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Is your character a bad person?


Level 163
We want horrible characters? Well luckily for you all I have one horrible character to share.

Norio Watanabe
Let’s just say he is a horrible person. Bc really he is. I could go on and on about this man but there’s some stuff about him that no one needs to know about. But I’ll tell some stuff!
He has kidnapped his niece, Yotsuba Watanabe, her sister Tsubaki Watanabe had to come save her. Norio gave Yotsuba a concussion with a bat from saving Tsubaki because originally he was going to hit Tsubaki but Yotsuba intervened. Norio and his two other brothers grew up alongside his abusive father and supported his sons to do the same thing. This leading to their sister, Oda Watanabe to be the one trapped in all that horribleness. Norio has also kidnapped Yotsuba’s wife, Sora Watanabe and kept her for a month to give Yotsuba pain. Norio has a grudge of wanting to tear the Watanabe family apart as he doesn’t want the family to be all happy. Which is why he did this. Sora was thankfully found but was in bad shape with tons of injuries, had to be rushed to the hospital or she would’ve died. And you wanna hear the funny thing? Yeah, Norio was a lawyer for Karakura crazy right. A man who has done this somehow ends up getting a government job.

I probably have more horrible characters but Norio is by far my most villainous character that isn’t even involved with gang rp.


Level 118
So, he’s bowser what do you think how many times he kidnapped peach, and Mario had to save her ass while beating bowser.


Level 81
I don't like the word "bad". People are complex, they have their nuance! Every character does, as well! Rarely is the world so black and white.


Level 163
I don't like the word "bad". People are complex, they have their nuance! Every character does, as well! Rarely is the world so black and white.
Speak the facts!! Complex characters with unique backgrounds and personalities Ong.


Level 84
Alan Jackson: I do not know, I REALLY do not know, my god.. I REALLY do not know, and It's a problem.
Owen Mitchell: Nah, he's not, he's just a cool and bored australian dude
Wyatt Czar: In general? No, he likes to protect animals via Wildlife Preservation and Population Control, and all-around great... except in Relationships.. he's kinda shit.
Alan Radleyton: He's not a bad person, just a grieving widower, coming to the town where his son is killed (Alan J. Radleyton)
M. Rizky Febrian: fuck if i know, I haven't played him again
Leo Volante: He's originally bad, super bad... but he's got some arcs going and now he's... not really good either, he's just meh.
Charlie Lesley: Definitely not, He is PURE, scaredy-cat purity.


Level 86
Eilethyia - Yes, she is but she's a great mom. (Not gangrper, she's a manipulator)

All my other characters; no, even though they SEEM bad, for instance Miyoko


Level 36
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It depends on what you would define as a "bad person".

Several of my characters have done bad things and acted in selfish ways, but I don't think any of them are really a 'bad' person per se. They just have bad experiences that have lead to them acting out in certain situations.

for example:

Abeni is likely the "good" person out of all of my characters. She's very sweet and loving, but she has her moments. She's sort of in between right now, struggling with a lot, if I had to rate her on a scale of 1-10 (1 being god awful and 10 being a wholesome little bean), I'd probably say she's around a six.

Liam, on the other hand, is the canonical older brother of my oldest character Suzuka. He has been through a lot and has most definitely seen some shit. He's a selfish man who only cares about things that may benefit him, or, that's how he presents himself. After his two kids came into the world, something inside him changed. Yes, he's still incredibly selfish, but he's also growing to learn about kindness and behaving in a less apathetic manner. He'd probably land somewhere around a three or a four.
Liam doesnt sound tooooooooooooo badddddddddddddddd


Level 36
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Sage G. Osiris-Jökull:

Sage has some.. questionable things wrong with her. She will insult people, like a lot.. but she hasn’t done anything I would say is necessarily evil? Her heart is in the right place, so I’d so no.

I would like to include one of my characters who I think is a bad person SOOO-
Daphné Donna Lovone:
Daphné is quite literally an egotistical bad person. She is unsympathetic, unenthusiastic, self absorbed, and rude. She is definitely not a great person. Yes.

My bestest girl, DOLLY OSIRIS!

Dolly is just a lil person tryna handle the Osiris lore and bein a good lil person
They dont sound thatttttt badddddd... okay maybe Daphné


Level 36
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Pilgrim v. Schafer
is a... rather interesting person. he is insane. he doesn't act on his insanity, but he could, and wouldn't hesitate to go rabid and attack someone if he REALLY wanted to.
so like... if he were to be pushed just a tiiiiinyyyy bit, he would snap.


Level 41
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One of my Chars is a Priest who teaches law and the other is a Nun who refers to Christ as her '#1 Pookie Bear'.
These are not bad people. They are both excruciating 'do-gooders'.

That being said, Teresa is a bit of a menace. Like, she's not sadistic: just quirky at best and very ethically questionable at worst.

She beat someone unconscious in the school bathrooms because they wouldn't leave her alone over a trade dispute only to be abducted and stabbed by them at a later date; she left one of her fellow religious sisters in a cave at the mercy of a bear; she terrorized two college professors by smiling at them, holding out her arms and singing 'Let me Call you Sweetheart' because "it was funny"; she gave a police officer false information because, and I quote "every cop is an opp, I owe them nothing"; and finally, she quite openly associates with criminals because 'so did Jesus ... plus they're usually really attractive, I can probably fix them'.


Level 116
Karl - As much of a facade he’s put up, what with the ‘dumbass but nice Journalist’ role he put on himself, he’s not as good of a person he tries to put himself out as. I mean— this is Cage we’re talking about. Being in as many gangs and other organizations as he has hasn’t really brought him any peace. Much less with recent events!

Tsimafei - He’s not that bad of a person, but he’s still a MacAlasdair. The entire family’s dysfunctional and the designated leader isn’t much better. He has landed in jail over assault, and is still there. However — he’s willing to make sure those he cares for remain safe.

These two are currently my mains so that’s always fun (however I still have a whole cast of characters to go over — at a later date)

sir meow

Level 45
Community Team
Varujan Zaharia - hes not a bad guy, he does cruel things to others while caring to the people who fit his tastes more. Yeah, he has favorites.
Omiyaho Ushinatta - He isn't a bad guy either, he just has a snappy attitude and trust issues!

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