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Accepted Judge | Valentine_Lols


Level 86

In-game Name:


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Timezone & Country:
EST, North America

Links to any current & past applications:
Any language applications of mine won't be included for the sake of clutter

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server depends; to be honest, sometimes my health declines, and I get sick quite often. However, I get on at least 1-2 hours daily as I am usually alone and have nothing to do. I am currently a Maiden within the Shrine Faction, so I am considerably more active than someone who isn’t in a faction. I have been playing on the server for a long while and cannot pinpoint what year exactly; however, I know it was before quarantine. I try to extend my roleplay activity overall, rather than keeping it in a box of knowing how my character turns out, instead I usually do it where my character slowly developing into the unknown or figuring out their life when they see things in their future that they didn’t expect which is what keeps me being active in the server.


What position are you applying for?:

What is your motivation for applying?:
For a long time, I had the idea of joining the government faction for a while now, probably around 3-4 years ago, before I became EMS, mostly because I felt like it was something I had to join once I got experience with factions and how they function, to be honest, I was scared to participate due to my lack of knowledge of such things. I have always been interested in Government; however, I needed more information but would enjoy learning more when it’s given. It’s the motivation to apply when I realized that the government faction wasn’t looking for picture-perfect people who knew what they were doing and eventually would be trained, something I now hold regard to and want to apply for due to the facts of knowing that I have an equal chance of joining this faction.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws and constitutional rights?:
Yes, I have an understanding of Karakura’s law and Constitutional rights.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
My primary goal is to stay in Government for a while and be a standing member open to any character development because the outline offers many personal and character growth opportunities. There are later goals for me; however, it’s mostly character growth and learning the position as I get trained, seeing other parts of the factions of how they see things and their perspectives in the long run. My other goal is to remain in the government faction as long as I feel like it would be a position where I’d feel comfortable in the long run, primarily since it would be an excellent opportunity to get to know the other government faction and to be open with the possibilities of my character changing as a ‘person’ overall, I want to get the roleplay experience and overall get the feel of things.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the Government:
Judges play a multifaceted and pivotal role within the legal system, overseeing a spectrum of responsibilities beyond facilitating hearings. Their duties encompass a comprehensive evaluation of arguments presented by opposing parties, requiring a keen understanding of legal intricacies. Through a meticulous ****ysis of information, judges ascertain the veracity of charges, claims, or disputes brought before them. One of their responsibilities is ensuring that proceedings adhere to established rules and laws. Judges can apply legal statutes and precedents to render well-informed judgments and resolve disputes between parties. This involves interpreting the regulation and critically assessing the evidence presented, shaping the trajectory of hearings and trials within their courtrooms. They attend trials even if it's criminal or a lawsuit relating. Judges often review cases, and issue warrants so KPD can make arrests, search someone or somewhere property-wise, or perform any other related action. Judges file restraining orders as a protective document to prohibit the interaction of two or more people, mainly two parties involved. Judges also officiate weddings, and as government workers, they also can do front desk work. If there are other things that they can do/can do, I’ll be more willing to learn.

Do you acknowledge that you can be subject to removal at any given time upon being accepted?
Yep! I fully acknowledge this.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I am fully aware.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I have fully read and agreed to follow the Government Faction rules whole-heartedly.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I’ll try to. However, I believe I can, for the most part. If I am unable to, I'll try to warn ahead of time before the meeting or event happens if it's in my control to.


Full name: Yuko Chiyo Goto

Preferred title: Miss/Ms

Current age: 26

Date of birth: January 5th

Gender: Female

Academic Degree:
Following her undergraduate studies, Yuko was on a long, challenging three-year journey through law school. This phase of her education was marked by intensive legal training, where she extended her ****ytical skills, legal reasoning, and understanding of complex legal concepts. However, it follows the work experiences that shaped her into the way she is now over time.

Criminology, Law, and Political Science.

History and Sociology

Work experience:
Babysitter - Age 16 to 18
During this time, she did babysitting as a side thing as she wanted to have small trinkets of her own. However, it slowly became a job of hers when she reached her young adult age, demonstrating responsibility and nurturing qualities to pay for her entrance exam and other necessities like food and clothes for a head-start to her college year.

Translator - Age 18 to 20
She became a translator when she transitioned into her late teens and early twenties. Yuko took on the translator-type of the job as it was easy for her due to her knowing quite a bit of language. Oftentimes, it was her translating words from videos, movies, and TV shows into another language, like two of her languages, Russian and Korean, to Japanese. Oftentimes times she translated Japanese to JSL and vice versa as it was an easy way of cash.

Bartender - Age 20 to 22
Upon reaching the legal drinking age, Yuko transitioned into the service industry, working as a bartender as it had paid her more than her part-time jobs ever would, with tips included by the customers, which was usually more frequent than as a waitress. This role provided her with practical experience in customer service and multitasking and exposed her to diverse social interactions. During her time as a bartender, she enhanced her communication skills and ability to handle high-pressure situations, making her a better person in stressful situations for the most part. However she still was in college at this time and was making income for her to settle down somewhere to live long-term in Japan before moving there after graduating from Kyushu University.

Lawyer - Age 22 to 26
Fueling her passion for justice, Yuko pursued her law degree and became a licensed attorney by age 22. In her early legal career, she worked in various law firms, gaining expertise in different areas of law. However, recently, she made her way into Judge work with her years of being a lawyer and being able to climb up to be a judge overall as a career choice.

Political background:
“Corruption is a pervasive issue that can significantly impact political systems. This, however, isn’t something shy of any form of Government within the people, which includes corrupt practices, ranging from bribery to embezzlement, undermining the integrity of institutions and eroding public trust. However, it is seen that the people often don't know what they see is true corruption; simple humanity to them can be seen as a corruption of government even if they act accordingly within trials against their citizens, family, or friends, sometimes bystanders who doesn't know the extent to the trial against when the odds of evidence is piling against them. Sometimes, people often find ways to blame the government when it was their fault at the beginning; sadly, it's how things work in their minds that we cannot change.”

“With the potential for change lies in the hands of the people. Movements driven by citizens can exert pressure on authorities to address corruption and enact meaningful reforms. Fueled by informed and passionate individuals, the right kind of movement can reshape political landscapes and create a more just society. By channeling collective energy, citizens can challenge corrupt systems and hold those in power accountable. I feel as if it's something the government should keep account of and change with their movements if it has impacted them enough to feel the need to go for change”

“I acknowledge that political issues are rarely black and white. In pursuing justice, it’s crucial to recognize the complexities surrounding many decisions. It's mostly about striking a balance, and finding the middle ground is essential. Most times, it's something of a blurred line, and a lot of thinking has to be done about it, feeling of uncertainty at first since most problems are complicated to pick one side or another to find a middle ground with such issues even more hard to do.”

Nationality & birth location:
Korean | Icheon, South Korea

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
“I have a strong background in law, demonstrating a deep understanding of principles, precedents, and parts of the legal system. I highly regard communication as something important within this job, so any decisions are clear and consistent for the most part as everyone should be in the same page; I want to commit to the principles of justice and have a strong sense of duty. However, the most personal advantages give me the leverage of being a great candidate for this job. This includes patience, humility, integrity, courage, maturity, a steady demeanor, alertness, and the ability to think creatively.”
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Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we've decided to accept you:

Please contact me on Discord, @adalynoc to start the process and get you set !

Welcome to the Government Faction !

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