years have passed, my roleplay style has evolved to the one I currently use, supported by a strong foundation of diverse vocabulary and roleplay knowledge. Over the years, I've taken place in events such as MazeRP and played different roles on SchoolRP, including being part of a gang, being a teacher, being a shop owner, and of course, many years of just being a normal student - at one point in the past being a college student and now, once again, having college tags. It would be a significant understatement to say that I have little experience. That being said, I also have an extensive history on other servers, which I have roleplayed, giving me even more experience than SchoolRP alone. I’d be humbled if I didn’t call myself a veteran.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning: Head of Department.
↳ Description: As the name suggests, the head of the department oversees the training and development of new teachers and the activities and progress of existing ones. The head of department generally has a vast amount of knowledge, and in many cases, the most knowledge, in their field(s) of study. Additionally, the head of the department coordinates activities and communication between teachers and holds the most power over the rest of the ranks listed.

- QT
↳ Meaning: Qualified Teacher.
↳ Description: Qualified teachers are generally seen as seniors among the teachers and have been through extensive training as well as having obtained plenty of experience to educate their students better. Additionally, the lower ranks of teachers shadow them to learn how to properly teach and handle a classroom environment and obtain the necessary experience to become qualified teachers. QTs know a lot about the subject they are teaching and generally perform above and beyond to meet the demands of their students.

↳ Meaning: Newly qualified teacher.
↳ Description: Teachers with this rank have recently been promoted from untrained teachers and can, in most cases, host their own classes. They still have lots to learn, but at this stage, teaching is the best way to gain the required experience to be promoted to QT. Newly qualified teachers will still be watching a QT to ensure they can properly handle teaching a class while also taking notes on efficient teaching methods and strategies to keep students engaged.

- UT
↳ Meaning: Untrained teacher.
↳ Description: Being the greenie teacher rank details a newly hired teacher. They haven't had any experience teaching in their current job. They will be watching NQTs or QTs to learn efficient teaching strategies and methods to keep students engaged, ensure proper classroom behavior and etiquette, and obtain other important teaching information that will allow them to become NQT. This stage is fundamentally the most important in the learning curve as it sets a foundation for a future teacher, as if the new UT learns improper methods and strategies it will carry on into their future career, possibly jeopardizing it. UTs generally complete lesson plans and assist in teaching an NQT, QT, or HD's class. To complete their training, untrained teachers teach their own class whilst supervised by someone of higher rank. At the end of the process, an assessment is completed and the UT will either be promoted to NQT or remain a UT to gain more experience.


Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Like teachers out-of-game, in-game teachers get paid to educate students in their field. Their reasoning for becoming teachers varies, but most commonly, teachers decide to take up the role because they realize the importance of educating the younger population. The future depends on the children, and society can never progress and improve without proper education. Teachers are a massive foundation for the future of any society, as without them, progress will generally not be made. For people to have and share knowledge, it must be learned, and teachers exist to share this with others. However, it should be assumed that the only thing teachers ever think about is learning and education, as just like everyone else, they're people at their core. Teachers accept that work outside of class is necessary, as they dedicate their lives to the education of students and can utilize time at home or abroad to plan lessons or grade assignments. The way they teach changes to the needs of their students. People have different learning styles, whether auditory, hands-on, or visual, and it's a teacher's job to find the middle ground to teach their students their subject effectively. Teachers instruct with a goal, remaining open to finding new ways to educate students and improve their teaching most effectively. A teacher who cannot, or is unwilling to, learn should not be a teacher.

In-game, NQTs earn ¥350,000 for reaching a minimum of ten classes taught, with QTs earning ¥400,000. After the first ten classes, a pay of ¥50,000 is added for every five classes taught until the limit of ¥500,000 for a paycheck is reached. Teachers can teach a maximum of 4 classes per OOC day, giving them plenty of room to teach the minimum number of classes per month.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
The very being of SchoolRP is centered around the high school. Such a vital server part provides the metaphorical nutrients the players need for a satisfying and engaging roleplay experience. Many people note how strange it is that kids hate going to school out-of-game yet willingly go to school in-game. While the explanation for why that happens is fairly simple, it only reinforces that going to school on SchoolRP is enjoyable. However, a school can't exist without teachers, the backbone of the school itself. The SchoolRP experience would be incomplete without them, and the server's identity would fade away.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
As far as I have seen and heard, the school works on the planning system MoSCoW. MoSCoW stands for must have, should have, could have, and will not have, and it is a technique for prioritization. Aside from this, however, it is a good way for teachers to prioritize their teaching and break it down into its respective sections.


Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plans for the future?

Odin is a 31-year-old Icelandic and Danish male with pale skin and golden-blonde hair. He is tall, standing at 7 feet 1 inch or 216cm. Odin is a force to be reckoned with, weighing 274.4 lbs or about 129 kilograms. He has light blue eyes with thick, dark eyebrows that give him a constant icy glare. He carries a mesomorphic build, coming off as a very strong or muscular individual with broad shoulders and a wide torso with disproportional, long legs.

Odin’s approach to things can be considered unique or different. Instead of taking traditional approaches to his problems, he finds alternative, creative, and out-of-the-box solutions that may benefit the situation more—or sometimes less—than traditional solutions. This not only makes him a good scholar but can also make him a great teacher, allowing plenty of opportunities for growth.

He views teachers as equally as important as students. While the main difference is that teachers are adults while students are not, he knows that you cannot have one without the other; it is a symbiotic relationship. Respecting the balance between teachers and students and teacher-teacher relations is important. A staff team that cannot work together isn't a team at all.

He is a very intelligent person but is also extraordinarily humble and respectful. When away from work, he embraces satire and humor to express himself more laid-backly. However, he believes that living a different life outside the classroom sometimes leads to mistrust and a lack of respect, so he tries to act the same in class as he does out of class.

Odin plans to continue teaching for the foreseeable future, believing that keeping himself busy educating students also benefits his health and happiness. He firmly believes that he will be teaching for several decades, stating that he has no plans to retire and would like to be useful to those around him until he can no longer do so.



You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

I would first approach the group calmly and composedly, taking the approach in a non-confrontational manner. Remaining friendly but professional, I would remind them that such language is disrespectful and harmful to the learning environment and is against the school’s rules. Afterward, I would try to understand the underlying reasons for their behavior, asking questions and offering guidance or support to help resolve the situation as best I can while viewing things positively. If they continue, I will take disciplinary action, such as detention. While that may seem extreme, this would follow several warnings and have exhausted all other options.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
First, I would be patient and wait for the class to calm down before starting the lesson. If they didn’t stop after enough time, I would ask the class to settle down so that we may begin the lesson. When this happens, I would use a calm, professional voice and explain how that behavior is unacceptable and that acting that way is disrespectful and unnecessary, as there will be plenty of opportunities to talk during a government class. Talking is part of learning, and instead of going crazy or getting mad at talkative students, I can use that power to my advantage.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Nothing beats a cup of coffee and discussing lessons and plans with my peers. Asking for advice or judgment handling certain students or just thinking up creative ways to engage with the other teachers or clubs in the school. Not only is it more fun when you try to include others, but it also makes more sense to try and think out of the box sometimes. Odin would be friendly, approachable, and attentive and would undoubtedly give all of the advice he could to his peers or be accepting of their lessons or knowledge during training.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
/me clasped his callous-covered hands together, calling the class - a rather clamorous and obnoxious group - to attention as the bell tinged. He began to speak as he moved his hands onto the teacher’s desk before him, "Please take your seats; we're going to begin our class shortly. I am Mr. Nørgaard, and I will be your new English teacher." A scraping noise emerged from under him as he scooted back his old wooden desk chair, making those unfortunate enough to be sensitive to sound wince in pain. Afterward, he stood up and wrote his name on the board, followed by random, pointless scribbles and a horribly drawn stick figure.

/me waited patiently for the class to silence themselves. He wore a neutral, disappointed expression that seemed to be able to change the atmosphere in the room itself as he gently tapped his desk, clearly unamused at how the class was acting. After a moment that felt like an entire hour, his mouth opened as he began to speak. "If we are done being disrespectful now, we can begin our lesson. I had planned a fun debate activity for today, but since we clearly don’t know how to act like grown-ups, maybe it would be better if we just took a test." A mischievous grin materialized on his face.

/me slowly stood up from his chair, a bright and excited look on his round, cleanly-shaven face. "Now then! How about we have a little spelling bee? Part of this class is having vocabulary memorized, and I plan on teaching this to you all in fun and efficient ways." Stepping up to the empty, green-colored chalkboard, he drew a line down the middle before proceeding to turn around, facing the class. "I need a volunteer! Who's up for a challenge?"

/me stood before his class, ready to begin. He clapped his hands together to get the attention of his students. "Good morning, class! Today, we're going to have a spelling bee." He explained the rules, writing them on the chalkboard so the students couldn't claim they didn't hear. It was obvious by the look on his face that he was excited, as he loved spelling bees as a kid and was eager to give that excitement to his students. With a nod of his head, he spoke again. “I forgot to mention: the winner of the spelling bee gets a free 100!”



Born in a cozy cottage on the outskirts of Akureyri, Iceland, Jóngeirr displayed signs of heightened intelligence from an early age. Inheriting his father’s physical features, his intelligence stemmed from his mother’s side of the family, a line of scientists, educators, mathematicians, and the like. At the beginning of his life, Jóngeirr lived happily with his parents and two brothers, but his world would soon be split in two when his father divorced his mother. Taking Jóngeirr’s brothers with him, his father moved back to his home country of Denmark, leaving him and his mother to fend for themselves in the frigid Icelandic countryside. Despite this, Jóngeirr and his mother survived, proving both stubborn and determined throughout their lives and giving way to Jóngeirr’s personality and demeanor.

During his youth, Jóngeirr was known for his knack for sneaking out of the house to explore. Though the discovery initially angered his mother, she decided to tune his love of exploration. She regularly brought him to iconic Icelandic landmarks and geologic sites for him to explore with her. Many memories were formed, their bond growing ever stronger as the years passed. On a faithful day, at the age of six, Jóngeirr was exploring a local volcano when he fell through an igneous lava roof, which, at the time, looked to be a normal rock. Though he caught his balance for the most part, he scarred his face on the molten rock, leaving a mark for the rest of his life. Jóngeirr has since fine-tuned his balance to ensure that never happens again.

Jóngeirr’s academics proved to follow closely in line with his mother’s. Despite a rebellious phase where he refused to do homework, he eventually — and much to his mother’s surprise — understood the importance of his schoolwork and dedicated himself to doing whatever was necessary to get a well-paid job and support his mother, who had raised him on her own for the majority of his life. At the age of 11, Jóngeirr, aptly nicknamed Odin at this time in his life, started tutoring younger children in the subject of English in an attempt to start making money and saving up to support his mother. Jóngeirr kept his money-making a secret to surprise her, but unbeknownst to him, she knew what he was doing the whole time. After all, she was his mother. With a part-time job secured and his academics accelerating, Jóngeirr was beginning to develop increasingly quickly, soon becoming one of the top students at his school in Iceland. Towards the end of secondary school, Jóngeirr became increasingly adept at English, programming, and geology. With skills in three major fields, he was beginning to have everything he needed for a successful career and an even more successful life.

With a determination to repay his mother and an academic foundation strong enough to support a 50-story high-rise, Jóngeirr began his mission to search for something greater than himself. He reconnected with his brothers, who now lived in Japan, and they exchanged stories over the phone before they invited Jóngeirr to stay with them for a while. Thus, Jóngeirr left his home in Iceland and became an expat in the town of Karakura, Japan. He met many incredible people there, reconnected with his family, and learned an amazing new culture and language.

One random day, while wandering around Karakura Plaza, he interacted with a red-headed woman who eventually dragged him into gang activity to do good things for the town, which he had grown to care for. Using his programming skills, Jóngeirr became proficient at hacking and quickly rose through the gang’s ranks, establishing a higher-up position in a short time. Here, he met more people he started caring for, and Karakura really started to feel like a second home. The data gathered over the years eventually led to a crackdown on major gang activity and the dissolution of the gang he was a part of. Exiting the criminal side, Jóngeirr became dedicated to helping people in Karakura and picked up more part-time work, including tutoring.

After his time in the gang, Jóngeirr realized that it was time to visit his mother. He moved back to Iceland, where he learned his mother was currently being treated for brain cancer. Having just learned this news, he was shocked and grief-stricken; determined to do everything he could to save his mother, he picked up work anywhere he could and contributed greatly toward her treatment. Sadly, Jóngeirr’s efforts proved to be in vain when his mother’s health took a turn for the worse. As she approached the end of her life, she told him how proud she was of who he grew up to be and knew the amazing things he could accomplish deep in her heart. She passed away the next day.

Having just lost his mother, inheriting many keepsakes and the cottage in Iceland, Jóngeirr moved back to Karakura, where he attended Karakura Community College and got the required degrees to be a teacher. Following in the footsteps of his mother’s side of the family, Jóngeirr is now dedicated to helping others, teaching children, and creating a better, more educated world that he hopes one day will not have to worry about losing mothers to cancer ever again.


In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
Jóngeirr Nørgaard
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): I was given the name Jóngeirr.
Preferred Name: Some people call me Odin, so I don't mind going by that or by Jon.

Age (Minimum is 27): I am 31, turning 32 on June 14th.
Gender: Male.
Religious Denomination: Atheist.
Marital Status: Single.

Nationality: Half Icelandic, half Danish.
Current Location: Karakura.

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):
12 years of tutoring, 4 years of internship. 16 years total.

Academic Degree: Master's in English Literature, Master's in Teaching and Learning, Education Specialist degree.
Year of Graduation: 2020.
Major(s): English Literature, Teaching and Learning.
Minors: Creative writing, critical thinking.

Native Languages: Icelandic, Danish.
Other Languages: English, Japanese.

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: I have a TEFL certificate.


Additional notes about your application:
Thank you for taking the time to read my application. In the event that this application is denied, I thank you for your consideration and hope that I may get the role another time.

Do you have any questions?: None.


Last edited:


Level 112
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.​

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