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Accepted kamcold Governor Application


Level 105

kamcold reporter application! (31).gif

In-game Name:

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:

Yes I do, and I’m more than happy to use it when wanted or needed.

Timezone & Country:

GMT, England

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Reporter, note this was pending its just my health went brrr and i ended up having to cancel it.]School
I find there being no point in noting my language applications, however I do have a Third Language Slot [If that looks good on applications]

Describe your activity on the server:

As bad as it sounds, I’ve recently had a decrease compared to what I used to be on this server. However, I can safely say that upon this being accepted I am going to focus completely on making a new beginning in my time on this server.
As for all other teenagers, there are few things that can obstruct my activity in this faction

Mental health/ Demotivation.
I struggle quite a bit when it comes to my mental health. This has really decreased over the last few months after my many month break between October 2023 and January 2024. I took a break through this time as this was around the time of my diagnosis. [If you wish to know my condition you can DM me as I'm rather open about it.] Since then I've gotten relatively used to it and the medication has helped so it doesn't really affect me.However. When it comes to my current state, I will only really be inactive or not writing when I plummet or things get bad. Lastly, something that's rather common among writers such as myself is a lack of motivation. Writing takes a great amount of effort and time that, generally, not many can keep up with or do consistently.

As a teenager its no real surprise that school will get in the way of my online-life. I am in my late years of school called the "GCSE Years" which are like final tests that decide the entirety of my life. When it comes to examination times, I think my activity will generally decrease slowly but as soon as the exams are over I will immediately be right back on track. School may also get in the way of my activity in the week. On the weekdays I can only really be on in the evening or active within the evenings due to school and other OOC responsibilities.

However, linking to this is a rough idea of how much I can play on the server.

Weekdays [Only during school terms] 4pm-7pm GMT
Weekends and days off from school 10am-7pm GMT

What position are you applying for?:

I am applying for a position as a Governor

What is your motivation for applying?:

I know its basic, but its something worth noting. When it comes to SchoolRP, something that is often yearned for is a new beginning when it comes to a certain point in ones experiences here. See me, I’ve played SRP for nearing two years and hardly done anything dramatic here. Joining this faction will allow me to actually make a change or some form of impact. My main ideas being the fact that I now have access to Roleplay with some of the best roleplayers on the server: including Higher-Ups and other experienced players which match my field of working. As well as this, Out-Of-Character, I have an increasing knowledge and infatuation with the Law. After leaving school, I am going to Law school to literally go and do it. Being able to role-play this out beforehand may give me a clue to basic needs [I know it wont be accurate, its a mine-craft server for gods sake] but it will allow for me to get some form of idea and fun within this server, as its something that I am deeply interested in. As well as this, it allows me to further my DetailRP skills and communication skills. As a Governor, I am entitled to be exceptionally detailed when it comes to my actions. Now, I know this isn't exactly a requirement, yet I think its a great way of me demonstrating my skill.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:

Yes of course, this’d be a stupid application if not.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

I think one main thing I wish to get from this is the idea of being able to access the sort of skills that I’ve been trying to use for a while. For example DetailRP, with this job i have more than laughing rights to just completely DetailRP everything without any real need [its great]. As well as this, I can now branch out my communication and argumentative skills, as they are often used as a Governor.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:

The Governor's role in Karakura encompasses many important tasks. These responsibilities involve providing ID cards to residents, handling marriage registrations, and overseeing the legalization of businesses and companies, among other duties. Apart from these regular tasks, Governors also have the responsibility of communicating with the community through speeches, sharing important updates about present and upcoming changes, and advocating for their election campaigns. Additionally, they are essential in supervising court cases and carefully documenting each case for the records.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:

Of course, risk is a game worth playing!

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

Just like any other faction or job, this seems necessary, so of course!

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:


Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Of course.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:

Dependant on the timings and my schedule, it depends. But i’m more than willing to stretch my schedule if needed.

kamcold reporter application! (32).gif

Full name:

[-] The individual looked up from the paperwork before him, a toothy stupid smile appearing on his face as he said in a soft, gentle voice accented with a blissful Japanese accent [-]
“Konaki Amikiri”

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

“I much prefer the Title of Mr.”

Current age:

[-]His lips pursed as he seemed almost embarrased by the number, he'd then begin counting of from his fingers, looking into the air in a dopey fashion[-]
“I am currently 27”

Date of birth:

[-]He smiled, knowing his date of birth would make someone pleased[-]
“9/3/93, I know, its great!”


[-]The man wavered his hand to the side, almost pushing his answer forth[-]
“I am a cis male.”

Academic Degree:

[-]Shrugged, assuming the answer was obvious, yet he answered it anyway[-]


[-]Smiled, some childish smile. He then spoke[-]
“Criminology, I've always had an intreest in the reasoning behind why a crime was committed. Hence why I took a major in it.”


“Social Studies, having strong social skills and some form of communication skills is useful in any job. Especially one of which I have to speak so much.”

Work experience:

“I worked as a Librarian for a bit, but not much worth noting.”

Nationality & born location:

“I am British at birth, yet my family is from southern Italy.”

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

“Japanese, Italian, Russian, JSL”

Criminal record:

“As a Governor? How stupid do you think I am.”

What makes you a good candidate for this job?

“I think that my ways of action and how I go about things suits a law-based job best. My studies and looks of passion into law as a child give me the knowledge and skills that you need for a candidate on this job. Moving forward, my resilience and ability to handle various responsibilities like trials, marriages, and verifying buisnesses highlight my dedication. I don't think alot of people are willing to take on such a job as this, yet I yearn for it; and here I am. My drive must seem appeal-able to you? The effectiveness of a government lies in maintaining order within the community. As I said recently, my consistent social skills and my ways of going about things socially is something that I can't even fathom myself. I have a way of being able to pursue my opponents or waver my way into getting other individuals to just follow within my plan. I find that this'll become needed in law."

Additional Notes:

I know this type of thing isn't needed in an application but I thought it was worth putting in to show that extra effort.

Give actions you may use in day-to-day activities:

/me smiled softly as he looked upon the individual before him. His fangs shining brightly momentarily, before his lips pursed together, yet completed a nice curve. Using his core muscles, he'd lift himself up in the chair. &f"Welcome to Karakura Town-Hall! How can I be of service to you?" &uKonaki said, his eyes beaming with an odd sort of passion. As he awaited an answer he seemed to fidget, his fingers tapping chronologically along the table, making a crisp sound as each of his painted nails tapped along the desk.

/me turned to the desk computer. His lips twisting as he showed clear signs of confusion &F&o"Now how the hell do I work this thing.." &uHe muttered, his eyes darting around the screen, clearly knowing what he was doing yet attempting to lighten the mood. &f&o"Ah!" &uKonaki exclaimed, his smile showing as he finally completed his little task &F&o"Okay! What was your name again?" &uHe stated, turning to the innocent civillian, smiling brightly!

/me clasped his hands before him, his eyes seeming to squint as he watched over the trial. Seeing as he was just a spectator he couldn't really intervene, yet he found an odd sense of entertainment as he watched the ones he hoped to lose, lose. He rested his chin gently on top of his hands as he watched carefully, watching for any body-language giveaways or any stutters that may show signs of lying or fear. He'd then move his clasped hands behind his head, leaning backwards against his chair as he found an odd sense of comfort. "An intresting one.." &uHe muttered to himself. Crossing his legs, he'd bring his notepad up and take a pen from behind his ear, scribbling [and i mean scribbing] some notes down onto the paper.

/me averted his eyes, attempting to not lose his temper at the crowd. Konaki then opened his right hand in a theatrical fashion, like a circus showman &F&l"THIS TOWN IS IN NEED OF CHANGE." &uThe man bellowed within the yard, his voice then took a softer approach &F&o"Crime rates are exceeding exponentially, we simply can't allow this to happen anymore" &uHe said, tapping his hand against the side of his leg. Was it nerves? Fidgets? Who knows. He then looked up towards the audience once again, scattering eye contact around like a broken gift. &f&o"The sooner we realize that we actually have to make a change, guess what? Change is going to happen." &uHe then smiled a toothy smile &F&o"Join me, citizens, as we fight against crime!"

Describe your character:

Before you stands the 5"11 figure of Konaki. He would have a rather skinny, yet somewhat strong build. Upon his build, you'd find many dents and scratches, but few seemed to pop out. Upon his bottom lip, a significant dent occurred, looking as if it was shaped by a knife. Across the left side of his neck laid a rose tattoo, curving down to his chest. Upon his right arm, a little tooth mark that seemed to both me scarred and tattooed upon his right forearm. As well as this, a semi-colon tattoo was etched onto the very back of his neck. Upon his face, struck light brown hazel eyes that so well fitted his pale complex. Upon his head waved down jet-black hair, perfectly structuring the rest of his face. The man had rather hawk-like features upon his face, making him a please to look at. Konaki seemed to dress in rather formal attire, loosely fitted to suit his build best yet keep it subtle. He'd obtain a rather formal demeanor when needed yet seemed to remain rather casual when it came to all other scenarios. Following him, a deep scent of cookies followed as well as an ashy aftertaste.

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Level 179
News Lead

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we've decided to accept you:

Please contact me over Discord @Aania to start the process and get you set!

Welcome to the Government Faction :D​

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