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Journalist Application | ジャーナリスト


Level 14
[OOC Section]

IGN: The account I'll be using my journalist character (if given the chance to be given a place, of course) on will be dietfentias.

PREVIOUS BANS: I'm going to try to not go into too much detail on my ban history in this application, as I feel it may just be a little unnecessary. That being said, I will be more than happy to elaborate on anything asked of me in DMS or even by editing said application. You can find my most recent ban appeal here and I can assure you that will be the conclusion of all bans for me as a player. All I ask is that you read everything I've said thoroughly and at the minimum hopefully you can find the time to at least read the bottom bit titled other notes. It would really mean a lot to me as I'm trying my best to move past everything that has happened and to do so I don't expect ease. That being said, I hope you can consider me for a position.

DESCRIBE YOUR ACTIVITY ON THE SERVER: My activity on the server can admittedly vary, though if I have a main focus that I'm interested in I will go on for hours on end throughout the day and in my free time. I do have a lot of free time in general when I'm not doing schoolwork, though I cannot promise there will be no inactivity logs due to exam season coming up for me.

DO YOU HAVE DISCORD?: I do, my Discord is pout#1000.

DO YOU HAVE A MICROPHONE?: I do have a working microphone and am more than willing to participate in meetings or whatever else is needed using my voice.

WHAT IS YOUR MOTIVATION FOR APPLYING?: My main motive for wanting to join the journalist branch is that I believe I have the right motivation to do it AND that the position would suit my character extremely well. To expand on these, I can and will make a promise that I will do my best to write sustained reports to the best of my ability due to the sheer motivation I've previously mentioned. I'd always give my all into everything within this role and promise I will attend meetings every single time that I am able to. Additionally, the position would pair very nicely with the character I'm currently playing, detailed further on.

Being granted this position as a journalist would enhance roleplay experiences ICly, while simultaneously creating an opportunity for me to prove myself and channel my interests into something OOCly. The one single thing I want to focus on during this question is that I DO absolutely have the most motivation possible to channel actual work and time into this position and I guarantee I won't become lazy or fall behind as I'm sure that's one of the main factors.

To reiterate this, I'd like to bring up the fact that I do actually really enjoy working on longer term projects that I can spend immense amounts of my time doing. In itself that can range from anything from IC documents to OOC work. I'm virtually ecstatic to push myself as hard as I can for this role as I cannot repeat enough times how much I think this'd suit my character, especially giving her something interesting to which she can share her interests and write pieces to involve that.

WHAT KNOWLEDGE DO YOU HAVE OF JOURNALIST WORK?: Admittedly, my knowledge of Journalist work in general is not as vast as others may be besides the obvious such as being asked to write regular reports on the forums. This being said, I am a fast learner and have more than enough motivation to listen closely and learn in whichever ways possible. Furthermore, I do think I can grasp the average daily of a Journalist as I think I gained a decent understanding of what a News Reporter did prior to the reintroduction of journalism to the server. I am more than aware I'll likely be doing a lot of writing, and making sure myself and my character pay attention to topics circulating Karakura ICly.

WHY ARE REPORTERS IMPORTANT TO SCHOOLRP?: For starters, I believe that journalists/reports are severely underrated when it comes to the overall environment given to Karakura. It's basically the only media platform that is official within the town itself and therefore it's importance should be hailed as such. They deliver constant updates and news to inform citizens what is going on within the town. This is essential because without the club, SchoolRp would not feature the same realism and sense of community. Furthermore, it lets players/citizens who wouldn't have the privilege to witness such things happening in character that they'll then be able to proceed to read about it - the next best thing!

[IC Section]


Tell us about your character, how do they look, what makes them unique? What are they like on and off the job? Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?: Pippa is overall a girl who'd have a young, 'warm' aura described of her. She is quite literally the typical girl next door- only enforced by her overwhelming hatred for confrontation and harm of others. If you were to speak to her, you'd notice she'd have a difficult time focusing and could appear to be rather unpredictable within her sayings though she would be undoubtedly lovable from first meeting. She enjoys things such as knitting, playing the violin and animal care and correspondingly she aspires to be a veterinarian once graduated college. Off the job and on the job Pippa are surprisingly not too much alike, with the main factors circulating her rather extreme motivation to get things done. On job, she'll most likely appear too attentive to her work and nothing else whereas off the job she's too polite- willing to help anybody with any problem they may come to her with.

Pippa would be more than happy to bond with her co-workers, and most probably she'd even work towards it herself. She is an extremely big believer of peace and equality and thus has a very big heart. She plans to study as many medically induced subjects Karakura college provides, though she is pretty set on becoming a veterinarian as stated earlier. Despite her hated for confrontation, if a debate is done professionally she is more than happy to join in and will participate fully. She isn't afraid of challenging ideas.

The most important factor to Pippa is that within her, she has an alternate personality named Harlow. This alternate personality is a little rare, around for something along the lines of once every 2 weeks- though certain things can trigger it to come out sooner or later. It's due to this I will not be elaborating on Harlow, all that needs to be said is that she is very much the opposite of Pippa and borders psychotic tendencies.


BACKSTORY: While I'm still working on this character and probably will be for a large majority of my time playing her, this is what I have so far; Pippa Prescott was born just off the Gold Coast of Australia. Her father was a part-time dietician who emigrated from Japan at a young age and her Brisbane born mother worked as a private counsellor. Her childhood was typically perfect if we're going by the book, though during that period of time Pippa felt overwhelmingly suffocated by the amount of love provided from the two. Naturally, Pippa began to fabricate rebellious fantasies in her head. Nothing ever came of these however- of which she'd most likely push the blame onto her mother in present day. It was a production of this choking prim lifestyle that as soon as she graduated high school she moved herself over to her fathers hometown of which he left extremely young; Karakura.

[SECTION 1: Personal Details]

FULL NAME: Pippa Prescott.

GRADE: First year of College.

GIVEN NAME(S): Pippi, Pips, Pip.


AGE: 19.

GENDER: Female.



NATIONALITY: Japanese-Australian.

CURRENT LOCATION: Karakura, Japan.

PHONE NUMBER: (+81) 936-612-853.

OTHER NOTES: I'm going to try to make this as formal sounding as I possibly can, though I do kind of have a lot to say on the subject. I know that taking me on would be a risk to you, but I really do not know what else I can do to prove to you that I have changed and developed as a person in these few short months that I've had to do so. With that being said, I will continue to do my best and TRY to prove to you (Oph & Aania) that I am more than able to differentiate myself from matters of the past and move forward into the new. I really do thank you for even getting to this part and for hopefully reading this application, all I can ask for is that you look at this with a clean slate as I've been trying so incredibly hard to create that for myself.
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Level 185
News Lead
- Your application is wonderfully written & shows that you will have dedication to the role itself.

- Once you read this, send me a message through discord Aania#1997.

Welcome to the club!

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